PGL Burns Supper

Dress code, Lounge Suit – Shirt & Tie
We have a fantastic line up of well-versed Burnsians to entertain:
Immortal Memory-Bro John Wallace
Toast to Lassies- Bro Alan Beck (current President of the Burns Federation)
Recitals-Bro Angus Middleton (Past President Burns Federation)
Communal singing led by Hugh Lee
Ticket price is £20 per head and will be on a first come first serve basis.
Please book your places through SPGM Gordon Mather via email [email protected]
All tickets must be paid within 7 days of booking, preferably via bank transfer however cheque/cash acceptable.
Sort Code: 83-22-27
Account No: 00293716
May be an image of diary, card, poster, calendar, magazine and text that says "DATES FOR YOUR DIARY"
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