News 2016

Tuesday 27th December 2016 – The Operative Lodge of Airdrie Installation

On Tuesday 27th December SPGM Bro Stephen Campbell headed a large Deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge, including 4 Past SPGW’s, to the Installation of The Operative Lodge of Airdrie 203. In an excellent ceremonial the RWM Elect Bro Ross Goldie was Installed into the Chair by RWIM Bro Ronald McDougall PM with the Lodge Office Bearers being Installed by RWIM Bro Roger Harkins PM.

RWIM Bro Ronnie McDougall PM, RWM Bro Ross Goldie, RWIM Bro Roger Harkins and SPGM Bro Stephen Campbell

  17th December 2016 – Lodge St Thomas 306 Installation
Bro. Andrew D. Millar SPGM attended the annual installation of the a Lodge accompanied by Bro. Bill Perry PGM, RWM Bro Robert Cook was installed in fine form by Installing Masters Bro. Craig Niven PM and Bro. Jim Boyd PM

Bro. Bill Perry PGM, Bro. Craig Niven PM, RWM Robert Cook and Bro. Jim Boyd PM, Bro. Andrew D. Millar SPGM

Saturday 17th December 2016 –  Lodge Whifflet St. John No. 963 Installation
On Saturday 17th December SPGM Bro Stephen Campbell led the Provincial Deputation to the Installation of Lodge Whifflet St John 963. In a fine ceremonial the RWM, Bro William McGillvray, was Installed into the Chair by Bro Pringle Johnstone PM. The Office Bearers being Installed by Bro George McPheat PM.

Bro Pringle Johnstone PM, RWM Bro. William McGillvray, Bro. George McPheat PM, Bro. Stephen Campbell SPGM

Friday 16th December 2016 –  Lodge Airdrie St. John No. 166 Installation

On Friday 16th December SPGM Bro Stephen Campbell, accompanied by Junior PG Chap Bro James Vasey, attended the Installation of Lodge Airdrie St John 166 . The RWM Bro James Stewart PM was duly Installed by Bro Alexander JC Graham PM, with Bro George Gray PM Installing the Office Bearers.

Bro Alexander JC Graham PM, RWM Bro James Stewart, Bro George Gray, Bro. Stephen Campbell SPGM

Friday 16th December 2016 – Lodge Cambuslang  Royal Arch No. 114

Bro. Gordon Hope, RWM and his Office Bearers, were installed at Cambuslang Royal Arch Lodge No. 114 on Friday 16th December. The Ceremony of Installation was carried out in an excellent manner by the RWM’s son, Bro. Derek Hope PM and Bro. Jim Torrance PM.

PGL were represented by Bro. Alex Kelly SPGM, Bro Bill Perry PGM and a large Deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge.

The meeting was then closed and the Brethren enjoyed an fine meal and harmony


Bill Perry PGM, Derek Hope RWIM, Gordon Hope RWM, Jim Torrance RWIM, Alex Kelly SPGM

Thursday 15th December 2016 – Lodge St. Thomas No. 306 Dedication of Regalia

On Thursday 15th December, Bro. Billy Dick RWM of Lodge St. Thomas No. 306, welcomed a large Deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge, which was headed by Bro. Bill Perry PGM.

Also in the Deputation was Bro. Tom Davidson IPPGM, Bro. Andrew Millar DPGM, Bros. Stephen Campbell and Norman Carnegy, SPGM’s, Bro. William Craig PG Secretary, Bro. James Ferguson Senior PG Chaplain, Peter Ball Past Junior PG Chaplain and Bro. Tom McCrone PG DOC. PGL were in attendance to Dedicate the new Lodge Regalia.

Bro. James Ferguson assisted by the PGM and the DOC carried out the ceremony of Dedication in an exemplary manner. Following the Dedication, the RWM and Lodge Office Bearers conferred an excellent EA Degree on Candidate, Bro. Mark Hughes.

The night was completed in fine style at the harmony, when Bro. Tom McCrone won £100 in the prize draw. Bro. Willie Craig didn’t do to bad either.


Bill Perry PGM, Tom McCrone PG DOC, Billy Dick RWM, James Ferguson Sen PG Chaplain, Tom Davidson IPPGM.

 Tuesday 13th December 2016 –  Lodge Bothwell Brig No. 1229 Diploma Presentations

On Tuesday the 13th December, Lodge Bothwell Brig No. 1229 held their Regular Meeting in the Masonic Temple, Hamilton. Bro. Capt. David Johnston, RWM, extended a warm welcome to the many Brethren who were present. Bro. Bill Perry, PGM and a large Deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge were present at the meeting, which was a very special night in the Lodge’s history. Bro. Donald Mathieson PM received his 60 year Diploma and Bros. Robert Johnstone PM and Jack Cuthbertson PM received their 50 year Diplomas. Following the presentations, the three Brethren thanked the members of the Lodge for their support and friendship over the years. RWM, Bro. John Anderson and the Brethren of Hamilton Kilwinning No. 7, then conferred an excellent exemplification of the FC degree to the highest standard.

The Meeting then closed and the Brethren enjoyed some excellent Bothwell Brig hospitality.


Sunday 11th December 2016 – PGL Carol Service with Other Masonic Order

On Sunday the 11th December, PGL held their Annual Carol Service, which this year, was held at Hamilton Old Parish Church.

The Service was conducted by the Rev. Ross Blackman, of Hamilton Old Parish Church and was enhanced with the excellent singing of the Church Choir.The lessons were once again read by the various heads of the Masonic Fraternity within Lanarkshire.The collection was taken on behalf of Lanarkshire Association of Mental Health, which was the chosen charity of the Rev. Ross Blackman.

At the close of the Service, the congregation retired to the Church Hall for some festive refreshments, which were provided by Lodge Hamilton Kilwinning No. 7.


Rev. Ross Blackman, Bro. Bill Perry PGM, members of the Lanarkshire Masonic Fraternity and visitors, with apologies to Bro. Alex Thomson, PGM of Lanarkshire Upper Ward.

 10th December 2016 – Lodge Clydesdale 551 Installation

On Saturday 10th December Bro. Andrew D. Millar headed a deputation to see Bro. John L Logan RWM installed by 
Installing Masters Bro Ian Douglas PM and Jackie Turnbull PM, they were joined by his son IPM David J L Logan PM.

Bro. Andrew D. Millar SPGM, Bro Ian Douglas PM, Bro. John L Logan RWM, Bro. Jackie Turnbull PM, IPM David J L Logan PM.

Saturday 10th December 2016 – Lodge Robert Burns No. 440 Installation

Bro. Angus Ross SPGM accompanied by Bro. Bill Perry PGM to the Installation of Bro. Derek Beaton RWM who was installed on Saturday 10th December by Bro. John McKinnon PM and Bro. Alasdair McGregor PM.


Bro. Bill Perry PGM, Bro. John McKinnon PM, Bro. Derek Beaton RWM, Bro. Alasdair McGregor PM, Bro. Angus Ross SPGM

Saturday 10th December 2016 – Lodge Caldercruix St. John No. 1314 Installation


Past District Grand Master of The District Grand Lodge of The Bahamas Bro Levonne Edgar Moxey, Bro. Charles Ringrose IM, Bro. John Hamilton RWM, Bro. Stephen Campbell SPGM

Friday 9th December St. John Shotts No. 471 Installation

Bro. Norman Carnegy SPGM and a deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge including Bro. Bill Perry PGM and  Bro. James Ferguson PG Senior Chaplain, attended the Lodge Installation in the 32 Club in Shotts.  Bro. John Aitken PM and the Lodge Office Bearers were Installed in a fine manner by Bro. Alexander Campbell PM and Bro. Jack Alexander PM.

Following the close of the meeting, the Brethren enjoyed an excellent meal meal and harmony.


Bro. Norman Carnegy SPGM, Bro. Jack Alexander PM, Bro. John Aitken RWM, Bro. Alexander Campbell PM, Bro. Bill Perry PGM

Friday 9th December 2016 – Lodge St. Andrew (Coatbridge ) No. 544 – Installation


. Bro. William McRobbie IM, Bro. William Carson IM, Bro. Sandy Lenaghan RWM, Bro. Iain McPhedran IM, Bro. Stephen Campbell SPGM

Thursday 8th December 2016 – Lodge Woodhall St. John No. 305 Installation


Bro. Bill Perry PGM, Bro. Gordon Airns PM, Bro. David Yule RWM, Bro. Robert Price PM, Bro. Angus Ross SPGM

Tuesday 6th December 2016 – Lodge Griffin Gartcosh, No. 1254

A Regular Meeting was held on the 6th December at the Public Hall, Gartcosh. RWM, Bro. Reg Sutherland gave a warm welcome to all. Bro. Alan McLean, RWM and the Brethren of Lodge Southern Cross No. 1243 conferred an excellent exemplification of the EA Degree.
Bro. Peter Murphy was also presented with his new Apron and Working Tools by the members of 1254.


Bro. Bill Perry PGM, Reg Sutherland RWM, Bro. Willie Craig PG Secretary.


Bro. Peter Murphy with his new Apron

Monday 5th December 2016 – Strathaven – Lodge St. Andrew No.215 – Charity Donation
At the end of the meeting of Lodge St. Andrew No.215 last night the RWM of the lodge asked Bro. Tom Davidson IPPGM to accept a cheque for the PGL Charity Appeal. The very generous amount had been raised at a very successful Charity Golf Day organised by the lodge during the summer.

Bro. Ian “Bert” Anderson, RWM asked Bro. David Frew to make the presentation of the cheque to the IPPGM as they had both served as RWMs of their respective lodges at the same time. The IPPGM thanked the lodge for their very generous donation and responded to the anecdotes of Bro. David Frew and wished the lodge continued success.


Bro. Ian “Bert” Anderson, RWM with the IPPGM after the meeting.

Sunday 4th December 2016 – PGL of Ayrshire Xmas Carol Service

Ayrshire PGL held their Annual Xmas Carol Service at Crosshouse Parish Church.
Bro. Robert Little, PGM gave a warm welcome to the Brethren, family and friends who were present.
The service was once again conducted by the Minister of Crosshouse Parish Church, Rev. Eddie Marshall.
PGL of Lanarkshire MW were represented by Bro. Bill Perry PGM, Bro. Willie Craig PG Secretary and Bro. Billy Spencer.
Following the close of the service, the congregation retired to the Church Hall for festive refreshments.


Jim McMillan, Alex Thomson, Wilson Aitken, Rev. Eddie Marshall, Robert Little, Bill Perry, Alistair Marshall, Archie Chalmers.

Sunday 4th December – GLOS Christmas Concert The Glasgow Phoenix Choir
Brethren, friends and families were joined by many members of the public for the Grand Lodge Christmas Concert. The Freemasons’ Hall and balcony were almost completely full for the special concert. Many brethren from PGL Lanarkshire Middle Ward were in attendance including the regulars from Cambuslang. Freemasons’ Hall looked resplendent in its festive mode and the external floodlighting looked fantastic in the Street of Lights.

The concert was a joint venture and raised funds for Erskine – Supporting veterans since 1916.


Saturday 3rd December – Murdostoun Castle No. 1096 Installation

Bro. Norman Carnegy SPGM and a large deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge including Bro. James Ferguson PG Senior Chaplain, attended the Lodge Installation in the Masonic Temple, Thistle Street, Cleland. Bro. Derek Douglas PM and the Lodge Office Bearers were Installed in a fine manner by Bro. Ian Thomson PM and Bro. Ian Douglas PM.
Following the close of the meeting, the Brethren enjoyed a fine home cooked meal and harmony


Bro. Ian Thomson IM, Bro. Norman Carnegy SPGM , Bro. Derek Douglas RWM & Ian Douglas IM

Saturday 3rd December – Lodge Coltswood Glenboig No. 1067 Annual Installation

Bro. Andrew D. Millar headed a fine deputation to Lodge Coltswood Glenboig No. 1067 on Saturday 3rd December. Bro Donnie McLeod was installed as Right Worshipful Master of he Lodge by his Installing Masters Bro. Ian Wilson PM and Bro. John Mack PM. Following the ceremony the Brethern joined the Coltswood and visitors for some famous Lodge hospitality and harmony.


Bro. Ian Wilson Installing Master, Bro. Donnie McLeod RWM, Bro. John Mack jnr. Installing Master

Saturday 3rd December 2016 – Lodge St. Enoch No. 1288 Installation

Bro. Angus Ross SPGM headed a large deputation to Lodge St. Enoch No. 1288 accompanied by Bro. Bill Perry PGM, on the afternoon Bro. Stephen Campbell RWM and also SPGM was install in an excellent manner by his son Derek Campbell PM & Bro. Albert Loughran IPM.
A very unusual but excellent ceremony all in the First Degree. the ceremony the Brethern enjoyed some lodge hospitality.


Friday 2nd December 2016 – Lodge Buchanan No. 1499 Installation

On Friday 2nd December, Bro. Alex Kelly SPGM and a large deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge, including Bro. Bill Perry PGM, Bro. Angus Ross SPGM, Bro. William Craig PG Secretary and Bro. Jim Vasey Junior PG Chaplain, attended the Installation of the RWM and Office Bearers of Lodge Buchanan No. 1499.
RWM, Bro. Stuart Fotheringham was Installed by his father, Bro. Archie Fotheringham PM and the Office Bearers by Bro. Fred Stibbs PM.
The Installation was carried out in an excellent manner by both Installing Masters and at the close of the meeting, the Brethren enjoyed some fine hospitality and speeches.

The visiting Brethren included a deputation from Swindon and from the French Constitution.


Bro. Alex Kelly SPGM, Bro. Archie Fotheringham RWIM, Bro. Stuart Fotheringham RWM, Bro. Fred Stibbs RWIM, Bro. Bill Perry PGM

Friday 2nd December – Robert King Stewart No. 919 Installation

Bro. Norman Carnegy SPGM and a very large deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge, including Bro. Tom Davidson IPPGM, Bro. Ken Kennedy PPGM and Bro. James Ferguson PG Senior Chaplain attended the Installation of the Lodge in the Masonic Temple, New Stevenston.

Bro. David MacDonald and the Lodge Office Bearers were Installed in a very fine manner by RWIM’s, Bro. Andrew Affleck PM and Bro. Robert Kenney PM.  The meeting was very well attended and most of the brethren remained to enjoyed an excellent meal and harmony.


Bro. Ken Kennedy PPGM, Bro. Andy Affleck IM, Bro. Norman Carnegy SPPGM, Bro. David MacDonald RWM, Bro. Robert Keeney IM and Tom Davidson IPPGM.

Thursday 1st December – Lodge St. Andrew Coatbridge No. 544 Diploma Presentation

On Thursday 1st December, PGM Bro. Bill Perry visited Lodge St. Andrew, Coatbridge No. 544.
The RWM Bro. David McKee gave a warm welcome to all the Brethren who were present.
The Lodge was Advanced and RWMM Bro. Billy Carson and the Lodge Office Bearers conferred the MMM degree on Bro. Ross Climson.
Bro. William McRobbie PM was then presented to the RWM, who informed him that the Brethren of the Lodge wished to confer on him Distinguished Service Membership, the RWM then called upon Bro. Joe Watson to give the assembled Brethren a short history of the service given to the Lodge by Bro. McRobbie. The PGM was then given the honour of presenting Bro. McRobbie with his Diploma.


RWM Bro. David McKee, Bro. William McRobbie PM, PGM Bro. Bill Perry

30th November 2016 – North & South Lanarkshire Council Provincial Grand Lodge Bi-Centenary Joint Civic Reception

South Lanarkshire Council and North Lanarkshire Council honoured Provincial Grand Lodge with a joint Bi-Centenary Civic reception which was held in the County Buildings, Hamilton on the 30th November. The eighty Brethren of the Province who were invited by the Councils, were treated to an excellent meal and hospitality. Provost Logan of SLC and Provost Robertson of NLC, in their speeches, congratulated the Province on reaching this milestone in our history and wished all Lodges continued success. Bro. Bill Perry in his reply, thanked the Councils for the Reception and for their good wishes.
Suitably inscribed gifts to mark the occasion were then exchanged.

Bicentenary Celebration of the Grand Lodge

Provosts, PGM, Councillors, Past PGM’s and Commissioned Office Bearers

Bicentenary Celebration of the Grand Lodge

Provosts, PGM, Councillors, Past PGM’s and Commissioned Office Bearers & Past Office Bearers

Bicentenary Celebration of the Grand Lodge

Bicentenary Celebration of the Grand Lodge

Bicentenary Celebration of the Grand Lodge

Bicentenary Celebration of the Grand Lodge

Bicentenary Celebration of the Grand Lodge

Bicentenary Celebration of the Grand Lodge

Bicentenary Celebration of the Grand Lodge

Bicentenary Celebration of the Grand Lodge

Bicentenary Celebration of the Grand Lodge

Bicentenary Celebration of the Grand Lodge

Saturday 26th November 2016 – Lodge New Monkland Montrose No. 88 Installation


Bro. Thomas O. Reid IM, Bro. Iain Keltie RWM, Bro. Ian Carson IM, Bro. Stephen Campbell SPGM

Saturday 26th November – Lodge Dura, Allanton No. 1513 Installation

Bro. Norman Carnegy SPGM and a large deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge, attended the  Lodge Installation in the Masonic Temple, Cambusnethan Street, Wishaw. Bro. Alan Graham and the Lodge Office Bearers were Installed in a fine manner by his father James Graham PM ably assisted by Alan Clark PM, Gary Gilfillan PM (427) & Robert Spalding PM (1587).  The Installation was very well attended, in particular there was once again a large deputation for the Irish Constitution.  Following the close of the meeting, the Brethren enjoyed an excellent meal and harmony.


Bro. Alan Clark PM, Bro. Gary Gilfillan PM, Bro.Norman Carnegy SPGM, Bro. Bro. Alan Graham PM, Bro. James Graham and Bro. Robert Spalding PM.

Friday 25th November – Livingston St. Andrew No. 573 Installation
Bro. Norman Carnegy SPGM and a large deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge, including Bro. Bill Perry PGM, Bro. William Craig PG Secretary and Bro. James Vasey PG Junior Chaplain attended the Installation of the Lodge in the Masonic Temple, Hope Street, Motherwell.
RWM Bro. Hunter Maxwell PM and the Lodge Office Bearers were Installed in an fine manner by RWIM’s, Bro. Tommy Johnstone PM and Bro. Kenneth Bogle PM.  After the Installation Ceremony Bro. Bill Perry on behalf of the Lodge presented Bro. Kenneth Bogle with his Certificate of Distinguished Service Membership.  Following the close of the meeting, the Brethren retired to the Main Hall and enjoyed an excellent meal and harmony.


Bro. Bill Perry PGM, Bro. Kenny Bogle Installing Master , Bro. Hunter Maxwell RWM, Bro. Tommy Johnstone Installing Master & Bro. Norman Carnegy SPGM

Thursday 24th November 2016 – Grand Lodge of Scotland Festival of St. Andrew

The Installation and Festival of St. Andrew was held at Grand Lodge on the 24th November.
Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason, Bro. Charles Iain R. Wolridge Gordon of Esslemont was installed for the ninth time, Past Grand Master, Bro. J. M. Marcus Humphrey of Dinnet conducting the ceremony.
Lanarkshire Middle Ward was well represented with many Brethren present and two of our most respected Brethren were Installed as Grand Lodge Office Bearers, Bro. James L. Jack as Grand Director of Music and Bro. Thomas Davidson as Grand Inner Guard. Congratulations to both Brethren.

Congratulations are also extended to three worthy Brethren from the Province, who were awarded Grand Honorary Rank by the Grand Master, Bro. Ian McIndoe PM of Lodge New Monkland Montrose No. 88, Honorary Grand Junior Deacon, Bro. Maurice Smith PM of Lodge Kirkhill No. 1230, Honorary Grand Organist and Bro. Archie Baillie PM of Lodge Avon No. 1231, Honorary Assistant Grand Secretary.
Bro. Maurice Smith was at Grand Lodge on the day, unfortunately Bro. Ian McIndoe has had a bad fall and is in hospital at present and obviously could not be there. Bro. Archie Baillie also couldn’t attend, as he is on holiday in Australia.
Presentations of Jewels and Certificates to the three Brethren, will take place at our AGM in January.


Bro. James L. Jack Grand Director of Music, Bro. Bill Perry PGM, Bro. Thomas Davidson Grand Inner Guard


Bro. Maurice Smith PM & Bro. Bill Perry PGM

Wednesday 23rd November 2016 – Lodge Hamilton Kilwinning No. 7 Installation

Bro. Andrew Millar headed a deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge  to the Annual Installation of Lodge Hamilton Kilwinning No. 7 on Wednesday 23rd November. Bro. John Alexander Anderson was Installed as Right Worshipful Master of the Lodge by installing Masters Bro. Ian Gordon PM & Bro. Jim Dorricott PM, following the ceremony the Brethern enjoyed a meal and Lodge harmony.


Bro. Bill Perry RWPGM, Bro. Andrew Millar DPGM, Bro. Ian Gordon PM, Bro. John Alexander Anderson RWM, Bro. Jim Dorricott PM, IPPGM Bro Tom Davidson


Tuesday 22nd November 2016 – Lodge Ruchill No. 1436 – Bro. John Muir Accomplishes Visiting all Scottish Lodges

Bro. Bill Perry attended what was a historic evening where Bro. John Muir concluded visiting every Lodge in Scotland at Lodge Ruchill No. 1436, his final Lodge on the journey. Bro. Muir thanked the RWM, Secretary and Brethren of the Lodge for making it such a special night. An excellent FC Degree was also carried out by Lodge Dalry Blair No. 290. John was also humbled by the distinguished Brethren that took time to support him on the evening including Depute Grand Master Ramsay McGhee, Bro Robert Little PGM of Ayrshire, Bro Bill Perry PGM Lanarkshire Middle Ward as well as other distinguished Brethren and friends.


Monday 21st November 2016 – Lodge St. Andrew (Military) No. 668 Installation

Bro. Andrew D. Millar DPGM headed a large deputation to the Lodge accompanied by Bro. Bill Perry PGM, Bro. Tom Davidson IPPGM, Bro. Robert Stansfield & Bro. David Smillie both PPGSW’s, Office Bearers and members of Committee. Bro. Bill Lang PM was installed as Right Worshipful Master by Bro. James Shanks & Bro. Gordon McCaffer, both Past Masters of Lodge Coltswood Glenboig No. 1067, Honorary Members of Lodge St. Andrew (Military) No. 668 and long standing members of PGL . Following the ceremony the Brethern were treated to some Lodge hospitality and harmony.


Substitute Master Bro Jim Boyd PM, Bro. Tom Davidson IPPGM, Bro Andrew D Millar DPGM, Bro. James Shanks PM, Bro W P Lang RWM St Andrews Military 668, Bro. Gordon McCaffer PM, Bro. Bill Perry PGM, Depute Master Bro James L Jack PM

Saturday 19th November 2016 – Lodge Garrowhill No 1413 Installation.

Bro. Angus Ross SPGM headed a large deputation to  Lodge Garrowhill No. 1413 on Saturday 19th November, accompanied by Bro. Bill Perry PGM where they witnessed the Installation of Bro. Andrew Alston RWM who was re-installed for his second term in office by his father Bro. James Alston PM and Bro Stephen Campbell PM 1288 SPGM. Following the ceremony the Brethern enjoyed some lodge hospitality and harmony


Bro. Angus Ross SPGM, Bro. James Alston Installing Master, Bro. Andrew Alston RWM, Bro Stephen Campbell Installing Master, Bro. Bill Perry PGM


Friday 18th November 2016 – Lodge Old Monkland St. James Installation


RWM William Buchanan PM. Installing Masters – Bro Gordon Currie PM & Andrew Skinner PM.

Friday 18th November 2016 – 250th Anniversary, Newcastle upon Tyne Lodge No. 24 English Constitution

Bro. Bill Perry PGM accompanied a large deputation from Lodge Robert Burns No. 440 to a memorable evening for Newcastle Upon Tyne Lodge 24 (an Atholl Lodge) as it celebrated its 250th Anniversary. The occasion was marked by a visit from the RW Provincial Grand Master of Northumberland and his delegation including three APGMs, and also Brethern from Lodge 484 St. John Slamannan .

The evening was enhance when Bro. Arthur Burns PM received Honorary Membership of the Lodge


Lodge Robert Burns No. 440 deputation with Bro. Bill Perry PGM

Bro. Arthur Burns PM receiving Honorary Membership

Tuesday 15th November 2016 – Lodge Caldercruix St. John No. 1314 reigning Masters Degree

 A Reigning Masters Degree was held at Lodge Caldercruix St. John No. 1314 on Tuesday 15th November. RWM Bro. John Hamilton gave all Brethren a warm welcome to the Regular Meeting of the Lodge. Bro. Bill Perry PGM, who was in attendance, congratulated the RWM’s on an excellent EA degree and thanked the Brethren for their support of PGL.


Bro. Gordon Johnstone RWM, Bro. Keith Mitchell RWM, Bro. Bill Perry PGM, Bro. Gordon Rowe RWM , Bro. John Hamilton RWM, Bro. John Gardiner RWM, Bro. Charles Clark RWM, Bro. Ian Keltie RWM


Sunday 13th November 2016 – South Lanarkshire Council Remembrance Sunday

Due to poor weather the Remembrance Sunday parade to the Hamilton Cenotaph was moved inside to the County Buildings banqueting suite. Bro. Bill Perry PGM was accompanied by Bro. George Kelly Substitute Grand Master, Bro. Tom Davidson IPPGM, Bro. Donald Mathieson PDPGM, Bro’s Norman Carnegy & Alex Kelly SPGM’s, Bro. Bill Craig PG Sect., Robert Stanfield PPGSW and other members of PGL, also in attendance, in large numbers, were various Right Worshipful Masters and Brethren from the Province.

The service was called to a Worship by Rev Ross Blackman of Hamilton Old Parish Church followed by an Appreciation by Provost Eileen Logan, readings by pupils of Hamilton Grammar School, prayer by Father Brian Lamb of St. Joseph’s Church Blantyre, singing of The National Anthem and closing of the service by Benediction.

During a lament by Bro. Pipe Major David Stark, laying of wreaths from Community groups were co-ordinated by Parade Marshall Ian Forsyth and Bro. Bill Perry PGM laid a wreath on behalf of The Provincial Grand Lodge of Lanarkshire Middle Ward. Following the Service the PGM and his guests were invited for refreshments as guests of a South Lanarkshire Council.

Bro. Bill Perry PGM would like to thank the Brethren for their fantastic support in what has become a very important event in the Province calendar.


Provincial Grand Lodge of Lanarkshire Middle Ward Delegation

Saturday 12th November – Lodge Major Ness No. 948 Installation

Bro. Alex Kelly SPGM and a large deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge, including Bro. Bill Perry PGM, Bro. Tom Davidson IPPGM and Bro. William Craig PG Secretary, attended the Installation of Lodge Major Ness No. 948 at High Blantyre Church Hall.
RWM Bro. Andrew Buchanan and the Lodge Office Bearers were Installed in an expert manner by RWIM’s, Bro. Derek Ashwood PM of 1231 and Bro. John Brown PM 948
Following the close of the meeting, the Brethren retired to the Masonic Hall, High Blantyre, where an excellent meal, speeches and harmony were enjoyed by all.


Alex Kelly SPGM, Derek Ashwood RWIM, Andrew Buchanan RWM, John Brown RWIM, Bill Perry PGM.

Friday 11th November – Victoria Cross Memorial, Hamilton
Bro. Tom Davidson IPPGM represented the brethren of PGL Lanarkshire Middle Ward at the Armistice Day commemoration at the Lanarkshire Victoria Cross Memorial in Hamilton. Bros. David Stark, David Greenshields were among other brethren present to honour those who made the ultimate sacrifice in the two world wars and other conflicts and to remember the bravery of the men named on the memorial. Bro. David Stark was the official piper for the ceremony.



Thursday 10th November – Lodge Blantyre Kilwinning No. 557

RWM Bro. Gary Mitchell extended a warm welcome to the members and visitors who were present at the Regular Meeting of Lodge Blantyre Kilwinning No. 557. The Brethren of 557 conferred an excellent EA degree on Candidate Ian Bell. The Master and Wardens also laid wreaths at the Lodge War Memorials in a solemn ceremony. Bro. Bill Perry PGM, who was asked to say a few words, commented that the degree was conferred to very high standard and also congratulated the Lodge in playing their part, to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice. The Meeting was closed and the Brethren enjoyed some Lodge hospitality.


Andrew Walker RWM 599, Gary Mitchell RWM 557, Bill Perry PGM, Reg Sutherland RWM 1254

Wednesday 9th November 2016 – Lodge St. Bryde No. 579 – War Memorial Dedication

On Wednesday 9th November Lodge St Bryde No. 579 unveiled and dedicated a specially commissioned War Memorial to the fallen in the First and Second World Wars and subsequent conflicts. Over 116 Brethern signed the attendance book, the Lodge was opened by Bro. Stuart Jack RWM where he welcomed a large deputation from The Provincial Grand Lodge of Lanarkshire Middle Ward headed by Bro. Tom Davidson IPPGM assisted by Bro. Donald Mathieson PDPGM, Bro. William Craig PG Sect., Bro’s. Angus Ross, Stephen Campbell, Alex Kelly SPGM’s, both PG Chaplain’s Bro. James Ferguson & Bro Jim Vasey, Office Bearers & Members of Committee. Following these introductions Bro. William Gauld Grand Director of Ceremonies announced the arrival of a deputation from The Grand Lodge of Scotland headed by Bro. Ramsay McGhee Depute Grand Master , the following Brethern were introduced, Bro. Kenneth D. Kennedy Past Depute Grand Master , Bro. George R. Kelly Substitute Grand Master & Bro. Peter O. Price Past Senior Grand Chaplain, Bro James L. Jack Assistant Grand DOC along with various holders of Grand Rank.

The Lodge business was completed and closed in due form by Bro. Stuart Jack RWM who then requested that Bro. Peter O. Price conduct the ceremony of dedication of the War Memorial, Bro. O. Price led the Brethern in praise and prayer paying respect to those who had lost their life’s and were injured in conflict. During the ceremony Bro. Stuart Jack RWM gave a very emotional and well researched history of members of their Lodge caught up in these conflicts and how it impacted the Lodge and local community, he also explained that during a recent visit by Lodge members to one of the graves in Lille France, they discovered that one family known to the Lodge had actually lost 3 sons in these conflicts. The highlight of the evening was the unveiling of the Memorial which by request of the Right Worshipful Master was revealed by his father Bro. James L. Jack & Bro. Ramsay McGhee, this the RWM felt was fitting due to the hard work and dedication his father had completed over the years with the research and history collation for the Lodge.

The collection on the evening amounted to £500 and it was agreed by the Lodge that this should be presented Bro. Capt. David D. Johnston RWM of Lodge Bothwell Brig No. 1229, a serving soldier and patron of Personal Recovery Centre Welfare Fund Soldiers Charity, a further cheque presentation was made to The Grand Lodge of Scotland for forwarding to Prostate Scotland from an earlier Lodge function.

Following the close of the meeting all the Brethern joined in harmony and hospitality laid on by the Lodge.




Wednesday 9th November 2016 – Prostate Scotland – Blue Horizon Robotic Appeal

The official opening of the Robotically Assisted Radical Prostatectomy Suite, serving the South East of Scotland, took place on the afternoon of the 9th November, at the Western General Hospital, Edinburgh. The opening being carried out by Shona Robinson MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport. Bro. David M. Begg, Grand Secretary was present, together with Bro. Bill Perry PGM and Bro. Tom Davidson IPPGM. This is the third such suite opened in Scotland, one in Glasgow serving the West of Scotland and the other in Aberdeen covering the North of Scotland and the Western Isles. The visit included a tour of the facility and to the theatre where the procedures are performed, meeting the Surgeons and Nurses who staff the unit. NHS Lothian and Prostate Scotland thanked Grand Lodge and all the Freemasons of Scotland who had played a major part in the fundraising for the appeal. Grand Lodge had donated £250,000 to the appeal, of which £120,000 was raised by the Zip Slide over the Clyde in May, organised and administered by Bro. Tom Davidson IPPGM.

Unveliing of the Plaque

Shona Robinson MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport Unveiling the Plaque

Presentation Plaque - A Lasting Legacy

Presentation Plaque – A Lasting Legacy

Tuesday 8th November – Lodge Whifflet St. John No. 963
Bro. Gordon Johnstone RWM of Lodge Whifflet St. John No. 963, welcomed RWM Bro. Mel Durbin and a deputation from Cumbernauld St. Andrew’s No. 199. Bro. Bill Perry PGM who was present, witnessed Lodge St. Andrew confer an excellent E.A. Degree. Following the close of the meeting, the Brethren enjoyed excellent 963 hospitality.
The PGM was also delighted to accept Honorary Membership of Lodge Whifflet St. John.


David McKee RWM 544, Mel Durbin RWM 199, Gordon Johnstone RWM 963, Bill Perry PGM

Sunday 6th November 2016 – Airdrie Lodges Annual Divine Service  – New Wellwynd Church, Airdrie

On Sunday evening, Lodge New Monkland Montrose No. 88, The Operative Lodge of Airdrie No. 203 and Lodge Caldercruix St. John No. 1314 held their joint Annual Divine Service at New Wellwynd Parish Church, Airdrie. Rev. Robbie Hamilton once again conducted the Service and made all Brethren most welcome to the Church. RWM Bro. John Hamilton of Lodge Caldercruix St. John, who were hosts for the evening, thanked Rev. Hamilton and the members of New Wellwynd Church for allowing the Lodges to hold the Service in their Church.

Bro. Bill Perry PGM and a large deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge were in attendance to support the Lodges in this important date in their calendars.


Bill Perry PGM, Keith Mitchell RWM 166, Rev. Robbie Hamilton, John Hamilton RWM 1314

Sunday 6th November 2016 – Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow Annual Divine Service – Sherbrooke- St. Gilberts Parish Church

The Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow held their Annual Devine Service on Sunday afternoon, 6th November at Sherbrooke-St. Gilbert’s Parish Church. The Provincial Grand Master of Glasgow, Bro. James C. Peddie gave a warm welcome to all who were in attendance. Bro. Rev Idris Jones and Rev. Tom Pollock conducted the Service in this beautiful  Church. Bro. Bill Perry PGM, together with IPPGM Bro. Tom Davidson, Bro. Norman Carnegy SPGM, Bro. William Craig PG Secretary and Bro. Billy Spencer represented Lanarkshire Middle Ward.



Saturday 5th November 2016 – Lodge Heatheryknowe No. 1461 Installation

Bro. Angus Ross SPGM headed a large deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge to Lodge Heatheryknowe No. 1461 to witness Bro. Henry McCorkell being installed as RIght Worshipful Master, 35 years after his first installation, The Installing Masters were Bro. Raymond Dow Past Master of Lodge Robert Burns No. 440 (his Son-in Law) and Robert Totten a Past Master of Heatheryknowe No. 1461.
It was a great day for all who attended and the day was enhanced with Bro. Bill Perry PGM accompanying the PGL deputation.


SPGM Angus Ross, Raymond Dow PM, Henry McCorkell RWM, Robert Totten PM , Bill Perry PGM

Friday 4th November 2016 – The Operative Lodge of Airdrie No. 203 Temple Rededication

Provincial Grand Lodge had the privilege of attending The Operative Lodge of Airdrie No. 203 to carry out the Ceremony of Rededication of the Temple in Clark Street, which was Consecrated on the 5th November 1966.
The PGM, Bro. Bill Perry led a very large Deputation from PGL, including IPPGM Bro. Tom Davidson, PPGM Bro. George Kelly and every Commissioned Office Bearer.
The IPM Bro. David Truesdale gave a warm welcome to all Brethren who were in attendance.
The Ceremony was conducted in an excellent manner by the Senior Provincial Grand Chaplain, Bro. James Ferguson and the Junior Grand Chaplain, Bro. James Vasey and in his Address to the Brethren, the PGM thanked the Chaplains, the DOC, Bro. Tom McCrone and Organist, Bro. Alastair Lowe for a wonderful Rededication.
Following the close of the Meeting, the Brethren enjoyed a fantastic buffet provided by the Lodge.



PGM, Commisioned Office Bearers & IPM Daivd Truesdale


Bro. James Ferguson, Bro. David Truesdale, Bro. Bill Perry, Bro. James Vasey

Sunday 30th October 2016 – PGL Ayrshire Annual Divine Service
Ayrshire PGL held their Autumn Devine Service on Sunday 30th October at the Kilbirnie Auld Kirk. Bro. Robert Little, PGM of Ayrshire made all visitors most welcome to this important event in the PGL calendar. The Service was conducted by Rev. Bro. Steve Clipston, Provincial Grand Chaplain and Rev. Dave Whiteman, the Minister of the Kirk. PGL of Lanarkshire were represented by the PGM, Bro. Andrew D. Millar DPGM, Bro. Willie Craig PG Secretary and Bro. Billy Spencer.


Sunday 30th October 2016 – Lodge St. Bryde No.579 Annual Divine Service
RWM Bro. Stuart Jack of Lodge St. Bryde No. 579 welcomed the many Brethren who attended the Annual Divine Service of the Lodge, held on the 30th October at Uddingston Old Parish Church.
The service was once again conducted by Rev. Fiona McKibbin, the Minister of the Old Parish, who also gave a warm welcome to all friends who were in attendance at the Church.
Bro. Bill Perry PGM and a large deputation from PGL, accompanied the Brethren of 579 and the many visiting Brethren from local Lodges.


PGM Bill Perry, Rev. Fiona McKibbin, RWM Stuart Jack

Saturday 29th October 2016 – Lodge St. Clair No. 427 Installation

Bro. Norman Carnegy SPGM and a large deputation from PGL attended the installation of Lodge St. Clair No. 427 in the Temple, Cambusnethan Street, Wishaw.

Bro. Alan Love and his Office-bearers were installed in a fine Ceremony by Bros. James Waddell P.M and Tom Maxwell PM. Afterwards the Brethren enjoyed a friendly evening of Lodge hospitality.


James Waddell , Alan Love RWM, Tom Maxwell, Norman Carnegy.

Saturday 29th October – Lodge Fleur-De-Lys No. 1722.

Bro. Bill Perry PGM, visited Lodge Fleur-De-Lys No. 1722, who were holding their AGM.

The RWM Bro. Pringle Johnstone and the Brethren of the Lodge gave a warm welcome to all visitors present.
The nominations for Offices also took place and we offer congratulations to Bro. Colin Lees, on his appointment as RWM elect.
The Lodge business being completed, Bro. Robert Craig, Senior Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Scotland delivered an excellent lecture on the Nazi occupation of the Channel Islands and the effect on Freemasons during this time.
His lecture was very well researched and delivered in Bro. Craig’s inimitable style.
All Brethren present had a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon of fellowship and Masonic education.


Bill Perry PGM, Pringle Johnstone RWM 1722, Robert Craig Senior Grand Chaplain, John Gardner RWM 203

Friday 28th October – PGL Quiz – The Alasdair Dunlop Trophy

The annual quiz night of PGL took place at 114 Cambuslang.
The Quiz Master, Tom Davidson once again presented the Brethren with some easy, some difficult and some controversial questions on various subjects, which were all accepted in good fun.
The evening, in which seventeen teams took part was a tightly fought battle right to the end, when a tie was announced.
Two teams, had scored 60 points, Lodge Robert King Stewart No. 919 and Lodge Robert Burns No. 440.
Both teams then went on to a deciding round of questions and after the third question, on geography, 440 were victorious. This was a bit of a shock to 919 as one of their team is a school teacher, yes hard to believe, teaching GEOGRAPHY.
A big thanks to Cambuslang Royal Arch Lodge No. 114 for hosting the event and for the pie and beans provided.
Thanks also to Tom, our Quiz Master, David Paterson for organising the evening and to Willie Craig for everything else.
The big question, as 440 have won the trophy for the past two years, if they win it next time round, do they get to keep it? Surely not!!!!!

See you all next year.

PGM Bill Perry


Willie Craig, PG Secretary presents the Alasdair Dunlop Trophy to the winners of the 2016 PGL quiz, David Ross PM, David Aitchison RWM, Raymond Dow PM and Alan Smith PM, of Lodge Robert Burns No. 440.


Special Challenge round was introduced to bring a bit of additional entertainment and participation. Teams were asked to nominate a team member to take the challenge before they knew the nature of the challenge which was to Hula Hoop.

Tuesday 25th October – Bro. Alec Maitland P.M. Cheque Presentation to The Erskine Hospital 

On Monday 24th October Bro. Alec Maitland PM of Lodge St. Andrew (Coatbridge ) No. 544 and member of Provincial Grand Committee presented a cheque for £1000 to Miss Erin Leggate the Community Fundraiser of Erskine Hospital. The money was collected by Alec singing at installations and Burns Suppers in and outwith the Province. A fantastic individual fundraising effort and well done for a great cause.


Monday 24th October 2016 Lodge New Monkland Montrose No. 88

Bro. Bill Perry PGM, was made most welcome by the RWM Bro. Ian Keltie, of Lodge New Monkland Montrose No. 88.
A MM degree was conferred by Lodge Coltswood, Glenboig No. 1067 on one candidate, Bro. Charles Harkins.
The degree was carried out to a very high standard by the Office Bearers and Past Masters of 1067.
Following the close of the meeting, the Brethren enjoyed some excellent hospitality.


Bro. Bill Perry PGM, Bro. Ian Keltie RWM 88, Bro. Charles Hawkins, Bro. Gordon Rowe RWM 1067

Saturday 22nd October Lodge St. Thomas No. 306 Reigning Masters Degree in aid of Marcus Humphrey House

Bro. Bill Perry PGM, together with a large deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge and accompanied by Bro. David A. Reid, IPPGM of Renfrewshire East, attended the special meeting of Lodge St. Thomas No. 306.
The RWM Bro. William Dick extended a warm to all the visitors present.
The Lodge had arranged a Reigning Masters degree, followed by a dinner to raise funds for The Marcus Humphrey House, at Bridge of Weir.
The Reigning Masters conferred an excellent FC degree in a very dignified manner.
Bro. Reid, the chairman of the Homes Committee congratulated the Masters and then thanked the Lodge and in particular, Bro. Bobby Ferguson PM, for hosting the meeting and for their continued support.
The sum raised for a special project at the Home was £600.



Thursday 20th October 2016 – Lodge Livingstone St. Andrew No. 573

Bro. Bill Perry PGM, visited Lodge Livingstone St. Andrew No. 573, on Thursday 20th October and was made most welcome by the RWM, Bro. Gordon McAlpine and the Brethren of the Lodge.
Bro. Hunter Maxwell PM and the Office Bearers of the Lodge conferred an excellent exemplification of the FC degree.
At the close of the meeting, the Brethren enjoyed a fine buffet that the Lodge provided.



Sunday 16th October Lodge Buchanan No. 1499 Annual Divine Service
On Sunday 16th October Lodge Buchanan held their annual divine service at Cambuslang Parish Church, St. Andrew’s Building, which was attended by Bro. Bill Perry PGM and a large deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge.
The Rev. Leslie Milton extended a very warm welcome to the Church, before delivering an excellent sermon and service.
Bro. Steven McGuire RWM, thanked all Brethren for their support and thanked the Minister and the members of the congregation for the welcome received.


Friday 14th October 2016 – Lodge St. Mary Coltness No. 31 Installation

Bro. Norman Carnegy SPGM accompanied by Bro. James Ferguson Senior PGL Chap, Bro. James Vasey Junior PGL Chap. and a large deputation from PGL attended the installation of Lodge St. Mary Coltness No. 31 in the Temple, Stewarton Street, Wishaw.

Bro. Archie Sands and his Office-bearers were installed in an exemplary manner by Bro. Stan Sweeney P.M and Bro. Archie Hall PM. The Brethren then retired downstairs to enjoy an evening of hospitality and companionship.


James Waddell , Alan Love RWM, Tom Maxwell, Norman Carnegy

Thursday 11th October 2016 – Lodge Blantyre Kilwinning No. 577 Regular Meeting
Bro. Bill Perry PGM, visited Lodge Blantyre Kilwinning No. 557 and was made most welcome by the Brethren and RWM of the Lodge, Bro. John Mitchell. An excellent MM degree was conferred by RWM, Bro. Capt. David D. Johnston and the Brethren of Lodge Bothwell Brig No. 1229.

The evening was made more special, as the Candidate was Bro. Craig Mitchell, the son of the Master of the Lodge and the brother of the RWM Elect, Bro. Garry Mitchell. Following the close of the meeting, the many visitors enjoyed the usual 557 hospitality.


Garry Mitchell WSW, RWM John Mitchell, Craig Mitchell, RWM David Johnston, PGM Bill Perry


Sunday 9th October – Lodge Robert Burns No. 440 Annual Divine Service

Bro. Bill Perry PGM accompanied by a large deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge, attended the Annual Divine Service of Lodge Robert Burns No. 440, at Baillieston St. Andrew’s Church.

The service was once again conducted by Rev. Malcolm Cuthbertson in his usual friendly and thought provoking manner.
Rev. Cuthbertson informed the assembled Brethren and visitors that the Church was celebrating their 50 year anniversary this year and advised that a special Service to commemorate the anniversary would take place on Sunday 27th November at 11.30am and invited all present to join the members of St. Andrew’s in this historic moment in the Church’s history.

At the close of the Service, the congregation retired to the Lodge for some light refreshments.
RWM Bro. David Aitchison then thanked the Minister and the organist for the Service and the members of the Church for allowing 440 to hold their Service at St. Andrews.


PGM Bill Perry, Rev. Malcolm Cuthbertson, RWM David Aitchison


St. Andrews Church 50th Jubilee Service, Sunday 27th November 2016, 11:30am


Saturday 8th October 2016 – Lodge Hamilton No. 233 Installation

DPM Bro. Andrew Millar accompanied by The RWPGM Bro. Bill Perry and a large deputation from PGL attended the installation of Lodge Hamilton No. 233 at the Temple, Cadzow Street, Hamilton on Saturday 8th October. RWM Bro. Alex Watson was installed in an exemplary manner by Past Masters Bro. Derek Rodger and  Bro. Willie Scott, following the ceremony the Brethern were treated so some fantastic speeches and hospitality.


RWPGM Bill Perry, IM Derek Rodger PM, RWM Alex Watson PM IM Willie Scott PM, DPGM Andy Millar


Thursday 6th October 2016 – Lodge St Andrews, Coatbridge No. 544 – Provincial Grand Master Made Honorary Member 

On Thursday 6th October, the RWM of Lodge St. Andrew, Coatbridge No. 544, Bro. David McKee, welcomed Bro. Bill Perry PGM, together with some family members to 544 and witnessed an excellent M.M. degree, conferred by the RWM, Bro. Keith Mitchell and the Brethren of Lodge Airdrie St. John No. 166, on Bro. Ross Climson, Bro. Perry’s cousins son. The evening was then made extra special for the PGM, when Lodge St. Andrew No. 544 conferred Honorary Membership upon him. The RWM’s, Bro. David Aitchison of 440, Bro. Charles Cree of 1231 and Bro. Reg Sutherland of 1254 were also in attendance.


RWM David McKee PGM Bill Perry Receiving Honorary Membership


RWM Charles Cree, PGM Bill Perry, RWM Dadid McKee, Bro. Ross Climson, RWM Keith Mitchell, RWM David Aitchison RWM Reg Sutherland

Wednesday 5th October 2016 – Loge St. Enoch No. 1288 – Diamond Jubilee Presentation to Bro David Greeshields PM
On the 5th October, Bro. Bill Perry PGM and a large deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge were invited by the RWM Bro. Albert Laughran and his Brethren, to attend Lodge St. Enoch No. 1288, to present Bro. David Baxter Greenshields PM, Secretary with his Diamond Jubilee Diploma. The PGM gave an extensive history of the life and Masonic career of Bro. Greenshields, followed by the RWM, Bro. Laughran, who thanked him on behalf of the members of the Lodge for his dedication to Lodge St. Enoch. Bro. Greenshields then thanked the PGM for the presentation, the Brethren for their attendance at the meeting and for the friendship of the Brethren throughout his 60 years as a member of the Craft. Following the presentation, RWM, Bro. David Johnston and the Brethren of Lodge Bothwell Brig No. 1229 conferred a FC degree in an exemplary manner. The meeting closed, various gifts were given to Bro. Greenshields and all enjoyed some excellent 1288 hospitality.


RWM Bro. Albert Laughran, Bro. David Greenshields. RWPM Bro. Bill Perry

Tuesday 4th October 2016 –  Lodge Avon Glasford No. 2131 – Diamond Jubilee Presentation to Bro. Archie Baillie PM

On Tuesday 4th October, a deputation from the Provincial Grand Lodge, headed by Bro. Bill Perry PGM and accompanied by Bro. Tom Davidson IPPGM, Bro. Bill Craig PGSec and Bro. Jim Ferguson Senior PG Chaplain, attended Lodge Avon, Glassford No. 1231. A warm welcome was extended by Bro. Charles Cree RWM. The reason for the visit was to present the Lodge’s long serving Secretary, Bro. Archie Baillie PM with Distinguished Service Membership of the Lodge. The PGM gave a comprehensive history of Bro. Baillie’s service to Lodge Avon and following a further address by the RWM, the Diploma was duly presented by Bro. Maxwell Baillie PM, Bro. Archie’s son. Bro. Archie Baillie suitably replied, thanking the Lodge members for the award and for their friendship over many years.


Sunday 2nd October 2016 – Lodge Airdrie St John No. 166 Annual Divine Service

Lodge Airdrie St. John No. 166 held their Annual Divine Service on Sunday 2nd October, Bro. Keith Mitchell RWM extended a warm welcome to all the members and visitors.
Bro. Bill Perry and a large deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge were in attendance, to witness the Rev. Bill Jackson once again conduct the Service for the Lodge.


PGM Bro. Bill Perry, Rev. Bill Jackson, RWM Bro. Keith Mitchell


Saturday 10th September 2106 – INSTALLATION and BI-CENTENARY CEREMONIAL

On Saturday 10th September 2016 over 400 Brethren gathered at Hamilton College, Lanarkshire to witness the Installation of the 17th Provincial Grand Master of Lanarkshire Middle Ward Bro. William Adam Perry followed by the Bicentenary rededication ceremony by The Grand Lodge of Scotland.

(Please click on this link to be taken the separate pages on the event)



Thursday 8th September 2016 – Lodge Robert Burns No. 440
Lodge Robert Burns No. 440, welcomed a deputation from PGL. The PGM, Bro. Bill Perry was accompanied by Bro. Joe Curry DGM of the Bahamas, Bro. Stephen Campbell SPGM and Bro. Douglas Welsh.The Lodge was being visited by their close neighbours from the PGL of Glasgow, Lodge Eastmuir No. 1126, headed by Bro. Ian Haldane RWM. Lodge Eastmuir conferred an excellent EA degree on Andrew Mulholland, the son of Bro. Alex Mulholland PM.The PGM was then presented with a commemorative bottle of whisky and a specially designed PGL pennant by Bro. Joe Harland of Lodge Robert Burns, which were gratefully received by Bro. Perry. Following the close of the meeting the DGM and the many Brethren who were present enjoyed a hearty Scottish Supper and Lodge hospitality.


Wednesday 7th September 2016 – Lodge St Enoch No. 1288
On Wednesday 7th September, Bro. Albert Loughran, RWM of Lodge St Enoch No. 1288, welcomed PGM Bro. Bill Perry, Bro. Tom Davidson IPPGM and Bro. Joe Curry, Right Worshipful District Grand Master of the Bahamas to his Lodge meeting. The Brethren of the Lodge conferred a FC degree to a very high standard. Bro. Curry, who was asked to say a few words, congratulated all who had taken part in the ceremony and then went on to talk of the great friendship between the Brethren of Lodge St. Enoch and the Lodges of the Bahamas. The Brethren then retired for some Lodge hospitality.

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Wednesday 7th September 2016 – Right Worshipful District Grand Master Ayrshire Tour
Bro. Joe Curry, Right Worshipful District Grand Master of the Bahamas, together with Brethren from the Middle Ward toured part of Ayrshire on Wednesday 7th September.They visited Mother Kilwinning No. 0, then made their way to Alloway for some Burns, a visit to the PGL caravan at Monkton was next, followed by lunch at Lowdoun Gowf Club then a tour of Barr Castle and Lodge St. Peter No. 331, Galston.A great time was had by all, especially the DGM.Our thanks go to the Brethren of the Mother Lodge, Bro. Tommy Murray of St. Peter’s and to Bro. Willie Rodmant and his wife Mahri for the tea provided at Monkton.

Tuesday 6th September 2016 – Lodge Old Monkland St. James No 177
Bro. Bill Perry PGM, visited Lodge Old Monkland St. James No. 177 on Tuesday 6th September and witnessed an excellent EA degree conferred by the Lodge Office Bearers. The evening was enhanced when the RWM, Bro. Charles Clark presented his uncle, Bro. Sam Johnston with his Diamond Jubilee Certificate to celebrate his sixty years as a member of 177. The PGM presented Bro. Johnston with a 60 year lapel pin to mark the occasion.

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RWM Charles Clarke, Bro. Sam Johnston & RWPGM Bill Perry

1st September 2016 – Lodge Livingstone Stonefield No. 599
Bro. Bill Perry, PGM, visited Lodge Livingstone, Stonefield No. 599 on the 1st September and witnessed a MM degree being conferred by the Brethren of Lodge Anderson McMillan No. 1552.The RWM of 599, Bro. John Watt had invited his Mother Lodge, 1552, to Blantyre and Bro. William Milne, IPM and his Brethren presented the degree in an exemplary manner.The PGM was also delighted to receive a donation for the PGL Holiday Accommodation fund from the Brethren of Lodge Livingstone Stonefield.

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31st August 2016 – Summer Meeting of the Fifth Wednesday Lodges
The summer meeting of the Fifth Wednesday Lodges was hosted by Lodge Dura, Allanton, No. 1513 on the 31st August and Bro. Martin Halliday, RWM, warmly welcomed the large attendance of Brethren who were present. The RWM, of Lodge Hamilton No. 233, Bro. Kenneth McVicar and his Brethren conferred an excellent MM degree. Following the business of the evening, the Brethren enjoyed a buffet and Lodge hospitality. The next meeting of the Fifth Wednesday Lodges will take place at Cambuslang Royal Arch Lodge No. 114 on the 30th November.


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Saturday 27th August 2016 – lodge Burns Immortal No. 1730
On Saturday 27th August, Bro. Bill Perry, PGM, together with Bro. Billy Spencer attended Lodge Burns Immortal No. 1730 and witnessed a FC degree being conferred by the Past Masters and Brethren of the Lodge.

RWM, Bro. William Stewart gave a warm welcome to the many visitors who were present and at the close of the meeting the Brethren enjoyed a fine meal and an excellent harmony.

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RWM William Stewart & PGM Bro. Bill Perry


Wednesday 24th August 2106 – The Operative Lodge of Airdrie No. 203
On Wednesday evening, Bro. Bill Perry PGM and Bro. Willie Craig PGSec, attended The Operative Lodge of Airdrie No. 203 and witnessed Lodge Airdrie St. John No. 166 confer an excellent EA degree.

At the meeting, Bro. John Gardner RWM was thanked by the PGM for once again organising the Provincial golf outing at Drumpellier GC on Sunday past. Bro. David Truesdale IPM, was also thanked for his assistance at the Robert King Stewart bowling competition held earlier in the summer.

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Sunday 21st August 2016 – PGL Annual Golf Day  – Drumpellier Golf Club

On a warm sunny Sunday afternoon at Drumpellier Golf club, the best of the Province golfers competed in the annual golf tournament, the event was again expertly pulled together by the Golf Convener PM John Gardiner, the results are below and The Provincial Grand Lodge would like to Drumpellier Golf Club and their staff for use of their immaculately presented course, staff & facilities.

Amicoil Trophy Overall
Winner – Gareth Rodgers 39pts (1067)
Runner-Up – Derek Totten 36pts (177)

Team Event
Masters Trophy – D. Totten, S. Hunter, M. Hunter 103pts (177)
Tunnock Trophy – H. Taylor, B. Hillen, N. Thomson 95pts (1067)

Tunnock Cup – Seniors
Winner – Derek Totten 36pts (177)
Runner-Up – S. Neilson 36pts (440)

James L. Jack Trophy 1st Class
Winner – Derek Totten 36pts (177)
Runner-Up – Alex Gillespie 33pts (114)

Challenge Cup 2nd Class
Winner – Scott Neilson 36pts (440)
Runner-Up – Kenny Dalzell 34pts (88)

Inner Guard Shield 3rd Class
Winner – Gareth Rodgers 39pts (1067)
Runner-Up – John Gardner 35ptd (203)

Nearest The Pins
14th Hole 0-13 handicap – S. Hunter (177)
5th Hole 13 plus – A. Black (963)


Friday 19th August 2016 – Lodge St. Andrew Coatbridge No. 544
A special meeting was held on the above date and the FC degree was conferred in an exemplary manner by Lodge Coltswood Glenboig No. 1067.
Bro. Bill Perry PGM and the many visitors were warmly welcomed by Bro. David McKee RWM and following the close of the meeting, the Brethren were treated to excellent 544 hospitality and an entertaining harmony.

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Tuesday 16th August – Provincial Grand Lodge of Kilwinning Regular Communication
Bro. Bill Perry PGM and a deputation from the Province, attended the Communication of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Kilwinning, along with over 60 Brethren from Sister Provincial Grand Lodges.

RWPGM, Bro. T. Wilson Aitken and his Brethren extended the usual Kilwinning warm welcome to all.

The meeting also included a most entertaining talk and presentation on the life of Bro. Robert Service, a son of Kilwinning, by Bro. David Vennard, RWM of Glasgow Kilwinning Lodge No. 4.

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Wednesday 3rd August – Lodge Robert King Stewart No. 199

Bro. Bill Perry PGM, accompanied by Bros. Tom Davidson IPPGM, Willie Craig PG Secretary and Jack Alexander visited Lodge Robert King Stewart No. 919 and witnessed an excellent EA degree conferred by Lodge Airdrie St. John No. 166.
Following the close of the meeting, the Brethren enjoyed the usual 919 hospitality.

Bill Perry PGM, David MacDonald RWM, Keith Mitchell RWM Airdrie St. John No. 166, Tom Davidson IPPGM


Saturday 25th June –  Lodge Robert Burns No. 440 Summer Fete
On a sunny Saturday afternoon Lodge Robert Burns No. 440 held their annual Summer Fete to raise funds for their 2016 charity, ” The Gladiator Programme”, which support and encourage local children to engage in sport. Over £2,200 pounds was raised on the day,  Bro. Drew McNeice and his great team are to be congratulated on this fantastic fundraiser.

Saturday 25th June – Installation of   Provincial Grand Master Bro. Robert (Robin) Charles Cattanach,  PGL of Ross and Cromarty.

IPPGM Bro. Tom Davidson accompanied by PPGM Bro. James Jack and DGMM Bro. George Kelly from PGL Lanarkshire Middle Ward travelled to Tain in the Highlands for tthe installation of Bro. Robert (Robin) Charles Cattanach as the RWPGM of Ross and Cromarty.

A great installation with fantastic hospitality extended to all by the PGL Ross and Cromarty. Installation and Dinner concluded by 6.30pm, the installation dinner was a break from tradition with Ladies present including a number of Ladies accompanying the deputation from DGL of Trinidad, Tobago and Granada. Although the formal part of the evening concluded early, the informal celebrations looked set to continue for many hours to come.

Congratulations to the new PGM and his team and all involved in a very successful installation.



Friday 24th June 2016 – Lodge St. Andrew Coatbridge No. 544

Bro. Bill Perry PGM, attended Lodge St. Andrew Coatbridge, No. 544 and witnessed an excellent FC degree conferred by Lodge Cadder Argyle No. 147.


Saturday 18th June 2016 – Robert King Stewart Bowling, Coatdyke Bowling Club
The Robert King Stewart bowling completion was held today at Coatdyke Bowling Club. The winners were the “C” team of the Operative Lodge of Airdrie No. 203., Lead – J. Dunlop, 2nd – D. Allan & Skip – R. Goldie. Their “A” team were runners-up, Lead – Jim Smillie, 2nd – Jim Callander & Skip – David Smillie

A most enjoyable day of bowls was enjoyed by all the Lodges who participated. The weather was pleasant for the whole game. A big thank you to Coatdyke Bowling Club for allowing Provincial Grand Lodge to hold this annual event and for the use of their facilities.

The PGM presented the trophy which will be engraved and officially presented on the 7th of October at the PGL meeting held at Lodge Robert Burns 440, Church Street, Baillieston, Glasgow.

Also, our thanks go to Bro. Andy Crichton who again organised the competition and has asked that thanks should also be passed onto the Lodge’s who made donations the event.

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The Operative Lodge of Airdrie Defending Champions from 2015

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Friday 17th June 2016 – Lodge Regal No. 1422 Reigning Master Degree
On Friday 17th June, PGM Bro. Bill Perry attended Lodge Regal No. 1422, in the Province of Glasgow, to witness a Reigning Masters degree. RWM Bro. Jim Gold extended a warm welcome to the many Brethren who were present. The Reigning Masters conferred an excellent EA degree. Following the close of the meeting, the Brethren enjoyed some 1422 hospitality.

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PGM Bill Perry and RWM Jim Gold


Thursday 16th June 2016 – Lodge Coltswood Glenboig No. 1067
PGM Bro. Bill Perry attended the regular meeting of the Lodge and witnessed an excellent Fellow Craft Degree by Lodge Avon Glassford No. 1231, following the degree the PGM joined both Lodges and enjoyed some hospitality and harmony.

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RWM Keith Mitchell, RWM Charles Cree, RWM Gordon Rowe & PGM Bill Perry

Tuesday 14th June 2016 – Lodge Meridian No. 1779
Bro. Bill Perry PGM, accompanied by Bro. Tom Davidson IPPGM, attended Lodge Meridian No. 1779. Following the business of the Lodge, Bro. George Kelly PPGM gave a very interesting talk on his 54 year journey in Freemasonry.
This talk was very well received and RWM, Bro. Douglas Beattie thanked Bro. Kelly on behalf of all who were in attendance.

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PGM Bill Perry, RWM Douglas Beattie & IPPGM Tom Davidson


Wednesday 15th June 2016 – Lodge Airdrie St. John No. 166
PGM Bro. Bill Perry attended the regular meeting of the Lodge and witnessed an excellent Master Mason Degree by Lodge Coltwood Glenboig No.1067 in a packed Lodge room , following the degree the Brethern enjoyed some Lodge 166 harmony.

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PGM Bill Perry, RWM Keith Mitchell, RWM Gordon Rowe & Visiting RWMS


Saturday 11th June 2016 – Lodge Prince of Wales No. 426 – 25th Anniversary of Marcus Humphrey House degree by Provincial Grand Masters
PGM Bro. Bill Perry, IPPGM Bro. Tom Davidson, SGMM Bro. George Kelly and Brethern from the Province attended an Entered Apprentice Degree at the above Lodge .

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PGM Bill Perry, IPGM Tom Davidson. SGMM Alex Kelly & Brethren from the Province

Thursday 9th June 2016 – Lodge Robert Burns No. 440
The new Provincial Grand Master Bro. Bill Perry, Past Provincial Grand Masters and Commisoned Office Bearers and Brethern from the Province attended the regular meeting of the above Lodge

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PGM Bill Perry, PPGM’s, Commissioned Office Bearers and RWM of Lodge Robert Burns No. 440

Thursday 9th June – Grand Lodge of Scotland – Provincial Grand Master Bro. William Perry Take up his 5 year Commission

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Provincial Grand Master of Lanarkshire Middle Ward Bro. William A. Perry

Thursday 9th June 2016 – Cheque presentation to Prostate Scotland at Grand Lodge
The formal presentation of the cheque for the Charity Zipslide took place at Grand Lodge yesterday. Adam Gaines and Prof. Alan McNeill from Prostate Scotland came along and received the cheque from the Grand Master Mason acting on behalf of all the provinces and individuals who took part and raised the funds.

The total amount presented at this time was £115,000 although funds are still coming in as participants collect the final amounts of their sponsorship money.

Friday 3rd June – Final Quarterly Communication of PGM Tom Davidson, Dedication of New PGL Regalia & Jubilee Presentation to Rev. Peter O Price

PGM White BackgroundAt a very warm meeting of PGL in Lodge St. Mary Colrness No.31 in Wishaw a full agenda of business saw the new PGL regalia dedicated by Bros. Rev. Peter O Price and Peter Ball the PG Chaplains. Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM was then dressed in the newly dedicated PGMs regalia by Past Provincial Grand Masters Bro. James L Jack, Kenneth D Kennedy and George R Kelly.

Bro. Rev Peter O Price was later presented with a Jubilee Diploma to recognise his 50 years membership of the Craft which had started when he joined a lodge in Malta.

Immediate Past Provincial Grand Master, Bro. James L Jack on behalf of the brethren of the province presented Bro. Tom Davidson with Past Provincial Grand Master regalia to mark his term of office as RWPGM.

At the end of the meeting Bro. Tom Davidson thanked the brethren for their support over the last five years and wished his successor, Bro. Bill Perry, and his new team every success for his commission which will start on Thursday 9 June.

Final Address by Provincial Grand Master Bro. Tom Davidson -TOGETHER WE ACHIEVE MORE

Five years ago when I was installed as your Provincial Grand Master, it was without doubt both the scariest and proudest moment of my masonic career. When everyone else has entered the lodge and you remain outside with your commission in your hand wearing that symbolic plain white lambskin, you have time to reflect on the fact that you are now required to place the interests of the province as a whole ahead of the interests of any individual lodge where you may be a member. The interests of the province and every lodge in the province must be your care

That day, I set forth the hopes and aspirations I had for the province. I have not achieved all that I set out to achieve for the Province. The times were not yet right for a Young Masons Group and an Exhibition of Freemasonry to promote and openly publicise freemasonry in Lanarkshire. These will come in time. I have continued the work of my predecessors in seeking to bring freemasonry out of the deep shadow where it had sought refuge as a result of unfair criticism. Thankfully, newspapers now readily accept articles regarding aspects of the craft – church services, charitable works, positive stories and images. Aspects of our craft publicly promoted by brethren like Bros. Norman Carnegy and Colin Campbell as webmasters on the website and Facebook pages, aspects of our work promoted by David Bell in the local newspapers.

Brethren of the lodges now speak openly about their membership and are proud of being members of the craft, as indeed we should be. During the whole of the five years it has been an honour to represent Grand Lodge and the MWGMM here in Lanarkshire Middle Ward and to represent Lanarkshire Middle Ward in many places both at home and abroad. This province and its brethren enjoy a well respected reputation beyond the province.

The office of PGM is a huge privilege afforded to very few, an office of responsibility but also enjoyment and very occasionally disappointment. It has been a privilege to be with brethren and the lodges at special times in their masonic histories, jubilees, centenaries, other important anniversaries and celebrations. A privilege to be permitted to be actively involved in those special times.

No man is an island, and no PGM in a province of this size can be effective without a good team around him. My thanks go to the Past Provincial Grand Masters for their guidance, my COBs and Committee Chairmen for all their support and work over the past 5 years. I wish the two PG chaplains who are retiring from office, long and happy retirements to enjoy their freemasonry. They have done a great job for the province. I also thank all the PGL officebearers and committee members for their unfaltering support. I specifically emphasize the work of the PG Secretary and Treasurer and the fantastic work they do on behalf of this province, they have my deepest gratitude.

The support of my wife, Joyce, and family has been essential, they have supported me and given me the time and freedom to dedicate to performing the duties of the office of PGM. That same freedom has been afforded to me by successive masters and the brethren of my mother lodge, Lodge Hamilton Kilwinning No.7, for which I am truly grateful. But brethren it is you, the brethren of the lodges in the province who have accepted me into your lodges on so many occasions over the last five years. I thank you for your kindness, encouragement, support and hospitality.

Your support in the various charitable appeals has been fantastic, but your support in the recent zipslide charity appeal for Prostate Scotland has been astounding! I honestly believe that this province is in a good place at this time, that the brethren are happy and confident and enjoy a good positive image with the general public, this should be valued and not relinquished lightly.

Next Wednesday at midnight, I pass the baton of office to Bro. Bill Perry who will be our seventeenth PGM as we enter our third century as a province. I am confident that he will lead this province to even higher things. I offer Bill and his new team my best wishes for a successful and happy commission. I ask that you, the brethren of the province, give them the same level of support that I have enjoyed.

I personally pledge my wholehearted willing support to Bill and his team and wish the brethren of this wonderful province every success for the future.

Thank you brethren for your support and god bless you. Together we achieve more

Provincial Grand Master Bro.Tom Davidson
6th June 2016

Wednesday 1st June –  Robert King Stewart No. 919 Honorary Membership Presentation to Br Ian Gordon
Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM visited Lodge Robert King Stewart No.919 and witnessed an excellent 3rd Degree carried out by the WJW and pastmasters of the lodge. At the end of the meeting Bro. Ian D Gordon (LHK7) was made an honorary member of the lodge in recognition of the assistance he had given the lodge on a number of building matters.

Saturday 28th May – Fife Cycle Challenge
Bros. Allan Gowans, RWM and Ian Gordon, PM of Lodge Hamilton Kilwinning No.7 set themselves the challenge of cycling from St. Andrews in Fife back to the lodge in Hamilton on Saturday 28th May. They were taking this challenge as part of the Lodge’s response to raising funds for Prostate Scotland and all sponsorship will be added to the Charity Zipslide fund.

They set off from Clayton just outside St. Andrews at about 830am and following a route through St. Andrews – Kingsbarns – towards Anstruther – Colinsburgh (where Lodge Hamilton Killwinning No. 7 have a strong affinity with Lodge Balcarres No.1240) – Leven – Buckhaven – East Wemyss – Kirkcaldy – Inverkeihing and the Forth Road Bridge – South Queensferry. They were met at South Queensferry by Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM at the North end of the Forth road Bridge between 12 Noon and 12.30. Both brethren finished at.the temple at Cadzow Street, Hamilton at 6.00pm.

Both tired and all went well except Allan who had a bit of a brush with a car that drew out unexpectedly in Larkhall, it turns out that the slight brush with a car in Larkhall was a bit more severe than original reported an ended up with Allan  attending hospital where he discovered that he has a broken rib. He is however playing this down and is more concerned about his damaged bike!, He should stick to being Banana Man on the zipslide, definitely safer.

 Both brethren finished at.the temple at Cadzow Street, Hamilton at 6.00pm.

Thursday 26th May –  Lodge Robert Burns No. 440
Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM attended the regular meeting of Lodge Robert Burns No.440 where he witnessed a Fellowcraft Degree being conferred by the visiting Lodge, Lodge Airdrie St. John No.166 who were headed by Bro. Keith Mitchell, RWM. All visitors were warmly welcomed by Bro. David Aitchison, RWM of Lodge Robert Burns No.440.

At the conclusion of the meeting the visitors retired but the RWPGM remained to thank the brethren of the lodge for their support through the term of his commission and to extend his best wishes to Bro. Bill Perry, a Pastmaster of the lodge ans PGM Designate who in two weeks time would succeed Bro. Davidson as RWPGM. He also thanked Bro. Perry for his dedicated service and support during the past five years.

The RWPGM said that he hoped to be present at the lodge meeting in two weeks time to support Bro. Perry and his new Commissioned Officebearers when they visit the lodge.

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Wednesday 25th May – Lodge St. Bryde No.579
Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM attended the last meeting before the recess of Lodge St. Bryde No.579. He lead a deputation of brethren from PGL Lanarkshire Middle Ward including Bros. James L Jack IPPGM, Ronnie McCarney PG Tyler and Bob Edgar PG Committee. The deputation was enhanced by the presence of Bro. David Kennedy RW District Grand Master of Central South Africa and two visiting brethren from PGL of Warwickshire.

The deputation witnessed an excellent Master Mason Degree carried out by the brethren of the lodge instruction class.

The Lodge Almoner was invited by Bro. Stuart J Jack, RWM to present the RWPGM with a substantial cheque from the lodge as a contribution to the recent charity zipslide fund. The RWPGM thanked the lodge for their generosity and updated the brethren on the current position of the funds raised by the event.


Thursday 19 May – Lodge St. Thomas No.306
Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM attended the lodge and witnessed a Fellowcraft degree being carried out by Lodge Union, Stonehouse No.244.

A full house for the last home meeting before the recess saw an excellent degree.

At the end of thre evening the brethren retired to harmony.

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14th May 2016 – Prostate Scotland Zipslide across the Clyde

Message from Provincial Grand Master Tom Davidson

Thanks to all the Brethren, friends and ladies who took part in today’s Charity Zipslide, whether as a participant, a worker behind the scenes, a supporter who turned out to clap and cheer the participants and very importantly the thousands of brethren and members of the public who contributed towards the financial success of today’s fundraising.

You made a difference by raising over £100,000 for Prostate Scotland.

My particular thanks go to the 14 PGMs who, when invited, accepted the challenge and committed their provinces and brethren to support the event.

We were blessed by fantastic weather a very happy day when anything seemed possible if we put our hearts and minds to achieve an objective. Together we accomplish more!

The oldest male participant was Angus Sparks of Glasgow at 81 years of age whilst the youngest was 16 year Andrew MacLeod from Renfewshire East. On the ladies side the oldest was ……… you did not really think I would divulge such potentially sensitive information.

Finally my thanks go to Duncan Stanners and his team at ALPS Scotland Ltd for providing the facilities and keeping us all safe.

Thank you everyone.


Cheque Presentation 2


Saturday 14h May 2016 – Lodge Dura 1513 Diamond Jubilee

Bro. Norman Carnegy SPGM accompanied by Bro Steven Campbell SPGM and a small deputation from the PGL attended the Special Meeting on Saturday the 14th May to Celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of the Lodge. The Celebrations took the form of a demonstration of the working of a 17th Century Ritual by the brethren of Mother Kilwinning No O. A large number of brethren assembled (over 120 signed the attendance book) to help the members of Lodge Dura celebrate this special occasion, with visitors from throughout Scotland and also from both Northern Ireland and England.

After the meeting over 100 sat down to enjoy an excellent meal and harmony.

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Martin Halliday RWM, Charles Hughes RWM – MK No 0, and Norman Carnegy SPGM



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Mother Kilwinning No 0 Degree Team.


13th May 2016 – Lodge Bothwell Brig 1299 Half Marathon
Meanwhile away from the Zipslide, other brethren were doing their bit for the Prostate Scotland Charity Appeal. Due to an unfortunate double booking Bro. Capt. David D. Johnston, the RWM of Lodge Bothwell Brig No.1229 was raising funds elsewhere. He had already booked to run in the half marathon at Strathclyde Park but wanted to take part in the Zipslide. It was just not possible to fit in both so he and the lodge donated the sponsor money to the fund. Pictured is “DD” handing over a cheque to Bro. Norman Carnegy SPGM whilst other members of Lodge Bothwell Brig No.1229 support.

Can you spot the non-runners!

Apologies to “DD” the delay in posting this was completely due to a technical problem (RWPGM could not transfer the photo from a text).

Bothwell Brif Half Marathon 130516

Monday 2 May – Cambuslang Lodge Buchanan No.1499
Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM headed a large deputation from PGL which included Bros. Bill Perry DPGM, Andrew D Millar SPGM, Bill Craig PG Secretary and another six brethren to Lodge Buchanan No.1499 for the presentation of a 60 year membership certificate.

Bro. Steven McGuire, RWM of Lodge Buchanan supported by the PGM and DPGM presented the Diamond Jubilee Certificate to mark the 60 years of membership of the lodge of Bro. David Wilson a well respected member of the lodge. Bro. Wilson will be better known to many as the well known ex-footballer “Davie Wilson” who famously played for Glasgow Rangers and Scotland.

Buchanan 1499 Diploma 022516

Saturday 30 April – Installation of PGM of PGL Moray and Nairn
Bros. Tom Davidson RWPGM and Stephen Campbell SPGM travelled to Forres to witness the installation of the new PGM of PGL Moray and Nairn .Bro. Ronald W Fowler and his Commissioned Officebearers were installed at a ceremony in Forres Town Hall which was presided over by Bro. Charles Iain Robert Wolrige Gordon of Esslemont, MWGMM accompanied by a large deputation of Grand Lodge Officebearers. Following the installation the brethren celebrated with the installation Dinner at the Mosset Tavern, Forres.

PGM Forres Installation 300416PGM Installation Forres 020516

PGL Annual Divine Service – 24th April 2016

About 200 Freemasons and friends attended The Annual Divine Service of Provincial Grand Lodge, Lanarkshire Middle Ward, in The Old Parish Church, Uddingston. The brethren were again made most welcome by the minister and members of the church.
The service was jointly conducted by the Rev Fiona McKibbin and Rev. Peter O. Price who delivered a thought provoking sermon. Readings were by Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM and Andrew D Millar SPGM.
The province was also well supported by sister Provincial Grand Lodges and the other Masonic orders within Lanarkshire. After the service the brethren and guests retired to the church hall where they shared fellowship and tea and coffee.

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Sunday 24th April 2016 – PGL Ayrshire – ADS – Mauchline
Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM and Bro. Billy Spencer travelled to Mauchline to join with the brethren of PGL Ayrshire at their ADS in Mauchline Parish Church.
All the brethren and their families were welcomed to the church Bro. Rev. John Paterson who delivered a strong sermon on preparedness to accept change.
Bro. Robert Little RWPGM of PGL Ayrshire gave a warm welcome to everyone who attended and supported their ADS. As usual the hospitality after the service was excellent.

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Friday 22nd April 2016 – Renfrew
Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM attended the Education Dinner hosted by PGL Renfrewshire East in the premises of Lodge Prince of Wales No.426 in Renfrew. He joined with the brethren of the province and a number of other invited PGMs at the dinner. The principal speaker was Bro. Bob Cooper the curator of the Grand Lodge Library and Museum and he enlightened the brethren on a number of fronts but specifically referred to early masonic records.

An excellent evening, well done PGL Renfrewshire East.

Saturday 23rd April – Larkhall – Lodge Clydesdale No.551 – Visit by Dutch Brethren
Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM was accompanied by Bro. George Kelly, PPGM and Donald Mathieson PDGM to Lodge Clydesdale No.551 where 18 brethren from seven lodges from the Rotterdam area were visiting. These visits were started many years ago by Bro. John McGhie and have continued to take place in alternate years in Scotland and The Netherlands.The brethren witnessed a first class Entered Apprentice Degree by Lodge Clydesdale No.551 officebearers and pastmasters. It was great to see Bro. Tom Bryce back in the lodge.

The Brethren retired to enjoy the hospitality of the lodge and to enjoy each others company in harmony.

Wednesday 13th – 20th April 2016  – PGL Lanarkshire Middle Ward travelled to Nassau, Bahamas for the Installation of the RWDGM , Bro Joe Curry and his Commissioned Office-Bearers.

Wednesday 13th April
Met up with Grand Master Mason, Grand Secretary and a deputation from PGL Fife and Kinross at Heathrow before the flight. Great reception from the Bahamian Brethren who met us on arrival at the airport. Later in the day we attended a Master Mason Degree in Lodge St. Michael No.1634 conferred by Reigning Masters and Pastmasters of Bahamian lodges. The Grand Master Mason was in attendance.

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Photo of deputation before leaving for the meeting at Lodge St. Michael No.1634.

 Friday 15h April – Morning
Bro. Tom Davidson joined the Grand Master and a group of heads of delegations to meet Her Excellency Dame Marguerite Pindling, the Governor General.of the Bahamas at her residency.The group continued after the meeting to the government offices where they met the Peime Minister, the Hon. Perry G Christie.

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Heads of Visiting Deputations on Her Excellency Dame Marguerite Pindling, the Governor General at her residence on Friday 15 April.

Friday 15th April – Evening
All members of the PGL Lanarkshire Middle Ward were invited to a reception for all the brethren of the DGL at Fort Charlotte, Nassau.The guests were entertained to marching bands, historic re-enactments before a buffet meal outdoors. Musical entertainment and bar facilities continued throughout the evening.Most impressive evening with lavish hospitality.

Bahamas visit (3)

Saturday 16th April
A deputation of PGL Lanarkshire Middle Ward headed by Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM attended the installation of Bro. Joe Curry as the RWDGM of the.Bahamas..The installation was conducted by the.MWGMM assisted by.Grand Secretary. The meeting was held in the Melia Beach.Hotel before about 400 brethren from.all over the Carribbean.

Bahamas 200416

Saturday 16th April – Evening
Members of the PGL Lanarkshire Middle Ward attend Installation Dinner/Ball in Melia Beach Hotel. The dinner attracted an attendance of about 500 people. After dinner Bro. Tom Davidson replied on behalf of the visiting Scottish PGLs and asks Bro. Bill Perry DPGM (and PGM Designate) to present plaque on behalf of the province. Bro. Craig Thomson, SPGM of PGL Fife and Kinross presented a plaque on behalf of their PGL. The event concluded with Junkanoo Musicians and Dancers taking the floor to entertain the guests.

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Bahamas GMM 4 200416 Bahamas visit GMM 3

Sunday 17th  April
Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM and others attended a packed church service with the MWGMM and the new RWDGM of the Bahamas. The service was held at the church of St. Mary the Virgin in Nassau.Afterwards the RWPGM and his wife were entertained at a Sunday Brunch hosted by Bro. Tyrone McKenzie and his wife at their home.

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Sunday 17th  April – Evening
Bro. Tom Davidson, RWPGM and his wife represented PGL Lanarkshire Middle Ward at the farewell reception for the overseas brethren and guests. The reception and dinner was held at the residence of Bro. Brandon Watson.

Monday 18th April – Evening
Mrs Joyce Davidson, wife of Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM, represented the province at the final event of the programme for the installation of the RWDGM of the Bahamas. She attended the Ladies Dinner at the residence of Bro. Senator Joseph R Curry and his wife Terez Curry. The dinner was hosted by Mrs Terez Curry. Again an excellent, well planned event.

Wednesday 20th April
Bags are all packed and ready to head for the airport. Time for a last photo on the steps of the hotel with Bro. Andrew Flowers who had been our liaison and facilitator for the period of our stay. Thank you DGL of the Bahamas for a great week with exceptional hospitality.

Bahamas 200416 2

Tuesday 12 April 2016 – Lodge Major Ness No.948
Bro Tom Davidson RWPGM headed a deputation of five Brethern from PGL Lanarkshire Middle Ward to Lodge Major Ness where they were welcomed by Bro. Colin Stark RWM and the brethren.A further deputation was received from The Grand Lodge of Scotland was headed by Bro. George Kelly, RWSGM (and pastmaster of 948). The deputation from Grand Lodge also included Bros. Kenneth D Kennedy, Jim Bell, James L Jack and Robert B Mathew along with holders of honorary grand rank.

During the meeting Bro. Tom Davidson presented a Distinguished Service Membership diploma to Bro. George R Kelly RWSGM which marked his exceptional service to the lodge, the province and the Craft.

Georg R Kelly Distinguished Membership 120416

Saturday 2nd April 2016 – Installation of Officebearers – PGL East Lothian and Berwickshire – Tranent
A deputation from the province comprising Bros. Tom Davidson RWPGM and Bill Craig PG Secretary travelled to Tranent on Saturday to join the brethren of PGL East Lothian and Berwickshire at the installation of Bro. Dougie Fergie, RWPGM and his Commissioned Officebearers held in Lodge Nisbet No.1112 in Tranent.
The deputation of the sister provinces was headed by Bro. Jock Blackie RWPGM of PGL Roxburgh, Peebles and Selkirk Shires and all were warmly welcomed by Bro. Jim Walsh IPPGM of PGL East Lothian and Berwickshire.
A deputation from the Grand Lodge of Scotland headed by Bro. Charles Iain Robert Wolrige Gordon of Esslemont, MWGMM was received and subsequently carried out the ceremony of installation.
The Grand Lodge deputation included Bro. George R Kelly RWSGM and Bro. James L Jack RW Assistant Grand DOC. The assembled brethren witnessed an excellent installation which was carried out very expertly with a bit of humour.
The brethren enjoyed the first class hospitality of the province after the meeting.

PGM East Lothian Installation 0201416PGM East Lothian Installation GMM 0201416

Friday 18th  March 2016 Lodge Coltswood Glenboig No. 1067 60yr & 2 50yr Diploma Presentations

Bro. Tom Davidson, RWPGM joined the PGL visit by Bro. Stephen Campbell and his team to Lodge Coltswood, Glenboig No.1067 on Friday 18 March. The meeting was the re-arranged annual visit where the deputation witnessed an excellent Fellowcraft Degree. Following the usual business the RWPGM and Bro. Gordon Rowe made presentations of a 60 year Jubilee Certificate to Bro. Bill Lang and 50 year Jubilee Certificates to Bro. Jim Shanks and Bro. James Ringrose to mark their long service.

The meeting was a special meeting as a deputation of six brethren was present from France, the brethren were continuing a long association between Lodge Coltswood No.1067 and Lodge Fidélité Occitane No. 1067 of the Grand Lodge Nationale Française.

All the brethren enjoyed an excellent harmony after the meeting

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PGM Tom Davidson, Bro. James Ringrose MM 50yrs, Bro. Bill Lang PM 60yrs, Bro. James Shanks PM 50yrs & RWM Gordon Rowe


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SPGM Stephen Campbell, RWM Gordon Rowe, Bro. Michel Larrue Passed 2nd Grand Supervisor – Grand Lodge Nationale Française, RWM Domonique Botteon Lodge La Bonne Foi N° 361, Bro. Guy Daumas-Condomines Passed Grand Standard Bearer – Grand Lodge Nationale Française, Bro. Alain Huppe Provincial 2nd Grand Supervisor – PGL Terres du Temple, PGM Tom Davidson Front Row – Stéphane Goudoume Fellow Craft, Hervé Ragonnet Master Mason both Lodge La Bonne Foi N° 361

Thursday 17th March 2016 – Presentation on Behalf of Lanarkshire Masonic Orders to Prostate Scotland

Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM presented a cheque in the for £1,400 to Adam Gaines of Prostate Scotland. The cheque was presented on behalf of all the masonic orders in Lanarkshire that took part in the Lanarkshire Freemasons Christmas Carol Service which took place in Baillieston. The money was raised by a collection at the service and supplemented by later donations by the masonic orders.

The money is going towards the Blue Horizon Robot Appeal. Thanks go to all the brethren, friends and families who supported the service. Thanks to the masonic orders for their active participation and support.


PGM Tom Davidson presenting cheque to Adam Gaines Director of Prostate Scotland

Prostate Scotland Cheque 190316

Thank you letter from Prostate Scotland

Sunday 6th March 2016 – PGL Stirlingshire – ADS – Denny

Bros. Tom Davidson RWPGM, Norman Carnegy and Stephen Campbell SPGMs, Bill Craig PG Secretary travelled to Denny to join with the brethren of PGL Stirlingshire at their ADS in Denny Old Parish Church.
All the brethren and their families were welcomed to the church Bro. Rev. Colin Mailer who officiated at the service.
Bro. Alistair Marshall RWPGM of PGL Stirlingshire gave a warm welcome to everyone who attended and supported their ADS. As usual the hospitality after the service was excellent.


Saturday 5th March 2016 – Installation of Officebearers – PGL Linlithgowshire – Bathgate

A deputation from the province comprising Bros. Tom Davidson RWPGM, Bill Perry DPGM (PGM Designate), Jim Ferguson SPGM and David Smillie PPGSW travelled to Bathgate on Saturday to join the brethren of PGL Linlithgowshire at the installation of Bro. James Ellis, RWPGM and his Commissioned Officebearers held in the Cairn Hotel, Bathgate.
The deputation of the sister provinces was headed by Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM and all were warmly welcomed by Bro. Bob Scott IPPGM of PGL Linlithgowshire.
A deputation from the Grand Lodge of Scotland headed by Bro. Kenneth D Kennedy, RWPDGM was received and subsequently carried out the ceremony of installation.
The assembled brethren witnessed an excellent installation which was carried out very expertly with a bit of humour.
The brethren enjoyed the first class hospitality of the province after the meeting.
Bro. Bob Scott, IPPGM was last seen wearing a signed Heart of Midlothian FC strip which he had graciously received in a Hibernian FC bag.


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Bro. Jim Ferguson SPGM, Bro.. Tom Davidson RWPGM, Bro. James Ellis, RWPGM, David Smillie PPGSW, Bill Perry DPGM (PGM Designate)

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Bro. Bob Scott, IPPGM

Friday 4th March 2016 Installation of PGL Officebearers – Airdrie
The Annual Installation of PGL Officebearers took place at Airdrie on this evening. Brethren packed the masonic temple and Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM welcomed all the brethren to the meeting before receiving a fine deputation of visiting brethren from the Sister Provinces. The deputation was headed on this occasion by Bro. Jim Peddie the RWPGM of the PGL of Glasgow.

The installation was carried out by Bros. Tom Davidson RWPGM, Bill Perry DPGM and Alex. R Kelly PSPGM. As expected they all carried out their duties as Installing Masters of the Officebearers in an exemplary manner.

Following the installation Bro. Tom Davidson invited Bro. Bill Perry DPGM, Bro. Tom Johnston’s current team leader, to assist in making a presentation to Bro Tom Johnston, the retiring Provincial Grand Senior Warden. A presentation of PPGSW regalia and jewel was made to mark Bro. Johnston’s service to the province. Bro. Johnston suitably replied.

Bro. Tom McCrone the PG DOC introduced Bro. Stewart Cruickshank from Ayrshire to the brethren and Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM addressed Bro. Cruickshank and then presented him with his Honorary Membership of PGL Lanarkshire Middle Ward in recognition of his support for the province over the last ten years as photographer. Bro. Cruickshank suitably replied.

Bro. Peddie commented on the evening on behalf of the visitors before the visiting deputations retired. At the conclusion of the meeting the brethren retired to harmony.

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PGM Tom Davidson & Heads of the Sister Provincial Grand Lodges, Heading by The PGM of Glasgow Bro. James Peddie


Wednesday 2nd March 2016 – Lodge Airdrie St. John No. 166 Annual Charity Cheque Presentations
Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM joined the brethren of Lodge Airdrie St. John No.166 for their Annual Charity Cheque Presentation Night. Bro. Keith Mitchell, RWM presented eight cheques to the lodge’s selected charities. The recipients were Lanarkshire Cancer Care, MacMillan Cancer Care, St. Andrews Hospice, Guide Dogs Scotland, Meningitis Research Foundation, MND Scotland, Glasgow Children’s Hospital Charity and the Parkinson’s Self Help Group for North Lanarkshire.

Each of the Charities received a cheque for £250 on the evening, after which the recipients took the time to make a short presentation about their respective fund raising and charity activities. These were very well received by the members in attendance.

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Saturday 27th February 2016 – Lodge Griffin Gartcosh No. 1254 Annual Installation

Bro. Bill Perry DPGM and a large deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge attended the Installation of the RWM, Bro. Reg Sutherland and the Office Bearers of Lodge Griffin Gartcosh No. 1254, at the Gartcosh Community Hall, on Saturday 27th February.
The Ceremony was carried out to a very high standard by Bro. Ronnie Palmer PM (571) and Bro. Bill Niven PM (571)
Following the close of the meeting, the Brethren enjoyed the usual 1254 hospitality and an excellent harmony.


Ronnie Palmer RWIM, Reg Sutherland RWM, Bill Niven RWIM, Bill Perry DPGM

Saturday 27th February 2016 – Installation of Officebearers – PGL Stirlingshire – Grangemouth

A deputation comprising Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM accompanied by Bros. SPGMs Jim Ferguson and Norman Carnegy travelled to Grangemouth on Saturday to join the brethren of PGL Stirlingshire at their installation of Officebearers held in the masonic temple of Lodge Zetland No.391
The deputation of the Sister PGLs was headed by Bro. Ronnie Forbes the RWPGM of PGL Perthshire East who led a large deputation into the meeting where they were welcomed by Bro Alistair T Marshall RWPGM of PGL Stirlingshire. The deputation witnessed an excellent installation carried out, with a fair degree of humour, by Bro Alistair T Marshall RWPGM.

Following the installation the deputation joined the brethren of the province for dinner.


Friday 26th February 2016 – Installation of Officebearers – PGL Dumfriesshire- Dumfries
A deputation from the province comprising Bros. Tom Davidson RWPGM, Bill Perry DPGM (PGM Designate) and Norman Carnegy SPGM travelled to Dumfries on Friday to join the brethren of PGL Dumfriesshire at their Installation of Officebearers and held in the Assembly Rooms in Dumfries.
The deputation of the sister provinces headed by Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM and all were warmly welcomed by Bro. Robert Hughes RWPGM of PGL Dumfriesshire.
The deputation witnessed an excellent installation of officebearers which was carried out very expertly with a bit of humour. Each officebearer was installed with rhyming verse.
The brethren enjoyed the hospitality of the province after the meeting.


Saturday 20th February – Installation of Officebearers – PGL Roxburgh, Peebles and Selkirk Shires – Innerleithen
Bros. Tom Davidson RWPGM and Peter Ball PG Junior Chaplain travelled to Innerleithen to witness the installation of the PGL Officebearers. They joined a deputation of brethren from the sister provinces which was headed by Bro. Alistair T Marshall, PGM of Stirlingshire and were welcomed by Bro. John W Blackie, PGM of Roxburgh, Peebles & Selkirk Shires. The installation was carried out in Lodge St. Ronan’s No.856 by Bros. Michael Peutrill DPGM and Andrew E Forsyth SPGM.

Following the installation the brethren retired to harmony.PGL Roxburgh Installation 200216

Bro. Peter Ball PG Junior Chaplain & Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM

18th February 2016  – Announcement of New Commission Team 2016-21

It is with great pleasure we formally announce the Provincial Grand Master Designate Bro. Bill Perry’s team for the 2016-21 Commision

Provincial Grand Master  Bro. William A Perry (440)

Bill Perry Grand Lodge 040216 (2)
Depute Provincial Grand Master 
Bro. Andrew D Millar (1230)

Substitute Provincial Grand Masters

Bro. Stephen H A Campbell (1288)
Bro. Norman M Carnegy (31)
Bro. Alex R Kelly (948)
Bro. Angus G Ross (114)

Provincial Grand  Secretary Bro. William M Craig (1499)
Senior Provincial Grand Chaplain  Bro. James O Ferguson (166)
Junior Provincial Grand Chaplain Bro. James Vasey (579)

We wish all the above brethren every success in their new commission to lead the province forward in the next five years. The new commission will commence on Thursday 9th June 2016.
The Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason will install Bro. Bill Perry and his Commissioned Officebearers in Hamilton on Saturday 10th September 2016, on the same day the province will be re-dedicated and celebrate its Bicentenary.

16th February 2016 – PGL Kilwinning Installation of PGL Officebearers
Bros. Tom Davidson RWPGM, James L Jack IPPGM, Bill Perry DPGM (PGM Designate) and Bill Craig PG Secretary travelled to Kilwinning to witness the installation of the PGL Officebearers. They joined a deputation of brethren from the sister provinces which was headed by Bro.John K Henderson, PGM of Galloway and were welcomed by Bro. T Wilson Aitken, PGM of Kilwinning.

The installation was carried out by Bro. T Wilson Aitken. Following the installation the brethren retired to harmony.

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Saturday 6th February 2016 – 225th Anniversary Re-Dedication of Lodge Old Monkland St. James No. 177

On Saturday 6 February 2016, Bro. Charles Clark (RWM 177) welcomed Bro. Tom Davidson, RWPGM, who headed a thirty strong deputation from PGL Lanarkshire Middle Ward to carry out the ceremony of re-dedication at Lodge Old Monkland St.James No.177 in Coatbridge to mark the 225th anniversary of the lodge.

The lodge was full to capacity with brethren from all over the province and with visitors, some of whom had travelled from Ireland and Wales to join in the celebrations.

The Ceremonial was conducted in a very dignified and meaningful manner by the RWPGM and the two PG Chaplains, Bro. Rev. Peter O Price and Bro. Peter Ball. During the ceremonial the RWPGM addressed the brethren about the origins of the lodge and the place it now plays within the community. He also commented on the success of the lodge and the large part that the Ladies and Families played in the success. At the conclusion of ceremonial the RWM thanked the RWPGM and his deputation for carrying out the ceremonial.

Afterwards a large number of brethren enjoyed an excellent dinner with all the customary speeches. Later in the evening the brethren were joined by the Ladies and family members for an evening of dance and music.

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Provincial Grand Lodge Deputation with RWM Charles Clark

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Lodge Old Monkland St. James No. 177 177 RWM, Office-Bearers & Brethern

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RWM Charles Clark & RWPGM Tom Davidson

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Thursday 4th February 2016 – Provincial Grand Master Designate Bro. Bill Perry

Congratulations to Bro. Bill Perry who is now our PGM Designate. His commission was confirmed at Grand Lodge at the Regular Communication on Thursday 4th February, he will take up his commission on 9th June 2016 at the next communication of Grand Lodge.

Bill is pictured being congratulated by Bros Tom Davidson RWPGM, James L Jack IPPGM (Grand Assistant Director of Ceremonies), Kenneth D Kennedy PPGM (Past Depute Grand Master) and George Kelly PPGM (Substitute Grand Master).

The installation of Bill and his Commissioned office-bearers will take place on Saturday 10th September 2016. On the same day the Province will celebrate its Bicentenary.

The ceremonial will take place in Hamilton College, Bothwell Road, Hamilton and the celebration dinner afterwards at Hamilton Racecourse.Tickets are available to all Master Masons and should be booked through your lodge Secretary, all are welcome and separate tickets are available for the meeting only to allow us to gauge numbers.

Bill Perry Grand Lodge 040216Saturday 30th January 2016 – Lodge Burns Immortal No. 1730 Annual Installation
Bro. Norman Carnegy SPGM accompanied by a large deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge, including Bro. Kenneth Kennedy PPGM attended the Lodge Installation on Saturday afternoon.

Bro. William Stewart was installed by Bro. David McMorris PM and his Office-bearers were installed by Bro. Ian Duncan PM. The Installing Masters carried out the Ceremony in an very fine manner to a busy Lodge including a large number of Visitors.

Following the close of the Meeting the Provincial Deputation joined the Brethren for the Installation meal and Burns Supper.

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Ian Duncan RWIM, Norman Carnegy SPGM, William Stewart RWM & David MCMorris RWIM

Friday 8th January 2016Provincial Grand Lodge Annual Meeting

At the Annual Meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge, a capacity attendance witnessed three brethren from the province being presented with Honorary Grand Rank Diplomas. The honours had been announced by the Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason, Bro. Charles Iain Robert Wolrige Gordon of Esslemont at the Festival of St.Andrew in November in recognition of the service given by the brethren to their lodges, the province and freemasonry in general.

The brethren honoured were

Bro. Stephen Campbell (1288) SPGM         Hon. Grand Junior Deacon

Bro. Bill Lang (544)                                      Hon. Grand Almoner

Bro. Tom McCrone (1254)                           Hon. Grand Assist. DOC

The diplomas were presented by Bro. Tom Davidson, Provincial Grand Master and he was accompanied by the Right Worshipful Masters of the brethren’s mother or affiliated lodges. Neck jewels were then presented and the three brethren were congratulated by the following RWMs: Bros. Albert Loughran (1288), Gordon Rowe (1067) and Reg Sutherland (1254).

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(l to r) Tom Davidson, Bill Lang, Stephen Campbell and Tom McCrone

Saturday 9th January 2016– Lodge Bothwell Brig No. 1229 Annual Installation

Bro. Norman Carnegy SPGM accompanied by Bro.Tom Davidson PGM, Bro. James Jack IPPGM, Bro. George Kelly PPGM, Bill Perry DPGM, Donald Mathieson PDPGM, Bro. Peter Ball PG Junior Chaplain and a large deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge attended the Lodge Installation on Saturday evening.
Bro. Capt. David Johnston was installed as RWM  by Bro. John Furlong PM and his Office-bearers were installed by Bro. Gerry Furlong PM. The Installing Masters carried out the Ceremony in a very fine manner to a busy Lodge, filled with Brethren from local Lodges and a good number from other Provinces and Constitutions.

Following the close of the Meeting the Provincial Deputation joined the Brethren for the Installation meal Harmony.

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Bro. Tom Davidson PGM, Bro. John Furlong RWIM, Bro. Capt. David Johnston RWM, Bro. Gerry Furlong RWIM and Bro. Norman Carnegy SPGM.

8th  January 2016 – Charity Zipline Launch for Prostate Scotland
Our principal charity fundraiser for the year will be the Charity Zipline over the River Clyde in Glasgow on 14th May 2016. Participants will slide from a platform 150ft above the ground near the Finnieston Crane, across the river to a point next to the STV building.
This is being organised as a sponsored event with each participant being asked to maximise their sponsorship raised for Prostate Scotland but with a minimum of £250 per place, It is a joint venture with ourselves and the PGLs of Ayrshire, Glasgow, Renfrewshire East and Renfrewshire West as the event promoters. Other provinces will also be taking part by invitation.
Places are limited with each province initially being allocated a set number of places – so first come first served. It is not expected that sponsorship will come from solely within our lodges as part of the purpose of this event is to spread the word on the commitment of freemasons to their community and as good citizens. The other aspect is the raising of awareness and dissemination of information regarding Prostate Scotland and their work in tackling prostate disease in all its forms, especially the fact that every second male over the age of 50 years is likely to encounter some form of prostate disease with 1 in 11 suffering prostate cancer.
The PGMs of all five provinces had made personal commitments to participate, are you up for the challenge. Act now, don’t wait or you may miss out on a chance to do your bit. The application form can be downloaded from the “Special Events” section of this website.

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