Holders of Honorary Grand Rank
Honorary Grand Rank is awarded by the Grand Master Mason annually for Brethren that have went above and beyond in the service the the Scottish Craft
(The information can be sorted by Name of recipient, Lodge number or Honorary Grand Rank)
Year | Name | Lodge | Honours | Year | Name | Lodge | Honours |
1943 | James Barclay | 177 | Grand Bible Bearer | 1995 | William MacAdam | 1636 | Grand Organist |
1943 | Thomas J. Forfar | 7 | Grand Bible Bearer | 1995 | Alexander A. Fraser | 305 | Grand Senior Deacon |
1943 | A.B. Lang | 7 | Grand Bible Bearer | 1996 | Arthur Jackson | 306 | Grand Almoner |
1943 | John Hall, J.P. | 114 | Grand Bible Bearer | 1996 | Frank Beetham | 557 | Grand Ass Dir of Ceremonies |
1943 | Archibald Ramsay | 177 | Grand Bible Bearer | 1997 | William Bryson | 1254 | Grand Assistant Secretary |
1943 | Thomas Hamilton | 471 | Grand Bible Bearer | 1997 | John Mathie | 233 | Grand Junior Deacon |
1943 | Matthew Davidson | 557 | Grand Bible Bearer | 1998 | William Orr | 948 | Grand Assistant Treasurer |
1944 | Archibald Mutch | 1067 | Grand Bible Bearer | 1998 | James Wood | 177 | Grand Architect |
1945 | William McKean | 406 | Grand Senior Deacon | 1999 | Walter G.Speirs | 203 | Grand Senior Deacon |
1945 | Gavin Blackie | 305 | Grand Junior Deacon | 2000 | William E. Orr | 579 | Grand Junior Deacon |
1945 | John McGhie | 1254 | Grand Bible Bearer | 2000 | James B. Morton | 1230 | Grand Assistant Secretary |
1947 | William B. Paterson | 305 | Grand Bible Bearer | 2001 | John J. Campbell | 1096 | Grand Assistant Treasurer |
1947 | Alexander Walker | 573 | Grand Bible Bearer | 2001 | David Stark | 948 | Grand Piper |
1948 | Henry Davies | 114 | Grand Bible Bearer | 2002 | James Shanks | 1067 | Grand Junior Deacon |
1948 | Thomas Morgan | 305 | Grand Marshal | 2002 | David G F Steel | 1229 | Grand Architect |
1949 | Thomas Peat | 305 | Grand Bible Bearer | 2003 | Hugh McMath | 166 | Grand Bible Bearer |
1949 | William Milligan | 427 | Grand Marshal | 2003 | William McKenna | 1499 | Grand Bible Bearer |
1952 | Robert Crighton | 1288 | Grand Bible Bearer | 2004 | John McGhie | 551 | Grand Junior Deacon |
1952 | George McVie | 1230 | Pres of Grand Stewards | 2004 | James L. Jack | 579 | Grand Senior Deacon |
1953 | Lauchland B. White | 305 | Grand Senior Deacon | 2005 | William Anderson | 114 | Grand Architect |
1953 | James Barclay | 177 | Grand Junior Deacon | 2005 | David Greenshields | 1288 | Grand Jeweller |
1954 | Mungo Tennent | 215 | Grand Bible Bearer | 2005 | David Lindsay | 1228 | Grand Senior Deacon |
1954 | Archibald Clarkson | 406 | Grand Marshal | 2006 | J.Stewart Wood | 1722 | Grand Director of Ceremonies |
1955 | Robert Baillie | 551 | Grand Marshal | 2006 | Alex Dick | 7 | Grand Senior Deacon |
1956 | Richard McLatchie | 919 | Grand Marshal | 2006 | John Wood | 1096 | Grand Senior Deacon |
1957 | Archibald Moffat | 88 & 1228 | Grand Architect | 2007 | James Galloway | 1513 | Grand Marshall |
1958 | Archibald McNeil | 88 | Grand Tyler | 2007 | Robert Johnston | 1229 | Grand Bible Bearer |
1959 | John G. Lees | 557 | Grand Architect | 2007 | Donald Mathieson | 1229 | Grand Senior Deacon |
1960 | William R. Hart | 166 | Grand Marshal | 2008 | William M Craig | 1499 | Grand Senior Deacon |
1961 | Campbell Ferguson | 551 | Grand Bible Bearer | 2008 | Thomas Lindsay | 1254 | Grand Marshall |
1962 | Andrew C. Brown | 215 | Grand Marshal | 2008 | E. Bruce Wilkie | 963 | Grand Inner Guard |
1963 | Ian MacAdam | 1230 | Grand Bible Bearer | 2009 | Thomas Davidson | 7 | Grand Senior Deacon |
1964 | James Priestly | 166 | Grand Marshal | 2009 | Robert Getty | 1413 | Grand Junior Deacon |
1965 | Hugh MacDonald | 215 | Grand Bible Bearer | 2009 | William Thomson | 233 | Grand Bible Bearer |
1966 | James C. Osborne | 305 | Grand Architect | 2010 | Alexander R Kelly | 948 | Grand Junior Deacon |
1967 | John Stead | 306 | Grand Bible Bearer | 2010 | William A Perry | 440 | Grand Junior Deacon |
1967 | John T. MacKinlay | 1229 | Grand Marshal | 2010 | Angus G Ross | 114 | Grand Junior Deacon |
1969 | John K. Smith | 114 | Grand Architect | 2011 | Peter M Ball | 668 | Grand Almoner |
1969 | Robert F. Baird | 203 | Grand Architect | 2011 | James O Ferguson | 166 | Grand Bible Bearer |
1969 | William C. Wilson | 233 | Grand Marshal | 2011 | Ronald McCarney | 579 | Grand Tyler |
1970 | Claude Brownlie | 233 | Grand Architect | 2012 | James Proctor | 1230 | Grand Junior Deacon |
1970 | Robert Copeland | 919 | Grand Bible Bearer | 2012 | John Alcorn | 305 | Grand Bible Bearer |
1971 | William Menzies | 1067 | Grand Marshal | 2012 | Stewart R McEwan | 233 | Grand Junior Deacon |
1971 | Robert B. Isaac | 427 | Grand Marshal | 2012 | Norman M Carnegy | 31 | Grand Librarian |
1972 | James Paterson | 440 | Grand Sword-Bearer | 2013 | Alexander H Stoddart | 7 | Grand Director of Ceremonies |
1972 | James Thomson | 1288 | Grand Ass, Dir of Ceremonies | 2013 | David W Smillie | 203 | Grand Junior Deacon |
1973 | James F. Andreson | 1230 | Grand Marshal | 2013 | John Hulme | 544 | Grand Bard |
1974 | William Cunningham | 7 | Grand Marshal | 2013 | Andrew D Millar | 1230 | Grand Junior Deacon |
1974 | George B. Kirk | 1413 | Grand Marshal | 2013 | J Alistair Lowe | 31 & 1461 | Grand Junior Deacon |
1975 | Robert Black | 573 | Grand Marshal | 2013 | Eric O Brown | 233 & 919 | Grand Junior Deacon |
1975 | William Brown | 305 | Grand Marshal | 2014 | Gordon G. McCaffer | 1067 | Grand Assistant Treasurer |
1976 | John G. Inglis | 427 | Grand Architect | 2014 | N. Robert S. Ferguson | 306 | Grand Bible Bearer |
1976 | James Mauchline | 31 | Grand Sword-Bearer | 2015 | Stephen Campbell | 1288 | Grand Junior Deacon |
1977 | John C. Inglis | 406 | Grand Bible Bearer | 2015 | William P. Lang | 544, 668 & 1067 | Grand Almoner |
1977 | Ernest Robinson | 440 | Grand Bible Bearer | 2015 | Thomas McCrone | 1254 | Grand Ass. Dir of Ceremonies |
1978 | Andrew Mackie | 919 | Grand Bible Bearer | 2016 | Ian McIndoe | 88 | Grand Junior Deacon |
1978 | James H. Ferguson | 7 | Grand Bible Bearer | 2016 | Maurice Smith | 1230 | Grand Organist |
1979 | James L. Home | 203 | Grand Sword-Bearer | 2016 | Archibald Baillie | 1231 | Assistant Grand Secretary |
1979 | James R. Berwick | 177 | Grand Marshal | 2017 | Willie Miller | 306 | Grand Director of Ceremonies |
1980 | Gilbert L. Gourley | 599 | Grand Architect | 2017 | Jim Dorrocot | 233 | Grand Junior Deacon |
1980 | James F. Scott | 579 | Grand Bible Bearer | 2017 | John McIndoe | 1229 | Grand Junior Deacon |
1981 | Robert Brown | 233 | Grand Bible Bearer | 2018 | John M Clydesdale | 963 | Assistant Grand Secretary |
1981 | Thomas Galbraith | 88 | Grand Bible Bearer | 2018 | Steven R. Davis | 573 | Assistant Grand Secretary |
1984 | James McG. Craik | 7 | Grand Jeweller | 2018 | Â James MacDonald | 114 | Grand Assistant Treasurer |
1984 | James A. Thomson | 471 | Grand Organist | 2019 | Alexander Hamilton | 579 | Grand Jeweller |
1985 | James Lees | 557 | Grand Director of Ceremonies | 2019 | William J. D. Cowan | 427 | Grand Junior Deacon |
1985 | Thomas Martin | 166 | Grand Bible Bearer | 2019 | Ean T Brown | 599 | Grand Architect |
1986 | James McNeil | 1229 | Grand Bible Bearer | 2020 | Ian McGown | 305 | Grand Almoner |
1986 | John H.R. Paterson | 440 | Grand Director of Ceremonies | 2020 | Thomas Orrick Reid | 88 | Grand Jeweller |
1986 | Thomas Brown | 406 | Grand Bible Bearer | 2020 | George Laird Randall | 1314 | Grand Assistant Treasurer |
1986 | Thomas Simpson | 114 | Grand Bible Bearer | 2021 | David McVey Kerr | 7 | Grand Assistant Treasuree |
1986 | Andrew Millar | 1230 | Grand Bible Bearer | 2021 | Robert Dunning Stanfield | 177 | Grand Junior Deacon |
1987 | Joseph McGown | 305 | Grand Bible Bearer | 2021 | Kenneth William Wilson | 1230 | Grand Junior Deacon |
1987 | Alexander Torrance | 31 | Grand Bard | 2022 | James Dunsmore Lees | 557 | Grand Junior Deacon |
1989 | Robert C. Brown | 177 | Grand Assistant Treasurer | 2022 | James Vasey | 579 | Grand Chaplain |
1989 | William Lindsay | 1231 | Grand Bible Bearer | 2022 | Neil Cameron | 166 | Grand Assistant Treasurer |
1990 | Sandy Stewart  | 1314 | Grand Inner Guard | 2023 | William Paton | 919 | Grand Assistant Secretary |
1990 | William Donaldson | 7 | Grand Ass. Director of Ceremonies | 2023 | Stanley Robison | 305 | Grand Assistant Secretary |
1991 | John Low | 544 | Grand Assistant Secretary | 2023 | Colin T. Campbell | 1067 | Grand Junior Deacon |
1991 | Joseph Polson | 579 | Grand Assistant Treasurer | 2024 | Allan Jamieson | 305 | Grand Junior Deacon |
1992 | Francis W. Moug | 114 | Grand Architect | 2024 | Mitchell Paterson | 177 | Grand Assistant Secretary |
1992 | Robert Jack | 166 | Grand Assistant Treasurer | 2024 | Peter Phillips | 114 | Grand Assistant Secretary |
1993 | Alexander Hamilton | 579 | Grand Bible Bearer | ||||
1993 | Andrew S .McAlpine | 579 | Grand Assistant Secretary | ||||
1994 | James Tait | 1231 | Grand Chaplain |