News 2015

Sunday 20th December 2015 – PGL of Renfrewshire East Christmas Carol Service

Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM and his wife represented the province at the annual Christmas Carol service of PGL Renfrewshire East. The excellent service was conducted by Bros. Rev. Robert Craig and Rev. Iain R Ramsden. They then joined the brethren and families in the Church Halls for hospitality and fellowship.

PGL Renfrewshire Carol Service 221215

Saturday 19th December 2015 – The Operative Lodge of Airdrie No. 203 Annual Installation
The Installation of the Operative Lodge of Airdrie No. 203 took place on Saturday 19th December. Bro. Bill Perry and a deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge were in attendance to witness Bro. John Gardner and his Office Bearers being Installed by Bro. William Brookes PM and Br. Rodger Harkins PM. The Installation ceremony was carried out to the usual high standard by both Installing Masters.

Following the close of the meeting, the Brethren enjoyed a fine meal and speeches.

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Billy Brookes IM, Bill Perry DPGM, John Gardner RWM, Rodger Harkins IM

Saturday 19th December 2015 – Lodge Whifflet St. John No. 963 Annual Installation
Bro. James Ferguson SPGM headed the Deputation of Provincial Grand Lodge to the Installation of Lodge Whifflet St. John No. 963 on Saturday 19th December 2015.On this occasion he was accompanied by the RWPGM Bro. Thomas Davidson and Hon. Mem. 963. In an excellent ceremonial the Installation of the RWM Bro. Gordon Johnstone was conducted by RWIM’s Bro. William McFadzean PM, Bro. George McPheat PM and Bro. John Hulme PM. Following the Installation Ceremony the Provincial Deputation joined the brethren for the Installation Dinner.

963 Installation Lodge 191215

Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM, Bro. George McPheat RWIM, Bro. William McFadzean RWIM, Gordon Johnstoe RWM, Bro. George McPheat RWIM, Bro. John Hulme RWIM,Bro. James Ferguson SPGM

Saturday 19th December 2015– Lodge St Thomas, Larkhall No. 306 Annual Installation

Bro. Norman Carnegy SPGM accompanied by Bro. Stephen Campbell SPGM, Bro. Peter Ball PG Junior Chaplain and a large deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge attended the Lodge Installation on Saturday evening. Bro. William Dick PM was installed by Bro. Robert McKechnie PM and his Office-bearers were installed by Bro. John Fox PM. The Installing Masters carried out the Ceremony in a fine manner to a busy Lodge, filled with Brethren from a number of local Lodges and a good number of Visitors. After the Ceremony the RWM took the opportunity to present cheques to the SPGM for the PGL Charity and the PGL Caranvan.

Following the close of the Meeting the Provincial Deputation joined the Brethren for the Installation meal.

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Friday 18th December 2015 –  Lodge Airdrie St. John No. 166 Annual Installation
Bro. James Ferguson SPGM headed the Deputation of Provincial Grand Lodge to the Installation of Lodge Airdrie St. John No. 166 on Friday 18th December 2015.On this occasion he was accompanied by the RWPGM Bro. Thomas Davidson and Hon. Mem. 166. In a new formatted version of proceedings, an excellent ceremonial Installation, of the RWM Bro. Keith Mitchell PM, was conducted by RWIM’s Bro. Alexander JC Graham PM and Bro. Robert McCormick PM. Following the Installation Ceremony the Provincial Deputation joined the brethren for the Installation Dinner.

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Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM, Bro. Alexander JC Graham RWIM, Bro. Keith Mitchell RWM, Bro. Robert McCormick RWIM,Bro. James Ferguson SPGM

Friday 18th December 2015 – Lodge Cambuslang Royal Arch No. 114 – Annual Installation
On Friday 18th December, Bro. Bill Perry DPGM headed a fine Deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge to the Installation of Cambuslang Royal Arch Lodge No. 114. RWM Bro. William Dunsmore was Installed by Bro. Douglas McKechnie PM and his Office Bearers by Bro. Ian Paterson PM.

Both Installing Masters carried out their duties to a very high standard and at the close of the meeting the Brethren enjoyed a “fish tea” followed by the usual Masonic toasts and harmony.

114 Installation 181215

Douglas McKechnie IM, Billy Dunsmore RWM, Ian Paterson IM, Bill Perry DPGM

Thursday 17th December 2015 – Lodge Coltswood Glenboig No. 1067 – Bill Lang Honorary grand Rank Presentation
Bro. James Shanks IPDPGM attended the regular meeting of the Lodge to present Bro. William Lang, Past Master of  Lodge St. Andrews Coatbridge No. 544 and Honorary and Affiliate member Lodge Coltswood  with his Honorary Grand Rank of Almoner, this was in recognition of his services to Freemasonry in over 60 years in the Craft. Following the presentation Bro. Lang gave a very heartfelt thank you speech on how delighted he was to accept this high honour.

After opening the Lodge for the 1st time in his 4th term of office RWM Gordon Rowe introduced the IPM Bro Brian Hillen where he conducted the Entered Apprentice Degree to a very high standard after which PM Tom Preston of Lodge Ruchill No. 1436 gave a very suitable vote of thanks .

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IPPDM James Shank, Bill Lang PM, RWM Gordon Rowe

Tuesday 15th December 2015 – Lodge Griffin Gartcosh No. 1254 – Tom McCrone Honorary Grand Rank Presentation

Bros. Tom Davidson RWPGM, Bill Perry DPGM and Billy Spencer attended Lodge Griffin Gartcosh No.1254 last night to present Bro. Tom McCrone with his Honorary Grand Rank Diploma in his mother lodge. The visiting lodge last night were Lodge Livingstone Stonefield No.599 headed by Bro. John Watt.

After the presentation of the Honorary Grand Rank Diploma by the RWPGM, DPGM and Bro. Reg Sutherland (RWM 1254) a further surprise was awaiting Bro. Robert Robertson PM of Lodge Milncroft No.1515 when he was honoured by being made an Honorary Member of Lodge Griffin Gartcosh

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(left to right) RWM Reg Sutherland, PM Tom McCrone, RWPGM Tom Davidson, RWM John Watt

Sunday 13th December 2015 – Christmas Carol Service
On a cold Sunday evening in Baillieston, all the Masonic orders in Lanarkshire, along with their friends and families came together to celebrate Christmas at the now, firmly fixed in the Provincial calendar Christmas Carol Service. A large thank you must be expressed  to all who supported the event. Everyone arriving at the service was welcomed by the sound the bagpipes played by Ross Forrest. The service was conducted by  Rev. Malcolm Cuthbertson’s and his “chilli con carne” theme will remind many of the great evening of carols and fellowship. Music was provided by Bill Russell, the church organist.

Again the heads of the various masonic orders in Lanarkshire gave the readings and this year were also joined by Jim Peddie the PGM of Glasgow. The congregation contributed by the great singing of the carols which added to the atmosphere.

After the service most of the congregation were the guests of Lodge Robert Burns No.440 …for hospitality and to spend some time together. In addition to everyone having an excellent evening, nearly £700 was raised for Prostate Scotland but even this has already been augmented by cheques from some of the masonic orders, once the final figure is known we will let everyone know.

Thanks go to everyone who took part in the service and to Raymond Dow who printed the Order of Service.

During the evening photos were taken by Stewart Cruickshanks and some are included with this article.

PGL Carol Service 141215

Heads of Masonic Orders in Lanarkshire with Rev. Malcolm Cuthbertson

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PGM Tom Davidson with Rev Malcolm Cuthbertson

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Some of the Large Congregation

Saturday 12th December 2015 – Lodge Robert Burns No. 440 – Annual Installation

Bro. Andrew Millar SPGM headed a large deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge which included Bros. Tom Davidson RWPGM, James L Jack IPPGM and a number of other serving and past Commission Officebearers and officebearers as they attended the Lodge Installation on Saturday evening.  Bro. David Aitchison and his Office Bearers were installed most expertly by Bros Bill Perry and Raymond Dow, both pastmasters of the lodge.

The PGL deputation later joined the Brethren for the Installation meal and Harmony.

440 Installation 121215

James L Jack, Andrew D Millar, Bill Perry, David Aitchison, Raymond Dow and Tom Davidson

Saturday 12th December 2015 – Lodge Clydesdale No. 551 Annual Installation

Bro. Norman Carnegy SPGM accompanied by Bro. Donald Mathieson PDPGM and a deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge attended the Lodge Installation on Saturday evening.  Bro. David Logan and his Office Bearers were installed by Bros William Clarke PM, and Andrew Paterson PM.(557). The evening was enhanced by the presence of a number of brethren from the Netherlands who regularly attend the Installation Meeting.

After the close of the Meeting the Provincial Deputation joined the Brethren for the Installation meal and Harmony.


l to r – William Clarke RWIM, Norman Carnegy SPGM, David Logan, RWM, Andy Paterson RWIM

Saturday 12th December 2015 – Lodge Caldercruix St. John. No. 1314 Installation
Bro. James Ferguson SPGM headed the Deputation of Provincial Grand Lodge to the Installation of Lodge Caldercruix St. John No. 1314 on Saturday 12th December 2015. In an excellent ceremonial the Installation of the RWM Bro. John Hamilton was conducted by RWIM’s Bro. Billy Murray PM, Bro. Jeff Spence PM and Bro. Charles Ringrose PM. Following the Installation Ceremony the Provincial Deputation joined the brethren for the Installation Dinner.

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(Left to Right) Bro. Jeff Spence RWIM, Bro. Billy Murray RWIM, Bro. John Hamilton RWM, Bro. Charles Ringrose RWIM,Bro. James Ferguson SPGM

Friday 11th December 2015 – Lodge Motherwell Caledonian No. 1228 Annual Installation
Bro Stephen Campbell, SPGM, headed the Deputation of Provincial Grand Lodge to the Installation of Lodge Motherwell Caledonian No 1228 on Friday 11th December 2015. In an excellent ceremonial, the installation of the RWM Bro William Robert Stirling, PM, a former PGL Senior Warden, was conducted by Bro William Perry, SPM, PM – Lodge Robert Burns, and Bro John Dunn, PM, Depute Master Lodge 1228.

Following the Installation Ceremony, the Provincial Deputation joined the brethren for the Installation Harmony.

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L-R – Bro William Perry, SPGM: Bro Bob Stirling, Bro John Dunn and Bro Stephen Campbell.

Friday 11th December 2015 – Lodge  St Andrews Coatbridge Bo. 544 Installation

Bro. James Ferguson SPGM headed the Deputation of Provincial Grand Lodge to the Installation of Lodge St. Andrew Coatbridge No. 544 on Friday 11th December 2015. In an excellent ceremonial the Installation of the RWM Bro. David McKee was conducted by RWIM’s Bro. Wiiliam Carson PM, Bro. John Hulme PM, Bro. Josephh Watson PM and Bro. William McRobbie PM. Following the Installation Ceremony the Provincial Deputation joined the brethren for the Installation Harmony and Dinner.

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(Left to Right) Bro. William McRobbie RWIM, Bro. John Hulme RWIM, Bro. James Ferguson SPGM, Bro. David McKee RWM, Bro. William Carson RWIM,Bro. Joseph Watson RWIM

Saturday 5th December 2015 – Lodge Murdostoun Castle No. 1096 – Annual Installation

Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM headed a deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge which attended the Lodge Installation on Saturday evening.  Bro. Barry McCulloch and his Office Bearers were installed by Bros Ian Thomson and Ian K Douglas, both pastmasters of the lodge.

The PGL deputation later joined the Brethren for the Installation meal and Harmony where the lodge marked the PGMs birthday with a surprise birthday cake and a rendition of “Happy Birthday”.

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Tom Davidson, Ian Thomson, Barry McCulloch and Ian Douglas.

Saturday 5th December 2015 – Lodge Coltswood Glenboig No. 1067 Annual Installation

Bro. James Ferguson SPGM headed the Deputation of Provincial Grand Lodge to the Installation of Lodge Coltswood Glenboig No. 1067 on Saturday 5th December 2015. He was accompanied by Bro. James Shanks PPGDM and a large deputation from PGL. In an excellent ceremonial the Installation of the RWM Bro. Gordon Rowe PM was conducted by RWIM’s Bro. Robert Ross PM and Bro. Gordon McCaffer PM.

The day was further enhanced with the visitation of the French Brethern Bro. Alain Huppe & Guy Daumas Condomines pictured with the RWM and their kilt outfits presented on behalf of the Lodge

At the conclusion of the Installation Ceremony RWM Bro. William Gordon Rowe was surprised in being invited to the West by PM Gordon McCaffer, he was duly escorted there the DOC Bro. Calum Stewart where he was informed that the Brethern of Lodge had wished that he was given distinguished membership of the Lodge,  not only for his commitment in being installed for the fourth time as Right Worshipful Master of the Lodge but his commitment to Freemasonry in general, he was clearly taken aback by this honour and duly invested wit a specially commissioned jewel, this was only the third member to have this high honour in the 105 year history of the Lodge.

Following the Installation Ceremony the Provincial Deputation joined the brethren for the Installation Dinner.


Bro. James Ferguson SPGM, Bro. Robert Ross RWIM, Bro. Gordon Rowe RWM, Bro. Gordon McCaffer RWIM, Bro. James Shanks PPGDM


Bro. Alain Huppe PM, RWM Bro. William Gordon Rowe, Bro. Guy Daumas Condomines PM


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Friday 4th December 2015 – Lodge Robert King Stewart No. 919 – Annual Installation

Bro. Stephen Campbell SPGM accompanied by Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM and a deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge attended the Lodge Installation on Friday evening.  Bro. David MacDonald and his Office Bearers were installed most expertly by Bros Andrew Affleck and William Paton, both pastmasters of the lodge.

The PGL deputation later joined the Brethren for the Installation meal and Harmony.

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Stephen Campbell SPGM, Andrew Affleck PM, David McDonald RWM, William Paton PM, Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM

Friday 4th December 2015 – Lodge Buchanan No. 1499 Annual Installation
The Installation of Lodge Buchanan No.1499 was held on Friday 4th December within the Masonic Temple, Cambuslang.

Bro. Bill Perry DPGM, headed a large Deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge, including Bro. Andrew Millar SPGM and Bro. William Craig Provincial Grand Secretary and witnessed Bro. Steven McGuire RWM and the Lodge Office Bearers being installed by Bro. Billy Kerr PM and Bro. Euan Hunter PM.

The Ceremony was carried out to the highest of standards and following the close of the meeting, the large number of Brethren who stayed for the meal, enjoyed the festivities and the harmony which followed.

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Bill Perry DPGM, Billy Kerr IM, Steven McGuire RWM, Euan Hunter IM

Saturday 28th November 2015 –  Lodge New Monkland Montrose No. 88 Annual Installation

Bro. James Ferguson SPGM headed the Deputation of Provincial Grand Lodge to the Installation of Lodge New Monkland Montrose No. 88 on Saturday 28th November 2015. In an excellent ceremonial the Installation of the RWM Bro. Iain Keltie PM was conducted by RWIM’s Bro. Kenneth Dalzell PM and Bro. Ian Carson PM. Following the Installation Ceremony the Provincial Deputation joined the brethren for the Installation Dinner.

Lodge 88 Installation 281115

left to right – Bro. Kenneth Dalzell RWIM. Bro. James Ferguson SPGM, Bro. Iain Keltie RWIM, Bro. Ian Carson RWIM.

2nd December 2015 –  Lodge Cambuslang Royal Arch No. 114 50 Year Diploma Presentation

RWPGM Bro. Tom Davidson attened the regular meeting of the Lodge Cambuslang Royal Arch No. 114 on the 3rd December 2015, the purpose of the visit was to present  Bro. Jim Torrance PM with his  Jubilee Certificate marking his 50 years membership of the Craft, the assembled joined in wishing Bro. Jim the best of wishes for this great achievement, following the meeting the PGM joined the Brethern for some Lodge hospitality and harmony.

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RWM Bro. Derek Hope, Bro. Jim Torrance, PGM Bro. Tom Davidson

Saturday 28th November 2015Lodge St.Bryde No.579 Annual Installation

Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM headed a very large deputation from the Provincial Lodge to the Installation of Lodge St.Bryde No. 579 on Saturday 28th November where they were received and welcomed into the lodge by Bro. Tom Lynch. The deputation also included representatives from the District Grand Lodge of Central South Africa, PGL of Kilwinning, Grand Lodge of Virginia and The United Grand Lodge of England. Bro. Stuart J Jack was installed in an excellent and at times emotionally charged ceremonial by Bro. James L Jack PM, the new RWM’s father, ably assisted by Bro. Alexander L Hamilton PM who installed the officebearers.

The ceremonial was carried out in an excellent manner by both installing masters. At the end of the installation Bro. Tom Davidson congratulated Bro. Stuart J Jack on being installed into the chair of the lodge and praised the work of the installing masters for the manner in which they had conducted the ceremonial.

Following the Installation Ceremony the Provincial Deputation joined the brethren for the Installation Dinner and the lodge’s hospitality was up to their usual high standard. Bro. Tom Davidson replied to the toast to PGL and thanked the lodge for their support in the last year. During the dinner £461 was raised for the PGL Annual Charity Appeal from donations given by the brethren attending for commemorative tokens specially struck for the occasion of the installation.

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Bro. Tom Davidson PGM & Bro. Stuart J. Jack RWM

Saturday 28th November 2015– Lodge St Andrew No. 215 Annual Installation

Bro. Norman Carnegy SPGM accompanied by a deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge attended the Lodge Installation on Saturday evening.

Bro. David Forrest PM and his Office Bearere were installed in a fine manner by Bros. James Fraser PM, John (Ian) Craig PM and Alistair Kirkwood PM. The evening was enhanced by the presence of a large Deputation from Lodge No 8451 E.C. who regularly attend the Installation Meeting.

Following the Ceremony Bro. John Craig Treasurer took the opportunity to presented a cheque for £337.00 from the Lodge for the PGL Charity Appeal the Horizon Robot Appeal by Prostate Scotland. These funds were raised at a Charity Golf Day run by the lodge.

After the close of the Meeting the Provincial Deputation joined the Brethren for the Installation meal and Harmony.

St Andrews 215 Intallatiom 271115

James Fraser RWIM, Norman Carnegy SPGM, David Forrest RWM, John (Ian) Craig RWIM & Alistair Kirkwood RWIM

St Andrews 215 cheque 271115

Norman Carnegy, David Forrest & John Craig

Friday 27th November 2015 – Lodge Livingstone St. Andrew No. 573 – Annual Installation

Bro. Stephen Campbell SPGM accompanied by Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM and a deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge attended the Lodge Installation on Friday evening.  Bro. Gordon K McAlpine and his Office Bearers were installed by Bros William Nelson and Tom Johnston, both pastmasters of the lodge.

The PGL deputation later joined the Brethren for the Installation meal and Harmony.

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Tom Davidson, William Nelson, Gordon McAlpine, Tom Johnston and Stephen Campbell

Wednesday the 25th November – The Operative Lodge of Airdrie No. 203 Jubilee Certificate Presentation

A large Deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge, headed by Bro. Bill Perry DPGM, attended the Regular Meeting of The Operative Lodge of Airdrie No. 203. The purpose of their visit was to present Bro. Allan Cowan with his Diamond Jubilee Certificate, to celebrate his 60 years as a member of the Lodge.

Bro. Perry gave the a glowing tribute to the service that Bro. Cowan had given to the lodge during the term of his membership, with special thanks for his role as Organist for over 30 years, not only for 203, but for other local Lodges also. The RWM, Bro. David Truesdale, on behalf of the Lodge, also paid tribute and thanked Bro. Cowan for his support of the Lodge. Now in his 90th year, Bro. Cowan is still very active in our Craft and is an example to us all.

Following the presentation, the Lodge Office Bearers worked an excellent Mark Master Mason Degree on two Brethren.

203 60 yr Allan Cowan

David Truesdale RWM, Allan Cowan, Bill Perry DPGM

Wednesday 25th November 2015– Lodge Hamilton Kilwinning No. 7 Annual Installation

Bro. Norman Carnegy SPGM accompanied by a large deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge,including Bro. Tom Davidson PGM, Bro. Donald Mathieson PDPGM and Bro. Peter Bann Junior PG Chaplain, attended the Lodge Installation on Wednesday evening.

Bro. Allan Gowans was installed by Bro. Ian Gordon PM and his Office-bearers were installed by Bro. John Anderson (PM 233). The Installing Masters carried out the Ceremony in an excellent manner to a busy Lodge, filled with Brethren from a number of local Lodges and a large number of Visitors.

Following the close of the Meeting the Provincial Deputation joined the Brethren for the Installation meal.

7 Installation 251115

Norman Carnegy SPGM, Ian Gordon RWIM, Allan Gowans RWM, John Anderson RWIM & Tom Davidson PGM.

Saturday 21st November 2015 – Lodge Garrowhill No.1413 Annual Installation

Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM headed a large deputation from the Provincial Lodge to the Installation of Lodge Garrowhill No. 1413 on Saturday 21st November where they were received and welcomed into the lodge by Bro. Robert Getty PPGSW and pastmaster of the lodge.

Bro. Andrew Alston was installed in an excellent and at times emotionally charged ceremonial by Bro. Jim Alston PM, the new RWM’s father. The Officebearers were installed in a most proficient and genial manner by Bro. Gerry Rankin PM.

The ceremonial was carried out in a first class manner by both installing masters. At the end of the installation Bro. Tom Davidson congratulated Bro. Andrew Alston on being installed into the chair of the lodge and praised the work of the installing masters for the manner in which they had conducted the ceremonial.

Following the Installation Ceremony the Provincial Deputation joined the brethren for the Installation Dinner and the lodge’s hospitality was up to their usual high standard. Bro. Robert Stanfield PPGSW replied to the toast to PGL and thanked the lodge for their support in the last year.

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(l to r) Tom Davidson, Jim Alston, Andrew Alston, Gerry Rankin and Bill Perry

Friday 20th November 2015 – Lodge Old Monkland St. James No. 177 Annual Installation

Bro. Stephen Campbell  accompanied by a large deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge attended the Lodge Installation on Friday evening.

Bro. Charles Clarke was installed by Bro. Andrew Skinner PM, in his first appearance as Installing Master with the  Office-bearers being installed by Bro. Mitchell Paterson PM Sect.. The Lodge are now entering their 225th Anniversary year and PM Charles Clark has been chosen by the Brethern to lead them in their special year in his second term as Right Worshipful Master for the Lodge. The Installing Masters carried out the Ceremony in an excellent manner in a busy Lodge room, filled with Brethren from a number of local Lodges and a large number of Visitors.

Following the close of the Meeting the Provincial Deputation joined the Brethren for the Installation meal and some  fantastic speeches and  hospitality, for some into the small hours of the morning

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Bro. Andrew Skinner PM, RWM Charles Clark, Bro Mitchell Paterson PM Sect., SPGM Stephen Campbell

Friday 20th November 2015 – Lodge Kirkhill No. 1230 Annual Installation
The Installation of Lodge Kirkhill No. 1230, was held on Friday 20th November 2015, within the Masonic Temple, Cambuslang.

The RWM, Bro. Gavin Bell was installed to the highest standard by Bro. Kenneth Wilson PM, whilst the Office Bearers were installed to the same high standard by Bro. Alistair Dobinson PM.

Following the close of the meeting, the Brethren enjoyed the hospitality of the Lodge, the usual Masonic Toasts, and the entertainment of the artistes.

Lodge Kirkhill 1230 Installation 201115

Bill Perry DPGM, Andrew Millar SPGM, Kenny Wilson IM, Gavin Bell RWM, Alastair Dobinson IM, Tom Davidson RWPGM.

Monday 16th November 2015– Lodge St. Andrew’s Military No. 668

Bro. Norman Carnegy SPGM accompanied by a large deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge, attended the Lodge Installation on Monday evening. Bro. Robert Reid was installed by Bro. Colin Denholm (PM 557) and his Office-bearers were installed by Bro. Sandy MacKenzie (PM 948). The Installation was carried out in a fine manner and following the close of the Meeting the Brethren retired to enjoy an excellent meal and Harmony.

St. Andrews Milatry No. 668 Installation 161115

l to r – Colin Denholm, Norman Carnegy, Robert Reid & Sandy MacKenzie


Sunday 15th November 2015 – Lodge Buchanan No. 1499 Annual Divine Service

On Sunday evening, the Brethren of Lodge Buchanan No.1499, together with a large deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge and many visiting Brethren attended the Annual Divine Service of the Lodge, which was held in Cambuslang Parish Church. The service once again was conducted by Rev. Leslie Milton who made all most welcome. At the close of the service the Congregation retired to the Church Hall, for light refreshments, where Bro. Cliff Muir IPM thank everyone for their support, with a special thanks to Rev. Milton, the Church Session and to the organist Anne Moran.

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Bill Perry DPGM, Rev. Leslie Milton, Cliff Muir IPM

Saturday 14th November 2015 – Annual Installation of Lodge Major Ness No. 948
The Installation of RWM Colin Stark and the Office Bearers of Lodge Major Ness No. 948 took place in the Masonic Hall, Blantyre, on Saturday 14th November. Present were  Bro. Bill Perry DPGM, Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM and a large deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge. The Ceremony was conducted by Installing Masters Bro. Andrew Gilmour PM and Bro. John Heeps PM, and delivered to a very high standard. Following the close of the meeting, the Brethren enjoyed a fine meal and the harmony which followed.

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Tom Davidson PGM, Andy Gilmour IM, Colin Stark RWM, John Heeps IM, Bill Perry DPGM

12th November 2015  – Lodge Robert Burns No. 440 – Dedication of New Regalia
Bro. Tom Davidson headed a large deputation from PGL Lanarkshire Middle Ward attended at Lodge Robert Burns No.440 last night to dedicate the lodge’s new regalia and were welcomed into the lodge by Bro. Gary Sweeten RWM. The dedication of the new regalia for masonic purposes was carried out by Bros. Tom Davidson, Rev. Peter O Price, Peter Ball assisted by Bro. Tom McCrone PG Director of Ceremonies. The RWM’s regalia was dedicated in representation of all the officebearers regalia, then the RWPGM dressed the RWM in the new regalia.

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Rev. Peter O Price, Bro. Gary Sweeten RWM, Tom Davidson PGM & Bro. Peter Ball

Wednesday 11th November 2015- Armistice Day Commemoration
Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM represented the brethren of PGL Lanarkshire Middle Ward at the Armistice Day commemoration at the Lanarkshire Victoria Cross Memorial in Hamilton. Quite a number of other brethren were also present to honour those who made the ultimate sacrifice in the two world wars and other conflicts and to remember the bravery of the men named on the memorial.

Lanarkshire freemasons awarded the Victoria Cross and commemorated on the Lanarkshire Victoria Cross Memorial
John Carmichael – from Airdrie, member of Lodge New Monkland Montrose No.88
Thomas Caldwell – from Carluke, member of Lodge St John No.187
David Ross Lauder – from Airdrie, member of Lodge Royal Blues No.399 (Ayrshire)
William Reid – from Baillieston, Glasgow, member of Lodge Robert Burns No.440

Another Lanarkshire Freemason not included on the Lanarkshire Victoria Cross Memorial was –

Alexander Gore Arkwright Hore-Ruthven, 1st Earl of Gowrie

He was a Freemason. Initiated to the craft on 15 March 1893 in the Lodge St Andrew’s (Military) No. 668 at the age of 21.
He was also reported to be a member of Lodge Hamilton No.233 but the evidence of this is awaited. Whilst on military duty in Sudan he became a member of the Sir Reginald Wingate Lodge No. 2954 and was appointed its Secretary.

Following his military career he was appointed Governor of South Australia, during this period proposed to become Grand Master of the state’s Grand Lodge. He was not eligible to become Grand Master if he wasn’t first a Worshipful Master, he became a member of the United Service Lodge No. 27. On 25 April 1929 he was appointed Senior Warden and on 25 April 1930, Worshipful Master. On 15 April 1930, ten days before being installed Worshipful Master, he was installed Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of South Australia. He was appointed Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of New South Wales almost immediately after he was appointed the state’s Governor and continued to serve as Grand Master when he was appointed Governor-General of Australia. Gowrie Lodge No. 651 was named in his honour and was consecrated by himself. When this Lodge was merged with the Lodge Leinster Marine No. 2, the Lodge Gowrie of Canberra No. 715 was founded and still exists.

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Sunday 8th November 2015 – Remembrance Parade Hamilton County Buildings
Following a parade call off due to poor weather forty brave souls, including twenty RWMs, from the province braved a journey in heavy rain to attend the indoor Cvic Remembrance Commemoration in the County Buildings in Hamilton. They joined with councillors and about 250 others representing many Military and Civil organisations to remember the fallen of the two world wars and other conflicts.

The RWPGM thanks all the brethren for their support in turning out on such an inclement day.

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RWPGM Tom Davidson, DPGM Bill Perry, PPGM George Kelly, RWM’s, Members of PGL and Brethren

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Wreath Laid on Behalf of the Freemasons of Lanarkshire Middle Ward

Saturday 7th November 2015 – Lodge Livingstone Stonfield No. 599 Installation

On Saturday 7th November, Bro. Bill Perry DPGM, together with Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM and a large deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge, attended the Installation at Lodge Livingstone Stonefield No. 599, which was held in the Blantyre Old Parish Church Hall. Bro. John Watt was installed as RWM by Bro. Malcolm McCormack PM and his Office Bearers by Bro. William Andrew PM. The ceremony of Installation was carried to a very high standard by both Installing Masters and after the close of the meeting, the Brethren retired to the Masonic Hall where the meal and Harmony Board was held. The usual Masonic toasts were given and the Brethren had an enjoyable evening of fellowship and entertainment.

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Tom Davidson PGM, Bill Andrew IM John Watt RWM, Malcolm McCormack IM, Bill Perry DPGM

Thursday 5th November 2015  – Lodge St. Thomas, No.306 – Larkhall

This evening Bro. George Leggate RWM welcomed Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM and a deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge into a packed lodge. The deputation had attended at the invitation of the lodge to present a 50 year Jubilee certificate to a brother of the lodge. The RWM conducted a short act of remembrance where the Senior Warden laid a wreath on the lodge war memorial.  The visiting lodge on this occasion was Lodge Union No.244, Stonehouse and their deputation was headed by Bro. James Macgregor, RWM. The visiting lodge carried out an excellent 3rd Degree on two candidates.

At the conclusion of the degree Bro. George Leggate RWM had Bro. James Young PM presented at the edge of the carpet before addressing him on his contribution to the lodge over the last 50 years, he also made comment on the service of Bro. Alan Lockhart PM who was unable to be present due to ill health. The RWM then invited the RWPGM to address the brethren. The RWPGM commented on the contribution that these pastmasters had made over these years to the lodge and encouraged the younger brethren to emulate their example. The RWPGM and the RWM then presented Bro. James Young PM with his 50 years Jubilee Diploma to mark 50 years membership of the craft.

Bro. James Young PM spoke well and thanked the brethren of the lodge for this honour and the support, kindness and friendship they have been shown over the years.

306 diploma Presentation 051115

(l to r) James Macgregor, Tom Davidson, James Young and George Leggate

Wednesday 4th November 2015 – Lodge Aidrie St.John No.166

This afternoon Bro. Tom Davidson, RWPGM joined Bro. Keith Mitchell, RWM and about a dozen pastmasters of the lodge and members of the family at Rawyards Care Home in Airdrie to present a 50 year Jubilee Certificate to Bro. Hugh McMath. The home had provided a separate meeting room for the presentation. Bro. Tom Davidson addressed the assembled group and commented on Bro. McMath’s exceptional service to the lodge and the Craft in general before asking Bro. Keith Mitchell to join him in presenting the certificate. Bro. McMath suitably replied.

The assembled group enjoyed tea, coffee and sandwiches and joined in a short period of fellowship.

166 Hugh McMath Diploma Presentation 041115

Tom Davidson RWPGM, Bro. Hugh McMath PM & RWM Keith Mitchell

Monday 2nd November 2015  – Lodge Garrowhill No. 1413

On Monday 2nd November, Bro. Bill Perry DPGM, Bro. Norman Carnegy SPGM, Bro. Stephen Campbell SPGM and Robert Getty PPGSW, attended Lodge Garrowhill No. 1413 and presented Bro. Bill Stuart with his Diamond Jubilee Diploma. Bro. Perry gave a full and comprehensive account of Bro. Stuart’s extensive masonic career which covered many different Orders in our Craft, particularly in Royal Arch Masonry.

Bro. James Alston, RWM also presented a 60 year jewel on behalf of the Lodge.

Bill Perry Buchanan 50yr Diploma

Norman Carnegy, James Alston, Bill Stuart, Bill Perry, Stephen Campbell, Robert Getty



Monday 2nd November 2015  – Lodge Buchanan No.1499

At the AGM on Monday night RWM Bro. Scott Morrison welcomed Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM and a deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge into the lodge. The deputation had attended at the invitation of the lodge to present four 50 year Jubilee certificates to brethren of the lodge

Bro. Scott Morrison presented the maul to Bro. Tom Davidson and the RWPGM addressed the brethren and presented Bros. Bobby Edwards PM, Matthew Kerr PM, Robert Bart Bannigan PM and Robert Tripney Ferguson MM with their 50 years Jubilee Diplomas to mark 50 years membership of the craft. The RWPGM commented on the contribution that they have made over these years to the lodge and a few anecdotes relating to events in the past regarding the brethren.  The recipients spoke well and thanked the brethren of the lodge for this honour and the support, kindness and friendship they have been shown over the years. The brethren were invited to the East of the lodge. The RWPGM returned the maul to the IPM and thanked the lodge for the privilege of being involved in the ceremony

Following the meeting the brethren retired to harmony to enjoy the hospitality of the lodge and a talk on the players of the Heart of Midlothian FC team that enlisted during the first world war to join the now legendary “McCrae’s Battalion” (the 16th Royal Scots) or the Provost’s Battalion (the First Royal Scots). They were the first British football team to sign up en-masse.

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(l to r) Scott Morrison, Robert Ferguson, Robert Bannigan, Matthew Kerr, Bobby Edwards and Tom Davidson

 Sunday 1st November 2015 – Lodge St.Bryde No.579

The lodge had their Annual Divine Service in the Uddingston Old Parish Church, the service was conducted by Rev. Fiona McKibbin who made the brethren most welcome. The readings were by Bro. Thomas Lynch RWM and Bro. Graeme Wardrop (lodge Chaplain). The lodge was well supported by their brethren and families, brethren from other lodges and a large deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge. The brethren joined with the members of the congregation in the church hall afterwards for the usual generous Uddingston hospitality.

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(l to r) Tom Lynch, Rev Fiona McKibbin and Tom Davidson

Sunday 1st November 2015 Annual Divine Services – PGL Glasgow

A deputation from PGL travelled to Glasgow and joined brethren of PGL Glasgow and other provinces in Scotland at the PGL Glasgow Annual Divine Service. The service was held in the beautiful setting of Sherbrooke – St. Gilbert’s Parish Church. The service was well attended by a large number of brethren.
The service was conducted Bro. Rev. Gordon B Armstrong and Rev. Thomas L. Pollock, the readings were delivered by Bro. James Peddie RWPGM. After the service the brethren enjoyed a period of fellowship and the hospitality of the province.

PGL Glasgow ADS 011115

Friday 30th October 2015 –  PGL Inter-Lodge Inaugural Quiz – The Alasdair Dunlop Memorial Quiz
The inaugural Alasdair Dunlop Memorial Quiz took place tonight in New Stevenston. The temple was packed with teams representing lodges from all parts of the province and a great atmosphere was created for this event. After a close fought quiz the winners were the Lodge Robert Burns “B” team with a score of 66 points in a close run contest that saw them beat the next team by 2 points. Thanks go to all involved in the hosting of the event by Lodge Robert King Stewart No.919 and the members who assisted. The event whilst primarily a social event also raised £400 for the Blue Horizon Robot Appeal. See attached the photo of the winners being presented by the DPGM Bro Bill Perry. Well done everyone. A good time was had by all.

Inter Lodge Wniners 2015 Robert Burns 440

PGL Alasdair Dunlop Memorial Quiz Winners 2015 – Lodge Robert Burns No. 440 “B” Team

PGL Quiz 301015 (2)

The Presentation of “The Wooden Spoon”

PGL Quiz 301015 (1)

A packed hall, enjoying the event

PGL Quiz 301015 (4)

If you can win, change the name of your team!!!!

Friday 23rd October 2015 – Lodge Blantyre Kilwinning No. 557 Installation
On Friday 23rd October, Bro. Bill Perry, DPGM, together with Bro. Tom Davidson, RWPGM, Bro. George Kelly, PPGM and a large deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge, attended the Installation of Lodge Blantyre Kilwinning No. 557 and witnessed the Installation of the RWM, Bro. John Mitchell and his Office Bearers at the very capable hands of the evening’s Installing Masters, Bro. Frank Beethem PM and Bro. Gordon Mather PM.

The Ceremony of Installation was carried out in an expert manner by both Installing Masters.

Following the close of the Meeting, the Brethren retired to refreshment and a good time was had by all.

557 Installation 2015

Tom Davidson RWPGM, Frank Beethem IM, John Mitchell RWM, Gordon Mather IM, Bill Perry DPGM

Tuesday 20th October 2015 – Freemasons’ Hall, Edinburgh

The province were well represented at a ceremony hosted by Bro. Charles Iain Robert Wolrige Gordon of Esslemont MWGMM in Freemasons’ Hall for the dedication and unveiling of the new memorial statue and plaque to brethren who gave their lives in the service of others.  The service of dedication was conducted by Rev. Robert Craig. Lord Elgin, Past Grand Master addressed everyone and unveiled the memorial. Following the unveiling the sculptor, Alan Herriot, addressed the assembly and informed them of the processes and philosophy behind the works. The memorial is to the left corridor when entering the foyer at Grand Lodge.  Later Lord Elgin later addressed everyone with a number of his personal anecdotes before unveiling the new painting of HRH Prince Albert, Duke of York (later H.M. King George VI) when he was MW Grand master Mason in 1936/37. The painting is located on the upper landing above the foyer at Grand Lodge.

At a lunch afterwards we were addressed by the Bro. Charles Iain Robert Wolrige Gordon of Esslemont MWGMM and the Rt. Hon. Donald Wilson, Lord Provost of the City of Edinburgh.

The province were represented at the ceremony by Bro. Kenneth D Kennedy (Past Depute Grand Master), Bro. George R Kelly (Substitute Grand Master) and Tom Davidson RWPGM.

Grand Lodge Memorial Unveiling 201015 (2)

Grand Lodge Memorial Unveiling 201015 (3)

George R Kelly, Tom Davidson and Kenneth D Kennedy

Grand Lodge Memorial Unveiling 201015 (4)

New painting

Grand Lodge Memorial Unveiling 201015 (1)

Memorial Statue and plaque


Monday 12th October 2015 Lodge New Monkland Montrose No.88
At a meeting on Monday night Bro. Andrew McCulloch, RWM warmly welcomed Bros. Tom Davidson RWPGM, and a large deputation from PGL Lanarkshire Middle Ward which included Bro. Bill Perry DPGM, Bill Craig PG Secretary, Peter Ball PG Junior Chaplain and Tom Reid PG Marshal. The purpose of the visit was the presentation of a Diamond Jubilee certificate to Bro. Tom Galbraith PM to mark his 60 years service to the lodge and the presentation of Jubilee certificates to Bros. Lawrence Peterson and John McCully to mark their 50 years service.

Bro. Derek Hope, RWM tendered the maul to Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM who thanked him for the presentation. Bro. Davidson addressed the brethren of the Lodge New Monkland Montrose No.88 and Lodge Coltswood No.1067 who were visiting.
The RWPGM invited Bro. Andrew McCulloch RWM and Bro. Bill Perry DPGM to accompany him to the floor of the lodge to present the certificates. The recipients responded suitably and thanked the brethren of the lodge for their friendship and support.

The RWPGM returned the maul to the RWM and thanked him for the invitation to make the presentation. The RWM offered the maul to the Bro. John Mack, IPM of Lodge Coltness No.1067 to allow them to confer an Entered Apprentice degree, which they performed with great expertise.

The Provincial Grand Lodge deputation retired at the invitation of the RWM and later joined the brethren at the harmony board where they shared in the fare provided by the lodge.

Prior to the meeting the RWPGM had been invited to be present at a cheque presentation by the lodge. Bro. Andrew McCulloch RWM presented a cheque in the amount of £3,400 to Andrew Wilson, Vice Chairman of Lanarkshire Cancer Care Trust who thanked the brethren for their generous donation.

(back row) Allan Hutton, Bill Perry, Andrew McCulloch, Tom Davidson and Alexander Cowe (recipients in front row) Lawrence Peterson, John McCully and Tom Galbraith

(back row) Allan Hutton, Bill Perry, Andrew McCulloch, Tom Davidson and Alexander Cowe
(recipients in front row) Lawrence Peterson, John McCully and Tom Galbraith

Andrew McCulloch, Andrew Wilson and Tom Davidson

Sunday 11th October 2015 – ADS – Lodge Robert Burns No.440 – Baillieston
A large deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge joined a large congregation of the brethren, family and visitors of Lodge Robert Burns No.440 at their Annual Divine Service. The service was conducted by the Rev. Malcolm Cuthbertson in St.Andrews Parish Church, Baillieston. The brethren were made most welcome by the Rev. Malcolm Cuthbertson who conducted a lively service with readings by Bro. Gary Sweeten PM, RWM and Bro. David Aitchison, WJW.
At the conclusion of the service the congregation moved across the road to the Masonic Hall where light refreshments had been prepared by the ladies of the lodge.


PPGM James L. Jack, PGM Tom Davidson, Rev. Malcolm Cuthbertson, Bro. Gary Sweeten PM, RWM & DPGM Bro. Bill Perry

Wednesday 7th October 2105 – Lodge Hamilton No. 233 Installation

Bro. Norman Carnegy SPGM accompanied by Br. Tom Davidson PGM, Bro. George Kelly PPGM, Bro. Donald Mathieson PDPGM and Bro. Peter Ball PG Jun. Chap. and a deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge, attended the Lodge Installation on Wednesday.

Bro. Kenneth McVicar and his office-bearers were Installed in a fine ceremony by Bros. Danny Farquhar (PM), Alex Watson (PM) and George Gray (PM). Following the close of the Meeting the Brethren retired to enjoy an excellent meal and Harmony.

233 Installation 071015

Bro Tom Davidson PGM, Bro.Kenneth McVicar RWM & Bro. Norman Carnegy SPGM

Friday 9th October 2015– Lodge St Mary Coltness No. 131 Installation

Bro. Norman Carnegy SPGM accompanied by Bro. Peter Ball PG Jun. Chap. and a deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge, attended the Lodge Installation on Friday evening. Bro. Stanley Sweeney (PM) was installed by Bro. Alex Fenton (IPM) and his Office-bearers were installed by Bro. James McKidd (PM). The Installation was carried out in an excellent manner and following the close of the Meeting the Brethren retired to enjoy an excellent meal and Harmony.

During the Harmony the RWM took the opportunity to presented a cheque to PGL for the Caravan Fund.

Alex Fenton RWIM, Norman Carnegy SPGM, Stanley Sweeney RWM and James McKidd RWIM

Alex Fenton RWIM, Norman Carnegy SPGM, Stanley Sweeney RWM and James McKidd RWIM

9th October 2015  –  Please See Charity Page for fundraising efforts by Bro. John Muir (PM 1779)

Sunday 4th October 2105 – Lodge Airdrie St John No. 166 Annual Divine Service
On Sunday 4th October, Bro. Bill Perry DPGM, accompanied by Bro. Jim Ferguson SPGM, Bro. Norman Carnegie SPGM and a fine Deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge, attended the Annual Divine Service of Lodge Airdrie St. John No. 166. A warm welcome to all, was extended by Bro. Keith Mitchell RWM and by the Rev. Allan Muir, who conducted the service.

Following the close of the Service, the Brethren and visitors enjoyed the usual 166 hospitality.

166 ADS 041015

RWM Keith Mitchell, Rev. Allan Muir, DPGM Bill Perry

Friday 2nd October 2015 – PGL Communication – October 2015 – Airdrie

Qtrly Comm Oct 2015

Raymond Dow, Tom Davidson and David Bell

The PGL Communication took place at Airdrie on this evening with a good attendance from the brethren of the province who packed the masonic temple. Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM welcomed all the brethren to the meeting conducting the business of the evening. Part of the business of the evening was to decide on the PGL’s nomination to Grand Lodge for the next Provincial Grand Master, Bro. William A Perry DPGM was selected unanimously.

Bro. Tom McCrone the PG DOC was asked to present Bros. David Bell and Raymond Dow whereupon the RWPGM made reference to the work of the two brethren over a long period of time supporting PGL in their individual areas of professional expertise. Bro. Bell has performed the role of Press Officer and contact with the local newspapers whilst Bro. Dow has produced printed materials for provincial special events and church services. The RWPGM conferred the rank of Honorary Provincial Grand Bard on both brethren in recognition of their work with the written and printed word. The RWPGM presented the diploma to Bro. Bell and invited Bro. Jim Dow, Bro. Raymond Dow’s father who had travelled specially from the north of Scotland for the meeting, to present the diploma to his son. Bro. Gary Sweeten, RWM of Lodge Robert Burns No.440 and Bro. Alan Nightingale RWM of Lodge Motherwell Caledonian No.1228 to present neck jewels on behalf of the lodges to the brethren.

Both brethren suitably replied and thanked everyone and renewed their commitment to their work supporting Provincial Grand LodgeTrophies were presented to the winners of the Robert King Stewart Bowling and the PGL Golf outing. RWPGM thanked Bros. Andrew Crichton and John Gardner for their work in organizing these events.


Monday 21st September 2015 – Lodge St. Andrews Military No.668

At the regular meeting on Thursday night Bro. Craig Niven, RWM warmly welcomed Bros. Tom Davidson RWPGM,William Perry DPGM and Peter Ball PG Junior Chaplain who had been invited to participate in a Jubilee Certificate and Distinguished Service Membership diploma presentation to Bro. Joe Anderson.

Bro. Joe Anderson was presented at the edge of the carpet and the RWPGM addressed Bro. Anderson the brethren and informed them of the service of Bro.Anderson in both the military and freemasonry. He encouraged the brethren to emulate the example of the Bro. Anderson. The RWPGM invited the RWM and Bro. James L Jack IPPGM to accompany him to the floor of the lodge and presented the Jubilee Diploma to mark 50 years membership of the craft and Distinguished Service Membership. Bro. Joe Anderson MM suitably replied and thanked the brethren for this honour.  The visiting lodge was Lodge Union No.244 who carried out an excellent exemplification of a fellowcraft degree.

The brethren then retired to harmony.

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Tom Davidson, Craig Niven (RWM 668), Joe Anderson and James Macgregor (RWM 244)

17 September 2015 – 2014/2015 PGL ANNUAL CHARITY APPEAL

The RWPGM, Bro. Tom Davidson was accompanied by Commissioned Officebearers and representatives of the local lodges on a visit to St. Johns Primary School, Hamilton to present the last of the cheques from last year’s PGL Charity Appeal. The RWPGM, on behalf of the brethren of the province, presented the cheque for £2,500 to Mr. James O’Donnelly the Depute Headteacher (ASN) at St.Johns Primary School for extra activities for the children under his charge within the school.
Also present but missing from the photo is David Bell (PG Press Officer/Photographer)

St John Schoool Charity Cheque Presentaton 160915

Wednesday 16th September 2015 – Lodge Cambuslang Royal Arch No.114

At a meeting on Wednesday night Bro. Derek Hope, RWM warmly welcomed Bros. Tom Davidson RWPGM, and a large deputation from PGL Lanarkshire Middle Ward, the purpose of the visit was the presentation of a Diamond Jubilee certificate to Bro. William Crawford Anderson to mark his 60 years service to the lodge. Bro. Derek Hope, RWM tendered the maul to Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM who thanked him for the presentation. Bro. Davidson addressed the brethren of Lodge Cambusland Royal Arch No.114 and Lodge St. Bryde No.579 who were visiting.

The RWPGM asked the Bro. Tom McCrone, PG Director of Ceremonies to present Bro. William Crawford Anderson at the edge of the carpet and made comment on the dedicated service of Bro. Anderson to the lodge and freemasonry generally. The RWPGM invited Bro. Derek Hope RWM, Bro. James L Jack IPPGM and Bro. George R Kelly PPGM to accompany him to the floor of the lodge to present the certificate. Bro. Anderson responded suitably and thanked the brethren of the lodge for their friendship and support over all these 60 years. The RWPGM returned the maul to the RWM and thanked him for the invitation to make the presentation. The RWM offered the maul to the Bro. Tom S Lynch, RWM of Lodge St. Bryde No.579 to allow them to confer a Fellowcraft degree, which they performed with great expertise.

The Provincial Grand Lodge deputation retired at the invitation of the RWM and later returned to join the brethren at the harmony board where they shared in the fare provided by the lodge.

Cambuslang Royal Arch 60yr Diploma 160915

Tom Davidson, Derek Hope, William Anderson, Tom Lynch and George Kelly

Tuesday 15th September 2015 Lodge Caldercruix St.John No.1314

At a meeting on Tuesday night Bro. Allan Hutton, RWM warmly welcomed Bros. Tom Davidson RWPGM, Bill Perry DPGM, Norman Carnegy SPGM, Alex Hamilton PPGSW and Tom Reid PG Marshal, the purpose of the visit was the presentation of a Distinguished Service Membership certificate to two long serving, but hopefullyunsuspecting members of the lodge.

Bro. Allan Hutton, RWM tendered the maul to Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM who thanked him for the presentation. Bro. Davidson addressed the brethren of Lodge Caldercruix St. John No.1314 and Lodge Bannockburn Bruce and Thistle No.312 who were visiting.

The RWPGM asked the lodge Director of Ceremonies to present Bro. Jeff Spence and Bro. Billy Murray PMs at the edge of the carpet and made comment on the dedicated service of both brethren to the lodge and freemasonry generally. Bro. John Russell IPM spoke on behalf of the lodge and thanked the two brethren for the massive contribution they had made to the life of the lodge over many years. The RWPGM invited the RWM and to accompany him to the floor of the lodge to present the DSM certificates.

Both Bro. Jeff Spence and Bro. Billy Murray responded suitably and thanked the brethren of the lodge for the great and unexpected honour bestowed on them. Bro. John Russell made a presentation of a gift to each of the brethren to mark this special occasion. The RWPGM returned the maul to the RWM and thanked him for the invitation to make the presentation. The RWM offered the maul to the Acting Master of Lodge Bannockburn Bruce and Thistle No.312 to allow them to confer an exemplification of a Fellowcraft, which they performed with great expertise.

The Provincial Grand Lodge deputation retired at the invitation of the RWM and later returned to join the brethren at the excellent harmony board where they shared in the fare provided by the lodge.

1314 60yr Diploma 150915

14 September 2015 – 2014/2015 PGL Charity Appeal

The RWPGM, Bro. Tom Davidson was accompanied by Commissioned Officebearers and a good representation from the lodges of the Monklands area on a visit to Mavisbank School in Airdrie to present a cheque from last year’s PGL Charity Appeal.  The RWPGM, on behalf of the brethren of the province, presented the cheque for £2,500 to Mr. John Lochrie the Headteacher at Mavisbank School to enhance the experiences of the children in the School. The group wer given a conducted tour of the school.  This was the third of four cheques for similar amounts to be presented to schools across the province in the next couple of weeks.

Also present but missing from the photo were Bill Craig (PG Secretary – the photographer) and David Bell (PG Press Officer)

Mavisbank School Presentation 140915

Cheque Presentation by PGM and Local RWM’s


11 September 2015 – 2014/2015 PGL Annual Charity Appeal

The RWPGM, Bro. Tom Davidson was accompanied by Commissioned Officebearers and representatives of the lodges from District 2 of the province on a visit to Firpark Primary School in Motherwell to present a cheque from last year’s PGL Charity Appeal.
The RWPGM, on behalf of the brethren of the province, presented the cheque for £2,500 to Mrs. Webster the Headteacher at Firpark Primary School to enhance the experiences of the children in the School.
This was the second of four cheques for similar amounts to be presented to schools across the province in the next couple of weeks.
Also present but missing from the photo were Bill Craig (PG Secretary – the photographer) and David Bell (PG Press Officer)



Group Photo of Cheque Presentation



PGM’s New Transport

7 September 2015 – 2014/2015 PGL Annual Charity Appeal

The RWPGM, Bro. Tom Davidson was accompanied by Commissioned Officebearers and representatives of the Blantyre and Cambuslang lodges on a visit to Cathkin Primary School to present the first of the cheques from last years PGL Charity Appeal. He was honoured that Mrs. Pam Clearie, the Depute Provost of South Lanarkshire Council, took time out of her busy schedule to attend the cheque presentation. The RWPGM, on behalf of the brethren of the province, presented the cheque for £2,500 to Ms. Joanne McLean the Headteacher at Cathkin Primary School for extra activities for the children within the Autistic Spectrum Unit in the School. This was the first of four cheques for similar amounts to be presented to schools across the province in the next couple of weeks.

Also present but somehow missing from the photo were Bill Craig (PG Secretary – the photographer), Gus Ross (Past SPGM) and Ronnie Brown (RWM 599)


School Cheque Presetation 110915Provincial Grand Lodge Inter- Lodge Quiz – 1st Rounds Friday 30th October 2015 (See Special Events Page for More Information)


Charity Appeal August 2015

20 August 2015 – Pastmaster does “TuTu” well for charity

August is here, the Edinburgh Festival is in full swing and Princes Street in Edinburgh is bustling with tourists. So it is a great time to tackle some serious fundraising. James Fraser and his team were again on the pavement outside the Mercure Hotel in Princes Street raising money for Breast Cancer Care Scotland, they managed to raise £1,800 for the charity.

James is a Pastmaster and the current Secretary of Lodge St. Andrew, Strathaven No.215, during the day he is the Scottish Cluster General Manager for Jupiter Hotels which includes the Mercure Hotel in Princes Street. They obviously have a different dress code in Edinburgh!

Well done everyone.

James Fraser - tutu - exercise bike 200815

James Fraser Exercise Bike Challenge

Tuesday 18 August 2015 – PGL Kilwinning – Installation of Officebearers

PGL Lanarkshire Middle Ward were represented at the regular communication of PGL Kilwinning by Bros. Tom Davidson RWPGM, George R Kelly PPGM, Bill Perry DPGM, Bill Craig PG Secretary and Ean T Brown PGWSW. There were thirteen PGLs represented on the evening and formed a very large deputation. Representatives were there from all the West of Scotland provinces and as far afield as the provinces of Argyll and the Isles, Perthshire West and Perthshire East. The deputation was headed by the new PGM of Perthshire, Bro. Roger H Bullard.

The assembled brethren heard a paper on the rival claims from lodges claiming seniority following the formation of The Grand Lodge of Scotland in 1736. The paper was delivered by Bro. George T Stoddart.

15.08.18 - heads of deputations red

Provincial Heads of Deputation

Sunday 9th August 2015 – PGL Golf Outing – Drumpellier Golf Club

A large field of brethren from all over the province contested the Annual PGL Golf at Drumpellier Golf Club on Sunday 9th August 2015. The competition had again been organised by Bro. John Gardner who again did an excellent job and even managed to lay on good golfing weather, a particularly clever trick in this summer of indifferent weather. The course was in excellent condition despite the long and persistent spell of poor weather. Over eighty brethren were again well received by the club and we appreciate their welcome.

The Brethren enjoyed their day of golf and fellowship however well or badly they played. At the conclusion of the day Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM and thanked all the brethren who had participated for their support and Bro. John Gardner for his work in organising the event. Joyce Davidson was invited to present the prizes to the winners. Regrettably not all the prizewinners had been able to stay to collect their trophies on the day.

The trophies will be presented formally at the October communication of Provincial Grand Lodge which will be held at Lodge Airdrie St.John No.166 in Broomknoll Street in Airdrie, starting at 7.30pm on Friday 2nd October 2015. All trophy winners are invited to attend to receive their trophy on the evening.

Congratulations to all the winners and thanks to all the participants.

A full list of prize winners is listed below.


Amicoil Individual Throphy Winner 2015 Callum Morrow Whifflet St. John No. 963 37pts

Winners - 3

Tunnocks Cup Seniors Winner Bobby Boag Whifflet St. John No. 963 36pts

Group photo - spot the raffle prize winners

Group Photo – Spot the Raffle Winner


Just been told that he is now a senior

Just Found Out He Is In The Seniors

Put the clubs away for another year!

Put The Clubs Away For Another Year

Last group - happy to be finished

Last Group – Happy to be Finished

Did I win

Did I Win ?

Saturday 1st August 2015 – PGL Roxburgh Peebles & Selkirk Shires – Installation of PGM

The province was represented at Galashiels by Bro. Tom Davidson, RWPGM accompanied by Bros. Andrew D Millar and Norman Carnegy SPGMs at the installation of the new PGM and Commissioned Officebearers of PGL Roxburgh Peebles and Selkirk Shires. Also in attendance was Bro. Kenneth D Kennedy as part of the Grand Lodge deputation. Bro. John W Blackie RWPGM of PGL of Roxburgh Peebles and Selkirk Shires was installed in an excellent ceremonial conducted by Bro. Charles Iain Robert Wolrige Gordon of Esslemont, MWGMM and his officebearers in the Volunteer Hall, Galashiels. Afterwards the brethren then returned to the Hall for the Installation Dinner. All the brethren had a great day in Galashiels and enjoyed the company and hospitality of the brethren in PGL Roxburgh Peebles and Selkirk Shires. We wish the new PGM and his province every success over the next five years. PGL-RPS-PGM-INST-15-004 - John Walter Blackie

John W Blackie RWPGM – PGL Roxburgh Peebles and Selkirk Shires

PGL-RPS-PGM-INST-15-013 - team photo

Installation Photograph

Friday 26th June 2015 – Lodge Old Monkland St.James No.177 – Dedication of Plaque

Bro. Tom Davidson, RWPGM and Commissioned Officebearers and their wives joined Bro. Allan Logan and the brethren, families, friends and supporters of Lodge Old Monkland St.James No.177 for a social evening. The evening had been arranged to thank everyone for their support of the lodge’s efforts to raise funds for the Yorkhill Childrens’ Foundation and celebrate their achievement in raising £110,000 over the last few years.  Bro. Allan Logan presented representatives of the charity with the latest cheque from the funds raised at this year’s Boxing Night. Part of the evening had been arranged to dedicate a new replica plaque which had been presented to the lodge to mark their support and the recognition of having a ward at the new Glasgow Hospital being named after the lodge. Bro. Rev. Peter O Price carried out the dedication on behalf of the lodge. The lodge also presented Bro. Tom Davidson with a cheque for the PGL Annual Charity Appeal, the RWPGM thanked the lodge for their generous donation. We wish the lodge every success in their continuing support for the Yorkhill Childrens’ Foundation and in their preparations for their forthcoming 225th Anniversary Re-Dedication early next year. 177 Yorkhill Cheque July 2015 RWM Allan Logan

RWM Allan Logan with the cheque for £110,000

177 Yorkhill Cheque July 2015

Members of Lodge support the Master presenting the cheque

Wednesday 29th July 2015Prostate Scotland – Spring/Summer Newsletter Contribution of the masonic Lodges in Scotland

The newly published newsletter of Prostate Scotland has recognized the contribution made by freemasons throughout Scotland over the past year in supporting their work. The article below mentions the support received from the Grand Lodge of Scotland and various provinces and lodges including PGL Lanarkshire Middle Ward and individual lodges in the province. The article can be read below. PS-33001-Spring Newsletter 2015-JG.indd Prostate Scotland also report on their progress in their Blue Horizon Robot Appeal and their target of providing two robots to assist NHS surgeons carrying out prostate cancer surgery. The object is to provide one robot for the West and one for the East of Scotland. Their appeal has been boosted with the promise of £2m from the Scottish Government, this however still leaves £500,000 to be found to meet the cost. The full newsletter with many mentions of the positive support of freemasons can be read by following this link:- 


Wednesday 29th July 2015 – The Haven, New Centre in Wishaw

Bro. Tom Davidson, RWPGM was invited, on behalf of the brethren of the province, to a preview day and meet the charity directors and staff at the new centre to be opened by The Haven in Wishaw. The new centre is based in Flat 78, Block 2 of the residencies area at Wishaw General Hospital. The centre will officially open next week on 3rd August 2015. Brethren will remember that funds raised from the Christmas Carol Service in 2014 were directed to The Haven and many lodges in the province have made donations to this charity which provides a range of supportive services to people and their families affected by life limiting illness. Users of the services can either be referred by their medical advisors or they can self-refer themselves. Should you wish further information about the services on offer or the new centre should check out the following website

We wish The Haven every success with their new centre in Wishaw.


Saturday 25th July 2015 – PGL Perthshire West – Installation of PGM

The province was represented at Killin by Bro. Tom Davidson, RWPGM accompanied by Bros. Bill Perry DPGM, Andrew D Millar and Norman Carnegy SPGMs and Bill Craig PG Secretary at the installation of the new PGM and Commissioned Officebearers of PGL Perthshire West. Also in attendance were Bros. Kenneth D Kennedy and George R. Kelly as part of the Grand Lodge deputation. Bro. Roger H Bullard RWPGM of PGL of Perthshire West was installed in an excellent ceremonial conducted by Bro. Charles Iain Robert Wolrige Gordon of Esslemont, MWGMM and his officebearers in the McLaren Hall, Killin. Afterwards the brethren then returned to the Hall for the Installation Dinner. All the brethren had a first class day in Killin and enjoyed the company and hospitality of the brethren in the Perthshire West. We wish the new PGM and his province every success over the next five years.

 Roger H BullardRoger H Bullard RWPGM – PGL Perthshire West

                  Team Photo 25.07.15

Installation Photograph

Sunday 26th July 2015 – Annual Divine Service – PGL of Dumfriesshire

Bro. Tom Davidson and his wife travelled to Langholm on Sunday to join brethren from all over Scotland supporting PGL of Dumfrieshire and Lodge Eskdale Kilwinning No.107 in their Annual Divine Service in Langholm.  The brethren and guests gathered in the masonic hall in Langholm prior to the lodge being opened and the brethren parading to and from the church despite the steady rain, the parade was headed by the Langholm Town Band. The service was conducted by Rev. Scott McCarthy with readings by Bros. A.R. Marshall (RWM) and K. McQueen (IPM). Soloists for the evening were Bros. P.I. Stuart, PPGM and Allan Marshall PPGM (PGL Roxburgh, Peebles and Serkirk Shires). Bro. P.I. Stuart recently celebrated his 90th birthday. This service is incorporated into the week of celebrations for the Common Riding of the town. The brethren were formally received by the minister outside the church and conducted into the church. On conclusion of the service the brethren paraded back to the lodge, closed the lodge and then they and their guests received the hospitality of the lodge and province. Dumfries ADS July 15 150726

Brian Porteous, Wilson Aitken, Bobby Hughes, Alexander Marshall, Tom Davidson, Robert Little and John Blackie

21st July 2015 – Special Olympics World Games

Our PGL nominated charity this year was Children with Additional Educational Needs. This is a need which continues into adult life and support of various levels can be required. Brian Martin RWM of Lodge Whifflet St. John 963 has been involved in Special Olympics for 23 years. In his capacity as a football referee he has volunteered to referee and for the last 15 years, co-ordinated and organised referees for all Scottish and GB tournaments. Special Olympics is an international organisation which was formed in the USA by Eunice Kennedy Shriver. It promotes all sports for adults with intellectual/learning disability and allows them to participate in competitive sport against athletes of a similar ability. This week, Brian heads off to Los Angeles to participate in his fourth world games which is a tremendous honour for him. He said ‘It’s a totally rewarding and humbling experience and having got so much out of football over the years it’s a great way to put something back.’ This is the largest sporting event this in the USA year and will be preceded with a huge opening ceremony with acts including Stevie Wonder, Avril Lavigne, O.A.R., Cody Simpson and Nicole Scherzinger. Michelle Obama will also be in attendance at this event. Brian’s voluntary work is a great example of freemasonry in action and everyone at PGL wish Brian every success in playing his part in this tremendous international event. Brian Martin Los Angeles 210715 Sunday 21st June 2015 – Marcus Humphrey House – BBQ

The Annual MHH Friends Group barbecue took place at the Marcus Humphrey House on Sunday. The weather was less than kind to the event with rain stopping just before the BBQ but the weather remaining stubbornly overcast. The event started with a short open air drumhead service conducted by the Rev. Robert Craig. The Stedfast Band provided the musical accompaniment for the service. A number of brethren later entertained the residents, brethren and guests.  Following opening remarks Bro. JM Marcus Humphrey of Dinnet RWPGMM introduced and welcomed Bro. Charles Iain Robert Wolrige Gordon of Esslemont MWGMM and then declared the barbecue open and all present enjoyed the opportunity to mix and socialise whilst supporting the various fundraising enterprises of the group. The event was well attended with representatives from all the provinces which support the home. Our province was well represented with more than a dozen brethren or their wives present supporting the day.  Bro. George Leggate (RWM) of Lodge St.Thomas, Larkhall No.306 presented a cheque in the amount of £1,411 to Bro. JM Marcus Humphrey of Dinnet for the home, the money was raised at the recent Homes Degree in Larkhall. Bros. Billy Murray PM and Jeff Spence PM of Lodge Caldercruix No.1314 met the Grand Master Mason who posed with them for a photograph. Bro. Billy Murray crafted a baton and stand for the home, the stand incorporated tokens indented into the base to represent every province that supports the Marcus Humphrey House. The masonic motorcycle club, The Widows Sons Scotland, again supported the event, they were unable to offer the usual short but exhilarating trips as a pillion passenger due to the damp road conditions. The work of the members of the Friends Group made the day a great success and raised funds for the home. Their work for the group is much appreciated. xuxa7qebQC18_bXXORqoecYqfyWGIy_cLKrRYAWF0Iw using

Principal guests and PGMs

cW6xBsNw-Tz76rXqYPl_GXjoMW5rN24VppO65rLLaAI usingGeorge Leggate presents cheque 

Grand Master speaks as JM Marcus Humphrey of Dinnet and David Begg look on - red

Grand Master speaks as JM Marcus Humphrey and David Begg look on.Y9dUDFHWAON0uHWBV4SirSwnj5nkFgrQrRbYGQ1Qg_0 using

Rev. Robert Craig conduction the drumhead service

Billy Murray, Grand Master and Jeff Spence red

Billy and Jeff with the Grand Master Mason

  Friday 5th June 2015 – Larkhall – PGL Communication

The PGL Communication took place this evening in the lodge at St. Thomas No.306 in Larkhall with Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM chairing the meeting. There were a large number of brethren in attendance. In addition to the normal administrative business of PGL, Bro. Tom Davidson informed the brethren that consideration of the PGL’s nomination for his successor as Provincial Grand Master would take place and be determined at the next communication on 2 October 2015 meeting at the premises of Lodge Airdrie St.John No.166. He informed the brethren that currently only one brother had notified in writing his wish to be considered and indicated that any other brother wishing to be considered should submit his name in writing to the PG Secretary as soon as possible. The RWPGM encouraged all lodges to exercise their right to make a nomination completely independently of PGL. The brethren also received reports from Lodge New Monkland Montrose No.88 on their successful visit to Germany and Lodge Coltswood No.1067 on their successfully re-established visit to southern France. Both lodges had conveyed the fraternal greetings of PGL to their respective hosts and in return brought greetings from their hosts. The RWPGM reported to the brethren on his visit to the installation of Bro. James S Ross, the new Grand Master of Quebec in Montreal. He had been accompanied on this occasion by his wife. He reported on the various differences in procedure and the form of the meeting and in particular the Open Installation which included wives, partners, children and non-masons. He had enjoyed the visit and commented on the exceptional hospitality extended to himself and his wife during the visit.

Saturday 20th June 2015 – PGL Stirlingshire – Installation of PGM

The province was represented at Grangemouth by Bro. Tom Davidson, RWPGM accompanied by Bros. Bill Perry DPGM, Norman Carnegy SPGM Alex Hamilton PPGSW and Bill Spencer at the installation of the new PGM and Commissioned Officebearers of PGL Stirlingshire. Also in attendance were Bros. Kenneth D Kennedy, George R. Kelly, James L Jack and Tom McCrone as part of the Grand Lodge deputation. Bro. Tom Davidson, RWPGM was afforded the honour of heading the very large deputation of the sister PGLs into the installation. Bro. Alistair T Marshall RWPGM of PGL of Stirlingshire was installed in an excellent ceremonial conducted by Bro. Charles Iain Robert Wolrige Gordon of Esslemont, MWGMM and his officebearers in the premises of Lodge Zetland No.391. The brethren then retired to Grangemouth Town Hall for the Installation Dinner. All the brethren had a first class day in Grangemouth and enjoyed the company, hospitality and entertainment of the brethren in the Stirlingshire.

We wish the new PGM and his province every success over the next five years.

PGM Install Stirling Alistair T Marshall 210615Alistair T Marshall RWPGM – PGL Stirlingshire

PGM Install Stirling 200615   Tuesday 16th June 2015 – Sponsored Cycle Run –  Strathclyde Park

About thirty brethren from a dozen lodges covering all parts of the Province took part and cycling three times around the Loch at Strathclyde Park, a distance of just over 12.5 miles. Many friends and family came along to give the riders support. Some of the brethren were regular cyclists and others like me had not been on a bike for a very long time and just started at the back and doggedly kept going. All the brethren completed the course in under eighty minutes. The event was a great success with a great deal of fun, banter, camaraderie and support for everyone taking part. Hopefully this will be the first of many such get-togethers in the future, with a number of brethren already suggesting other activities that could be done as a group. This was a fun event, although maybe some of the brethren will be waking up this morning a bit sore. The amazing thing is that through the efforts of these lodges, brethren, friends and supporters another substantial boost has been given to the fundraising appeal which will go to support children with special needs. Sponsorship monies are now being collected in and I will let you know how much the event has raised as soon as figures are available. Congratulations to everyone who took part in the Sponsored Cycle Run and thanks to all who came along to support the riders. Well done everyone and thanks again for a great night and all your support. If you have sponsorship money please arrange to get it to Gordon McCaffer by the end of June. Gordon can be contacted via you lodge Secretary or details are in the PGL Syllabus. Cycle Run 170615 (2) Cycle Run 170615 (4) Cycle Run 170615 (7) Cycle Run 170615 (6) Cycle Run 170615 (5) Cycle Run 170615 (3) IMG_6655IMG_6661

Saturday 13th June 2015 – Lodge St. Thomas No.306 – MHH Home Degree

A large number of brethren from all over the province attended the Home Degree at Lodge St. Thomas No.306. The degree was a Fellowcraft degree conferred by a team of Reigning Masters from a selection of lodges drawn from all parts of the province. The meeting was hosted by Bro. George Leggate RWM of Lodge St. Thomas No.306 and was supported by deputations from both Provincial Grand Lodge and Grand Lodge. The PGL deputation was headed by Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM and the Grand Lodge deputation was headed by Bro. George R Kelly RW Substitute Grand Master. After the usual formalities the assembled brethren witnessed an excellent Fellowcraft Degree by the Reigning Masters. Following the degree Bro. George R Kelly commented on the day’s proceedings before asking Bro. David Reid, Assistant Grand DOC and Chairman of the Friends Group at Marcus Humphrey House (MHH) to address the brethren. Bro. Reid addressed the brethren on the work of MHH and the Friends Group and thanked the brethren for their support over the last year in particular. He also thanked Bro. Bobby Ferguson for his work in organising the event today. Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM then addressed the brethren and made specific comment on the work of the degree team and thanked the assembled brethren for supporting this special event. Following the meeting the brethren retired to dinner where a raffle and an auction augmented the amount raised on the day. The overall amount raised for MHH was between £1400 and £1500. A cheque will be presented at the MHH barbecue next week. St Thomas 306 MHH Degree130615 Friday 22nd May 2015 – Ayr – Charity Dinner – Ayr Battalion of the Boys’ Brigade Bros. Tom Davidson RWPGM and Bill Perry DPGM were the guests of Bro. Robert Little RWPGM of Ayrshire at a charity dinner in Ayr. A number of other brethren from the province had travelled to Ayr to support the event. The evening had been arranged by Lodge Ayr St. Paul No.204 to recognise the work of the Boys Brigade in the area around Ayr. Those present on the evening were a mix of Freemasons and Boys’ Brigade officers. The evening comprised of an excellent dinner followed by talks, the usual toasts at masonic functions and cheque presentations. Bro. Tom C Smith, Grand Almoner and PGM of Midlothian gave a talk on the charity works of the Grand Lodge of Scotland. Bro. Archie Chalmers IPPGM gave a talk on the charitable works of PGL of Ayrshire. Mr. John Inglis, Vice President of Ayr Battalion of the Boys Brigade gave a very interesting powerpoint presentation on the life of Sir William Alexander Smith and the building in Glasgow associated with the early days of the founding of the Boys’ Brigade. Lodge Ayr St. Paul No.204 presented a handsome cheque to both the BB Battalion and masonic charities.

Ayr Boys Brigade Dinner 080515

Bro. Arthur Brown RWM presents cheque to Mrs. Gillian Hay, President of Ayr Battalion whilst William Steele, Archie Chalmers, Tom C Smith, James Bell and Robert Little look on.

29 & 30th May – Grand Lodge of Quebec – Montreal

Bro. Tom Davidson, RWPGM and his wife travelled to Montreal, Canada to attend the 145th Annual Communication and Installation of the Grand Lodge of Quebec. On Friday 29th May they attended a reception in the hotel where most quests were staying. Guests were present from the Grand Lodges of the Atlantic Provinces of Canada, Ontario, The New England States of the USA as well as Belgium, France and Brazil. Later celebration moved to the masonic temple for a drinks reception followed by a banquet for about 50 guests of the Grand Lodge of Quebec, the banquet was hosted by Bro. Jean Reed the retiring M.W. Grand Master. On Saturday 30th May the Annual Communication took place starting at 9.00am and continuing through until 3.40pm with a one hour break for a light lunch. Bro. Tom Davidson had been asked on this occasion to represent the Grand Lodge of Scotland and was given the opportunity to address the assembled brethren and exchanged fraternal greetings on behalf of both PGL Lanarkshire Middle Ward and the Grand Lodge of Scotland. He also presented an inscribed plaque on behalf of PGL Lanarkshire Middle Ward. During this period his wife was on the Ladies Programme which visited The Shriner’s Hospital in Montreal before visiting Mount Royal Park which gives excellent views over the city. Following lunch at a Chinese restaurant in the Côte-Des-Neiges area of the city the ladies were given a conducted tour of Montreal. Later on the Saturday everyone returned to the masonic temple to witness the installation of the new M.W. Grand Master, Bro. James S Ross, and his officebearers. The installation was an open public meeting with only the participating Installing Masters (7 or 8 No.) and the Officebearers wearing regalia with the other spectators being in their evening dress for the dinner to follow. Being an open public meeting wives, children and interested members of the public were present for the installation ceremonial. Following the installation was a drinks reception and the installation dinner for about 230 brethren, guests and their wives. Again the hospitality was first class and entertainment from a small Pipes and Drums band which has been formed by brethren in Montreal. Bro. Tom Davidson and his wife were very well looked after by the brethren of the Grand Lodge of Quebec and as a result expect to see a number of North American brethren visit Scotland later in the year. PGM Quebec 090615 (2)

RWPGM greeted by Bro. Jean Reed, MW Grand Master at the Friday evening banquet.

  PGM Quebec 090615 (3)

RWPGM presents plaque to Bro. Jean Reed, MW Grand Master with Bro. James S Ross (Grand Master designate)

PGM Quebec 090615RWPGM addresses the brethren in Grand Lodge (note the RCMP uniform worn by the new Senior Warden – Bro. Robert Thomson)

Friday 5th June 2015 – Lodge Coltswood Glenboig No. 1067

At the regular communication of Provincial Grand Lodge at Lodge St. Thomas Larkhall No. 305 temple, Bro. Tom Davidson, RWPGM congratulated the Brethren of Lodge Coltswood Glenbiog No. 1067 on their recent trip to the South of France where they attended the annual communication and 10th anniversary of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Terres du Temple, The Grand Lodge of France. The event was further enhance with the attended by the Grand Master Mason of France, Jean-Pierre Servel who spent a most enjoyable weekend in the company of the French & Scottish Brethren. At the ceremony the following honours were announced by PGM Christian Bonzi to the following Brethren –

Bro. Colin T. Campbell – Past Provincial Grand Senior Warden Bro. Gordon McCaffer – Past Provincial Grand Senior Deacon Bro. William G. Rowe – Past Provincial Grand Superintendent

PGM & Coltswood French Trip 050615

(l to r) Bro. Gordon McCaffer, PGM Bro. Tom Davidson, Bro. Gordon Rowe & Bro. Colin Campbell

Tuesday 16th June 2015 – Sponsored Cycle

PGM Tom Davidson has thrown down a challenge to all the Brethren, friends and family to take part in a sponsored cycle around Strathclyde Park in aid of Children with Additional Educational Needs, the details are below and sponsor sheets and further details can be gained from your Lodge Secretaries PGL Cycle Ride 2015 (3) PGL Cycle Ride 2015 (2) Thursday 14th May 2015 – 10k Run at Helensburgh

Bros. Tom Davidson, RWPGM and John A Anderson, “Provincial Grand Pacemaker” took part in the 10k road race at Helensburgh to raise funds for the PGL Annual Appeal for Children with Special Educational Needs. Brethren throughout the province have been raising funds by trying to guess the time that the PGM would take for the run.

Bro. John A Anderson sacrificed his chance of a much better time but succeeded in encouraging and cajoling the PGM around the course in an official time of

58 minutes and 22 seconds

A number of brethren from the province travelled down to Helensburgh to provide support for the effort. The PGM is grateful to Bro. John A Anderson and the brethren from Lodges 306, 440 and 919 for their support during the race. Congratulations to all the winners of the Guess the Time competition, could all lodge representatives or secretaries please advise the winner of their success and pass all sponsorship monies to the PG Treasurer as soon as possible.   Tom Davidson and John Anderson Bill Perry snaps into action Bobby Ferguson and Bill Perry The finishing line is in sight Sunday 11th May 2015 – ADS – PGL Dunbartonshire – Old Kilpatrick

A large deputation comprising Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM accompanied by Commissioned Officebearers and brethren from the province travelled to Old Kilpatrick on Sunday to join the brethren of PGL Dunbartonshire at their Annual Divine Service held in the Old Kilpatrick and Bowling Parish Church. The service was conducted by the Revs. Ishbel Robertson and John K. Clark with readings by Bros. John R McCormack RWPGM Dunbartonshire, Thomas K Leckenby IPPGM and James T Kennedy SPGM. Following the service the guests joined the brethren of the province for tea, coffee and fellowship. PGL-DUN-DIV-SER-15-017   Thursday 7th May 2015 – Lodge St. Andrew, Coatbridge No.544

At the regular meeting on Thursday night Bro. William MacGuire, RWM warmly welcomed Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM and Bro. William Perry DPGM who had been invited to participate in a diploma presentation. In addition there was a visit from Lodge St. James (Kilwinning) Tarbolton No.135 who carried out an excellent fellowcraft degree. Also present was a deputation form Lodge Burns Dundonald No.1759. Following the conclusion of the degree Bro. William MacGuire RWM invited Bro. John Hulme to address the brethren and inform the brethren on the masonic record of Bro. George Ferguson PM who had now reached the landmark of 50 years service since joining the lodge. The RWPGM addressed the brethren and encouraged them to emulate the example of the brother being honoured. The RWM invited the RWPGM to accompany him to the floor of the lodge and presented the Jubilee Diploma to mark 50 years membership of the craft. Bro. George Ferguson PM suitably replied and thanked the brethren for this honour and the support, kindness and friendship they had been shown over the years. The brethren then retired to harmony. 544 May 2015

Bill Perry, RWM (1759), Tom Davidson, George Ferguson, William MacGuire, RWM (135) and RWM (1334)

Tuesday 5th May 2015 – PGL Annual Charity Appeal – Update

Contributions have been coming in regularly for the appeal from lodges and individuals throughout the province. I expect the PG Treasurer to be able provide an estimate of the final figure for the appeal at our PGL Communication, however our last fundraising event (sponsored cycle run) will not take place until mid June. All funds raised from the appeal will go to support children with additional educational needs in four schools throughout Lanarkshire. If you have not already been able to contribute and seek to help, you can still send your donation to the PG Secretary (details on the website). Thursday 14 May sees Bro Tom Davidson RWPGM taking part in a 10k run at Helensburgh, he will be supported by Bro. John Anderson (PGL Committee) who will try and pace him to a time of between 50 and 70 minutes. Brethren in the lodges have been raising funds by guessing the PGM’s finishing time. Watch this space for the official time next week. The final fundraiser will be a sponsored cycle run on 16 June, details and sponsor sheets are available from lodge Secretaries. This event is an opportunity for individuals to participate, have a bit of fun and at the same time raise some money and make a difference to the lives of the children. There are no limits, all are welcome to participate, so the challenge is to all brethren – the young and the young at heart! Friday 1st May 2015 – Installation of PGL Office Bearers – Lanarkshire Upper Ward A large deputation comprising five commissioned officebearers and other members of PGL from the province accompanied Bro. Tom Davidson to the Annual Installation of PGL Officebearers of PGL Lanarkshire Upper Ward which took place at Carluke this evening. The temple was full and Bro. Alex Thomson RWPGM welcomed a fine deputation of visiting brethren from Sister Provinces all across Scotland, the deputation was headed by Rev Bro. Andrew Paterson RWPGM of PGL Fife and Kinross. All the assemble brethren witnessed a fine installation. At the conclusion of the meeting the brethren retired to harmony and enjoyed the excellent hospitality of the province PGL-LUW-INST-15-004

Heads of Deputations

Sunday 26th April 2015 – PGL Annual Divine Service

About 200 Freemasons and friends attended The Annual Divine Service of Provincial Grand Lodge, Lanarkshire Middle Ward, in The Old Parish Church, Uddingston. The brethren were again made most welcome by the minister and members of the church. The service was jointly conducted by the Rev Fiona McKibbin and Rev. Peter O. Price who delivered a thought provoking sermon. Readings were by Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM and Bill Perry DPGM. The province was also well supported by sister Provincial Grand Lodges and the other Masonic orders within Lanarkshire. After the service the brethren and guests retired to the church hall where they shared fellowship and tea and coffee. PGL-LMW-DIV-SER-15-029

Rev. Fiona McKibbin and Rev. Peter O Price with the Provincial Grand Master, Past Provincial Grand Masters and Heads of Deputations from other provinces919 - PGL-LMW-DIV-SER-15-003 PGL-LMW-DIV-SER-15-005

Sunday 19th April 2015Joint Annual Divine Service Lodges Hamilton Kilwinning No.7 & Hamilton No.233

Members of both lodges met at Hamilton West Parish Church for their joint annual divine service on the evening of Sunday 19th April 2015. They were joined by family, brethren from other lodges and a large deputation from PGL Lanarkshire Middle Ward to join in a service conducted by Rev. John Thomson. The readings were delivered by Bros. Graeme Smith and Tom Gilmour the RWMs of both lodges. After the service the brethren retired to the church hall for tea and biscuits and a period of fellowship. No 7 ADS 190415

(l to r) Tom Davidson, Tom Gilmour, Rev. John Thomson and Graeme Smith

Tuesday 14th April 2015 – Lodge Whifflet St.John No.963

Bro Tom Davidson, RWPGM visited Lodge Whifflet St. John No.963 this evening, he joined the visiting deputation from Lodge New Monkland Montrose No.88. Bro. Brian Martin, RWM warmly welcomed the visiting deputation into the lodge. Bro. Brian Martin, RWM presented the maul to Bro. Andrew McCulloch, RWM of Lodge New Monkland Montrose No.88 who then carried out a first class Entered Apprentice degree on the candidate for the evening. At the conclusion of the degree and return of the maul, Bro. Brian Martin asked Bro. Tom Davidson to address the brethren. He welcomed into the province brethren from Dunbartonshire, Glasgow and Renfrewshire East, however also present on the evening were two brethren from the Australian Constitution who were part of a very large contingent of Australian and New Zealand veterans in Europe to join in commemorations of the centenary of the Gallipoli Landings. All were extended a warm welcome and asked to take back to their respective lodges the fraternal greetings of all in the province. Following the meeting all retired to harmony. 963 140415 Tuesday 17th March 2015 – Lodge Caldercruix St. John No.1314 At the regular meeting on Tuesday night Bro. Allan Hutton, RWM warmly welcomed Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM who headed the Provincial visiting team of Bro. James Ferguson SPGM for the annual visit. He was accompanied by Bro. Bill Perry DPGM and Stephen Campbell SPGM and other brethren from the province. In addition a small deputation from The Friends Group of Marcus Humphrey House joined them, this included Bro. David Reid, Chariman of the group and IPPGM of PGL Renfrewshire East and Bros. Alistair Lowe and Bobby Ferguson the representatives on the group of PGL Lanarkshire Middle Ward. Following the formal business of the PGL visit, Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM addressed the brethren and gave a comprehensive report on the masonic record of Bros. Sandy Stewart PM and Robert Murdoch PM who had now reach the landmark of 50 years service since joining the lodge. The RWPGM addressed the brethren and encouraged them to emulate the example of the two brethren being honoured. The RWPGM invited the RWM to accompany him to the floor of the lodge and presented the Jubilee Diplomas to mark 50 years membership of the craft. Bro. Stewart suitably replied for both recipents and thanked the brethren for this honour and the support, kindness and friendship they had been shown over the years. Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM addressed the brethren regarding a beautiful Baton and Stand which had been crafted by Bro. Billy Murray for presentation to Marcus Humphrey House. The RWPGM invited Bro. Murray to come forward and present the Baton and Stand to Bro. David Reid the Chairman of the Friends Group. Bro. Reid thanked Bro. Murray for the presentation and commented on the workmanship, he said that he would be attending a meeting of the Benelovence and Care Committee the next day and would take it to Edinburgh to show it to the members of the committee. The officebearers and brethren of the lodge conferred a Fellowcraft Degree on the son of the RWM in a most expert manner. The brethren then retired to harmony.

1314 50yr diplomas 130315 Allan Hutton, Sandy Stewart, Robert Murdoch and Tom Davidson

1314 Baton130315

Bobby Ferguson, Tom Davidson, David Reid, Billy Murray, Allan Hutton and Alistair Lowe

1314 Baton 2 130315The Baton and Stand

Friday 20th March 2015 – Lodge Coltswood, Glenboig No.1067 Bro Tom Davidson RWPGM was accompanied by Bros. James L Jack IPPGM, James Shanks PDPGM and Peter Ball, PG Junior Chaplain and a large deputation of brethren forming the PGL visiting team for the annual visit of Lodge Coltswood, Glenboig No.1067. The deputation was warmly welcomed by Bro. Brian Hillen RWM. After reporting on the Annual Inspection of Books the deputation witnessed a first class Fellowcraft degree by the lodge officebearers. Bro. George G Carnegy commented on the lodge’s degree work on behalf of Provincial Grand Lodge. A large deputation of brethren from France under the jurisdiction of the GNLF were present in a renewal of the close relationship between the French brethren and the lodge. The RWPGM welcomed the French deputation into the province and said that he hoped they would enjoy the full programme of events they had planned for the whole week-end and that he was glad that the inter-visiting between the lodges had been able to resume. Two of the regular visiting French brethren, having gone through the enquiry procedure, were then affiliated to Lodge Coltswood, Glenboig No.1067. Bros. Alain Huppe and Guy Daumas Condomines, both of Lodge Fidelette Occitane No. 1067 took their obligations and were welcomed into the lodge, they suitably replied to the welcome. The PGL deputation retired and later joined the brethren in harmony where they enjoyed the lavish hospitality of the Lodge.

IMG_5874 Tom Davidson, James Jack, RWM Brian Hillen and French Deputation


PM Guy Daumas, RWPGM Tom Davidson, RWM Brian Hillen, IPPGM James Jack, PM Alain Huppe

Sunday 8th March 2015 – PGL Stirlingshire – ADS – Tulliallan Bros. Tom Davidson RWPGM, Norman Carnegy and Stephen Campbell SPGMs, Tom McCrone PG DoC and Billy Spencer travelled to Tulliallan to join with the brethren of PGL Stirlingshire at their ADS in Tulliallan and Kincardine Parish Church. All the brethren and their families were welcomed to the church Bro. Rev. Alec Shuttleworth, a member of Lodge Tarbolton St. James No. 135 who captivated the congregation with his style of sermon. Bro. Andrew McKinnon RWPGM of PGL Stirlingshire gave a warm welcome to everyone who attended and supported their ADS. As usual the hospitality after the service was excellent. Stirlingshire ADS - 080315 Wednesday 11th March 2015 – Lodge Griffin, Gartcosh No.1254 Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM of PGL Lanarkshire Middle Ward and Bro. James Peddie RWPGM of PGL Glasgow joined Bros. Tom McCrone and Peter Murphy to Glasgow for the presentation of a cheque for £1,600 to The Beatson Cancer Charity from Lodge Griffin Gartcosh No.1254. Amy Drezler, a fundraiser at the Beatson, received the cheque on behalf of the charity. The lodge had raised the funds from a number of different fundraising events over the past two years. The lodge selected to raise funds for this charity as a thank you to the Beatson for the care, support and treatment they had given to two members of the lodge in the recent past. Lodge Griffin No.1254 is a small but very active and committed lodge and their effort is inspirational and praiseworthy. 1254-Charity Cheque 110315

Tom Davidson, Tom McCrone, Peter Murphy, James Peddie and Amy Drezler

Tuesday 10th March 2015 – Lodge Murdostoun Castle No.1096 Bro Stephen Campbell SPGM was accompanied by Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM and the PGL visiting team for the annual visit of Lodge Murdostoun Castle No.1096. The deputation was warmly welcomed by Bro. James Finlay.s degree work on behalf of Provincial Grand Lodge. During the meeting Bro. James Finlay presented Bro. Ian Thomson with his pastmaster’s jewel, the RWM then asked the Lodge Director of Ceremonies to present Bro. Ian Thomson at the edge of the carpet where he presented him with a Distinguished Membership Diploma in recognition of his exceptional service to the lodge. Bro. Thomson thanked the RWM for the honour and thanked the brethren of the lodge. Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM further commented Bro. Thomson’s service to the lodge over the years and congratulated him on receiving this honour from the lodge. The deputation retired and later joined the brethren in harmony. Stephen Campbell Murdouston Castle 1096 100315

Tom Davidson, Ian Thomson, James Finlay and Stephen Campbell

Monday 9th March 2015 – Lodge New Monkland Montrose No.88 Bro Tom Davidson RWPGM was accompanied by Bro. Bill Perry DPGM and the PGL visiting team for the annual visit of Lodge New Monkland Montrose. The deputation was warmly welcomed by Bro. Andrew McCulloch. After reporting on the Annual Inspection of Books the deputation witnessed a first class Fellowcraft degree. Bro. Gordon Rowe commented on the lodge’s degree work on behalf of Provincial Grand Lodge. Before inviting the PGL deputation to retire, Bro. Andrew McCulloch RWM asked the Lodge Director of Ceremonies to present Bro. Bill Perry at the edge of the carpet where he offered him Honorary Membership of the lodge. Bro. Perry thanked him for the honour and accepted the offer. Bro. Perry was duly obligated. The deputation retired and later joined the brethren in harmony. Bill Perry HM 88 100315

Bill Perry, Andrew McCulloch and Tom Davidson

Friday 6th March 2015 – Installation of PGL Officebearers – Cambuslang

The Annual Installation of PGL Officebearers took place at Cambuslang on this evening. Two hundred brethren packed the masonic temple and Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM welcomed all the brethren to the meeting before receiving a fine deputation of visiting brethren from the Sister Provinces. The deputation was headed on this occasion by Bro. Robert Little the RWPGM of the PGL of Ayrshire. A deputation from the Grand Lodge of Scotland, comprising brethren from within the province and headed by Bro. George R Kelly the RW Substitute Grand Master were received and welcomed. The installation was carried out by Bros. Stephen Campbell SPGM, Bill Craig PG Secretary and William Cowan PPGSW. As expected they all carried out their duties as Installing Masters in an exemplary manner. Following the installation Bro. Tom Davidson invited Bro. Bill Perry DPGM, Bro. Bob Stirling’s current team leader, to assist in making a presentation to Bro Bob Stirling, the retiring Provincial Grand Senior Warden. A presentation of PPGSW regalia and jewel was made to mark Bro. Stirling’s service to the province. Bro. Stirling suitably replied. Bro. Tom McCrone the PG DOC introduced Bro. Bobby Ferguson to the brethren and Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM addressed Bro. Ferguson and then accompanied by Bro. George R Kelly, RW Substitute Grand Master presented him with his Honorary Grand Rank of Hon. Grand Bible Bearer. Bro. Ferguson suitably replied. Bro. Tom McCrone the PG DOC was asked to present Bros. Allan B Logan and Thomas G Cooper whereupon the RWPGM made reference to the excellent charity work of the two brethren over a long period of time. Bro. Logan has been the driving force behind the Lodge Old Monkland St.James No.177 charity effort to raise funds at their renowned Boxing Nights for the Yorkhill Childrens’ Foundation, this year will see the funds raised pass £100,000. Bro. Cooper has been a very active fundraiser for a wide range of charities over the last ten years and has raised over £250,000 for local charities and still volunteers two days a week at Stanmore House School in Lanark. The RWPGM conferred the rank of Honorary Provincial Grand Junior Deacon on both brethren. Both brethren suitably replied and thanked everyone who had helped them in their fundraising. Bro. Little commented on the evening on behalf of the visitors before the visiting deputations retired. At the conclusion of the meeting the brethren retired to harmony.PGL-LMW-INST-15-003 - team photo

Provincial Head of Deputations

Tom Cooper honorary membership 060315

PGM with Bro. Tom Cooper

Allan B Logan

PGM with RWM Bro. Allan Bertie Logan

Thursday 5th March 2015 – Lodge St. Thomas No.306 At the regular meeting on Thursday night Bro. George Leggate, RWM warmly welcomed Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM who joined the Provincial visiting team of Bro. Norman Carnegy SPGM and Peter Ball Junior Provincial Grand Chaplain and other brethren from the province. Following the formal business of the PGL visit the officebearers and brethren of the lodge conferred an Entered Apprentice Degree on one of their candidates in a most expert manner. Bro. George Leggate RWM addressed the brethren and gave a comprehensive report on the masonic record of Bros. John Leggate PM (118) and James Lockhart who had now reach the landmark of 50 years service since joining the lodge. The RWPGM addressed the brethren and encouraged them to emulate the example of the two brethren being honoured. The RWM invited the RWPGM to accompany him to the floor of the lodge and presented the Jubilee Diplomas to mark 50 years membership of the craft. Both Brethren suitably replied and thanked the brethren for this honour and the support, kindness and friendship they had been shown over the years. The brethren then retired to harmony. 306 050315

Tom Davidson, John Leggate, James Lockhart and George Leggate

Wednesday 4th March 2015 – Lodge Robert King Stewart No.919 At the regular meeting on Wednesday night Bro. Gary Muircroft, RWM warmly welcomed Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM who was accompanied by a deputation including Bros. James L Jack IPPGM, George Kelly PPGM, Norman Carnegy SPGM , Bill Craig PG. Secretary, Peter Ball Junior Provincial Grand Chaplain and other brethren from the province. In addition the deputation was enhanced by Bro. Ramsay McGhee the IPPGM of PGL Ross & Cromarty and currently RW Grand Master. The RWM addressed the brethren before asking Bro. Robert B Mathew who informed the brethren of the exceptional masonic record of Bro. Kenneth D Kennedy PM who had now reach the landmark of 50 years service since joining the lodge and had attained the highest offices in many areas of freemasonry. The RWM asked the RWPGM to address Bro. Kenneth D Kennedy and the brethren. The RWM invited the RWPGM and PPGMs to accompany him to the floor of the lodge and presented Bro. Kenneth D Kennedy with his Jubilee Diploma to mark 50 years membership of the craft and the contribution he has made over these years to the life of the lodge. Bro. Kennedy suitably replied and thanked the brethren for this honour and the support, kindness and friendship he had been shown over the years. The lodge officebearers then carried out an exemplification of the Fellowcraft degree. And Bro. Ramsay McGhee commented on the standard of the ritual work and offered a glowing vote of thanks to the RWM and the degree workers for the excellence of their work. The brethren then retired to harmony. 919 040315

Bill Craig, Ramsey McGhee, George R Kelly, Tom Davidson, Kenneth D Kennedy, Gary Muircroft, James L Jack, Peter Ball, Jamie Paterson and Stewart Wood

Tuesday 3rd March 2015 – Lodge Griffin Gartcosh No. 1254   1254 Installation 050315

Bro. Jack Brown, RWM Bro. Reg Sutherland, Bro. Gordon Mather.

Thursday 26th February 20145Lodge Woodhall St. John’s No.305 At the regular meeting of Lodge Woodhall St. John’s No.305 on Thursday night Bro. Colin Gowrie RWM welcomed Bros. Tom Davidson RWPGM, Andrew D Millar and Stephen Campbell SPGMs and a deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge into the lodge. Bro. Gowrie presented the maul to Bro. Tom Davidson and the RWPGM addressed the brethren and accompanied by the RWM, Bro. Gowrie, presented Bro. Jack Campbell MM with a Diamond Jubilee Diploma to mark 60 years membership of the craft. Bro. Campbell thanked the brethren of the lodge for this honour and the friendship they have shown over the years. The RWPGM returned the maul to the RWM and thanked him for the privilege of being involved in the presentation. Brethren of the lodge conferred an excellent degree and at the conclusion the brethren retired to harmony.305 040315

Andrew D Millar, Colin Gowrie, Jack Campbell and Tom Davidson

Saturday 28th February 2015Installation of Officebearers – PGL Stirlingshire- Falkirk A deputation from the province comprising Bros. Tom Davidson RWPGM, Stephen Campbell SPGM, Tom McCrone PG DoC and Billy Spencer PG Committee travelled to Falkirk on Saturday to join the brethren of PGL Stirlingshire at their Installation of Officebearers and held in the Masonic Temple of Lodge Callendar in Falkirk. The brethren joined a deputation of the sister provinces headed by Bro. John Brockie RWPGM of PGL Perthshire West and were warmly welcomed by Bro. Andrew McKinnon RWPGM of PGL Stirlingshire. The deputation witnessed an excellent installation of officebearers which was carried out very expertly By Bros. Andrew McKinnon RWPGM and John McKenzie IPPGM. The brethren were offered the hospitality of the province after the meeting. image2-1024x683 Tuesday 3rd March – Lodge Old Monkland St James No. 177 Annual Visitation Tom Davidson PGM accompanied by Bro. David Smillie PPGSW, Robert Stanfield PPGSW and five members of Provincial Grand Commitee, attended the Annual Visitation of the Lodge by Provincial Grand Lodge. A report was given on the year of Bro. Andrew Skinner IPM and the Degree work that followed was carried out to a very high standard with some of the younger Office Bearers. Following the close of the Meeting the Brethren retired, to enjoy some excellent harmony and discuss freemasonry in general. image Saturday 28th February Lodge Avon Glassford No 1231 Bro. Norman Carnegy SPGM accompanied by Bro. William Craig PG Secy, Bro. Peter Ball PG Jun. Chap. and a deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge, attended the Lodge Installation and Annual Visitation. Bro. William Gibson was installed by Bro. David Stewart RWIM and his Office-bearers were installed by Bro. Maxwell Baillie RWIM (IPM). The Installation was carried out in a very fine manner and following the close of the Meeting the Brethren retired, to enjoy an excellent meal and Harmony. image Friday 27th February 2015 – Installation of Officebearers – PGL Dumfriesshire – Dumfries A deputation from the province comprising of Bros. Tom Davidson RWPGM and Norman Carnegy SPGM travelled to Dumfries on Friday to join the brethren of PGL Dumfriesshire at their Installation of Officebearers held in the Assembly Rooms, Dumfries. The brethren joined a deputation of the sister provinces headed by Bro. Alex Thomson RWPGM of PGL Lanarkshire Upper Ward and were warmly welcomed by Bro. Robert Hughes RWPGM of PGL Dumfriesshire. The deputation witnessed an excellent installation of officebearers which was carried out very expertly with a great deal of humour. Each officebearer was installed with a personalized piece of scots verse The brethren were offered the hospitality of the province after the meeting. PGL Dumfries Installatiom -280215 Wednesday 4th February 2015 – Lodge Hamilton No.233 On Wednesday night Bro. Tom Gilmour, RWM welcomed Bro. Tom Davidson RWPGM who was accompanied by Bros. George R Kelly PPGM, Norman Carnegy SPGM and Peter Ball PG Junior Chaplain. Bro. Gilmour presented the maul to Bro. Tom Davidson and the RWPGM acknowledged the fealty of the lodge, returned the maul and said that he would carry out the PGL business later in the meeting. The brethren witnessed an excellent Entered Apprentice degree on two candidates, the degree was carried out by the lodge office bearers. The RWPGM was again offered the maul and addressed the lodge and accompanied by the Bro. Gilmour, RWM presented Bros. David Porter MM, Andrew McCulloch MM and Ian Lothian with Jubilee Diplomas to mark 50 years membership of the lodge Bro. David Porter was nominated as spokesman for the group and thanked the brethren of the lodge for this honour. The RWPGM thanked the RWM for the privilege of being involved in the presentation and returned the maul to the RWM.At the conclusion of the degree the brethren retired to harmony. 233 040215

Tom Davidson, Tom Gilmour, David Porter, Ian Lothian, Andrew McCulloch and George Kelly

Tuesday 3rd February 2015 – Lodge Old Monkland St. James No.177 The RWPGM, Bro Tom Davidson and Bro. Bill Perry DPGM attended the regular meeting of Lodge Old Monkland St.James No.177 and were welcomed by Bro. Allan B Logan, RWM and the brethren of the lodge. At the conclusion of the meeting the RWPGM addressed the brethren and announced that Bro. Allan B Logan RWM would receive the Honorary Provincial Grand rank of Junior Deacon at the meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge on Friday 6 March in Cambuslang, this honour is awarded in recognition of the important and critical part Bro. Logan has played in the lodge’s extremely successful Boxing Night events which have to date raised over £91,000 for the Yorkhill Childrens’ Foundation. This fundraising will continue with the next event in April 2015 being expected to take the amount over £100,000. The RWPGM commented on the contribution made by many brethren of the lodge to these successful events and congratulated all the brethren involved with not only the Boxing Nights but also the other very successful fundraising events. All retired to harmony after the meeting.RWM BRO A LOGAN 177 BEING CONGRATULATED BY RWPGM TOM DAVIDSON AND RW DPGM W PERRY ON RECEIVING PROVINCIAL HONORARY GRAND RANK OF JUNIOR DEACON

Provincial Grand Master Tom Davidson & Depute Provincial Grand Master Bill Perry with R.W.M. Allan B Logan

Monday 2nd February 2015 – Presentation of Cheque – The Haven

Representatives of the masonic orders within Lanarkshire were joined by Rev. Sarah Ross when they visited The Haven, Blantyre to present a cheque for £1,700 on behalf of the freemasons of Lanarkshire. The representatives received a warm welcome from Connie Postlethwaite and other staff who gave a brief outline of their work with their clients.The money was raised by a collection at the Christmas Carol Service for the freemasons of Lanarkshire which was conducted by the Rev. Sarah Ross in Blantyre Old Parish Church, Blantyre. The congregation of about 300 people at the service was drawn from members from all the masonic orders and their families from across Lanarkshire and beyond as well as members of the congregation and the general public.The collection on the evening was further augmented by donations from individuals and various masonic orders. The Haven School was selected by Rev. Sarah Ross and readily approved by all the masonic orders involved.The Provincial Grand Master again expressed the thanks of all involved to the Minister, Kirk Session and members of Blantyre Old Parish Church and to all the lodges who meet in Blantyre who acted as excellent hosts for the church service and the fellowship and hospitality received afterwards.

Haven cheque presentationJim Pettigrew, Andrew D Millar, Rev. Sarah Ross, Connie Postlethwaite,Tom Davidson and Richard Bethel


Saturday 31st January – Burns Immortal No. 1730 Installation On Saturday 31st January Bro Stephen Campbell SPGM, accompanied by Bro George Kelly PPGM, headed the Provincial Deputation to the Installation of Lodge Burns Immortal 1730. In an excellent Installation Ceremony the RWM Bro James D.N. Brown PM 557 and the Lodge Office Bearers were Installed by Bro’s Jack P Brown PM and James D.H. Lees PM both of whom are also PM’s of 557. Thereafter the Provincial Deputation joined the Brethren of the Lodge for the Installation Dinner and a spot of harmony.

1730 310115Stephen Campbell SPGM, Jack Brown RWIM, James D N Brown RWM, and Jim Lees RWIM.

Saturday 31st January 2015 – Installation of Officebearers – PGL Dunbartonshire- Dumbarton A deputation from the province comprising Bros. Tom Davidson RWPGM, Norman Carnegy SPGM and Tom McCrone PG DoC travelled to Dumbarton on Saturday to join the brethren of PGL Dunbartonshire at their Installation of Officebearers and held in the Masonic Temple of Lodge Dumbarton Kilwinning No.18.The brethren joined a deputation of the sister provinces headed by Bro. Wilson Aitken RWPGM of PGL Kilwinning and were warmly welcomed by Bro. John R McCormack RWPGM of PGL Dunbartonshire. The deputation witnessed the business of the province followed by an excellent installation of officebearers which was carried out very expertly by Bro. David Irving SPGM. The brethren were offered the hospitality of the province after the meeting. image2-1024x683 Saturday 24th January 2015 – Installation of Officebearers – PGL Perthshire West – Dunblane A deputation from the province comprising Bros. Tom Davidson RWPGM, Andrew D Millar, Jim Ferguson and Norman Carnegy SPGMs, Bill Craig PG Secretary, Tom McCrone PG DoC and Billy Spencer PG Committee travelled to Dunblane on Saturday to join the brethren of PGL Perthshire West at their Installation of Officebearers and held in the Masonic Temple of Lodge Dunblane Kilwinning No.9. The brethren joined a deputation of the sister provinces headed by Bro. Ronnie Forbes RWPGM of PGL Perthshire East and were warmly welcomed by Bro. John Brockie RWPGM of PGL Perthshire West. The deputation witnessed the business of the province followed by an excellent installation of officebearers which was carried out very expertly by Bro. James McDonald SPGM. The brethren were offered the hospitality of the province after the meeting. Monday 21st January 2015 – Lodge St.Enochs No.1288 The RWPGM, Bro Tom Davidson visited Lodge St. Enochs No.1288 to witness a Fellowcraft degree being carried out by the visiting lodge, St. Thomas No.306. The RWPGM joined the visiting deputation and all were welcomed by Bro. Derek Campbell, RWM of Lodge St. Enochs No.1288. The large deputation from Lodge St. Thomas No.306 was headed by Bro. George Leggate PM, RWM. All witnessed an excellent first degree with three brethren working parts of ritual for the first time. Also present at the meeting was Bro. James Alston, RWM of Lodge Garrowhill No.1413 At the conclusion of the meeting the RWPGM announced that Bro. Tom G. Cooper PM would receive the Honorary Provincial Grand rank of Junior Deacon at the meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge on 6 March in Cambuslang, this honour is awarded due to Bro.Cooper’s work for a wide range of charities. All retired to harmony after the meeting. St. Enoch 1288 210115

Tom Davidson, Derek Campbell, George Leggate and James Alston

Friday 16th January 2015 – Lodge Dura No.1513 At a special meeting of Lodge Dura No.1513 on Friday night Bro. Martin Halliday RWM welcomed Bros. Tom Davidson RWPGM, Bill Perry DPGM and Norman Carnegy SPGM into the lodge. Bro. Halliday presented the maul to Bro. Tom Davidson and the RWPGM thanked the RWM and returned the maul. Bro. Halliday offered the maul to Bro. George Watson, RWM of Lodge St. Andrew, Livingston Station, the visiting lodge, who headed the visiting deputation. The pastmasters, officebearers and brethren of the lodge carried out a first class exemplification of a Fellowcraft Degree. On the return of the maul Bro.Halliday, RWM instructed the lodge Director of Ceremonies to present Bro. James Graham PM at the edge of the carpet. The RWM addressed the brethren regarding the service to the lodge of Bro. Graham over the last 50 years before accompanied by the RWPGM and the visiting RWM he presented Bro. James Graham PM with a Jubilee Diploma to mark his 50 years membership of the craft. Bro. Graham thanked the brethren of the lodge for this honour and the friendship they have shown over the years and spoke of his connections with both Lodge Dura No.1513 and Lodge St. Andrew No.1587. The brethren retired to harmony.

Dura 1513 160115

DiplomaBill Perry, George Watson, Tom Davidson, James Graham, Martin Halliday and Norman Carnegy

Wednesday 14th January 2015 – Lodge St. Bryde No.579 Bro. Tom Davidson, RWPGM visited Lodge St. Bryde No.579 to witness a Fellowcraft degree being carried out by the visiting lodge, Lodge Mother Kilwinning No.0. The RWPGM was accompanied by a joint deputation from PGL Lanarkshire Middle Ward and PGL of Kilwinning which included their RWPGM, Bro. Wilson Aitken. The deputation and all were welcomed by Bro. Thomas Lynch, RWM of Lodge St.Bryde No.579 and the usual formalities were observed. The deputation from Lodge Mother Kilwinning No.0 was headed by Bro. John H Doole, RWM who was presented with the maul to allow the visitors to demonstrate a Fellowcraft degree. All present witnessed an excellent fellowcraft degree and watched with interest the differences in the manner in which the degree was presented. At the conclusion of the degree, Bro. Thomas Lynch, RWM instructed the lodge Director of Ceremonies to present Bro. Hugh Saunders at the edge of the carpet whereupon Bro. James L Jack, IPPGM and Lodge Secretary spoke on Bro. Saunder’s masonic service over 50 years starting in Lodge St. Bryde No.579 before moving to Ontario, Canada then returning back to Ayrshire and affiliating to Lodge Mother Kilwinning No.0. The RWM was accompanied by both RWPGMs to present a Jubilee Certificate to Bro. Saunders who suitably replied and thanked the brethren for the presentation. All retired to harmony after the meeting. St. Bryde 579 140115 Monday 12th January 2015 – Lodge Heatheryknowe No.1461 Bro. Tom Davidson visited Lodge Heatheryknowe No.1461 to witness an Entered Apprentice degree being carried out by the visiting lodge, St. Enochs No.1288. The RWPGM joined the visiting deputation and all were welcomed by Bro. Daniel Miller, RWM of Lodge Heatheryknowe No.1461. The deputation from Lodge St. Enochs No.1288 was headed by Bro. Derek Campbell, RWM on his first lodge deputation visit since taking the chair, his deputation was further enhanced by Bro. Derek Hope (RWM 114) AND Bro Thomas Lynch (RWM 579). Also present at the meeting was a small informal deputation from PGL of Perthshire West including their RWPGM Bro. John Brockie. All witnessed an excellent first degree and all retired to harmony after the meeting.

Heatheryknowe 1461 1201151314 Baton 2 130315

Thomas Lynch, Tom Davidson, Derek Campbell, Gary Sneddon (candidate), Daniel Miller and Derek Hope

Saturday 10th January 2015 – Installation Bothwell Brig No. 1229 On Saturday 10th January Bro Stephen Campbell SPGM headed the Provincial Deputation to the Installation of Lodge Bothwell Brig 1229. Stephen was accompanied on this occasion by Bro James L Jack PPGM, Bro George Kelly PPGM and Bro Bill Perry DPGM. In an excellent Installation Ceremony Bro John Thomson RWM elect was Installed by Gerry Furlong PM and the Lodge Office Bearers were Installed by the outgoing RWM Bro John Furlong PM. Thereafter the Provincial Deputation joined the Brethren of the Lodge for the Installation Dinner, the formal Toast list and a spot of harmony. Bothwell Brig 1229 100115

Bro Stephen Campbell SPGM, Bro John Furlong RWIM, Bro John Thomson RWM, Bro Gerry Furlong RWIM, and Bro Donald Mathieson PDPGM.

Friday 9th January 2015 – Provincial Grand Lodge Annual Meeting At the Annual Meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge, a capacity attendance heard that two brethren from the province had been honoured with Honorary Grand Rank. The honours had been announced by the Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason, Bro. Charles Iain Robert Wolrige Gordon of Esslemont at the Festival of St.Andrew in November in recognition of the service given by the brethren to their lodges, the province and freemasonry in general. The brethren honoured were – Bro. Gordon McCaffer (1067) – Hon. Grand Assist. Treasurer Bro. Robert Ferguson (306) – Hon. Grand Biblebearer The PGM was accompanied to make the presentation to Bro. Gordon McCaffer (1067) by Bro. James Shanks PDPGM and Bro. Brian Hillen (RWM 1067). The PGM invited Bro James Shanks PDPGM to present the diploma and the RWM to present a neck jewel on behalf of the lodge. Bro. Robert Ferguson was unable to be present on the evening and will receive his presentation at the Installation of PGL Officebearers in March. In addition to the normal business of the Annual General Meeting a ballot was held to elect additional PG Committee Members. Eight excellent candidates had expressed a wish to be considered for the available positions, the meeting elected the following brethren:- Bro. Billy Spencer (114) Bro. John Anderson (233) Bro. Colin Campbell (1067) The PGM congratulated the successful candidates and welcomed them to PG Committee and thanked the other candidates for showing their willingness to serve on PGL and was sure that other opportunities would arise in the near future. The New Year draw was made later in the evening and raised over £1400. Honorary McCaffer 090115