The Grand Master Mason Brother Sir Archibald Donald Orr Ewing Bart., presided. Brother Kennedy appointed a new team of Brethren well known throughout the Province; a change from custom the Installation of the new Provincial Grand Master was held in Motherwell Civic Centre.
Early in his commission Brother Kennedy addressed the Brethren on the sad news that the Queen Mother had died. The PGM reminded the Brethren that Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother had been the wife of our own Grand Master Mason, King George VI. Brother Kennedy’s Finance committee reports show the Province in a healthy financial condition with over £40,000, in funds.
During his term Brother Kennedy sadly commented on the death of two stalwarts of our province in Brother Gilbert Gourlay and Brother Andrew D. Millar both of whom had held senior positions in the province and had contributed their time over many years. Brother Kennedy’s term also experienced the loss of Substitute Provincial Grand Master Bro. Alex Dick.
St. Andrews Hospice continued to be the focus of much of our charity work and the minute’s record that the Grand Ball raised £4,000, for the cause.
The Grand Master Mason visited the Province in June 2005. The meeting was hosted by the PGM’s mother lodge, Robert King Stewart No.919, in New Stevenson. The Grand Master Mason, Bro. Joseph Morrow, thanked the Province for its continued good work. Our Provincial Grand Master Mason was an extremely busy Freemason and was congratulated by his predecessor on becoming the Grand Master of the Great Priory of Scotland. The five years had largely been a happy trouble free time for the Province and Brother Kennedy announced that he would not seek re-appointment at the end of his term. he Provincial Grand Secretary, James L. Jack, was duly nominated to succeed Brother Kennedy.