Installation & Bi-Centenary Celebration 2016


On Saturday 10th September 2016 over 400 Brethren gathered at Hamilton College, Lanarkshire to witness the Installation of the 17th Provincial Grand Master of Lanarkshire Middle Ward Bro. William Adam Perry followed by the Bicentenary rededication ceremony by The Grand Lodge of Scotland.


Provincial Grand Masters Commission

Immediate Past Provincial Grand Master Bro. Tom Davidson accompanied by Provincial Grand Office Bearers entered the Lodge room just before 1pm and the Lodge was resumed having been opened earlier that morning, a fine deputation was then received of Right Worshipful Masters of the Province headed by RWM of Hamilton Kilwinning No. 7 Bro. Allan Gowans who thanked the IPPGM for his chairmanship and tenure in office.

Following this a large and  distinguished deputation from Sister and District Provincial Grand Lodges were received headed by the Provincial Grand Master of Stirlingshire Brother Alistair T. Marshall, the deputation was further enhanced by the District Grand Master of the Bahamas Brother Joseph Curry.


Ceremonial Programme

Grand Director of ceremonies Brother William H. Gauld announced  that The Grand Lodge of Scotland were entering the Lodge headed by the Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason Charles Iain Robert Wolrige Gordon of Esslemont.

The Grand Master Mason promptly exchanged Wardens and requested that the Grand Director of Ceremonies retire and escort the Provincial Grand Master into Grand Lodge where The Grand Master Mason conducted the Installation ceremony of The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Bro. William A. Perry in an exemplary manner and in due and ancient form.

Following this the Commissioned Office Bearers, Depute Provincial Grand Master Bro. Andrew D. Millar, Substitute Provincial Grand Masters, Bro’s Stephen H. A Campbell, Norman M. Carnegy, Alex R. Kelly & Angus G. Ross, Provincial Grand Secretary  Bro. William McKinley Craig, Senior Provincial Grand Chaplain Bro. James O. Ferguson and  Junior Provincial Grand Chaplain Bro. Jim Vasey were duly installed with the obligation being conferred by Substitute Grand Master Mason Brother George R. Kelly.


Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason & Provincial Grand Master

A Roll of Lodges in the Province were then read by Provincial Grand Secretary and each member acknowledged the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master.

The Ceremony of Rededication commenced and was expertly Orated by the Senior Grand Chaplain Rev. Robert Craig assisted by The Depute Grand Master Brother Ramsey McGhee, Junior Grand Warden Rev. Andrew E. Paterson and Senior Grand Warden Brother Hugh Clelland.


District Grand Prior R E Fra Robert S M Stewart, Provincial Grand Master & Grand Superintendent Alexander Brown


Accompanying the various deputations was also the District Grand Prior of Strathclyde R E Fra Robert S M Stewart  The Grand Superintendent of The Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Lanarkshire Middle Ward , Most Excellent Companion Alexander Brown

The Grand Mason then addressed the Provincial Grand Master and Brethern and wished them well in the commission and gave a full and comprehensive update on activities of Grand Lodge

A collection was held on behalf of The Grand Lodge Benevolent Fund and the Lodge was closed in due and ancient from by the Provincial Grand Master




Provincial Grand Lodge of Lanarkshire Middle Ward Bi-Centenary 10th September 2016


Right Worshipful Grand Master, Commissioned Office Bearers & Past Provincial Grand Masters


Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master & Members of Lodge Robert Burns No. 440


Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master & Right Worshipful Masters of the Province




Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master & Provincial Grand Lodge members from the Cambuslang Lodges



Substitute Grand Master Brother George R. Kelly , Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason, Provincial Grand Master & Depute Grand Master Brother Ramsay McGhee



Members of The Provincial Grand Lodges of Ayrshire & Kilwinning with Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master