The Provincial Grand Lodge of Lanarkshire Middle Ward Website

Provincial Grand Master Andrew D. Millar Christmas Message
9th December 2024


I am writing this Christmas message just after another most successful Carol Service.
Anyone who attended our Annual Carol Service at Blantyre Old Parish Church could not fail to have been impressed by the Province , its brethren , families and friends exercising so joyfully Freemasonry at its very best.

It truly was wonderful to see the Church so full with over 220 Brethren and their families at last night’s Annual Carol Service and I would like to thank all who made the effort to be there and in particular our visitors from out-with the Province. The many gifts so generously donated by all will make such a difference on Christmas Day to those children less fortunate than our own.

As I said last year that is one day Brethren and the challenge we have set ourselves is to continue to try and make a difference in their lives , and indeed the lives of ALL less fortunate , for the other 364 days.

During the Service we also made our first Community Award to Bonnie Blantyre who are an organisation that strives daily to improve the lives of people in their community. A well deserving recipient.

This year’s Festive Box Scheme is well under way and has again been well supported by lodges. The feedback and thanks we receive from local primary schools and nurseries makes the effort well worthwhile

Once again CHAS has been the major beneficiary of our fundraising efforts in 2024. The continued support of all the Brethren and Lodges has once again been above and beyond

The 2025 Kiltwalk will follow the same format as last year and will again focus on the 3 mile Wee Wander as we come together as a Province. Early registration is recommended.

Masonically there is no doubt significant challenges still exist brethren but as a Commission we have been greatly encouraged by the resilience of all our Lodges in finding ways to rise to these challenges and look to the future

Please continue to engage with myself and my Commission on any matter that you are concerned about – Masonic or otherwise

As ever thank you all for your friendship and unfailing support in everything our Province continues to do.

Let us all continue to “Make a Difference”

Very Best

Andrew D. Millar


Proud Supporter of CHAS (Children’s Hospices Across Scotland), Nominated for 5 year Commission