Thursday 18th April 2024 – Donation of Easter Eggs
Following on from the Easter Egg hunt PM Kenny Wilson had the delight in donating some excess stock of eggs and chocolate to Glencryan school in Cumbernauld. Glencryan is an assisted learning school with kids from all over Lanarkshire.
The Head Teacher Mrs Rowe was blown away by our generosity and thanked everyone very much on thinking of them and the kids
PGL Easter Egg Hunt 2024
Another fantastic day of fun and games at the 2nd PGL Easter Egg Hunt.
Held at the Oliver family farm once again the weather held off and the kids and big kids had a ball, this year the event seemed to increase in numbers, probably due to the popularity of last years event.
The stars of the show this year were the addition of 2 small lambs that the kids got the opportunity to feed and walk.
The usual games and kids participation ensued with the magicians, face painting, egg painting, tattoos, egg hunts and mini Olympics on the hill, egg rolling etc.
Our thanks go out to all the organising team headed by SPGM Laird McDonald, the face painters, the egg painters, the magicians, the beat the goalie team, the local farmer who supplied the lambs, Capocci Man ice cream, car park Stewards, Dougie the DJ and most of all Jonathan, Dawn, Aaron & Jack Oliver for allowing us to us family farm for another fantastic event.
Thanks to everyone who turned up and made the day so special.
Also a special mention to the recovery team who helped our Royal Arch Companion out to the field, there’s always one 😳🤦♂️🤪❤️

1st November 2024 – PGL Annual Quiz
The Annual Quiz which is being held this year in Lodge Monkland St. James- Nº 177, Coltswood Rd, Coatbridge, ML5 2AB on Friday 1st November 2024 @ 19:30.
Furthermore, in the spirit of continuing relationships, we have once again invited a team from the Provincial Royal Arch Chapter of Lanarkshire MW to participate.
Entry forms should be returned by Friday 11th October 2024 with a cheque for £10.00 for each team
15th June 2024 – PGL Robert King Stewart Bowling Competition
Please find attached application form for this years Robert King Stewart Bowling Competition to be held at Victoria Bowling Club on Sunday 15yh Kine 2024
Please support Bro. Andrew of this very successful sporting event for the Province.
Come on and have a go and take the trophy for Lodge Coltswood Glenboig No. 1067, last years winners🏆
Tuesday 19th March – Lodge Old Monkland St. James No. 177 Gifts ro Glasgow Sixk Kids Hospital
At the regular meeting RMM Gordon Currie and the Brethern of the Lodge and their family and friends gifted Easter eggs, kids toys, crayons and colouring books to there chosen charity Glasgow Sick Kids Yorkhill Hospital..
Super effort Brethern 👏😇👏
PGL Golf Day – Sunday 25th August 2024 – Airdrie Golf Club
This year’s Provincial Grand Lodge golf event will be held at Airdrie Golf Club on Sunday 25th August. The tee has been reserved from 11.30am. Over the last few years numbers have dropped and we have moved to Airdrie Golf Club to allow us all to tee off as a group and all be back into the clubhouse together and bring the social element back to our day.
Number have been restricted to 40 golfers but with early registrations this number could be increased. Registration will be from 10:00, with tea/coffee and breakfast rolls from10:30. Following your round a two-course meal will be provided as part of the admission fee. Vouchers will be issued at registration for breakfast and lunch along with pre-orders for lunch.
This year we are looking to simplify the competition and will have the following prizes –
Champion Scratch Golfer – Amicoil Cup
Handicap Winner – James L. Jack Trophy (can’t be champion golfer)
Team Winners – Masters Trophy – Runners-Up – Tunnock Trophy (3 man team from same Lodge)
Seniors (over 55’s) – Tunnock Cup – Runner-Up – Challenge Cup
On the course we will have nearest the pin at the 4th hole, for handicaps of 16 and above. Nearest the pin on the 8th hole, for up to 15 handicap. The longest drive for 16 and above will be at the 15th hole and handicaps up to 15 will have the longest drive at the 13th hole. To keep the cost down and hopefully increase participation we don’t intend to provide any monetary prizes.
It is anticipated that the presentation of the trophies will take place in the clubhouse after the dinner, around 17:30/18:00 and it is hoped as many brethren stay as possible.
All this for only £40
Registration forms will be available from Lodge Secretaries along with payment details, we would appreciate early replies and payment to finalise numbers with Airdrie Golf Club. Can you have these completed, returned with payments no later than the 23rd June, as most lodges will be in recess after this date.
I have agreed to take over the Golf Convenor role from Brother Charles Clarke and would like the support from the Brethren to get the numbers back to where they were in the past, focussing on the social side of our day as well as enjoying our golf. I would also welcome any feedback and support on the day to drive the event forward.
Kenny Dalzell – PGL Steward
Golf Convenor
Mobile: 07762725006
Email: [email protected]
A raffle will be taking place, all donations and your support would be greatly appreciated.
Monday 11th March 2024 – Lodge New Monkland Montrose No. 88 Distinguished Service Award
RWM Ian Mcindoe welcomed a large deputation from the PGL of Lanarkshire Middle Ward headed by SPGM Bro Gordon Mather for the Annual Provisional visitation, the deputation was further enhanced with the attendance of RWPGM Andrew D. Miller
On the request of RWM Ian Mcindoe acting DIrector of Cerimonies presented Brother Robert E Gaines PM where he was presented with Distinguished Service for his work for the Lodge over many years with the diploma and Jewel being presented by RWM Ian McIndoe.
A fine reward for a deserving Brother.
Tuesday 5th March 2024 – Annual Installation of Lodge Griffin Gartcosh 1254
Bro. Norman Carnegy DPGM accompanied by Bro. Andrew D. Millar PGM and a large deputation attended the Annual Installation of the RWM and Office Bearers of the Lodge in the Gartcosh Community Hall.
Bro. John Bingham was being reinstalled as the RWM, his installation and that of his office bearers was undertaken by RWIM’s Jack Brown and James Lees (both PM’s 557). The Ceremony was carried out in fine form.
The deputation then joined the Brethren of the Lodge in harmony and were treated to a very enjoyable evening of hospitality and fellowship.
Saturday 8th June 2024 – PGL Annual Barbeque
Please find attached information and an advertisement for the forthcoming PGL Barbeque, once again kindly hosted by Lodge St. Thomas № 306 (Sat 8th June 2024).
It would assist if Secretaries through their PGL reps could give an indication nearer the time of Brethren and children intending to attend, ensuring we accommodate all on the day.
As previously, the event is free to all Brethren and their respective families.
The previous Barbeque was a great success, thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended Kids and adults alike – we hope this event will achieve the same outcome.
As ever the support of the Lodges and Brethren and families are very much appreciated. Thanks in anticipation.
Kind Regards
Bill Paton – PG Sec
RWPGM Andrew D. Millar precited over the Annual Installation ceremony of Provincial Grand Lodge at Tabernacle Lane, Cambuslang.

The Rev. Robbie Hamilton of New Wellwynd Church brought the Royal Scottish National Orchestra (RSNO) and choir to the church on Sunday 25th February on behalf of the Beatson Cancer Charity to fundraise for the support given to him and his family during his recent cancer treatment.
Lodge New Monkland Montrose No. 88.
Lodge Airdrie St. John No. 166.
Lodge sold Monkland St. James No. 177
The Operative Lodge of Airdrie No. 203
Lodge St. Andrews Coatbridge No. 544.
Lodge Whifflet St. John No. 963.
Lodge Coltswood Glenboig No. 1067
Lodge Caldercruix St. John No. 1314.

It’s been a few years since our last Burns Supper but the return was with a bang 💥
The Immortall Memory – Bro. John Wallace
Lament – Bro. David Stark PG Piper
Recitals – Bro.. Angus Middleton
Toast to the Lassies – Bro.. Alan Beck
Songs – Bro. Hugh Lee

Bro K Robertson PM attended the offices of #HopeForAutism @ Airdrie Business Centre where he delivered a cheque on behalf of Lodge Caldercruix St. John No. 1314 for the value of £250 to this worthy charity.

SPGM Laird McDonald headed a deputation to the regular meeting of Lodge Larchgrove 1518 to witness the installation of the Office Bearers by Installing Master Brother Tom Lynch PM Lodge St Bryde 579, who carried out a first class ceremony of Installation.

PGM Bro. Andrew D. Millar along with PG Secretary Bill Paton attended the church to present a cheque for £1,750 from Provincial Grand Lodge and the Masonic Orders in Lanarkshire
Mrs. Linda Turbull, Session Clerk, Larkhall (St. Machans) New Parish Church was delighted to receive this cheque which will be put to good use.
A super evening of fundraising, fellowship and collations of kids toys for Christmas.

Bro Bobby Ferguson SPGM accompanied by Bro Bill Perry IPPGM and a very large deputation from PGL attended the installation ceremony of Lodge Burns Immortal No 1630 where they witnessed Bro Malcolm McCormick being installed as RWM by Bro Andrew Paterson PM and Bro Jim Lees PM installing the office bearers in an exemplary fashion, both Installing masters were exceptional and their experience shone through the full ceremony.

SPGM Laird McDonald headed a large deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge of Lanarkshire Middle Ward to the annual installation of Lodge Larchgrove 1518 to witness Brother Alexander Hutchison PM installed for a second year as RWM,
The installation of the office bearers will take place at their next regular meeting on the 13th February as the Installing Master was unfortunately stranded off shore.

A team from PGL headed by SPGM Gordon Mather headed to the Lodge to witness the installation of RWM Robert Smith, the January meeting of Lodge saw a first for Lodge 166 where the RWM Elect , Bro. Robert Smith PM, was installed having being unable to be placed in Chair of King Solomon in December 2023 due to COVID.