On the 28th June 2018 a large deputation from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Lanarkshire Middle Ward, headed by Provincial Grand Master Bro. Bill Perry and accompanied by The Provincial Grand Master of Stirlingshire Bro. Alistair Marshall, made a trip to Johannesburg, South Africa to cement the official Twinning of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Lanarkshire Middle Ward and the District Grand Lodge of Central South Africa.
Statement of Intent by The Provincial Grand Lodge of Lanarkshire Middle Ward & The District Grand Lodge of Central South Africa
“The purpose of this arrangement is to confirm their commitment to work in harmony with each other for the advancement of freemasonry in their respective country, province or district. That by mutual co-operation they will promote the exchange of knowledge and ideas, with the intention of furthering the principles and tenants of Scottish Freemasonry. It is likewise agreed that regular contact will be maintained to advise and update each other on masonic, charitable and social functions, targets and achievements. The Brethren of the respective Province and District will be encouraged to interact and play an active role in this agreement when in each others country.”
Prior to their arrival Bro. James L. Jack PPGM & Proxy District Grand Master and Bro. George Kelly PPGM had been in South Africa pulling together the final arrangements for the Twinning Ceremony that was to be conducted by Brother George Kelly, having received approval of The Grand Master Mason Bro. Charles Iain Robert Wolrige Gordon of Esslemont
Saturday 30th June 2018 – Twinning Ceremony
The Scottish Masonic Centre situated in the Province of Germiston in the outskirts of Johannesburg was the venue for the regular communication of the District Grand Lodge of Central South Africa.
Provincial Grand Master Bill Perry and his deputation arrived early in the morning for the 2pm ceremony, it was clear that a great deal of planning had gone in by District Grand Master Bro. Jim Kerr and the Brethren of the District, final rehearsals were taking place, led from the front by Bro. James L. Jack, Past Provincial Grand Master and Bro. George Kelly Past Provincial Grand Master, Past Substitute Grand Master.
The Scottish Masonic Centre is a large modern exclusive building on equally large grounds, wholly owned by the Brethren of the District, it has various temples and function suites including the official offices of District Grand Lodge.
The main hall where the ceremony was to take place had seating from over 300 Brethren, on the day an external marque was setup as a temporary bar area, a facility that was a blessing to the 10 travelling Scotsmen in the midday sun of Johannesburg, it was soon put to some good use.
The communication was opened promptly at 2pm and the official deputations received. As well as the Provincial and District Grand Lodge deputations it was pleasing to note that deputations were also received from the Grand Lodge of England, Ireland & South Africa , following the deputations being received and introduced, each of the Lodges present were introduced and members asked to stand and salute the District Grand Master, there was also an opportunity for the Proxy Masters present from the Middle Ward to be introduced to the assembled Brethren individually.
Following the official business of District Grand Lodge, Bro. George Kelly was asked to preside over the Lodge and conduct the Twinning Ceremony, this he did in his usual expert style. assisted by acting Director of Ceremonies Bro. James L. Jack.
At the appropriate moment in the ceremony both the District Grand Master and Provincial Grand Master were asked to come from the East and sign the Twinning documents, prior to travelling to South Africa these had been signed by the Grand Master Mason, giving his approval of the ceremony. These documents will be retained by the DGL & PGL and displayed proudly in the appropriate places. PGM Bill Perry has also arranged that all the PGL of Lanarkshire Middle Ward Lodges represented at the Ceremony are to receive a copy of the document for display in their own Mother Lodge.
Bro James Kerr District Grand Master proceeded to present Bro. Bill Perry PGM with Honorary Membership of the District Grand Lodge of Central South Africa which he was delighted to accept, following this the sentiment was reciprocated with Bro. Jim Kerr receiving Honorary Membership of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Lanarkshire Middle Ward, also at this point Bro. Perry presented the District Grand Lodge with glass engraved plaque to mark this historic occasion between them.
At the conclusion of the Communication Bro. Jim Kerr also presented all the visiting Proxy Masters from Scotland with a personalised copy of local book with a individually signed letter thanking them for their visit to Johannesburg and their ongoing support.
The deputations were then invited to retire and the Communication closed where the main hall was setup for the banquet and harmony to follow.
Banquet & Harmony
District Grand Lodge of Central South Africa Temple, Germiston, Johannesburg
Thursday 28th June – Visit to Transvaal Volunteers Museum “The View”
The visit to South Africa was kicked of with a visit to the Transvaal Volunteers museum “The View”, the home of one of South Africa’s most famous regiments, the Transvaal Scottish, or, as they are less formally known, ‘The Jocks’. In 1976 the Transvaal Scottish Regimental Council acquired ‘The View’ on a long term lease as a headquarters for the regimental family of the Transvaal Scottish, including Council, Association, members of the Regiment and friends, and to house a regimental museum. The beautiful old house in Ridge Road, Parktown, which for many years was the home of the mining magnate, Sir Thomas Cullinan and his family, and host to royalty when visiting the city of Johannesburg. It is now dwarfed by the huge developments that have engulfed the suburb. Yet it stands as a proud legacy of South Africa’s past and this has been acknowledged by the Lottery Commission, which made a large grant towards the restoration of the fine old house as a part of civic heritage.
Thursday 28th June 2018 – Visit to the Grand Temple of the Grand Lodge of South Africa, Johannesburg
Following the visit to “The View” the Brethren was shown The Grand Lodge of England Temple in downtown Johannesburg, this building was constructed in are area where in the 60/70 was a vert affluent area, the building was a magnificent structure and very well kept, from the pictures below I’m sure you will agree.
Thursday 28th June 2018 – Visit Lodge No 1093 East Rand Scots
Friday 29th June 2018 – Visit the Installation of Lodge No. 1007 Transvaal Volunteer
Sunday 1st July 2018 – Visitations to Various Temples in the District
Various Sightseeing Opportunities in and around Johannesburg
List of District Grand Lodge of Central South Africa Proxy Masters
Proxy District Grand Master James L. Jack
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