Wednesday 27th December 2023 – The Operative Lodge of Airdrie No. 203 Annual Installation
SPGM Colin Campbell headed a fine deputation to the Installation ceremony of RWM John Gardner carried out in an impressive manner by Installing Masters Bro. Billy Brooks PM and Roger Harkins PM, this was the 4th time of Installation over the last 25 years with all but one of these being carried out by this duo, the first of these Installation ceremonies carried out by Bro. BIlly and the late Garry Spiers, exactly 25 years to the day.
It was also great to note that the evening also marked 50 years a member of Provincial Grand Lodge for Bro. Lachie Carmichael, a fantastic achievement.
Bro. John will lead the Lodge into its 225th year and we wish the Lodge well on achieving this milestone.
Following the ceremony the Brethern joined in some hospitality and official speeches and a very generous donation of £100 from the Lodge for the PGM charity.
Saturday 23rd December 2023 – Lodge St. Thomas No.. 306 Annual Installarion
SPGM Bobby Ferguson had the pleasure of leading a large team from the PGL of Lanarkshire Middle Ward into the installation ceremony of his Mother Lodge, Lodge St. Thomas 306 where they witnessed Bro Danny W Mayberry being installed as RWM by Bro Eric McPhee PM and the subordinate office bearers being installed by Bro Hayden McFadden PM to a very high standard.
Congratulations to all the brethren that were installed into office, have a great year.
At the installation the RWM read out a list of organisations and charities that would receive a donation from the Lodge namely –
National Deaf Children’s Society – £500
GLoS collection augmentation – £100
PGL CHAS fund – £100
Larkhall Volunteers Group – £100
Larkhall Boys Brigade – £100
Larkhall Girls Brigade – £100
A great day and night was had by all and the Lodge should be commended of this fantastic Charity giving at this time of year, Well done St. Thomas No. 306 👏👏🎅👏👍
20th December 2023 – Lodge Airdrie St. John No. 166 Annual Installation
SPGM Colin Campbell headed a large deputation accompanied by Bro. Andrew D. Millar to the Lodge where they were due to witness Installing Masters Brothers Jim Ferguson & Bobby McCormick both Past Masters of the Lodge install RWM Elect Brother Bobby Smith, but due to RWM Elect coming down with COVID earlier in the afternoon the Installing team had to quickly adjust the proceedings and install the Office bearers only, this was done in a very impressive manner with the Office Bearers Installed by Brother Bobby McCormick.
For future reference it is planned that RWM Elect Bobby will be installed on Wednesday 17th January 2024.
Following the ceremony the Brethren joined in a fine meal, speeches and harmony.
19th December 2023 – Mental Health Walking Group
Bro. Gordon Rowe RWM had the pleasure of handing over a £100 to Monkland Woman’s Aid this morning on behalf of our walk & talk group, to which it will be well put to use over this Festive Season.
Well done to all on the group on their generosity.
Seasonal message from the Grand Master Mason

18th December 2023 – Lodge St. Mary Coltness No. 31 Charitable Giving
The Lodge handed over the grand sum of £700 to their 2023 nominated charity Chris’s House tonight, the cheque was presented by RWM Bro. Jim McKidd to Anne Rowan of Chris’s House.
Chris’s House is a Scottish Charity set up to provide support and assistance to individuals (with their loved ones also) experiencing thoughts of suicide. We provide a safe and homely environment to work with individuals through their recovery and aim to replace despair and emotional pain with HOPE.
Super work Brethern, well done 👏🎅👍
18th December 2023 – Lodge St. Thomas No. 306 Brother Alan McPhail aka “The Scribbler”
Bro Allan McPhail Almoner of Lodge St Thomas No. 306 has published a book of poems that he’s written over the years.
The books are priced at £15 and all the profits from the book have and are being donated to good causes.
Message from Bro Allan McPhail Almoner
“It is with much pleasure that I inform you of two donations I’ve made after the sale of my book £200 towards another Defibrillator for the local community and £700 to help Prostate Scotland. I never thought for a minute I would’ve had had as much response as I’ve received and I thank everyone of you for your support”
Allan informed us he’s had another 20 printed but can get others done if it’s reasonable numbers.
A nice stocking filler for you Brethern for a good cause, fill your boots 🎅

17th December 2023 – Festive Box Appeal
Brethern, the Provincial Grand Master asked and once again the Brethern of the Province delivered 👏💥👏
Today at Taberbacle Lane, DPGM Norman Carnegy and SPGM Laird McDonald collated all the Festive boxes on behalf of the Lodges for distribution with the assistance of other Brethern.
On behalf of Provincial Grand Lodge RWPGM Andrew Millar would like to say a massive thank you to all the Brethern and Lodges of the Province for their fabulous support on this very importrant initiative, also to the all the PGL team for their part in distributing, collecting and making up all the parcels for those in need, tremendous effort when called upon.
Once again the Brethern of the Province have come together to support our mission of “Making the Difference” 🏆
These gifts will go to local organisations and groups for guided distribution for those that these groups fit and needed.
Well done everyone. 🎅❤️🎅
Saturday 16th December 2023 – Lodge Robert Burns No. 440 Annual Installation
Substitute Provincial Grand Master Laird McDonald headed a large deputation to the Annual Installation of Lodge Robert Burns 440 where we witnessed RWM Brother John Nesbitt PM installed in an excellent ceremony of installation by Installing Masters Brothers Walter F. Houston and Douglas W. Welsh both Past Masters of the Lodge.
The deputation then joined the Brethern of the Lodge for harmony and were treated to fantastic hospitality,a wonderful day in the company of the brethren of the Lodge.
Provincila Grand Lodge would also like to thank the Lodge for their fantastic contribution of food products to the festive box scheme it was very much appreciated.
Saturday 16th December 2023 – Whifflet St. John No. 963
SPGM Colin Campbell headed a fine deputation to the Installtion ceremony of RWM John Hunter.
A new Right Worshiful Master in the Province, installed by Brother Pringle Johnstone assisted by Brother John Clydesdale PM Sect. with the Office Bearers being installed by Brother George McPheat PM.
Following the ceremony the Brethern joined in the lesser hall for a chippy tea and speeches.l and hospitality.
15th December 2023 – Cambuslang Royal Arch No. 114 Annual Installation
On the evening of Friday, the 15th December Bro. Norman Carnegy DPGM headed a deputation to the Lodge Annual Installation held in the Masonic Temple, Tabernacle Lane, Cambuslang.
Bro. John Chambers was installed into the Chair of his Mother Lodge for the first time in fine form by Bro. Douglas McKechnie PM, while the lodge Office-bearers were ably invested by Bro. James Wilson PM.
After the ceremony, the Brethren retired to Supper, followed by Lodge Harmony and Companionship.
Douglas McKechnie RWIM, Norman Carnegy DPGM, John Chambers RWM and James Wilson RWIM.

Thursday 14th December 2023 – Lodge Woodhall St John’s No. 305
SPGM Laird McDonald headed a fine deputation to the Lodge to witness an excellent ceremony of installation carried out by Installing Masters Brother Ian McGown and RWM Allan Jamieson who installed his own office bearers.
The installation ceremony was followed by fantastic lodge hospitality and fellowship. The lodge also presented a cheque to Provincial Grand Lodge for the Provincial Grand Masters chosen charity a fantastic gesture.
The deputation enjoyed a great evening in the company of the Brethren of the lodge.
Wednesday 13th December 2023 – Lodge Hamilton No. 7 Annual Installation
SPGM Bobby Ferguson headed a fine and large deputation to Hamilton Kilwinning No. 7 annual installation accompanied by Bro Andrew Millar PGM, Bro Norman Carnegy DPGM & Bro Gordon Mather SPGM.
Brother Jonathan Murphy RWM was reinstalled in an excellent ceremony carried out by Installing Master Brother Ian Gordon PM with the office bearers installed by Brother Jim Dorricott PM in an excellent ceremony
The Brethern retired to the lesser hall where that were treated to a Christmas Dinner and toasts, the hospitality as usual in No. 7 was to a high standard.
Wednesday 13th December 2023 – Lodge St. Clair No. 427 50 & 60 year Diploma Presentations
SPGM Colin Campbell accompanied PPGSW Billy Cowan attended to assist in the presentation of 50 & 60 year diplomas and jewels to Brother John M Paterson & Brother Archiebald Murray PM respectively.
Both were presented with their diplomas and jewels by RWM Stuart Maxwell where they both responded with a thank you and reminisce of their Masonic careers.
Provincial Grand Master Andrew D. Millar Christmas Message
How wonderful it was to see the Church in Larkhall so full with over 240 Brethren and their families at last night’s Annual Carol Service.
Could I thank all who made the effort to be there and in particular our visitors from out-with the Province.
Once again there was a multitude of brightly coloured gifts so generously donated by all. These gifts have already been distributed to local children’s homes and nurseries. They will make such a difference on Christmas day to those children less fortunate than our own.
That is one day Brethren and the challenge is to continue to try and make a difference in their lives for the other 364 days.
We continue with our efforts to support local Food Banks over the year and I am indebted to all those Brethren who facilitate this initiative.
This year’s Festive Box Scheme is well under way and my grateful thanks to those Lodges who have contributed so far. Once again local primary schools and nurseries will benefit from this initiative
We are maintaining our commitment to Women’s Aid but I have to be honest and say that their lack of engagement with us has been disappointing.
The main focus of our charitable work has once again been CHAS and the continued support of all the Brethren and Lodges in this regard has meant so much to me on a personal level. The fact that Lodges are continuing to support their local charities at the same time has been truly outstanding.
The 2024 Kiltwalk will follow the same format as last year in that it will be a family event on the 3 mile wee Wander. It was such a joyous occasion last year when we came together as a Province. I understand that registration is well under way with excess of 50 Brethren and families taking part so far
From a masonic point of view all Lodges are very active again and the Installations I have attended have been wonderful occasions full of fellowship and excellent ceremonial.
Please continue to engage with myself and my Commission on any matter that you are concerned about – Masonic or otherwise
Thank you again for all your friendship and unfailing support in everything our Province continues to do.
Let us all continue to strive to “Making a Difference”
Very best
Friday 8th December 2023 – Lodge St John Shotts No. 471 Annual Installation
Provincial Grand Junior Chaplain Alex Hamilton stepped in for SPGM Gordon Mather due to the annual clash of Installation evenings and witnessed RWM Jack Alexander PM re-installed in fine form by Installing Mastera Ian Cleland PM No 427 and Bro Gary Gilfillan PM No 427.l for what we believe was the 10th occasion.
Following the ceremony the Brethern joined in the customary speeches, meal and Lodge harmony.
Bro Gary Gilfillan PM IM, Bro Jack Alexander RWM, Bro Alex Hamilton P.G.J. Chaplain and Bro Ian Cleland PM IM
10th December 2023 – Provincial Grand Lodge Carol Service and Christmas Toy Appeal
Brethern and Familes,
We again appealed for presents for kids that otherwise would wake up on Christmas Day with nothing and the response has once again been humbling 🥰❤️🥰, your are all superstars
The donations made by EVERYONE, was nothing short of astounding, you should all be commended on you generosity and kindness in these difficult times, we should not underestimate the joy that you will bring to those who for whatever reason would wake up at Christmas with nothing.
This years Carol service seen over 240 Brethern, friends and family celebrate the meaning of Christmas with all the Masonic Orders from Lanarkshire playing their part, which we are delighted for us all coming together and part played by them.
This years service was delivered by PG Chaplain Jim Vasey and PPDGM Stewart Wood in a very complimentary manner with rhe the singing as the PG Chaplian asked “Raising the Roof”
On behalf of RWPGM Andrew Millar and all at Provincial Grand Lodge we are indebted to you support and giving at this time of year.
We would also like to thank the Minister and Kirk Session for the use of the Church, St. Machan’s New Parish Church, Larkhall.
Also the Brethern and wife’s of Lodge St. Thomas No. 306 should be thanked for the tea and refreshments provided at the close of the service a welcome provision to end a great evening of Christian fellowship 👏👏👏
Well done everyone and Merry Christmas to you all, you deserve it, this is what we do “Making the Difference” 🎅🙏❤️
Ps Best dressed goes to RWM Jonathon Oliver 💪😇👼😉

Saturday 9th December 2023 – Lodge Clydesdale No 551 Annual installation
SPGM Bobby Ferguson headed a deputation to the Lodge where Brother Ian Douglas PM was installed in the chair of the Lodge for his 3rd time 1990, 2003 and now 2024 where he will be on the chair for the Lodge’s 150th anniversary celebrations.
Installing masters for the day were Bro Sandy Marshall PM of Lodge 551 and Bro Tom Feeney PM Lodge No. 306 and Honorary Member of Lodge No. 551.
A fine day with the Brethern entrusting RWM Ian to lead them into an important year for the Lodge.
Following the ceremonial the Brethern joined in the speeches, meal and Harmony
Friday 8th December 2023 – Installation of Lodge Motherwell Caledonian No. 1228 Annual Installation
SPGM Gordon Mather’s headed a fine deputation to witness what was a vey good Installation ceremonial by Installing Masters Bro Alan Nightingale PM No. 1228 and Bro John Dunn PM No. 1228 on Right Worshipful Master Iain G. Anderson PM.
Following the ceremonial the Brethern of the Lodge presented SPGM Gordon a cheque for £300 for the PGM Andrew Millar’s nominated charity, a very generous donation.
Following the ceremony the Brethern joined in the customary speeches and dinner.
Bro Alan Nightingale PM IM, Bro Iain G. Anderson R.W.Master, Bro John Dunn PM IM and Bro Gordon Mather SPGM
Saturday 9th December 2023 – Lodge Caldercruix St. John No. 1314 Annual Installation
SPGM Colin Campbell headed a fine deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge to witness the Installation Ceremony of Right Worshipful Master James Kerr.
Over 100 Brethern were present to witness his 4 Installing Masters from within and outwith the Province and Lodge Install Bro. James in an exemplary manner, these Installing Masters were Bro: Andrew Goodwin PM 391 , Bro: Jeff Spence PM 1314, Bro: Alec Muir PM 793 & Bro: Allan Simpson PM 793.
The ritual seen great interaction with Bro. James’s friends, family and Brethern from his Mother Lodge and the Province of Stirlingshire with some unique and fantastic ritual very well coordinate by the Installing team headed by Bro. Andy Goodwin PM of Lodge Zetland No. 391 and first time Installing, a faultless performance 👏
Following the ceremony RWM James and the Brethern of the Lodge gifted £1000 to 4 local charities and also £100 to Provincial Grand Masters Charity to which we are truly thankful.
A fine day of ritual and fellowship at the dinner and harmony that followed, a fantastic day.
Good morning, had some great feedback on the PGL Interactive Google Calender driving attendances on those engaging and communicating their meeting nights.
As we see more lodges come onboard the option of having one username and password is flagging up some login security issues, best way around this is for the PGL team to add individual appointed persons with a direct link that does not require a login.
To help with this, those who are having issues could you please email Colin Campbell SPGM, [email protected] and we can send you the direct email for access.
Just to reiterate, details on the calender is the full responsibility of the Lodge Secretaries or appointed persons and not Provincial Grand Lodge, this is the simplest way to keep it updated, if in any doubt the Lodge Secretary should be contacted direct for verification of dates, times and locations of the meeting.
Thanks once again for all the positive feedback form those Lodges engaging, we will continue to look at enhancements and modifications suggested by the members

Friday 8th December 2023 – Lodge St. Andrew Coatbridge No. 544 Annual Installation
SPGM Colin Campbell headed a fine deputation to the Lodge for the installation of RWM John Hulme PM who was Installed in a fine manner by his Installing Masters Bro. Craig McKee PM, Iain McPhedran PM & William Meechan PM., who were perfectly rehearsed with great floor work.
The Lodge have entrusted RWM John to lead them into a very important year for them, their 150th celebration year.
No better man and team for the task, having been Installed previously 20 years ago and again further back.
Congratulations to the Lodge on their Installation and a great year coming up.
Tuesday 5th December 2023 – Lodge Caldercruix St. John No. 1314 50 Year Diploma Presentations
RWPGM Andrew Millar accompanied by District Grand Master of Central South Africa Julian Apfel and a PGL deputation including PPGM Bill Perry, DPGM Norman Carnegy, 3 SPGM’s, PG Secretary & PG Chaplian and other members to the Lodge to witness the presentation to Past Masters Johnny Russell & Jeff Spence of their 50 year service diplomas, two very upstanding and long standing members of the Lodge.
This was the last meeting of RWM George Randall who signed off with one of his speeches and poems.
Following the meeting all the Brethern joined in some Hospitality and Harmony

Saturday 2nd December 2023 – Murdostoun Castle No. 1096 Annual Installation
SPGM Gordon Mather headed a deputation to the Lodge to witness an excellent Installation ceremonial of Brother Mark Logan RWM by Bro Scott McKittrick PM and Ian Douglas PM both Past Masters of Murdostoun Castle No. 1096
Following the ceremony the Brethern joined in the customary speeches and harmony.
Bro Scott McKittrick PM IM, Bro Mark Logan R.W.Master, Bro Ian Douglas PM IM and Bro Gordon Mather SPGM
Friday 1st December – Lodge Robert King Stewart No. 919 Annual Installation
Brother Stewart McNeil Right Worshipful Master was Installed in a very competent and impressive manner by Installing Master Bro William Paton PM with the Office Bearers being Installed by Bro Charles Burns PM both of Lodge Robert King Stewart No. 919.
A fine and complete version of ritual delivered in a fine evening for the Lodge.
The installation was enhanced by the presence of Bro Andrew D.Millar PGM and Bro Julian Apfel District Grand Master of Central South Africa on his continued tour of Scotland. On the occasion Brother Juilian was offered Honorary Membership of the Lodge which he gratefully accepted.
Following the ceremony the Brethern joined in the traditional speeches and lodge harmony.
Picture: Bro Andrew D.Millar PGM, Bro William Paton PM IM, Bro Stewart McNeil RWM, Bro Charles Burns PM IM, Bro Julian Apfel DGM CSA, Bro Gordon Mather SPGM
1st December 2023 – Buchanan No. 1499 Annual Installation
On the evening of Friday, the 1st December Bro. Norman Carnegy headed a large deputation to the Lodge Annual Installation held in the Masonic Temple, Tabernacle Lane, Cambuslang.
Bro. Steven McGuire PM was installed in a very fine manner by Bro. Andrew Carruthers PM, while the lodge Office-bearers were invested in fine form by Archie Fotheringham PM..
After the ceremony, the Brethren then enjoyed a fine fish supper meal and Lodge Harmony.
Andrew Carruthers RWIM, Norman Carnegy DPGM, Steven McGuire RWM and Archie Fotheringham RWIM.
25th November 2023 – St Andrews No. 215 Annual Installation
On Saturday the 25th of November Bro. Norman Carnegy DPGM headed a deputation to the Lodge Annual Installation held in the Strathaven Town Mill.
Bro. John Craig PM was Installed in a fine manner by RWIM’s Alistair Kirkwood, Nicholas Harding and James Fraser. The RWM then proceeded to obligate and invest his Office-bearers.
After the ceremony, the Brethren retired and enjoyed a fine meal and Lodge Harmony.
Nicholas Harding RWIM, Norman Carnegy DPGM, John Craig RWM, Allistair Kirkwood RWIM, and James Fraser RWIM.
Saturday 25th November – Lodge Dura No. 1513 Annual Installation
SPGM headed a fine deputation to the Installation ceremon of Bro Alan Graham who was re-Installed in fine form by Installing Masters Bro Ian Cleland and Bro Gary Gilfillan, both PM Lodge St Clair No. 427.
Following the ceremony the Brethern joined in the speeches and harmony.
Bro Ian Cleland PM IM, Bro Alan Graham RWM, Bro Gary Gilfillan PM IM and Bro Gordon Mather SPGM
Saturday 2nd December 2023 – Lodge Coltswood Glenboig No. 1067 Annual Installation
SPGM Colin Campbell headed a fine deputation to his Mother Lodge to witness the Installation of RIght Worshiful Master Gordon Rowe for the 5th time in over 20 years and 6th year covering the position.
His Installing Masters for the day were Brother Robert (Bobby) D F Ross PM and Brother Gordon McCaffer PM who have Installed Brother Gordon as a team for all by one of his Installations, with PM Bobby doing them all.
Following the ceremony the Brethern joined in the usual legendary Coltswood Harmony and speeches.
A fine day of ritual and harmony
Friday 24th November – Lodge Livinstone St. Andrew No. 573 Annual Installation
SPGM Gordon Mather headed a fine deputation to the Lodge to witness Installing Masters Bro Gordon McAlpine PM and Bro Hunter Maxwell PM Install Right Worshipful Master Kenny Bogle in fine form, the newly Installed RWM Bro Kenneth PM in turn installed all his Office Bearers.
Following the ceremony the usual speeches and harmony was enjoyed.
Pictured below
Bro Ken Kennedy PPGM, Bro Hunter Maxwell PM IM, Bro Kenneth Bogle PM RWM, Bro Gordon McAlpine PM IM, Bro Gordon Mather SPGM
Right Worhipful Provincial Grand Master Andrew D. Millar is delighted to announce that today at Grand Lodge the following Brethern have been awarded Honorary Grand Rank by the Grand Master Mason
Honorary Assistant Grand Secretary – Brother Bill Paton PM, Lodge Robert King Stewart No. 919
Honorary Assistant Grand Secretary – Bro. Stanley Robinson PM, Lodge Woodhall St. John’s 305
Honorary Grand Junior Deacon – Brother Colin T. Campbell PM, Coltswood Glenboig No. 1067
Congratulations to them all and their commitment to the Province
28th November 2023 – Lodge Bothwell Brig No. 1229 50 Year Diploma Presentation
SPGM Gordon Mather accompanied by SPGM’s Laird McDonald, Colin Campbell and both PG Chaplains headed a deputation to Lodge Bothwell Brig No. 1229, where they were warmly greeted by RWM Bro John Furlong PM and the Brethren of the Lodge..
The purpose of the visit to assist in the presentation of a 50 year Diploma to PM Bro. David Fleming – always great to see Brethren like David being honoured for their service over many years and PGL being invited to assist.
Following the presentation Lodge St. Enoch No. 1288 conferred a MMM Degree on Candidate Evan Orr.
The evening was rounded off with the customary 1229 hospitality.
24th November 2023 – Annual Installation Lodge New Monkland Montrose No. 88
SPGM Colin Campbell headed a fine deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge to the Annual Installation of the Right Worshipful Master and Office Bearers. RWM Ian McIndoe PM was installed some 40 years on since he was installed for the first time, the Installing Masters were Bro. Tom Reid & Iain Keltie both Past Masters of the Lodge, and delivered a immaculate ritual.
The deputation was enhanced by the company of DPGM of Glasgow Bro. Alan Cuthill who was on the Toast List and gave a very well researched poem to the Lodge in his toast.
Following the ceremony the Brethern joined in the usual toasts and Lodge hospitality.

23rd November 2023 – Lodge Whifflet St. John No. 963 Charitable Giving
RWM Billy McPheat along with Secretary Bro John Clydesdale PM presented a cheque for £150 to Mavisbank School Airdrie. The cheque was graciously received by Ms Eileen Smith on behalf of the school.
Following the previous cheque the Lodge made a further donation of £150 to Maggies Cancer Support Monklands. The cheque was graciously received by Mr Colin Mathieson on behalf of Maggies.
As they say every little bit helps….😇🙏🏼
Great work and charity giving to a fantastic organisations by all at the Lodge, Well done 👏👍👏👍

17th November 2023 – Kirkhill No. 1230 Annual Installation
On the evening of Friday the 17th of November Bro. Norman Carnegy DPGM accompanied by Bro. Andrew D. Millar PGM and Bro. Laird MacDonald SPGM headed a large deputation to the Lodge Annual Installation held in the Masonic Temple, Tabernacle Lane, Cambuslang.
Bro. Fraser MacDonald PM was re-installed in an excellent manner by Bro. William Spencer PM (114). The RWM then proceeded to obligate and install his Office-bearers in fine form.
After the ceremony, the Brethren and some invited gentlemen relaxed and enjoyed a fine fish supper meal and Lodge Harmony.
Norman Carnegy DPGM, William Spenser RWIM, Fraser MacDonald RWM, Andrew D. Millar PGM
Kiltwalk 2024 – CHAS (Children’s Hospices Across Scotland)
The date for the Glasgow Kiltwalk has been announced as Sunday 28th April 2024, we are targetting 11am start time.
This year Provincial Grand Master Andrew Millar, for those willing to participate he would again like to extend a invitation to family and friends to the 3 mile Wee Wander, this is a low effort walk for families & friends and ends at the finishing line at Balloch Country Park with all getting their cherished Kiltwalk medal.
As with previous years CHAS have kindly given us a limited number of free registrations places to allow those participating to focus on the charity fundraising, if you can complete the online process and SPGM Colin Campbell & Auditor Kenny Wilson will take care of the rest.
This years application will be online on the PGL website later today…/ and we would urge everyone to complete the registration as soon as possible as last years sold out really quickly, we will take care of all the registrations and tag everyone onto the PGL team for collective fundraising to CHAS and also order the coveted CHAS Tech T-Shirt for all those on the PGL Team.
Anyone who wants to participate in the 14 or 26 mile walks are most welcome and we can offer the same free registation place.
Let’s smash this once again for a great Charity and get trianing to improve on your overall fitness, health and wellbeing
Saturday 18th November 2023 – Update of Charitable Awards
We have had some nice feedback from three charitable initiatives we have contributed on behalf of the Province over the last few weeks.
We continued our nominated charity work with £1000 to the CHAS Christmas Appeal supplemented with a cheque to Glasgow Childrens Hospital Charity, this was in support of the request made by Lodge Livingstone Stonefield No. 599 and finally last but not least a wonderful little girl, Carrie Scott – who we sponsored for the Kiltwalk and other associated charity events ran by her.
A nice time of year to make these donations 🧑🎄😇🎅

Saturday 18th November 2023 – Lodge Garrowhill 1413 Annual Installation
Right Worshipful Master Brother George Walker was reinstalled by Installing Masters Brothers James Alston P.M 1413 and Thomas Lynch P.M 579 in a fine ceremony of installation.
The Provincial Grand Lodge Deputation was headed by SPGM Laird McDonald and enhanced by the presence of Provincial Grand Master Brother Andrew Duncan Millar.
Provincial Grand Lodge were treated to some fantastic hospitality and warm fellowship and enjoyed an excellent evening with the Brethren of the Lodge.
17th November 2023 – Lodge Old Monkland St. James No. 177 Annual Installation
SPGM Colin Campbell accompanied by SPGM Gordon Mather headed a large deputation of combined teams to the Installation of Bro. Gordon Currie PM, Brother Gordon a member of SPGM Gordon Mathers PGL team being Installed as Right Worshipful Master some 30 years on since his first time in the chair, both of which were carried out in a impressive manner by Installing Master Bro.. Mitchell Paterson, who also carried out the installation of the Lodge Office Bearers.
In a packed Lodge room and harmony dinner Bro. Henry Dunbar delivered a fine well researched toast to the Lodge where he referenced a motion raised at Scottish Parliament earlier in the month where local MSP Fulton McGergor formally commended Bro. Allan Logan and the Lodge to
Parliament for the fundraising efforts of over £150,000 to Yorkhill Children’s hospital amongst other charitable work carried out by the Lodge, fine recognition for the Lodge at the highest level.
Following the speeches the Lodge enjoyed a nice meal and harmony that was planned to go well into rhe wee small hours of the morning, a fine evening

14th November 2023 – Lodge Cambuslang Royal Arch No. 114 Cheque to Erskine Veterans
RWM along with the IPM Bro. George Bremner visited Erskine Veterans village where they presented a cheque for £1250 from their recent curry night fundraiser.
They had a tour of the establishment which they found very interesting.
Well done to the Brethren Lodge 114 for your continued support of the worthy charity and generosity.
Super Effort 👏
Monday 13th November 2023 – Lodge New Monkland Montrose No. 88
Before the AGM meeting RWM Ian Keltie had the pleasure of presenting the final cheque from their charity speakers night to Mia Noqvet from the My Name’s Doddie Foundation for £700.
What a fantastic effort by the Brethern, well done everyone involved 👏👏👏
RWM Ian is pictured with Right Worshipful Master Elect Ian McIndoe. We wish Ian and his Office Bearers a fantastic year in Office. RWM Ian Keltie should be commended on his year in the Chair leading the Lodge from the front .
Sunday 12th November 2023 – Remembrance Day Parade
PGL of Lanarkshire Middle Ward Remembers
PGM Andrew D Millar and over 65 Brethern including 15 Reigning Masters participated in the Remembrance Day Parade in Hamilton earlier today.
They joined other armed forces, emergency services, local dignitaries and community groups parading from the barracks on Bothwell Road to the Hamilton Cenotaph.
The parade was marshalled in a fine manner by Capt Brother DD Johnston and led off by Strathaven Pipe Band, following the parade to the cenotaph, all joined in a service of Remembrance led by the Rev Ross Blackman of Hamilton Parish Church, accompanied by Provost Margaret Cooper, Lady Haughey Lord Lieutenant, the Salvation Army brass band with the Reveille delivered by PG Piper Brother David Stark.
Following the march back to Hamilton College the Brethern joined in some tea, coffee and refreshments at the County building as guests of South Lanarkshire Council.
This was a fantastic day and thanks should go to DPGM Norman Carnegy, PG Sect Bill Paton, Capt Brother DD Johnston for all organising and work up to the day and Capt David’s team for the refreshments before the parade at the army base, much appreciated.
Thanks also to the Brethern who assisted PG Director of Ceremonies Jim Lees on the day and South Lanarkshire Council, in particular The Provost Margaret Cooper for the welcome and our participation in a very important day.
And lastly, thanks to all the Brethern who turned up to remember the service and sacrifice of all those that have defended our freedoms and protected our way of life.

12th November 2023 Remembrance Day Parade – Cenotaph Bothwell Road Hamilton
If the weather is inclement a decision will be made at approximately 1.00pm, check the PGL page for updates. The alternative venue will be the Banqueting Hall in the Council Offices.
Sunday 5th November 2023 – Airdrie Lodges Annual Divine Service
A lovely evening of Christian fellowship was enjoyed by all at the annual combined Airdrie Masonic Lodge’s annual divine service hosted this year by Lodge Caldercruix St John No. 1314 at New Wellwynd Church.
The Rev Bro Jim Murphy and RWM Bro George Randall welcomed the Brethren of the combined Airdrie Masonic Lodges along with RWPGM Andy Millar and a fine deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge where that were joined with Brethren from within and outwith the Province.
The Brethren paraded into the Church in full regalia where everyone enjoyed a thought provoking sermon conducted by the Rev Bor. Jim Murphy.
At the conclusion of the service the Brethren assembled in the adjacent church hall to enjoy tea, coffee and light snacks.
Before the conclusion of the evening RWM Bro G Randall addressed the assembled Brethren and thanked everyone for their attendance.
On behalf of the Provincial Grand Lodge we would thank the Airdrie Lodges, the Kirk Session and last but not least the ladies from the church for providing and serving the refreshments.
A nice night of a fellowship
4th November 2023 – Livingstone Stonefield No. 599 Annual Installation
On Saturday the 4th of November Bro. Norman Carnegy DPGM accompanied by Bro. Gordon Mather SPGM headed a large deputation to the Lodge Annual Installation held in the Blantyre Old Parish Church Halls.
Bro. James Dunsmore and his officebearers were installed in a fine manner by Installing Masters Bros Stephen and William Morley.
After the ceremony, the Brethren and visitors retired to the Lodge Room and enjoyed a fine meal and Lodge Harmony.
Norman Carnegy DPGM, Stephen Morley RWIM, James Dunsmore RWM, William Morley RWIM, Gordon Mather SPGM
Saturday 4th November 2023 – Bi-Centenary Rededication of Woodhall St. John’s No. 305
A fine deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge headed by Provincial Grand Master Andrew D. Millar accompanied by a equally large deputation from the Grand Lodge of Scotland headed by the a Grand Mason Mason William Ramsey McGhee attended the Bi- Centenary celebrations of Woodhall St. John’s No. 305.Following a very fine rededication ritual by the Grand Masters team the Lodge regalia was rededicated by Past Substitute Master George R. Kelly with RWM Gordon Airns playing his part, the day was enhanced with the newest made Entered Apprentice Brother Craig Shaw in attendance and pictured here with the Grand Master Mason.
The ceremony was rounded off by a very well research and informative history of the Lodge delivered by PM Ian McGown.
Following the ceremony the Lodge Brethren, Provincial Grand Lodge & Grand Lodge joined in a special meal and speeches at Dalzell park, the venue and dressing and gifts on table should be commended as it was a superbly executed event
On behalf of Provincial Grand Lodge we would like to the thank the Brethren of the Lodge for allowing us to be part of such a fine and special day in the history of the Lodge.

Saturday 4th November 2023 – Lodge Heatheryknowe No. 1461 Annual Installation
Brother a Laird McDonald SPGM headed a fine deputation to Lodge where RWM Brother Colin William Hunter was reinstalled for a second year by installing masters Past Masters Brothers Robert Macdonald and Henry McCorkell in a fine ceremony of installation.
They were then treated to fantastic hospitality and fellowship by the Brethren of the Lodge.
Friday 3rd November 2023 – Lodge Caldercruix St. John No. 1314 Civic Reception
To conclude the formal business of the evening the brethren joined together in a rendition of Auld Lang Syne followed by the National Anthem.

3rd November 2023 – PGL Annual PGL Alistair Dunlop Quiz
17 teams took part in the Annual Alistar Dunlop PGL quiz where the home side Lodge St Thomas No. 306 were the glorious winners.
This year the quizmaster was Bro. Jim Vasey Provincial Senior Chaplain who put everyone through their paces, he was assisted with Bro. Norman Carnegy DPGM & David Paterson PG stewards
The Brethren were treated to home made soup, crusty bread, and a roll with sausage or potato scone or doubles with cooked onions.
The raffle raised a sum of £440.
We would like to thanks Lodge St. Thomas for use of their premises once again and for the hospitality received.

1st November 2024 – Lodge Dura Allanton No. 1513 50yr Diploma Presentation
At the Regular meeting RWM Bro Alan Graham welcomed DPGM Norman Carnegy and a team from Provincial Grand Lodge where the witnessed a Entered Apprentice Degree by Lodge Livingston St Andrew no 573.
Bro. Norman DPGM presented Bro Douglas Lowe PM with his 50 year Diploma for service to his Lodge and the craft. The evening was further enhanced where RWM Bro Ross Goldie of the Operative Lodge of Airdrie No 203 and Bro Billy Park of Lodge St Clair No 427 were presented with Honorary Membership for services to the Lodge.

1st November 2023 – Bro. Capt David D Johnston PM Fundraising Efforts

Bro. Capt. David PM would like to thank everyone for their support and behalf of Provincial Grand Lodge we would like to commend him of this fantastic charitable work, well done and keep up the good work David .
28th October 2023 – Blantyre Kilwinning No. 557 Annual Installation
Bro. Norman Carnegy DPGM accompanied by Bro. Andrew D. Miller PGM and Bro. Colin Campbell SPGM, headed a large deputation to the Lodge Annual Installation held in the Blantyre Old Parish Church Halls.
Bro. Jonathan G. Oliver PM and his Office Bearers were installed in an excellent ceremony by Brothers Gordon Mather and James Lees, both Past Masters of the Lodge and active members of Provincial Grand Lodge.
The evening was made even more special for the Right Worshipful when his son’s Aaron & Jack were installed as his Depute and Substitute Masters along side him, a great honour since it was just over 30 years since he was in the Chair and now selected by the Brethren to lead the Lodge into their 150th celebration year.
This was a very proud and unique moment in the history of the Lodge where the family and close bond between the Right Worshipful Master, his Installing Masters, Substitute and Depute Masters was brought together, with the Installing Masters being close friends of the Oliver family and the strong family theme that has existed over many years within Lodge Blantyre Kilwinning No. 557.
A fine presentation of ritual on the Bible was delivered by Substitute Master Jack Oliver to his dad, this was executed with confidence and word perfect, delivered with that wee cheeky smile, much to the surprise of the Right Worshipful Master.
After the ceremony, the Brethren and visitors retired to the Lodge Room and enjoyed a tasty repast with the usual speeches interrupted by a impromptu intervention by Depute Master Aaron , where he delivered a very heart felt impromptu off script, off he cuff speech that stole the show. His ability to be honest on a very special family orientated event was a testament to the theme of the evening, he captured the crowd with the solemnity of the delivery but then threw in a few funnies to lighten it up also.
To see a father installed into the Chair with both his sons by his side as Depute and Substitute Masters, in its self is unique enough, but to see them both play their part in the Ceremony was truly inspiring in our organisation.
The Brethren spent the rest of the evening in Fellowship and Harmony
28th October 2023 – Annual Installation of Lodge St. Clair No. 427
Pictured Bro Gordon Mather SPGM, Bro James Twaddell PM IM, Bro Robert Stewart Maxwell and R.W.Master, Bro Scott McGowan R.W.Master No187 IM
26th October 2023 – Installation of Sir Robert Moray No 1641
Well done Brethren
26th October 2023 – Rev Dr Shaw James Paterson on his appointment as Moderator of the General Assembly
Not PGL directly related but huge congratulations to David Paterson of Provincial Grand Lodge’s Brother the Rev Dr Shaw James Paterson on his appointment as Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, well done and God Bless.

25th October 2023 – Launch of Province Meeting Calendar Imitative
Provincial Grand Lodge have setup an interactive calendar to allow Lodges to publish regular meetings and events to raise awareness and help drive attendances and support.
Access to the shared calendar available at all times on the front page of the PGL website will be real time with all meetings/events in the Province listed –
This is automatically updated by Lodge Secretaries or nominated persons on a ongoing basis, one caution, it is only as accurate as the information uploaded, if in any doubt a courtesy call should be made to the Lodge Secretary to confirm.
As this is a group shared calendar the login and password details should remain with authorised users only, we trust the Lodges will share these details with discretion.
A training document has been provided to Lodge secretaries and support can be provided on the setup and ongoing issues by contacting either PG Doc Jim Lees [email protected] and / or Sub.PGM Colin Campbell [email protected].
Thanks and appreciation should go out to Bro. David Aitchison of Lodge Robert Burns No. 440 for his support with the initiative and PM Jim Lees for his help trialling the initial version.
We are also considering and reviewing the launch of a PGL WhatsApp group to provide quick messaging and support communication amongst the membership, the introduction of the recent Right Worshipful Masters group (initiated and facilitated by RWM. Bro. Fraser MacDonald – 1230) has seen some great success and it is hoped this PGL group will see similar success and support in opening and extending communication channels to the membership and the ability to provide an instant messaging platform to provide regular updates.
We hope you find this latest addition of use and benefit, the success will be driven by Lodge engagement. If adopted in the appropriate manner it will we are sure benefit all participants.
24th October 2023 – Lodge Whifflet St. John No. 963 Reigning Masters Degree
Right Worshipful Master Bro Billy McPheat welcomed a fine and distinguished deputation from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Lanarkshire Middle Ward headed by the RWPGM Bro Andrew D. Miller and accompanied with SPGM Bro Colin Campbell and several PGL members. . RWM Bro Billy McPheat also took this opportunity to present the RWPGM with a cheque for £100 to go to his nominated charity CHAS, Bro Andy thanked the Lodge for their kind and generous donation and assured the brethren it will be put to good use.
The RWM of 963 Bro Billy McPheat welcomed a fine and distinguished deputation of Reigning Masters from both within and out with the Province and on this occasion headed by the RWM Bro George Laird Randall Lodge Caldercruix St John 1314.
The RWM of 963 Bro Billy McPheat presented RWM Bro George Laird Randall 1314 with the Mall and thanked him for heading such a fine deputation of Reigning Masters, thereafter an excellent EA degree was conferred by the Reigning Master’s degree team and was thoroughly enjoyed by the assembled Brethren.
The Lodge was closed in due and ancient form and the RWM invited all to accompany him in the lounge for refreshments and hospitality

Monday 16th October 2023 Annual Installation Lodge St Andrews Military No 668
Bro Bobby Ferguson SPGM headed a very fine Provincial deputation which included Bro Jim Jack PPGM, Bro Norman Carnegy DPGM and Bro Gordon Mather SPGM to the installation ceremony of Lodge St Andrews Military No 668 where Bro Scott Campbell was installed as RWM by his son Bro Stuart Campbell PM and the office bearers were installed by Bro Jack Cheape PM.
This was the first time both Installing Masters had carried out the duties of an Installing Master and they both carried out their duties to a very high standard and I’m sure it certainly wont be their last
It was also great to see five reigning masters in attendance supporting the Lodge and new RWM
After the labours of the installation ceremony was complete we retired to refreshment in the festive board where we were treated to a Carvery dinner which was well received by all.
A special mention to Bro Hayden K McFadden PM 306 for his toast to the lodge which he had certainly put in a fair bit of research and delivered it in a very personal manner
Well done all involved for a very enjoyable night
Friday 13th October 2023 – St. Mary Coltness No. 31 Annual Installation
SPGM Gordon Mather headed a fine deputation to the Lodge annual Installation to see Right Worshipful Master Elect Bro Jim McKidd PM Installed in an excellent and unique manner by Installing Masters, Bro Stanley Sweeney and Bro Alex Fenton.
Following the ceremony the Brethern joined for speeches and harmony
Pictured – Norman Carnegy DPGM, Alex Fenton PM, RWM Jim McKidd PM, Stanley Sweeney PM and Gordon Mather SPGM
Friday 13th October 2023 – Bro. Alex Maitland & Erskine Vetrans
Attached is some photographs of PM Alex Maitland of Lodge St. Andrew Coatbridge No. 544 and Vice President of the Board of Stewards handing over a cheque for £1500 to Erskine Veterans Home.
This completes a round of over £17,000 gifted over the past number of years raised for Erskine, a phenomenal amount.
Alex would like to thank all the Brethern and friends from within and outwith the Province for their generosity that has allowed this fantastic amount to be presented to the Home over many years
Well done Brother Alex, keep up the good work.
Monday 9th October New Monkland Montrose No. 88 Charity Giving
The Lodge invited Eileen Smith from Mavisbank School Airdrie to receive a cheque for £1,460, the money was presented by RWM Bro Iain Keltie and PM John Gray.
The money was generated at the recent charity speakers night on the 11th August.
The money will be used ERP go towards getting portals for the school that looks after children from early age to teenage with medical and health issues
The lodge has been supportive of the school for a considerable length of time
The Lodge would like to thank everyone who attended and supported their charity event
Super work Brethren 👏
Sunday 10th December 2023 – Grand Lodge of Scotland Glasgow Phoenix Choir Christmas Concert
The Grand Lodge of Scotland will host The Glasgow Phoenix Choir for this years Christmas Concert on Sunday 10th December 2023 in Freemasons’ Hall.
To book your place and purchase a ticket, please follow this link
7th October 2023 – Lodge Caldercruix St. No. 1324 Centenary Celebration
DPGM Norman Carnegy headed a fine deputation from PGL to the Rededication Ceremony of Lodge Caldercruix St. John No. 1314 in Cairnlea Church, Airdrie at the invite of RWM George Randall and Brethern of the Lodge, DPGM was drafted in due to RWPGM Andrew Millar coming down with COVID.
The rededication ceremony was carried out by a fine team from The Grand Lodge of Scotland, headed by Past Depute Grand Master Brother Kenneth D Kennedy, also a Past Provincial Grand Master of The Middle Ward of Lanarkshire.
Thereafter, an excellent harmony followed in Gartlea Community Centre with some fine speeches and entertainment by PM Bobby Tait
Thanks also to the Kirk Session at Cairnlea Church for the use of the venue to host the Ceremony. It was a perfect location and venue for such a auspicious occasion.
Our thanks also go out to the official photographer for the day, Bro John Clydesdale of Lodge Whifflet St. John No. 973 , Piper Bro Peter Liggett of Lodge Coltswood Glenboig No. 1067 and PGL Organist Bro Allan Gowans, not forgetting the caterers and the staff from the Operative Lodge of Airdrie No. 203 who kept the glasses filled al day and into the evening.
A fine day in the history of the Lodge and a big thank you from all at Provincial Grand Lodge in allowing us to be part of the special day.

Lodge St. Bryde No. 579 – Change of Annual Installation Date
Brethern, please find attached notification of a change of date of the Annual Installation of the Lodge to Saturday 2nd December at 4pm
Saturday 7th October 2023 – Annual Installation of Lodge Hamilton No 233
Bro Bobby Ferguson SPGM an his team attended the installation of Bro Sturat Campbell PM who was installed by his dad Bro Scott Campbell PM, with Bro Kenny McVicar PM installed the Office Bearers, this was Bro McVicars first time installing and he carried out his duties to a very high standard.
An excellent meal and harmony followed with some really good passionate toasts.
The Installation was well attended with visitors who had travelled from Edinburgh and Blackpool to witness the ceremony.
Tuesday 3rd October – Lodge New Monkland Montrose No. 88 Charity Giving
Accompanied by RWM Bro Iain Keltie, PM John Gray paid a visit to SiMBA, Simpson’s Memory Box Appeal In Mayfield Dalkeath Edinburgh where they presented a cheque for £500 to the charity.
The money was raised on their trip to Islay in June.
The Simba charity is close to the ♥️ of the Keltie family, the Lodge would like to thank everyone at Simba for their warm welcome and tea and coffee.
Well done Lodge New Monkland Montrose No. 88 for this super charitable work.
1st October 2023 – Lodge Airdrie St. John No. 166 Annual Divine Service
SPGM’s Laird McDonald and Colin Campbell headed a team from Provincial Grand Lodge to the the important date in the Lodges diary for their Annual Divine Service. Following the welcome by the Right Worshipful Master William McFarlane the well attended service with family and friends was presided over by the Rev Alistair Weighton and the Organist Mrs Janice McKay from this Coatdyke Congregational Church..
A nice night of fellowship and sermon by Rev Alastair Weigton.
Following the service the Lodge made a cheque presentation of £250 to the Ministers chosen charity.
22nd September 2023 – Lodge Motherwell Caledonian Nº 1228 Cheque to Cancer Research
Mrs Vikki MacDonald is pictured receiving a cheque for £650, on behalf of Cancer Research UK, from the RWM of Lodge Motherwell Caledonian Nº 1228, Bro. John C Calderwood.
The money was raised by donations from Brethren and Bro. Calderwood’s Daughters Zoe and Yasmin who took part in a sponsored event. We know that this donation will be applied to research in Scotland.
Well done Right Worshipful Master

PM David commented “A tough yet very rewarding day was had and a massive thanks to all brethren and friends who sponsored and help raise over £400 for Prostate Scotland”
Well done team 177 for a fantastic effort

PGM Brother Andrew Millar and fellow members of PGL of Lanarkshire Middle Ward visited CHAS Robin House in Dunbartonshire to present a cheque for £15,000 to the staff on behalf of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Lanarkshire Middle Ward and friends. This was fundraising raised from the participation in the Kiltwalk 2023 and other social events.
The visitors were treated to a tour of the facility which was very informative, humbling and difficult although it was great to see the love, passion, dedication and hard work by all the staff who are truly special people.

Once again thanks to all who contributed and gave their support to the Kiltwalk, this visit really let us see the fundraising being put to great and diligent use.
Well done everyone
24th June 2023 – Robert King Stewart Bowling Competition
In a keenly fought competition, Lodge Coltswood Glenboig No. 1067 pipped a stand in team from Victoria to
Make the numbers to lift the Robert King Stewart trophy with Lodge Robert Burns No. 440B in third place at Victoria Bowling a club, Coatbridge.
12 teams represented various Lodges in the Province with Brother Andrew Crichton pulling the day together & SPGM Gordon Mather supporting with the Throphy Presentation
A full report on the day will be provided by Brother Andrew shortly.
The day was further enhanced with Lodge New Monkland Montrose brining along a portrait of the first winners of the tournament from 1920, which is attached to this post.

21st June 2023 – Speakers Night Tickets
Tickets are moving for the PGL Speakers Night on 8th September at Airdrie St. John No. 166 , if your not fast you’ll be Last
8th September 2023 – PGL Speakers Night
Venue – Lodge Airdrie St John No. 166 6.30 for 7.00pm start
Dress code – Jacket, shirt and Tie
Bro Stuart Jack PM No 579
Presentation of the Great War 1914-1918
Bobby Shaw PM No 275, SPGM Glasgow, Will address the company with fun and hilarity
Musical entertainment by Hugh Lee
Cost is £10 per head to include choice of Steak Pie, Chicken or Vegetarian
Please book your places through SPGM Gordon Mather via email [email protected] along with your meal choice.
This will be a first come first serve basis (max 90).
All tickets to be paid by Friday 1st September, preferably via bank transfer however cheque/cash acceptable.
Sort Code: 83-22-27
Account No: 00293716
21st June 2023 – Whisky Sheet in aid of Marcus Humphrey House
PG Almoner Tom Reid ran another one of his famous whisky sheets for the funds on Marcus Humphrey House, the lucky winner was A Crichton for Lodge St. Mary Coltness No. 31.
PG Almoner has asked us to thank everyone who took part and also to PM David Brockett for the donation on the bottle, a nice bottle of Old Pultney Malt
Could Brother Crichton please contact PG Almoner Tom for his prize.
Another £100 to a very worthy cause from the Brethern of the PGL of Lanarkshire Middle Ward.
Well done PG Almoner 👏

10th June 2023 – CHAS Support Letters From Kiltwalk
Nice, arriving in the mail today for all those who completed the Kiltwalk 2023 in aid of the PGL nominated Charity CHAS (Children’s Hospices Across Scotland) just in time prior to the PGL Summer Ball this evening at Strathclyde Hilton
Another £15,000 to a great cause 👏
Thanks to everyone who supported the team on their efforts 👌👑👌
5th June 2023 – Summer Meetings
As we enter June with most Lodges in the Province either in or about to go into recess we thought, for the benefit of those who don’t want to wait 3 months until they next attend a meeting, that we would post a list of those meetings in and around the Province over the summer months.
The list is, in part, based on the current syllabus and on the basis that this may be subject to change, we would suggest that you double check details with the individual Lodges.
If you do decide to attend then I’m sure the various Lodges would appreciate your support –
Tues 6th Jun – Caldercruix St John No. 1314, EA Degree by 484
Wed 7th Jun – Airdrie St John No. 166, FC Degree by 440
Wed 7th Jun – Robert King Stewart No. 919,
Thurs 8th Jun – Robert Burns No. 440,
Fri 9th Jun – Coltswood Glenboig No. 1067, FC Degree by 306 & French Deputation Visit
Tues 13th Jun – Meridian No. 1779, “A Masonic Mystery” by IPM Jim Vasey
Wed 14th Jun – The Operative Lodge of Airdrie No. 203, MM Degree by 544
Wed 21st Jun – Airdrie St John No. 166, MM Degree
Thurs 22nd Jun – Robert Burns No. 440,
Fri 23rd Jun – Caldercruix St John No. 1314, FC Degree by 312
Wed 28th Jun – The Operative Lodge of Airdrie No. 203, MM Degree
Fri 30th Jun – St Enoch No. 1288. EA Degree by 1314
Tues 4th July – Caldercruix St John No. 1314, MM Degree by 1288 (note: Tyle at 7.00pm)
Wed 5th July – Airdrie St John No. 166, FC Degree by 203
Wed 5th July – Robert King Stewart No. 919,
Tues 11th July – Meridian No. 1779.
Fri 28th July – St Enoch No. 1288, FC Degree
Wed 2nd Aug – Robert King Stewart No. 919
Wed 2nd Aug – Caldercruix St John No. 1314, MMM Degree by 1229
Tues 8th Aug – Meridian No. 1779
Wed 16th Aug – Airdrie St John No. 166, Degree by 919
Wed 23rd Aug – The Operative Lodge of Airdrie No. 203, FC Degree by 166
Fri 25th Aug – St Enoch No. 1288, MM Degree
Wed 30th Aug – Lodge Dura Allanton No. 1513; Wed Club, FC Degree by 1288
Friday 3rd June 2023 – Regular Communication Honorary Provincial Grand Rank Presentations
Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Andrew Millar presided over PGL for the Regular Communication of PGL where he had the delight in presenting Honorary Provincial Grand Ranks to Bro David Brockett PM 1518 who received the Honorary Provincial Grand Rank of Junior Deacon, Scott Campbell PM 233, Honorary Provincial Grand Almoner and Ronald MacDonald PM 1254, Honorary Provincial Grand Architect.
All well deserving Brethern who have served their lodges and the Province well
Provincial Grand Lodge would like to thank RWM and Brethern of St. Mary Coltness No. 31 for the use of the temple and hospitality received .
26th May 2023 – BREAKING NEWS 😊New Provincial Grand Lodge Tie and Banner
We are delighted to announce the release of a new Provincial Grand Lodge tie, these will be available for purchase a week commencing 19th June at a cost of £15 for a standard tie, they will also be available as clip on at the same price.
I’m sure your will agree that the design modernises the current tie and works well alongside our new PGL Banner that will be on show at the June regular communication.

25th May 2023 – Honorary Provincial Grand Rank Awards
Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Andrew D. Millar is delighted to announce the following Provincial Grand Ranks.
Honorary Provincial Grand Almoner
Brother Scott Campbell
Lodge Hamilton No. 233
Honorary Provincial Grand Architect
Ronald MacDonald
Lodge Griffin Gartcosh No. 1254
Honorary Provincial Grand Junior Deacon
Brother David Brocket
Lodge Larchgrove No. 1518
A big congratulations to all these Brethern on these well deserving Honours.
They will be presented at the June Communication in Wishaw
Wednesday 24th May 2023 – Lodge St. Bryde No. 579 50 Year Diploma Presentation
RWPGM Andrew Millar headed a deputation to Lodge St. Bryde No. 579 on the final meeting before their recess where a excellent Entered Apprentice Degree was carried out by the Lodge Office Bearers.
It was a very special night where Brother Norman Telfer PM was presented with his 50 year Jubilee certificate by RWM Bro. Alexander Hamilton PM and RWPGM Bro Andrew Millar.
After the meeting all joined in some Lodge harmony
Wednesday 24th May 2023 – The Operative Lodge of Airdrie No. 203 60yr Diploma Presentation
SPGM Colin Campbell headed a deputation to the Lodge to assist in the presentation to Bro. David Truesdale PM to mark 60 years of faithful service to the Lodge, the night was enhanced where the candidate being progressed to the Fellow Craft Degree by Lodge Coltswood Glenboig No. 1067 was one of PM David’s family members.
A fine evening rewarding a stalwart of the Lodge.
01st June 2023 – Dates for your Diaries Brethern
8th September 2023 – PGL Speakers Night
Venue – Lodge Airdrie St John No. 166 6.30 for 7.00pm start
Dress code – Jacket, shirt and Tie
Bro Stuart Jack PM No 579
Presentation of the Great War 1914-1918
Bobby Shaw PM No 275, SPGM Glasgow
Will address the company with fun and hilarity
Musical entertainment by Hugh Lee
Cost is £10 per head to include choice of Steak Pie, Chicken or Vegetarian
Please book your places through SPGM Gordon Mather via email [email protected] along with your meal choice.
This will be a first come first serve basis (max 90).
All tickets to be paid by Friday 1st September, preferably via bank transfer however cheque/cash acceptable.
Sort Code: 83-22-27
Account No: 00293716
Friday 23rd February – PGL Burns Supper in 2024
Venue – Lodge Cambuslang Royal Arch No. 114 on 6.30 for 7.00pm start
Dress code, Lounge Suit – short & Tie
We have a fantastic line up of well-versed Burnsians to entertain:
Immortal Memory-Bro John Wallace
Toast to Lassies- Bro Alan Beck (current President of the Burns Federation)
Recitals-Bro Angus Middleton (Past President Burns Federation)
Communal singing led by Hugh Lee
Ticket price is £20 per head and will be on a first come first serve basis.
Please book your places through SPGM Gordon Mather via email [email protected]
All tickets must be paid within 7 days of booking, preferably via bank transfer however cheque/cash acceptable.
Sort Code: 83-22-27
Account No: 00293716
Sunday 21st May 2023 – District Grand Priory of Strathclyde Annual Divine Service
SPGM Colin Campbell and PG Sect Bill Paton attended the District Grand Priory of Strathclyde Annual Divine Service as guests of District Grand Prior Rt. Em Frater Keir G. Brown at Trinity Parish Church, Renton, Dumbartonshire.
A very well versed sermon was provided by Rev. Liz Houston MA BEd BD who was very well informed of Craft Freemasonry, presumably by her father, in his time with the Church well know in local Masonic circles.
Lanarkshire Middle Ward was well represented both from the Provincial Grand Lodge and Provincial Grand Royal Arch Chapter headed by Grand Superintendent Jack Brown and his team.
Saturday 13th May 2023 – Bi-Centenary Celebrations of Lodge St. Thomas No. 306
RWPGM Andrew Millar headed a large deputation to the Lodge to witness the Rededication Ceremony of the Lodge carried out by a deputation from The Grand Lodge of Scotland led by the Grand Master Mason Ramsay McGhee.
Following a fine ceremony the large attendance joined in the newly refurbished premises which should be applauded due the quality and workmanship, all were treated to some fine speeches, even better hospitality with gifts of Jewels and a commemorative programme.
On behalf of RWPGM Andrew Millar and all at Provincial Grand Lodge a big thank you to the RWM and Brethern of the Lodge for a fantastic day and hospitality received.

2nd May 2023 – Lodge Dura No. 1513
The Brethren of the Lodge received the note below thanking them from the First Responders regarding the £100 Donation to their fundraising.
Dear Sir
Can I thank you and your committee so much for your support of Lanark Community First Responders.
This support will be used towards a new Responder bag which will have vital lifesaving equipment that allows our volunteers to go to 999 calls on behalf of the Scottish Ambulance Service.
Well done Lodge Dura 👏👏🏆👏👏
6th May 2023 – Lodge Dura No. 1513 Allanton The Big Help Out
The Lodge Junior Deacon James Connolly along with some Brethren and rhe help of 1st Bonkle Brownies and 1st Bonkle Guides and Rangers participated in the Big Help Out cleaning and litter picking as part on His Majesty the Kings Imitative to support the local Community at his Coronation.
Well done to everyone involved you smashed it . The pictures speak for themselves 👏

17th May 2023 – Captain D D Johnston Cateran Yomp, 3rd – 4th June 2023 Update
Provincial Grand Lodge have agreed to support Captain Brother D D Johnston’s imitative by donating £250 to his cause.
Captain David has informed us that he is delighted with the donation and generosity of PGL and advised he and his colleagues are supporting a fellow soldier who unfortunately is suffering from Huntingtons disease having fought for King and Country, surviving two tours trips of Afghanistan.
Between them they are determined the soldier will get to the finish line.
The link to Captain David Johnston’s JustGiving page where he tackles a 54 mile hike in 24 hours across rural Perthshire.
Brother David D. Johnston Past Master of Lodge Bothwell Brig No. 1229 has kindly agreed to do this on behalf of CHAS with all funds going direct to the charity.
David Johnston is fundraising for Children’s Hospices Across Scotland, (CHAS) (
Tuesday 9th May 2023 – Malawi Charity Cheque
Once again, many thanks for the generous donations from your Lodges in response to the Provincial Grand Masters appeal to donate to the recent tragic events in Malawi.
The fabulous sum raised from the Lodges who participated and Provincial Grand Lodge donations throughout the Province amounted to £4,695.
Right Worshipful Master Bro. Andrew D. Millar presented the Cheque to our Grand Almoner. Bro. Tom Davidson – Past Provincial Grand Lodge of Lanarkshire Lanarkshire Middle award on Tuesday 9th May .
The funds were quickly transferred to the Grand Superintendent of Malawi, Bro. Peter Curtis, who passes on his sincere gratitude, we have attached his correspondence with this communication for your information.
Bro. Tom Davidson, Grand Almoner commented “The Malawi Appeal will be used to assist brethren in Malawi to respond to the needs of their communities following Tropical Cyclone Freddy. The money was raised following an appeal from Bro. Andrew D Millar, RWPGM, with donations coming from Provincial Grand Lodge, daughter lodges and other masonic orders within Lanarkshire. The money was sent to Grand Lodge for onward transmission to Malawi and is already hard at work in Malawi providing materials to provide shelter and accommodation for people who lost their homes.”
Grand Almoner thanked the Brethren of Lanarkshire for their generous support and also passed on the thanks from Bro. Peter Curtis, Grand Superintendent of Malawi and his Brethren.”
The connection between Lanarkshire and Malawi goes back to the time of Dr. David Livingstone, the missionary and explorer who was born in Blantyre, Scotland. Much of the money will benefit people around Blantyre, Malawi.
Once again, many thanks for responding to the call – it is very much appreciated.
4th May 2023 – Annual Divine Service Lodges Livingstone Stonefield No. 599 & Lodge Blantyre Kilwinning No. 557
DPGM Norman Carnegy & SPGM Colin Campbell along with a fine deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge attended the joint Divine Service of the Lodges this evening.
A very poignant sermon was provided by Rev. Murdoch C. MacDonald.
Following the service that joined in tea and refreshments. The deputation from PGL would like the thank the Lodges for the invite and also St . Andrew’s Parish Church for hosting.
10th May 2023 – Lodge St. Clair No. 427 50yr Diploma Presentation
DPGM Norman Carnegy and SPGM Gordon Mather attended Lodge St Clair No. 427 for the 50yr presentation to Bro Gordon Thomson
The Lodge also welcomed Lodge St John 187 Carluke who under the direction of their RWM Bro Scott McGowan gave an exemplification of the FC Degree.
7th May 2023 – PGL Lanarkshire Middle Ward Annual Divine Service
A very well attended service, our grateful thanks go to Bro. Bill Paton PG Secretary, Kirk Session, Mr John Jardine Church Officer, ladies of the Church and congregation of Uddingston Old Parish along with our own PG Senior Chaplain Jim Vasey for his planning and support prior to and on the evening.

Saturday 24th June 2023 – Robert King Stewart Annual Bowling Competition
This years Robert King Stewart Annual Bowling Competition will be held at Victoria Bowling Club 9:30 for 1000 on the 24th June, the details are on the attached document.
Please support this event Brethren and nominate you teams as soon as possible to allow planning of the event.
Contact – Andrew Crichton on 07508026144 for further details
Tuesday 2nd May 2023 – Lodge Dura Allanton No. 1513 Charity Work
Bro. Jim Kerr, Bro.James Connelly and Bro.Jim Galloway presented Allanton Church and Community services with a selection of Food Products to the sum £250 to hand out to the community
Super work guys, well done 👏 👏 👏👏👏
30th April 2023 – Glasgow Kiltwalk 2023
What a fantastic family day
Although the weather wasn’t on our side, the PGL Kiltwalkers of 2023 had a fantastic day in this years Kiltwalk. To all the participants from the Mighty Stride, Big Stroll and Wee Wander a massive well done .
It was fantastic to see the Province come together with family participation and support our nominated Charity CHAS (Children’s Hospices Across Scotland.
All the walkers finished and there was some great support and chat on the way around with the Familes and kids.
Well done to everyone who took part and joined in making this a fantastic day working together as a team.

PGL Kiktwalk 2023
Some of our team on the way to the start lines, good luck everyone 🤩🌈🤩

PGL Kiktwalk 2023
Some of our Big Stollers 14.5 miles ready for the off, good luck lads, see you at the finish line ☔️
PGL Kiltwalk 2023
Brother Jim Brown our only participant in the 22.7 mile Mighty Stride this year at the start raring to go, and looking the part , good luck Jim, see to at the finish line cheering you in 📣
Saturday 29th April 2023 – Honorary Provincial Grand Director of Music for Perthshire West on Bro. Bob Edwards PM Lodge Buchanan No.1499
Provincial Grand Master Bro William Semple had the pleasure of conferring the rank of Honorary Provincial Grand Director of Music for Perthshire West on Bro. Bob Edwards PM Lodge Buchan No.1499 today.
The presentation was witnessed by a fine Deputation from the PGL of Lanarkshire Middle Ward headed by PGM Andrew Millar at the Regular Communication of PGL Perthshire West at Dunkeld.
Bob has been a great assistance to the Province of Perthshire West with his musical accompaniments at a number of ceremonies over the years and the honour was greatly deserved.
28th April 2023 – Cheque Presentation to Beatson Cancer Charity by Lodge Buchanan No. 1499
The Lodge were proud to present on behalf of Lodge Buchanan No. 1499 a cheque for £500 in memory of the late RWM PM Andrew Robinson who recently passed to the Grand Lodge .
Receiving the cheque is Maisie McCormick from Beatson Cancer Charity, pleased to be accompanied by by Almoner Bro. Russell Clearie & Bro. Robert Ferguson
Saturday 22nd April – Visit by PGL Finest to RWM John Muir Installation
A fine deputation of some of PGL finest and Lodge Meridian members attended the reinstallation of RWM John Muir at Lodge Burns Dundonald No. 1759.
Tuesday 18th April 2023 -Presentation of 50 year Diploma
DPGM Norman Carnegy visited Lodge Clydesdale No. 551 and assisted in the presentation to Brother Archie Nelson Almoner of Lodge Livingstone St Andrew 573 and Past Master Lodge Clydesdale 551. Pictures below receiving his 50 year Diploma
Thursday 20th April 2023 – Lodge Livingstone Stonefield 599 Jubilee Presentation
SPGM Gordon Mather attended the regular meeting of Lodge Livingstone Stonefield 599 and was welcomed by RWM Bro James O’Donnell.
A deputation from Blantyre Kilwinning No 557 were received and welcomed also.
The PGL deputation was headed by the SPGM Gordon Mather and witnessed Bro Jim Neill receive his jubilee certificate and jewel from RWM, RWSPGM and his son Brother Cameron Neil.
PM Sec RWM Bro James O’Donnell presented RWSPGM Bro Gordon Mather with a cheque for the Malawi charity fund.
A great evening
Sunday 16th April 2023 – PGL Easter Egg Hunt
What a fantastic day 🐣
Over 70 kids turned up along with something similar in adults for the Easter Egg hunt at Jonathon and Dawn Oliver’s Park Farm where the weather was kind to us ⛅️.
The planning for the day was led by Team Lead SPGM Laird McDonald and his team of organisers and helpers assisted by his partner Hilena.
The day could not have went any better with the team at Provincial Grand Lodge supporting in the planning, setup and on the day.
There was a safe area setup for the toddlers where they hunted eggs for prizes along with a small croquet lawn and some games.
The older kids had a round of egg rolling up the hill and returned down the hill with the egg and spoon for more prizes.
The highlights of the day was the bigger Easter egg hunt with 10 clues that made up a 10 word anagram, to which a few of the adults struggled with and had to be helped by the kids 😂. For those who cheated their way to the prize winners table the word was “Springtine” 🥴 😃
Our resident magician William Gibson entertained the kids and was relentless in his ballon making for the kids, with a little magic thrown in for good measure.
Dawn, Hilena & Janice looked after all the kids with face stencils, egg and house 🏡 painting and there were some fantastic efforts by the kids
The kids all received plenty of goodies, with a goodie bag at registration, crisps and juice along with copious amount of chocolate Easter eggs and Capocci Man Ice Cream 🍦, I’m sure by the time the sugar rush kicks in those grandparents will have been happy to hand the kids back to their parents and for those parents who attended and had kids returned, we apologise 😍
Other thanks should to our Easter Bunny and Easter Egg character for keeping everyone entertained and wee Carol from the Capocci Man for dishing out ice cream to everyone.
Andrew Millar PGM would like to thank all of organising team headed by Laird and especially Jonathon & Dawn Oliver for the use of the farm and the General Purposes Commitee for great planning and execution.
A fantastic family day out and one of the highlights of the Commission so far 🌈🍦👏👍🐣

7th April 2023 – Whisky Raffle for Marcus Humphrey House
Brother Tom Reid PG Almoner ran a whisky raffle for funds for Marcus Humphrey House funds, this generated £100 and the winner was Bro. Ronnie Brown pictured receiving his smashing bottle of Aberfeldy 12 Year Old donated Bro. Tom and his wife.
Well done to PG Almoner for his sterling work once again for the Home 👏🌈👏
Friday 7th April 2023 – Local Foodbank Deliveries
Our team of helpers continue to make weekly deliveries to the local Fodbanks, this batch on its way to Hamilton.
Well done all the team working behind the scenes to make this happen and support the local community and those in need 🐣
6th April 2023 – Lodge Old Monkland St. James No. 177 Donations to Glasgow Sick Children’s Hospital
Adding to their long standing support of Glasgow Sick Children’s Hospital the Brethern of Lodge Old Monkland St James 177 donated Easter Eggs, colouring In books and pens to the Children 🐣
Fantastic ongoing work by the Lodge and families 👏👏🌈👏👏
Wednesday 5th April 2023 – Annual Visit to Lodge Hamilton No 233 and presentation of 50 year Diploma
SPGM Bobby Ferguson headed a fine deputation which included Bro Andrew D Millar PGM, Bro George Kelly PPGM, Bro Norman Carnegy DPGM, Bro Laird McDonald SPGM and Bro Peter Ball PPGJChap.
They witnessed Bro Aeron McAllister being initiated in to Freemsonry at the very capable hands of Bro Colin Taylor IPM and the office bearers of Lodge Hamilton No 233.
After the labours of the EAFM degree were complete, the DOC presented Bro Jim Doricott PM No 233 & No7 to the edge of the chequered floor, Bro Derek Rodger PM Sec gave an excellent resume of Bro Dorricotts sterling service to freemasonry but more in particular to Lodge Hamilton No 233 and Lodge Hamilton Kilwinning No 7 over the past 50 yrs.
Thereafter SPGM & RWPGM Andy met Bro Doricott on the level where they thanked and congratulated him for his “Faithfull” services to Freemasonry over the past 50 yrs before presenting him with his 50yr membership certificate from Grand Lodge.
Following the meeting the Brethern joins in some Lodge hospitality
Tuesday 4th April 2023 – Annual Visit to Lodge Caldercruix St. John No. 1314 & Distinguished Service Award
SPGM Colin Campbell headed a large and distinguished deputation accompanied by PGM Andrew Millar, other Commissioned Office Bearers and members of Provincial Grand Lodge into the Lodge for the Annual visitation.
Before giving the annual report on the Lodge SPGM called upon Bro J Spence DoC to perform his special duties. He then conducted Brother George Randall to the West where SPGM then read a detailed account of RWM Bro G Randall’s history within the Lodge.
Thereafter RWPGM Bro Andrew Millar read the Certificate from Grand Lodge announcing the Past Masters, Office Bearers and Brethren of Caldercruix St John 1314 wish to grant RWM Bro G Randall Distinguished Service Membership and thus join a select band of only seven 1314 brethren to receive such an honour.
Thereafter Bro C Campbell SPGM and Bro A Miller RWPGM met RWM Bro G Randall on the level and congratutulated him after which the assembled brethren congratulated the RWM in the usual manner.
Following the business of the evening the PGL Brethren joined in some Lodge hospitality.