News 2018

 Saturday 27th December 2018 – The Operative Lodge of Airdrie No. 203 Annual Installation

DPGM Bro. Andrew Millar headed the Provincial Deputation to The Operative Lodge of Airdrie No. 203 . In an excellent Ceremonial Bro  RWM. Bro Robert Fraser was Installed as RWM by RWIM Bro. Brian Stewart and RWIM Bro. David Smillie. The Lodge was well supported on the evening by a good attendance of brethren from within and out with the Province.

Following the Installation the Brethren had a great meal, speeches and harmony

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DPGM Bro. Andrew Millar, RWIM Bro. Brian Stewart, Bro Robert Fraser RWM and RWIM Bro. David Smillie

Saturday 22nd December 2018 – Lodge St. Thomas No. 306 Annual Installation

SPGM Bro Alex Kelly  headed the Provincial Deputation accompanied by PPGM Bro George Kelly & PPGWSW Bro Jim Lees to the Installation of Lodge St. Thomas No. 306 . In an excellent Ceremonial Bro  RWM. Bro David Falconer was Installed as RWM by RWIM Bro. Robert Ferguson and RWIM Bro. John Fox

Following the Installation the Deputation joined the Brethren of the Lodge at the festive board and harmony.

PPGM George R. Kelly, RWIM Bro. Robert Ferguson, RWM Bro. David Falconer, RWIM Bro. John Fox, SPGM Bro. Alex Kelly, PPGSW Bro. Jim Lees

Wednesday 19th December 2018 – Lodge Airdrie St. John No. 166 Annual Installation

Bro. Andrew D. Millar DPGM accompanied by Bro. James Shanks PDPGM headed a large Deputation of Provincial Grand Lodge to the Installation of Lodge Airdrie St. John No. 166. Bro. James Ferguson PM carried out the installation of the new RWM, Bro. Robert McCormick PM, who was taking the Chair of the Lodge 10 years to the day and date after he was first installed in 2008.

Bro. McCormick then proceeded to install the Office Bearers of the Lodge. Both carried out their installation duties to a very high standard.

The newly installed RWM thereafter bestowed Honorary Membership of the Lodge on Bro. David Truesdale PM Lodge 203 and Bro. Alan Cowan MM and Organist of Lodge 203. Both of these brethren were well deserving of the recognition as they had been carrying out Installation duties, for Lodge 166, for over 10 years.

Following the installation and presentation the PGL deputation and brethren retired to partake in some excellent Lodge hospitality.

DPGM Bro. Andrew Millar, RWM Robert McCormick, RWIM Bro, James Ferguson

Recipients of Honorary Membership – Bro. Alan Cowan MM 203, RWM Bro. Robert McCormick and Bro. David Truesdale PM 203

Sunday 16th December 2018 – Annual Carol Service for Lanarkshire Freemasons

The Annual Carol Service was held for Lanarkshire Freemasons and their families on the 16th December at Airdrie High Kirk.

The Service was conducted by the Minister of the Kirk, Rev. Ian McDonald and was assisted by the Readers from the various Masonic Orders within Lanarkshire.

Following the close of the Service, the congregation retired to enjoy some festive refreshments provided by the Church.

The Provincial Grand Lodge would once again thank everyone for their attendance with special thanks to the Minister, Session and Members of Airdrie High Kirk for allowing us to hold our Carol Service in their beautiful Church.

Monday 17th December 2018 – Christmas card from Firpark School, Motherwell
Brethren, see attached a Christmas card received from the Headteacher, staff and pupils at Firpark School, a school which works with children with special educational needs.

Both PGL of Lanarkshire Middle Ward and many of the daughter lodges have supported the work of the school by making donations to the school over many years. I am sure we all wish the staff and pupils a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Saturday 15th December 2018 – Lodge Whifflet St. John No. 963 Annual Installation

DPGM Bro. Andrew Millar headed the Provincial Deputation to the Installation of Lodge Whifflet St. John No. 963. In an excellent Ceremonial Bro. James Durning was Installed as RWM by RWIM Bro. John Clydesdale PM with the Office Bearers being Installed by Bro. Hugh Glen PM.

Following the Installation the Deputation joined the Brethren of the Lodge at the festive board and harmony.

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Saturday 15th December 2018 – Lodge Robert Burns No. 440 Annual Installation

SPGM Bro Stephen Campbell headed the Provincial Deputation to the Installation of Lodge Robert Burns 440. In an excellent Ceremonial Bro Walter McC. Dunn PM was Installed as RWM by RWIM Bro Walter F. Houston PM with the Office Bearers being Installed by Bro Derek Beaton PM.

Following the Installation the Deputation joined the Brethren of the Lodge at the festive board and harmony.

Friday 14th December 2018 – Lodge Motherwell Caledonian No. 1228 Annual Installation

SPGM Bro Angus Ross headed the Provincial Deputation to the Installation of Lodge Motherwell Caledonian No. 1228. In an excellent Ceremonial the RWM Bro John Dunn PM was Re-installed by RWIM Bro Alan Nightingale PM, RWIM Bro John Lindsay PM and RWIM Iain Anderson PM

Following the Installation the Provincial Deputation joined the Brethren of the Lodge at the festive board and harmony to round off an excellent evening.


Thursday 13th December – Lodge Woodhall St. John No. 305 Annual Installation
SPGM Bro Stephen Campbell headed the Provincial Deputation to the Installation of Lodge Woodhall St John’s 305.

Stephen was accompanied in the Deputation by SPGM Bro Norman Carnegy.

In an excellent Ceremonial the RWM Elect Bro Gordon Airns PM was Installed by RWIM Bro Ian McGown PM with the Lodge Office Bearers being Installed by RWIM Bro Colin Gowrie PM.

Following the Installation the Provincial Deputation joined the Brethren of the Lodge at the festive board and harmony to round off an excellent evening.

Wednesday 12th December 2018 – 60yr Service Diploma Presentation to Bro. Robert Cook

On Wednesday 12th December, RWM Bro. Jim Paisley welcomed a Deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge to The Operative Lodge of Airdrie No. 203.

The Past Masters of the Lodge conferred an excellent EA Degree, after which Bro. Robert Cook was presented with his Diamond Certificate to celebrate 60 years of service to the Lodge.

Bro. Cook thanked the RWM and the Brethren of 203 for the presentation and looked forward to spending many more happy times in the Lodge.

William Craig PG Sect., David Smillie PPGSW, Bill Perry PGM, Bro. Robert Cook, Jimmy Paisley RWM, Ian McComb PM Sect., Alex Kelly SPGM, Robert Stanfield PPGSW

9th December 2018 – Grand Lodge of Scotland Edinburgh  – Annual Christmas Concert
Today saw the Annual Christmas Concert by the Glasgow Phoenix Choir at Freemasons’ Hall in Edinburgh. Members of the public joined with Freemasons from all over Scotland and enjoyed an excellent programme of choral music. Many members from Lanarkshire were in the audience or assisting with stewarding the event. The proceeds of the concert will go to support the work of Erskine.

Saturday 8th December 2018 – Lodge Clydesdale No. 551 Annual Installation

SPGM Bro. Alex Kelly and a large deputation for Provincial Grand Lodge attended the installation of RWM Bro. Colin Crookston and his Office Bearers, the Installing masters for the evening were Bro. Alex Wilson & Bro. Peter Bennie, both Past Masters of Lodge Clydesdale No. 551, who carried out the Installing ceremony to a very high standard, a very proud moment from Colin’s dad who was also in attendance

Following the ceremony the Brethren retired to some fine hospitality and speeches in the Company of Lodge Clydesale and visitors, including the visitors from within and outwith the Province including those from Holland.

The Installation Programme also included a physical wax seal specially commissioned for the day.

Bro. Alex Wilson RWIM, Bro.Colin Crookston RWM, Bro. Peter Bennie RWIM & Bro. Alex Kelly SPGM

Installation Programme & Wax Seal

Friday 7th December 2018 – Lodge Robert King Stewart No. 919 Annual Installation
SPGM Bro. Angus and a large deputation for Provincial Grand Lodge attended the installation of RWM Bro. Phil Biggerstaff and his Office Bearers, the Installing Masters for the evening were Bro. Gary Moorcroft & Bro. Andrew Affleck, both Past Masters of Robert King Stewart No. 919, who carried out the Installing ceremony to a very high standard, this was Right Worshipful Master Phil Biggerstaff’s 2nd term in office.

Following the ceremony the Brethren retired to some fine hospitality and speeches in the Company of the Lodge members and visitors.

Saturday 1st December 2018 – Lodge St. Enoch No.1288 – Installation – Uddingston
A very large deputation from PGL Lanarkshire Middle Ward, headed by Bro. Bill Perry RWPGM, was accompanied by Bro. Joseph R Curry, RWDGM and his deputation from the DGL of The Bahamas into the installation meeting of Lodge St. Enoch No.1288. They were warmly welcomed by Bro. Harry Simpson, RWM who tendered the maul as a token of fealty to the RWPGM.
Bro. Andrew E Paterson, RW Depute Grand Master was admitted to the lodge and again was warmly welcomed by Bro. Harry Simpson, RWM who tendered the maul as a token of fealty to the RW Dep.GM.
The RW Installing Masters, Bros. Stephen H A Campbell PM and John A. Anderson PM were admitted and proceeded to install Bro. Derek Campbell PM as RWM and the remainder of the officebearers into office in a most competent manner. As one of his first duties the RWM offer the maul to the RWPGM who thanked him and said that he would retain the maul to carry out further business.
The RWPGM requested that Bro. George R Kelly should carry out the ceremonial relating to the Twinning of PGL of Lanarkshire Middle Ward and the DGL of The Bahamas. Bro. Tom Davidson IPPGM and Acting PG DoC presented Bros. Bill Perry and Joseph R Curry in the west of the lodge prior to them taking an obligation on behalf of their respective Province and District after which they both signed the Twinning Agreement following which the Agreement was read out to the assembled brethren.
Following this the RWPGM invited Bro. Joseph R Curry to accept honorary membership of PGL of Lanarkshire Middle Ward, he readily accepted. The deputation from DGL of The Bahamas comprised 49 brethren and 21 ladies who had been in Scotland since Monday 26 November.
Following the return of the maul, the lodge was closed and the brethren retired to the installation dinner.

Some photos are also attached of the Bahamian brethren’s activities during their visit to Scotland

Marcus Humphrey House Raffle  – Faith, Hope & Charity Stained Glass Windows

Three stained glass windows from Christ Church Cathedral Oxford with “Faith, Hope and Charity” on them are being raffled at £1 per shot to raise money for the Marcus Humphrey Masonic Home. They are each 16”x 5” (400mm x 125mm) boxed and in perfect condition, they have been donated by Bro David Bloomfield PPGM Kilwinning.

If you would like a raffle ticket please contact Bobby Ferguson or Tom Reid. We have only been allocated 100 for our province so please contact us Bobby Ferguson (07875 879598 or email  [email protected]) to prevent disappointment

Saturday 1st December 2018 – Lodge Coltswood Glenboig No. 1067 Annual Installation

DPGM Bro. Andrew Millar headed the Provincial Grand Lodge Deputation to the Installation of Lodge Coltswood Glenboig No. 1067. In an excellent Ceremonial Bro. Iain Reid was installed as Right Worshipful Master by Bro. Peter Liggett RWIM along with his Office Bearers being installed Bro. Neil Thomson RWIM.

As is customary at Lodge Coltswood Bro. Alain Huppé and Guy Condomines from Lodge 1067 in France attended the Installation Ceremony, with Bro. Alain replying to the Toast to the Lodge delivered by PM Charles Clarke of Lodge 177.

Following the Installation the Provincial Deputation joined the Brethren at the festive board and harmony.

Bro. Andrew Millar DPGM, Bro. Neil Thomson RWIM, Bro. Iain Reid RWM, Bro. Peter Ligget RWIM & Bro. James Shanks PPDM

The Operative Lodge of Airdrie No. 203. – Charitable Giving December 2018

Right Worshipful Master Bro. Jimmy Paisley has this week been busy delivering cheques on behalf of the Lodge to some very well deserving charities, he is pictured below presenting the following cheques.

– £200 to McMillan nurses
– £200 to CHAS children’s charity
– £200 to Erskine Hospital

Fantastic work Brethern, congratulations from all the Provincial Grand Lodge, superb ??

Thursday 29th November 2018 – Honorary Grand Rank Confirmations
At the Festival of St. Andrew, three distinguished Brethren of the Province were rewarded for their service to the Craft by being awarded Grand Honorary Rank of the Grand Lodge of Scotland by our new MWGMM Bro. Ramsay McGhee at the Festival of St. Andrew.

Bro. Jim MacDonald, Cambuslang Royal Arch Lodge No. 114

Bro. Steven Davis, Lodge Livingstone St. Andrew No. 573

Bro. John Clydesdale, Lodge Whifflet St. John No. 963

All well deserved after giving many years of service to their Lodges and the Craft. The presentation of jewels and certificates will take place at the Provincial Grand Lodge AGM in January.

Thursday 29th November 2018 – Installation of Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason, Bro. Ramsay McGhee and Festival of St. Andrew

The Province was well represented at the Installation of the new Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason, William Ramsay McGhee.

Following the Installation of the Grand Master Mason, the Office Bearers were Installed.

The Province is delighted to report that Brother Thomas Davidson was advanced to the Office of Senior Grand Standard Bearer and Brother James L. Jack the Office of Grand Bard, more delightfully Brother John Anderson was Installed as Grand Inner Guard, his first office in Grand Lodge

Brother William Spencer has also been appointed the Board of Grand Stewards joining Brother Thomas McCrone and Bro. Alexander Hamilton.

We are honoured to be as well represented by these esteemed Brethren at Grand Lodge, well done Brethren



29th November 2018 – Grand Lodge of Scotland Publications

Grand Lodge have published this very informative booklet, buy one for a Brother of the Craft for his Christmas ?, £3.00 a copy. £1.00 of the purchase cost goes to Grand Lodge Benevolence.

Wednesday 28th November 2018 – Lodge Hamilton Kilwinning No. 7 Annual Installation

Bro. Alex Kelly SPGM and a large Provincial Grand Lodge deputation attended the annual Installation of Lodge Hamilton Kilwinning No. 7 .

Bro. John Limerick RWM was installed by Installing Masters Bro. James S. Dorricott P.M. and Bro. James Carruthers P.M.

The Lodge was well supported on the evening by a good attendance of brethren from within and out with the Province.

Following the Installation the Brethren had a very enjoyable and sociable dinner.


Bro. James S. Dorricott RWIM, Bro. John Limerick RWM, Bro. James Carruthers RWIM and Bro. Alex Kelly SPGM

Saturday 24th November 2018 – Lodge St. Andrew No. 215 Annual Installation

SPGM Bro Alex Kelly headed the Provincial Deputation to the annual Installation of Lodge St. Andrew No. 215

In a fine Installation Ceremony the RWM Elect Bro Nicholas Harding was Installed by Bro. M Breen PM and Bro. D Freww PM

Following the Ceremonial the Provincial Deputation joined the Brethren of the Lodge at the festive board and harmony – an excellent day with Congratulations to all.

Saturday 24th November 2018 – Lodge St.Bryde No. 579 Annual Installation

SPGM Bro Stephen Campbell headed the Provincial Deputation to the annual Installation of Lodge St Bryde 579.

Stephen was accompanied on this occasion by PPGM Bro James L Jack and by two members of the District Grand Lodge of Central South Africa – DGM Bro Jim Kerr and DG Steward Bro Gary Talbot.

In a fine Installation Ceremony the RWM Elect Bro Russell Parsons was Installed by PM Bro Alex Hamilton with the Office Bearers being Installed by PM David Shaw.

Following the Ceremonial the Provincial Deputation joined the Brethren of the Lodge at the festive board and harmony – an excellent day with Congratulations to all.

Bro Jim Kerr DGM, Bro Russell Parsons RWM, Bro Gary Talbot DG Steward & Bro. Stephen Campbell SPGM


Bro Alex Hamilton RWIM , Bro. Russel Parsons RWM & Bro. David Shaw RWIM

Saturday 24th November 2018 – Lodge Lodge St. Dura No.1513 Annual Installation

SPGM Bro. Angus Ross headed the Provincial Grand Lodge Deputation to the Installation of Lodge St. Dura No.1513 . In an excellent Ceremonial Bro. Sam Howie was installed as Right Worshipful Master along with his Office Berarers by Bro. Ian Cleland RWIM and Bro. Gary Gilfillan RWIM

Following the Installation the Provincial Deputation joined the Brethren at the festive board and harmony.

Bro. Ian Cleland RWIM, Bro. Sam Howie RWM, Bro. Gary Gilfillan RWIM & Bro. Angus Ross SPGM

Friday 23rd November 2018 – Lodge Livingstone St. Andrews No. 573 Annual Installation

SPGM Bro. Angus Ross headed the Provincial Grand Lodge Deputation to the Installation of Lodge Livingstone St. Andrew No. 573 . In an excellent Ceremonial Bro. Kenny Bogle RWM was installed as Right Worshipful Master along with his Office Bearers by Bro. Gordon McAlpine RWIM & Bro. Hunter Maxwell RWIM

This was Bro. Kenny Bogle’s 10th time being Installed as Right Worshipful Master.

Following the Installation the Provincial Deputation joined the Brethren at the festive board and harmony.

Bro. Gordon McAlpine RWIM, Bro. Kenny Bogle RWM, Bro. Hunter Maxwell & Bro. Angus Ross SPGM

Grand Lodge of Scotland Installation of Bro. Ramsay McGhee Grand Master Mason Elect & Festival of St. Andrew – IMPORTANT INFORMATION
Communication from Grand Lodge on the Installation of the Grand Master Mason and Festival of St. Andrew

Wednesday 21st November 2018 – Lodge Airdrie St. John No. 166  Cheque Presentation to Erskine Care Homes

At the Remembrance Service on the Lodge where the Lodge donated a substantial cheque to Poppy Scotland that also made another fantastic cheque presentation to Erskine Cares Homes for the sum of £1,100, Erskine offers unrivalled nursing, residential, respite and dementia care in our four homes throughout Scotland for UK veterans and their spouses, more information can be found on their website .

Well done to all the members and supporters of the Lodge for this fine fundraising for a great and deserving charity

Wednesday 21st November 2018 – Lodge Airdrie St. John No. 166 Remembrance Service & Cheque Presentation to Poppy Scotland

RWM Craig Gibson welcomed and presided over a large meeting for the AGM and Act of Remembrance for the Lodge

After the Service Bro. Gordon Michie of Poppy Scotland was presented with a cheque for £1918. The Lodge has over the year undertaken a variety of different fundraising events culminating in a Remembrance dance on the weekend of Remembrance 2018.

Bro. Gordon Michie commented “The welcome from the RWM and brethren was very hospitable and it was humbling to witness a service of Remembrance to the 25 brethren who gave the ultimate sacrifice during the first and second wars. After the meeting I was delighted to accept a cheque from the Lodge for £1918 as their commitment to Poppyscotland’s Poppy Pledge challenge. Thank you all for your support. Lest We Forget.”

Fantastic work by the Brethern and supporters of the Lodge.

Thursday 15th November 2018 – Lodge Robert Burns No. 440 – Presentation By Bro. David Ross on Brother William Reid V.C.

The attached is the presentation by Bro. David Ross PM and close up of the plaque dedicated by Provincial Grand Lodge

Dedication Speech Bro. David Ross Past Master

PRWM, RWPGM, Reigning Master, Past Masters, Worship Wardens, Brethren all.

It is my very great privilege and pleasure this evening to present this tribute to a great Scottish hero, a Baillieston man and member of Lodge Robert Burns, Bro William Reid.
Bill Reid was in many respects an ordinary man. Born in humble circumstances, who encouraged by his parents to stretch himself academically and by hard work, determination and commitment, forged himself a successful career.
He was happily married and had a family. He had a busy and rewarding social life.

However, world events were to conspire to show that William Reid was no ordinary man, he was a man with extra ordinary tenacity courage and bravery which led him to be Baillieston’s most famous sons and one of Scotland’s greatest war heroes.He was born on 12th December 1921 at 43 Main Street, Baillieston. His home was situated just at the junction of Main Street and Buchanan Street. Bill and his elder brother George were sent to my old school, Swinton Primary School to receive their early schooling. He was a very bright and able pupil. After leaving Swinton he attended the High School in Coatbridge where showed great promise and in normal times would have been expected to continue his education at University.

However, the outbreak of war was to see his academic studies put on hold. His older brother George had joined the RAF as a Wireless Operator/Gunner and Bill volunteered to follow his brother George into the RAF as a pilot. Many would apply to be a pilot, seen as one of the glamourous and heroic ways of fighting for your King and Country however, only few would be accepted. Applications were subjected to a rigorous selection process which Bill successfully passed. There was such a demand for training places as pilots that he had to go onto a waiting list. He was enlisted in the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve to await his call up papers.

He had various jobs during this period including postman in the village. It was an incredibly sad and difficult time for the family with his brother George killed in action over Belgium when his Blenheim bomber was shot down. His father died shortly afterwards. Despite his eagerness to join the fray he had to wait until August 1941 to be finally called to the Aircrew Reception Centre in London. He was initially posted to Newquay before being shipped to New Brunswick in Canada for further training. This subsequently led him to move to California where his training was carried out in civilian clothes as America had not yet entered the war.

After months of intensive training and with over 200 hrs flight experience he gained his pilots wings and was commissioned as an officer with the rank Flight Lieutenant and returned to the UK for further training. Bill proved to be an exceptional pilot, not only were his flying skills exemplary he was skilled in the art of navigation which at this time still relied heavily on plotting your course and position with the aid of the moon and stars. His talent was recognised by his trainers and he was asked to remain as instructor. This offer did not meet with his approval, as he had joined to take part in the war, not to remain at home in the relative safety of a training base. He eventually relented when given the guarantee that if he completed a six-month secondment, he would be transferred to active duty on Lancaster bombers. That posting did not materialise until July 1943, when he was sent to RAF Wigsley, near Newark. His first operational mission was as second pilot, in 9 Squadron, in a raid on Munchen-Gladbach. In September he was posted to 61 Squadron at to commence bombing operations with his own crew.

Bill and his crew comprising of flight engineer, navigator, wireless operator, bomb aimer, mid upper gunner and rear gunner who were expected to complete 30 missions before they could expect to be reassigned to other duties. His initial 9 sorties were in his own words “fairly uneventful”.

On the morning of 3rd November 1943 along with his navigator Pilot Officer Allan Jeffries he was summoned to a briefing. The large curtains were drawn back to reveal a huge map of Europe with a line of coloured tape running from the bomber base out across the North Sea before turning towards the target, the heavily defended, Mannesmann Steel works in Dusseldorf. P/O Jeffries took copious notes on flight times, positions for course changes which he used to mark up his own charts and maps. Information crucial to the success of the mission. The next task for Flight Lieutenant Reid was to brief his crew after which they would be given time to prepare themselves. To write “just in case I don’t get back” letters to parents, wives and children, before sitting down together in the mess for their meal referred to by airman as the “last supper”.

As darkness fell, the brave crew followed their 21-year-old leader as they climbed into their aircraft Lancaster Bomber LM 360 Designated O for Oboe. The aircraft trundled down the runway, before disappearing from view into the night sky to take its place in the armada of 600 bombers bound for Germany. As the bomber flew over Holland the cockpit exploded in a flash as a Messerschmitt night fighter raked his plane with machine-gun fire. The rear gunner furiously fought off the Messerschmitt and the Lancaster plunged thousands of feet before being brought under control.

Despite the damage sustained to the craft the only casualty was the pilot, Flight Lieutenant Reid. He sustained serious shrapnel wounds to his head, hands and shoulders. The blood poured from his head and face until the cold air froze it solid to his eyelids. ”I felt as if my head had been blown off,” he recalled long afterward. Having confirmed the rest of his crew were uninjured he made the first of a number of remarkable decisions. As the only person capable of flying the craft and given the damage both he and the aircraft sustained at this point he could have made the decision to return to base.

He would have been more than entitled to do so and there would have been no question of criticism being levelled at him. He chose not to. Instead he pressed on with the mission, with most of the crew unaware of his injuries. As he pressed on into the dark heart of enemy territory the stricken Lancaster was attacked for a second time. A Focke-Wulf fighter opened up its 13mm cannons and riddled the bomber all along its fuselage. Reid was wounded for a second time, with a wound to the chest and arm, rendering his right arm useless.

His navigator was Pilot Officer Jeffries died instantly of his wounds, his radio operator Flight/Sgt Jim Mann aged just 22 was mortally wounded and his flight engineer Flight/Sgt Jim Norris sitting next to Reid in the cockpit was struck in the arm with a cannon shell. The plane’s oxygen supply and hydraulics were crippled. Its compass was destroyed, the port aileron at the tail had been shot off. This is what kept the plane flying straight and level. This meant that the stick had to be pulled back fully just to keep the plane in the sky. His injuries were such that he could not hold the stick to his body and it was only with the assistance of the injured flight engineer using his uninjured arm that control of the aircraft was regained. The damage sustained was critical. The windscreen blown apart leaving the cockpit open to the extreme elements of the stratosphere and the danger of frostbite, the crew using emergency bottled oxygen to breathe, the aileron shot off and the plane barely able to fly, navigator dead, wireless operator dying and the pilot suffering multiple serious wounds and still 200 miles from the target and the heavy anti-aircraft which protected the steelworks Aware that any further damage would likely see his plane fall from the sky, unsure if he could maintain consciousness and in excruciating agony Flight Lieutenant Reid had to make another decision. He decided to proceed to target.

When interviewed for the World at War documentary he rather modestly claimed that as all four engines were still operating the decision was an easy one. He would press on and complete his mission. Remarkably he had memorised the navigation notes made by the navigator and felt confident that, if he could stay conscious and the plane kept flying, he would find the target. With the assistance of the flight engineer he managed to keep the plane on the level. The intense cold had by now frozen the blood seeping from his various wounds and staunched the bleeding saving his life. Lapsing in and out of consciousness the miles slowly passed until he reached maelstrom of anti-aircraft fire over Dusseldorf. Mustering all his energy he flew through the barrage and positioned his aircraft directly above the target. The bomb aimer released the deadly cargo of 500lb bombs which found their target. A photograph was taken by the crew confirming the accuracy of the raid before turning the stricken aircraft from home.

Mission accomplished however the crew were far from safety. They still had to nurse the badly damaged aircraft over hundreds of miles of enemy territory bristling with anti-aircraft guns, with their target now known to the enemy they could concentrate their night fighters on attacking the returning bombers, they were running low in bottled oxygen and they had no compass or navigator to plot a safe course to home. It is here that Flight Lieutenant Reid’s skill as a pilot, his expertise in navigation, his commitment to getting his crew home safely by memorising the route and navigation notes, his inner strength, fortitude and courage came to the fore

Using the Pole Star as a reference, he struck out for home. As the crew left behind the dangers of anti-aircraft fire and fighters over Holland they settled down to what the hoped would be, an uneventful passage over the North Sea to their base. Then, suddenly, all four engines cut out and the plane went into a spin and plunged downwards. Flight Sgt Norris, light-headed through lack of oxygen, had forgotten to open over the valves controlling the reserve tank. The stricken craft plunged towards the frozen North Sea. Their training kicked in and they quickly realised their mistake. The valves were opened, and the engines burst back into full power. Norris then helped Reid bring the aircraft back under control, seconds before it plunged into the North Sea. In the early hours of the morning the lights of the USAF Base at Shipham, Norfolk were spotted. Reid circled and flashed his landing lights to indicate his aircraft was in distress. With the hydraulics useless, the crew had to hand-pump the undercarriage down. As the Lancaster touched the runway the entire undercarriage collapsed. It skidded along the runway for 60 yards before coming to a halt.

Flight Lieutenant Reid had brought his injured crew and the bodies of his two fallen comrades’ home. The injuries he sustained required him to be hospitalised for five weeks before he could begin his rehabilitation. Soon, he was visited in hospital by Air Vice-Marshal Cochrane, commander of his group. As he saw him coming, Bill wondered: “What have I done wrong now?” To his astonishment, he heard his group commander say: “Reid, I have come to tell you that I have recommended you for the Victoria Cross.” He was dumbstruck

On 14th December 1943 King George graciously awarded his with the VC. His citation stated

“Wounded in two attacks, without oxygen, suffering severely from cold, his navigator dead, his wireless operator fatally wounded, his aircraft crippled and helpless, Flight Lieutenant Reid showed superb courage and leadership in penetrating a further 200 miles into enemy territory to attack one of the most strongly defended targets in Germany, every additional mile increasing the hazards of the long and perilous journey home. This tenacity and devotion to duty were beyond praise.” After his recovery and award, he was given a brief period of leave.

He returned to the village where he received a hero’s welcome. Subscriptions were collected and within the old Miners welfare club he was presented with the sum of £1000 a remarkable sum of money raised by the men and women of Baillieston. He visited Swinton Primary and Coatbridge High School and spoke to the pupils of both. He was feted by the local and national press. In these difficult days of the war our country needed heroes. Bill Reid was such a hero. The people of Scotland sung his praise, but none louder that the folks of Baillieston. But for Bill Reid the war was not over. He received orders that he would join 617 Squadron, the famous Dambusters Squadron which had breached the Mohne Dam under the leadership of Wing Commander Guy Gibson, VC. Early in 1944, he was back on operational duties. He was now dropping 12000lb Tall boy bombs on strategic targets in the run up to D Day

On 8 June, 1944, he followed Leonard Cheshire, who would also win the VC, to drop a Tallboy bomb on a tunnel, blocking it, to make certain that a Panzer tank Division could not quickly reach the Allied forces which had just landed in Normandy. A mission vital to the success of the D Day landings He was sent out on other missions to destroy U-boats bases, railway marshalling yards, storage dumps and VI flying-bomb sites. On 31 July, his luck ran out. He had just dropped a Tallboy bomb on target over Rheims, when a Lancaster, which should have been fifteen minutes behind him, but due to a navigation error was directly above him, dropped a 12,000lb bomb on his plane. It passed through his bomber, virtually splitting it in half. There was nothing he could do to save the aircraft. As the bomber hurtled into a dive, he managed to bail out with all his crew but was captured about an hour after landing.

He was sent to Stalagluft Prison Camp. He was later moved on several occasions as the advance of the allies moved closer Berlin. Eventually, in May 1945, the Americans liberated his POW camp and he was repatriated to the UK and given three months leave. It was during this leave period when on 12 July 1945 Flight Lieutenant Reid VC became Brother Reid when he was initiated into Lodge Robert Burns. He was passed on 2nd August and raised on 30th August 1945. He was proposed by the great John H R Paterson and seconded by and seconded by the lodge secretary John R Taylor. At this time, he was residing at 97 Swinton Crescent. He left the RAF in 1946 and resumed his studies, first at Glasgow University and later at the West of Scotland Agricultural College.

In 1950, he became an agricultural adviser to the MacRobert Trust, in Perthshire and married his wife Violet in 1951 From 1959 to his retirement in 1981, he worked in a senior role at Spillers Limited a firm of animal feed manufacturers based in the south of England. On retirement he moved to Crieff where he was to become very well known in the community

He took a deep interest in ex-servicemen’s associations; he was a member of the GC and VC Association, the RAF Association, the standard of Scotland and Northern Ireland we have here tonight. He was the honorary vice-president of the Aircrew Association. He was president of the Royal British Legion Scotland (Crieff) branch. In 1988 he received another great honour when in recognition of his incredible bravery he was made Freeman of the City of London. Sadly, he suffered from heart problems and on 28 November 2001, Bro William Reid died at the age of 79. He was survived by his wife and their two children.

Bill Reid lived a full and remarkable life. Regarding his VC, he always claimed that he had done no more than his duty.

What a duty he had been called upon to perform. Tonight as we recognise the courage, tenacity, skill and spirit of this great hero of Scotland we not only commemorating his memory, we also commemorate and give thanks for the lives of Pilot Officer Allan Jeffries and Flight Sgt Jim Mann who lost their lives on the raid. We also honour the memory of the many thousands of brave men of Bomber Command and the countless thousands of other brave service men and woman of all the services who have given their lives in conflicts to protect our country and keep our people free from tyranny and oppression.

All of whom are known to and remembered by God, the Great Architect of the Universe.

Thank you, Brethren.

Monday 19th November 2018 – Lodge St. Andrews Military No. 668 Annual Installation

SPGM Bro. Alex Kelly headed the Provincial Grand Lodge Deputation to the Installation of Lodge St. Andrews Military No. 668. In an excellent Ceremonial Bro David Stewart PM was reinstalled as Right Worshipful Master along with his Office Bearers for the coming year by Past Master Scott Campbell of Lodge Hamilton No. 233 & St. Andrews Military No. 668 Treasurer.

Following the Installation the Provincial Deputation joined the Brethren at the festive board and harmony.

Bro. David Stark PGL Piper , Bro. George R. Kelly PPGM, Bro. David Stewart RWM, Bro. Scott Campbell RWIM, Bro. Alex Kelly SPGM

Saturday 17th November 2018 – Lodge Garrowhill No. 1413 Annual Installation

SPGM Bro Stephen Campbell headed the Provincial Grand Lodge Deputation to the Installation of Lodge Garrowhill 1413. In an excellent Ceremonial Bro John Walker PM was reinstalled as RWM along with his Office Bearers for the coming year by PM’s Kenneth Moir and Jim Alston.
Following the Installation the Provincial Deputation joined the Brethren at the festive board and harmony.

Friday 16th November 2018 – Lodge Old Monkland St. James No. 177 Annual Installation 

Bro. Norman Carnegy SPGM headed a large an distinguished deputation for Provincial Grand Lodge to the Installation of Bro. Ian Grant RWM of Lodge Old Monkland St. James No. 177. Right Worshipful Master Bro. Ian was installed by Bro. Gordon Currie RWIM with the Office Bearers ritual delivered by Bro. Scott Munro RWIM, following a very efficient ceremony the Brethern retired for the official speeches, dinner and harmony.

Bro. Scott Munro RWIM, Bro. Norman Carnegy SPGM, Bro. Ian Grant RWM, Bro. Gordon Currie RWIM

Thursday 15th November 2018 – Lodge Robert Burns No. 440 – Commemorative Unveiling of Plaque to Bro. Flight Lieutenant William Reid V.C. 

RWM Bro. Walter Houston welcome a Deputation from PGL to Lodge Robert Burns No. 440. A Special Meeting was arranged to Dedicate and unveil a plaque to Commemorate Bro. Flight Lieutenant William Reid, a member of Lodge Robert Burns, winning The Victoria Cross in 1943.

The Ceremony was conducted by the PGL Chaplains, Bro. Jim Ferguson and Bro. Jim  Vasey together with the PGL DOC Bro. Tom McCrone.

Bro. David Ross PM also gave the assembled Brethren a very informative talk on the life of Bro. Reid, incorporating a detailed account of his heroic achievement.
Bro. Andrew Millar DPGM who was called upon to comment on the Ceremony thanked and congratulated the Lodge on an excellent evening of Remembrance and paid thanks to all who have served their Country during all conflicts.


RWM Walter Houston & PGM Bill Perry

14th November 2018 – Lodge St. Bryde No. 579 – An Act of Remembrance

RWM Bro. Duncan Mulholland, welcomed a Deputation from PGL and many visitors to Lodge St. Bryde No. 579, to witness a unique Service to Commemorate the Members of the Lodge who had served in the Great War and to the five Brethren who made the ultimate sacrifice.
The Ceremony was conducted in a most dignified manner by the Lodge and all are to be congratulated. Special thanks was extended to Bro. David Stark BEM, PGL Piper and to Bro. Alistair Lowe PM 1461, Organist.

Sunday 11th November 2018 – Remembrance Parade and Service , Hamilton

A large deputation of around 40 Brethern from the Province, headed by Bro. Bill Perry PGM attended the Rememberance Day Service and Parade at the Cenotaph, Bothwell Road, Hamilton.

Fourteen Right Worshipful Masters, Members of PGL and Brethren from various Lodges marshalled at the University car park and paraded to the Cenotaph on Bothwell Road under the leadership of Parade Marshall, Mr Ian Forsyth.

A Service of Remembrance was conducted by Rev. Ross Blackman of Hamilton Old Parish Church, assisted by Provost Ian McAllan, head boy and girl from Hamilton Grammar School and Father Brian Lamb, St. Joseph’s RC Church, Blantyre.

Following the service local organisations and Services Personell were presented and they laid wreaths on behalf of their members while a lament was played by Bro. David Stark BEM and PGL Piper.

As well as the wreath laid by the PGM, wreaths were also laid by Provost Ian McAllan, Vice Lord Lieutenant, Gavin Whitefield, Royal British Legion, Scotland, Parliment officials, Army Reserve, Naval Association, Air Force, 2166 Squadron ATC, Burma Star, ACF, Police, Gire Service, St Andrews First Aid, Red Cross, Salvation Army, Boys Brigade, Scouts, Girls Brigade, & Girl Guidis

Following the service the parade made their way to the Council Building where there was a march past of the Officials and Dignitaries.

Thanks to all the Brethern for their turnout to this important public event.

Sunday 11th November 2018 – The Battles O’er – 6am Rising

Brethren from the Province were up early this morning to pay tribute along with various pipers to a nationwide Day of Commemorative Events marking the Centenary of the end of the First World War, paying tribute to the millions killed or wounded in battle, and those on the home front who struggled amidst pain and loss to help ensure freedom survived.

The tributes were numerous Pipers playing at 0600 at various war memorials in the Province.

At the VC Memorial in Hamilton a short service was conducted by Rev. John Thomson before the four pipers played “The Battle’s O’er”. Lady Susan Haughey, Lord Lieutenant of Lanarkshire greeted the 20 to 30 people attending on behalf of Her majesty The Queen.

Well done to all for their participation on this very special day.

Saturday 10th November 2018 – Annual Installation of Lodge Major Ness No. 948

The Annual Installation of the Lodge was held in Blantyre Old Parish Church Hall on Saturday 10th November. Bro. Norman Carnegy SPGM accompanied by Bro. Alex Kelly SPGM headed a large deputation from PGL to the Installation Ceremony.

Bro. William Gillan and his Officebearers were installed in a fine ceremony by the Installing Masters Andrew Gilmour PM and James Main PM. The brethren then retired to the Lodge and enjoyed Lodge hospitality and harmony.

Photo – Andrew Gilmour, William Gillan, Norman Carnegy & Jams Main.

Bro. Andrew Gilmour RWIM, Bro. William Gillan RWM, Bro. Norman Carnegy SPGM & Bro. Jams Main RWIM

Monday 5th November 2018 – Lodge Buchanan No. 1499 Presentation of 50 year Diplomas to Bro. Bill Craig and Bro. Jim Munro

A large deputation headed by Depute Provincial Grand Master Andrew Millar attended Lodge Buchanan to made presentation of 50yr diplomas to celebrate the distinguished and hard working masonic careers of Bro. Bill Craig and Bro. Jim Munro.

The presentations were made  by RWM Derrick Stibbs assisted by Depute PGM Andrew Duncan Millar and Past PGM’s George R. Kelly and Kenneth D. Kennedy.

Well done to both Brethren for their long service to the Craft.

Bro. Kenneth D. Kennedy PPGM, Bro. Duncan Millar DPGM, Bro. William Craig PG Secretary, Bro. Derrick Stibbs RWM, Bro. Jim Munro, Bro. George R. Kelly PPGM

Saturday 3rd November 2018 – Annual Installation of Lodge Heatheryknowe No. 1461
Saturday 3rd November SPGM Stephen Campbell headed the Deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge to the Installation of Lodge Heatheryknowe 1461 to witness the re-installation of Bro Stewart Muircroft as RWM.
The Installing Masters, who were both excellent, were PM Alistair Lowe and PM Danny Miller.

Following the Installation Ceremony the Provincial Deputation joined the Brethren of the Lodge at the festive board and harmony.

Saturday 3rd November 2018 – Annual Installation of Lodge Livingstone Stonefield No. 599
The Annual Installation of the Lodge was held in Blantyre Old Parish Church Hall on Satuday 3rd November. Bro. Norman Carnegy SPGM accompanied by Bro. Alex Kelly SPGM headed a large deputation from PGL to the Ceremony.

Bro. Angus Herron and his Officebearers were installed in an enjoyable ceremony by the Installing Masters Malcolm McCormack PM and Stephen Morley PM. Afterwards the brethren retired to the Lodge and enjoyed a fine harmony.

L to R – Malcolm McCormack, Angus Heron, Norman Carnegy and Stephen Morley.

Thursday 15th November 2018 – Lodge Robert Burns No. 440 – Special Meeting to Commemorate the 75th Anniversary of Bro William Reid being awarded the Victoria Cross, 7:30pm

Bro William Reid was awarded the VC on 14th December 1943. The citation reads:

Air Ministry, 14th December, 1943.

The KING has been graciously pleased to confer the VICTORIA CROSS on the undermentioned officer in recognition of most conspicuous bravery: —
Acting Flight Lieutenant William REID (124438), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, No. 61 Squadron.
On the night of November 3rd, 1943, Flight Lieutenant Reid was pilot and captain of a Lancaster aircraft detailed to attack Dusseldorf.
Shortly after crossing the Dutch coast, the pilot’s windscreen was shattered by fire from a Messerschmitt 110. Owing to a failure in the heating circuit, the rear gunner’s hands were too cold for him to open fire immediately or to operate his microphone and so give warning of danger; but after a brief delay he managed to return the Messerschmitt’s fire and it was driven off.
During the fight with the Messerschmitt, Flight Lieutenant Reid was wounded in the head, shoulders and hands. The elevator trimming tabs of the aircraft were damaged and it became difficult to control. The rear turret, too, was badly damaged and the communications system and compasses were put out of action. Flight Lieutenant Reid ascertained that his crew were unscathed and, saying nothing about his own injuries, he continued his mission.
Soon afterwards, the Lancaster was attacked by a Focke-Wulf 190. This time, the enemy’s fire raked the bomber from stem to stern. The rear gunner replied with his only serviceable gun but the state of his turret made accurate aiming impossible. The navigator was killed and the wireless operator fatally injured. The mid-upper turret was hit and the oxygen system put out of action. Flight Lieutenant Reid was again wounded and the flight engineer, though hit in the forearm, supplied him with oxygen from a portable supply.
Flight Lieutenant Reid refused to be turned from his objective and Dusseldorf was reached some 50 minutes later. He had memorised his course to the target and had continued in such a normal manner that the bomb-aimer, who was cut off by the failure of the communications system, knew nothing of his captain’s injuries or of the casualties to his comrades. Photographs show that, when the bombs were released, the aircraft was right over the centre of the target.
Steering by the pole star and the moon, Flight Lieutenant Reid then set course for home. He was growing weak from loss of blood. The emergency oxygen supply had given out. With the windscreen shattered, the cold was intense. He lapsed into semi consciousness. The flight engineer, with some help from the bomb-aimer, kept the Lancaster in the air despite heavy anti-aircraft fire over the Dutch coast.
The North Sea crossing was accomplished. An airfield was sighted. The captain revived, resumed control and made ready to land. Ground mist partially obscured the runway lights. The captain was also much bothered by blood from his head wound getting into his eyes. But he made a safe landing although one leg of the damaged undercarriage collapsed when the load came on.
Wounded in two attacks, without oxygen, suffering severely from cold, his navigator dead, his wireless operator fatally wounded, his aircraft crippled and defenceless, Flight Lieutenant Reid showed superb courage and leadership in penetrating a further 200 miles into enemy territory to attack one of the most strongly defended targets in Germany, every additional mile increasing the hazards of the long and perilous journey home. His tenacity and devotion to duty were beyond praise

His version of events is much more modest and can be seen in the World at War programme from 23.10.

A great Scottish hero and Freemason

Wednesday 7th November 2018 – Lodge Cambuslang Royal Arch No.114 Dedication of New Regalia

This evening a large deputation from PGL of Lanarkshire Middle Ward attended the meeting at Lodge Cambuslang Royal Arch No.114 to dedicate new regalia for the lodge. The deputation was warmly welcomed into the lodge by Bro. William C Anderson, RWM

The deputation was headed by Bro. Tom Davidson IPPGM and included Bros. Angus G Ross and Norman M Carnegy SPGMs, Bill Craig PG Secretary, James O Ferguson and James Vasey PG Chaplains and a futher six brethren.

The ceremony of dedication was carried out most expertly by Bros. James O Ferguson and James Vasey, ably assisted by Bro. Tom McCrone PG Director of Ceremonies. Following the dedication of the new regalia, Bro. Tom Davidson invested Bro. William C Andreson, RWM with his regalia on behalf of all the officebearers.

The new regalia was part of the preparations for the lodge’s celebrations to mark the start of the 250th year of the lodge which will be formally celebrated on 9th February 2018 when a deputation from The Grand Lodge of Scotland, PGL of Lanarkshire Middle Ward, Sister lodges and friends will gather for the Ceremony of Re-dedication of the lodge.

Following the meeting the brethren retired to harmony.

Sunday 4th November 2018 – Commemoration of the Fallen at The Grand Lodge of Scotland, Edinburgh

A large number of Brethren from the Province joined with Brethren from all over Scotland to commemorate 100 years since the end of the First World War, the Brethren led by The Grand Master Mason and a pipe band paraded in large numbers through Edinburgh to Grand Lodge, where, a very thought provoking sermon was delivered by Brother Canon Joseph J Morrow, who paid tribute to those who lost their lives and those who had served and continue to serve to protect our freedom.

A very poignant moment in the Freemasonry calendar in this very special year.

“Lest We Forget”


Friday 2nd November 2018 – Provincial Grand Lodge Annual Quiz

CHAMPIONS 2018 – Lodge Robert King Stewart No. 919

The fourth PGL Annual Quiz night was hosted this year by Lodge St Bryde No.579 in the temple in Uddingston. In the first three annual quizzes the winners had been Lodge Robert Burns No.440 and many lodges were seeking to break this winning streak. The event was again well attended with about 20 teams, including some first time entries, competing for the silverware, the Alistair Dunlop Trophy. Bro. Bill Craig, PG Secretary, welcomed the teams to the quiz before handing over to Bro. Tom Davidson the quizmaster for the night.

The quiz was to be contested over six rounds testing a broad spectrum of the teams knowledge. After the first three rounds it looked as though this was going to be four in a row for Lodge Robert Burns No.440 had a lead with three other lodges about four pounts behind. The next two rounds on Sport and Masonic Knowledge brought about a change in fortunes giving Lodge Kirkhill No.1230 a small lead over Lodge Robert King Stewart No.919. The final round on Silhouttes of World Cities saw a further change that gave Lodge Robert King Stewart the victory.

The results were:-

1. Lodge Robert King Stewart No.919 75.5pts
2. Lodge Kirkhill No.1230 73.5pts
3. Lodge Dura No.1513 66.5pts

Congratulations to Lodge Robert King Stewart No. 919 who were this years winners. The trophy was presented by Bro. Norman Carnegy SPGM who then gave a vote of thanks and thanked the brethren for the £600 raised on the night for charity. Thanks are due to Lodge St.Bryde No.579 for the way they hosted the event, Bros. Bill Craig, Norman Carnegy, Tom Reid and David Paterson for their administration of the event on the night. Well done all. As usual it was a great night with fun and laughter, well done to the quizmaster in his organising yet again, such a great event in our calendar. Bro. Tom Reid, who has run many Whisky Draws over the years, announced the winner of the latest draw which raised another £100 for charity. The winner was a brother from Lodge Robert King Stewart No.919.

RWM Phil Biggerstaff with The Alistar Dunlop Trophy


11th November 2018  –  THE BATTLE’S OVER

The 11th November 2018 sees the 100th anniversary of the end of WW1. The Battle’s Over is an organisation which has organised various ways of marking this special date with bonfires, beacons, buglers and pipers involved. Over 1000 pipers will be involved throughout the world will commemorate the day by a piper playing “THE BATTLES O’ER” in towns and villages at 6.00am.

Locally our P.G. Piper, Bro. David Stark B.E.M. will join with Duncan Brown and Derek Owen to play at the Victoria Cross Memorial in Hamilton (at the top of the steps beside ASDA) at 6.00am on Sunday 11th November 2018. Iain Reid RWM Elect from Lodge Coltswood Glenboig will also play at the Glenboig War Memorial.

Other pipers will mark the event by playing at the Cenotaph in Larkhall, the War Memorial opposite the Bothwell Bridge Hotel and the War Memorial beside Uddingston Old Parish Church.

If you have a relative who either served in WW1 or made the ultimate sacrifice in the 1914-18 war, please make this small effort to attend at one of these events and pay tribute to their contribution in preserving
the freedoms we all enjoy today




Friday 26th October 2018 – Lodge Blantyre Kilwinning No. 557
The Annual Installation of the Lodge was held in Blantyre Old Parish Church Hall on Friday 26th October. Bro. Norman Carnegy SPGM headed a fine deputation form the PGL including Bro. George Kelly PPGM, Bro. Tom Davidson PPGM, Bro. Andrew Duncan DPGM, Alex Kelly SPGM and James Ferguson Sen PG Chaplain.

Bro. Andrew Faichney and his Officebearers were installed in a fine manner by Installing Masters James Clark PM and Gordon Mather PM. Following the ceremony the brethren retired to the Lodge and enjoyed an evening of hospitality and harmony.

Installing Master Bro. James Clark, RWM Bro. Andre Faichney, Bro. Norman Carnegy SPGM, Installing Master Bro. Gordon Mather

Sunday 4th November 2018-  Commemoration of the Fallen in Grand Lodge –  Instructions from PG Secretary

Will the Brethren who have requested tickets for the Service please note that tickets will be sent to your Lodge Secretary for collection in the next couple of days.

Regalia will be worn and Grand Lodge will be open to allow changing and cases to be left there prior to the muster in Castle Street at 1.45pm for the march at 2.15pm

Only Brethren in possession of tickets will be admitted to Grand Lodge both prior to the Service for changing and for the Service itself which will begin at 3.00pm

The march will be from Castle Street along George Street around the Roundabout and back to Grand Lodge and will be led by a Pipe Band.


11th November 2018 – Service of Remembrance Hamilton Cenotaph

Provincial Grand Lodge have again been invited by South Lanarkshire Council to participate in the Service of Remembrance for the fallen, there will be a short parade, weather permitting to the Hamilton Cenotaph, Bothwell Road. The parade will leave the West of Scotland College, Bothwell Road car park, 2pm for 2:15.

Should the weather take a turn for the worst the service will be moved to the Council Headquarters, Almada Street, Hamilton, ML3 0AA.

As with other years Provincial Grand Master has requested that regalia is not be worn other that Right Worshipful Masters who are requested to wear their chain of office only.

This service is open to all Brethren of the Province, where we are always very well represented.




Thursday 25th October 2018  –  New Grand Master Mason Elected of The Grand Lodge of Scotland,  Bro. Ramsey McGhee

Congratulations from all at The Provincial Grand Lodge of Lanarkshire Middle Ward and all in the Province to Bro. Ramsey McGhee on being Elected as the New Grand Master Mason of The Grand Lodge of Scotland.

28th October 2018. – Lodge St. John Shotts No. 471 – Local Charity Giving

The RWM Brother Robert Whitefield and members of Lodge St John Shotts No 471 presenting a cheque for the sum of £1,500 to a young Shotts lady, Ashley Pinion.

The money was raised by the Brethren of the Lodge to help provide support for Ashley, who was the victim of an accident recently and suffered life changing injuries.

Well done to from Provincial Grand Lodge on this fantastic gesture, super work ???

Saturday 27th October 2018 – Annual Installation of Lodge St. Clair No. 427

The Installation at 427 St. Clair was held on Saturday 27th October. Substitute Provincial Grand Master Bro. Angus Ross headed a fine deputation from PGL into the Lodge.

Right Worshipful Master Stuart Maxwell was installed in fine form by Installing Master Tom Maxwell PM and Installing Master Bro. Sam Haycock PM An excellent installation with New Master being installed by his father and uncle. Following the ceremony they retired and enjoyed some Lodge toasts and hospitality.

Installing Master Tom Maxwell PM, Right Worshipful Master Stuart Maxwell and Installing Master Bro. Sam Haycock PM, SPGM Bro. Angus Ross

Monday 22nd October 2018 – Lodge Livingstone St. Andrews No. 573 Charity Cheque Presentation
Fantastic charitable work by Lodge Livingstone St. Andrew No. 573 with RWM James Gardner making a presentation of £500 on behalf of the Lodge to the 3rd Motherwell Girls Brigade in recognition of their outstanding work crocheting poppies for many years and raising in excess of £16,500 for Erskine Hospital.

Well done from all at Provincial Grand Lodge on you charitable work

RWM James Gardner, WJW Garry Findlay and WSW Ken Bogle presenting Cheque to Mrs Elizabeth Bogle (outgoing Captain) and new Captain Mrs Sharon McGeachie & members of the Girls Brigade


Saturday 20th October 2018 Lodge Old Monkland St. James No. 177 Visit by Lodge Balintoy No 38 Irish Constitution

On Saturday 20th October 2018 we held a special meeting at the Lodge where our RWM Bro Graham Morrison welcomed a distinguished deputation from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Lanarkshire Middle Ward into the temple  The deputation was headed on this occasion by the Provincial Grand Master Bro William Perry and enhanced by the presence of Worshipful Brother John Hunter, Grand Registrar of the Grand Lodge of Ireland PGM Bro Perry introduced his deputation and W. Bro Hunter to the Brethren and our RWM invited the PGM and Grand Registrar to accompany him in the East

A large and distinguished deputation from Lodge 38, Ballintoy, from the Masonic Province of Antrim, Northern Ireland, headed by their own RWM Bro Edwin Henry and accompanied by several brethren from other lodges from the Irish Constitution were then welcomed into the temple
The office bearers of Lodge Ballintoy thereafter conducted an exemplification of the second or FC degree as per the Irish ritual, on one of their brethren, B. McLelland

PGM Bro Perry proposed the vote of thanks and a reply was provided by the Brother Secretary of Lodge Ballintoy followed by a short speech from W, Bro Grand Registrar Hunter
Once the labours of the afternoon were over we retired to refreshment where our friends from Northern Ireland and guests were treated to some 177 hospitality, old friendships re kindled and new friendships forged

A total of 65 brethren signed the tyle and this included brethren from our sister lodges in Coatbridge, Airdrie, Glenboig, Glasgow and the Highlands. Lodge Old Monkland St James brethren have already arranged a reciprocal visit to Ballintoy in 2019.


RWM Bro Graham Morrison along with PGM Bro Perry, his office bearers, Grand Registrar W. Bro John Hunter, RWM Bro Edwin Henry and his brethren

Thursday 18th October 2018 – Lodge Coltswood Glenboig No. 1067 Local Charity Cheque Presentation

Lodge Coltswood welcomed Glenboig’s little Scoliosis warrior, Iona Stewart into the Lodge along with her parents Ian and Susan prior to the regular meeting.

Iona has recently undergone pioneering major spinal surgery in Turkey to treat her spinal curvature, earlier that day she had her stitches removed but still managed to come along to meet the Brethern. The Lodge presented Iona with a cheque totalling £500 to help with the fundraising and cover the cost of the surgery, this money was raised by the Lodge at a recent race night arranged by WJW Joe Spiers.

The family are holding a lot of fundraising events over the coming months and more can be found out on her Facebook page. The 108yr old Lodge is only too happy to support the local community when it gets the chance, and this cause was no exception.

Well done Lodge Coltswood supporting their local community.

RWM Gordon McLeod, WJW Joe Spiers, Iona Stewart, Ian Stewart Father & WSW Iain Reid

Sunday 14th October – Lodge Robert Burns No. 440 Annual Divine Service

The Lodge held their Annual Divine Service at St. Andrews Church, Baillieston. Also in attendance was a fine Deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge and Members of Visiting Lodges.

Locum, George Grant conducted the service in a very friendly and informative manner.
Following the Service, the congregation and Brethren retired to the Lodge for an excellent tea and buffet.

RWM Bro. Walter Houston thanked everyone for their support, with special thanks to George Grant, the Kirk Session and organist Bro. Douglas McBey


RWM Walter Houston, George Grant, PGM Bill Perry


Friday 12th October 2018 – Lodge St. Mary Coltness No. 31 Annual Installation

The Lodge held their Annual Installation on Friday 12th October.  Bro. Angus Ross SPGM headed a large deputation form Provincial Grand Lodge accompanied by Bro. Bill Perry PGM.

Bro. Jim McKidd was installed as Right Worshipful Master of the Lodge in fine old form by Installing Masters Bro. Alex Fenton RWIM and Bro. Stan Sweeney RWIM.

Following the completion of the Installation ceremony the Brethren enjoyed some excellent speeches and  Lodge St. Mary Coltness No. 31 hospitality and harmony.

Bro. Bill Perry PGM Bro. Alex Fenton RWIM, Bro. Jim McKidd RWM, Bro. Stan Sweeney RWIM, Bro. Angus Ross SPGM

Sunday 7th October 2018 – Lodge Airdrie St. John No. 166 Annual Divine Service

The Lodge held their Annual Divine Service on Sunday 7th October. RWM Bro. Craig Gibson extended a warm welcome to the Brethren and visitors. The PGM and nine other members of PGL were in attendance. The Service which was conducted by Rev. Jim Murphy was most thought provoking and enjoyed by everyone present.

Following the completion of the Service, the congregation enjoyed some excellent 166 hospitality.

Bro. Kenny Mason RWM 88, Rev. Jim Murphy, Bro. Craig Gibson RWM 166, Bro. Bill Perry PGM

Saturday 6th October 2018 – Lodge Hamilton No. 233 Annual Installation

Bro. David McCormack was installed on Saturday 6th October 2018 at the masonic temple, Cadzow Street, Hamilton. The Installing Masters for the afternoon ceremony were  Bro. Derek Rodger PM and Bro. Alex Watson  PM, who carried out their duties to the very highest of standards, with PM Watson bringing his own humour and wit to the ceremony.

Bro. Alex Kelly SPGM headed a fine and large Deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge accompanied by Past Provincial Chaplain Bro. Peter Ball and PPGSW’s Bro. David Smillie and Bro. Jim Lees.

Following the ceremony the Brethren were treated to some fantastic hospitality and harmony

Bro. Derek Rodger PM, Bro. David McCormack PM, Bro. Alex Watson PM. Bro Alex Kelly SPPGM


Friday 5th October 2018 – Provincial Grand Lodge Regular Communication Bellshill

Bro. Bill Perry, Provincial Grand Master headed Provincial Grand Lodge into a busy Lodge Room at the premises on Lodge Woodhall St. John No. 305 for the business of PGL at the October regular communication.

Bro. Perry updated the members on the business of PGL and looked forward to a busy few months for the Province with Annual Divine Services, Annual Installations, quiz night, Armistice parades and the Twinning the District Grand Lodge of the Bahamas, all of which, further details will be available on PGL website events page and Facebook page.

Bro. Perry also paid thanks to Bro. John Muir PM who had recently raised a fantastic sum of over £13,000 for the charity “Soldiers of our Streets” more details can be found on their website

Following the business the annual presentation of golf and bowling trophies were made to the winners, the overall winners of the individual, team and bowing  competitions being won by the Operative Lodge of Airdrie No. 203

Bro. Perry RWPGM and Provincial Grand Lodge  would like for formally thank the RWM & Brethren of Lodge Woodhall St. John No. 305 for the use of the premises and hospitality that followed.

Winners of the Bowling & Golf Trophies, Members of The Operative Lodge of Airdrie No. 203

Wednesday 3rd , October 2018 – Lodge Robert King Stewart No. 919 – 50yr Diploma Presentation Bro. William McIlroy

On Wednesday 3rd October, Bro. Bill Perry PGM and Bro. Andrew D Millar DPGM attended Lodge Robert King Stewart No. 919 forming part of a large Deputation from Lodge St. Bryde No. 579 headed by RWM Bro. Duncan Mulholland. RWM Bro. Phil Biggerstaff and the Brethren of 919 warmly welcomed all the visitors present.

The RWM and Brethren of 579 conferred an excellent FC Degree which was appreciated by all.

Following the Degree Bro. William McIlroy a MM of Lodge Caldercruix St. John No. 1314 and an Affiliate Member of Lodge Robert King Stewart, was presented with his 50 year Diploma.
Both RWM’s, Bro. Pringle Johnstone of 1314 and Bro. Phil Biggerstaff of 919 paid tribute to his service to both Lodges and together with the PGM made the presentation. Bro. David Paterson PM also presented Bro. McIlroy with a commemorative Jewel. Bro. McIlroy thanked both Lodges for their kind words and looked forward to many more happy years in the company of the Brethren of 919 and 1314.

The Brethren then retired and received excellent Robert King Stewart hospitality.

Bill Perry PGM, Billy McIlroy and David Paterson PM

Duncan Mulholland RWM 579, Bill Perry PGM, Phil Biggerstaff RWM 919, Billy McIlroy, Pringle Johnstone RWM 1314, Andrew D Millar DPGM, Walter Houston RWM 440

Saturday 22nd September 2018 – Unique Entered Apprentice Degree by Lodge Ayr St. Paul No. 204

On Saturday 22nd September Bro. Bill Perry PGM, was privileged to be invited to attend a very unique EA Degree which was held in Burns Cottage.
The evening was organised by Lodge Ayr St. Paul No. 204, together with the PGL of Ayrshire and Lodges St. John Kilwinning Kilmarnock No. 22, Louden Kilwinning Newmilns No. 51, St. David (Tarbolton) Mauchline No.133 and St. James (Kilwinning) Tarbolton No. 135.
The Candidate, Bro. William Jamieson, an EA of Lodge St. Paul was in period costume and the Ceremonial was delivered to the highest of standards.
At the close of the Meeting, the Brethren retired to the Pavilion and were treated to a delicious meal and superb hospitality.
A very enjoyable evening with special thanks to Bro. Stewart Cruickshank.

Group Photograph

16th September 2018 – Lodge New Monkland Montrose No. 88 – Annual Charity Cheque Presentation to Target Ovarian Cancer Charity

The Right Worshipful Masters selected charity for Lodge New Monkland Montrose No. 88 for 2018 was Target Ovarian Cancer. On 16th September  RWM Kenny Mason presented a whopping £1972 cheques to the representative of the charity at their regular meeting, this is a massive effort by the Brethren,  the Lodge should be applauded and give themselves well deserved credit for supporting the charity, Well done to all concerned from Provincial Grand Lodge, super effort.

Friday 14th September 2018 – PGL of Glasgow Presentation of 50yr Jubilee Certificate to Bro. Alistair Henderson IPPGM

Bros. Tom Davidson, IPPGM and George R Kelly, PPGM were honoured to join with guests from sister provinces who were invited to join with a deputation from PGL of Glasgow at a meeting of Lodge St. John, Whiteinch (Glasgow) No.683. The deputation was headed by Bro. James C Peddie RWPGM of PGL of Glasgow who was returning to his duties after a hip operation.

The deputation were attending to present a 50 year Jubilee Certificate to Bro. Alistair Henderson IPPGM of PGL of Glasgow. Bro. James C Peddie invited Bro. Bill Shepherdson PPGM to address the brethren and give them an account of the extensive service given by Bro. Henderson during his membership of the Craft. After the presentation Bro. Henderson suitable replied and told the brethren of his families long connection with ther lodge, his Grandfather had been initiated into the lodge exactly 98 years ago to the day.

Also in attendance was a deputation from Lodge Bailie Nichol Jarvie No.1036 from Aberfoyle in PGL of Perthshire West. The RWM and brethren carried out an excellent Fellowcraft degree.

All the brethren retired to harmony.

Monday 18th September 2018 – Lodge St. Andrews Military No. 668 – Presentation to Bro. Peter Ball
A Deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge attended Lodge St. Andrew Military No. 668 and were warmly welcomed by RWM Bro. David Stewart. Also in attendance were The Operative Lodge of Airdrie No. 203 headed by IPM Bro. Ross Goldie who had been invited to confer the MMM Ceremony on Bro. Jamie Major.
RWM Bro. David Stewart then asked the DoC to present Bro. Peter Ball PM Secretary, who to his great surprise was presented with Distinguished Service Membership of Lodge St. Andrew Military No. 668.
The RWM gave a comprehensive history of the service given to the Lodge by Bro. Ball and along with the PGM warmly congratulated him on this achievement. Bro. Ball suitably replied.
The presentation being completed, the Mark Ceremonial was expertly delivered by RWMM Bro. John Gardner and the PM’s and Brethren of 203.

Bro’s Angus Ross SPGM, James L. Jack PPGM, Ross Goldie RWM, Alex Kelly SPGM, David Stewart RWM, Tom Davidson IPPGM, Peter Ball PM, Andy Millar DGM, John Gardiner PM, Bill Perry RWPGM, George Kelly PPGM







RWM Ross Goldie, RWM David Stewart, Candidate Bro. Jamie Major, RW Mark Master John Gardner, RWPGM Bill Perry



Sunday 16th September 2018 – Robert King Stewart Bowling Competition Tie-Break
The final of the PGL Robert King Stewart Bowling tournament was played at Wrangholm Hall Bowling Club, New Stevenson this afternoon.
The game in whole was a very close, with only a handful of shots separating the teams, both teams were neck and neck after the 13th end.
With 2 ends to go, Lodge 203 took 1 shot, in the final end Lodge 919 were lying 2 shots, with only the skips to play and In a nail biting end 203 gained 1 more shot winning 13-11, winning the trophy for the fourth year on the bounce.
Well done to both teams
The Operative Lodge of Airdrie No. 203
Lead – Bro. John Gardner
2nd – Bro. David Truesdale
Skip – Bro. Ross Goldie
Lodge Robert King Stewart No. 919
Lead – Bro. David MacDonald
2nd – Bro. Derek Simpson
Skip – Bro. Andy Affleck

Provincial Grand Lodge would like to thank all the Lodges for taking part and also Bro. Andrew Chriton for his organisation and time as Bowls Convenor, he would like to thank the Bowling clubs who provided the rinks and provided hospitality to the Brethren who took part. Andy would also like to comment that both teams should be very proud of their performance, as the standard of bowling was to the highest level, considering the weather beforehand.
The trophy will be presented at the Regular Communication at Bellshill on 4th October, 7:30pm

Robert King Stewart Winners 2018 The Operative Lodge of Airdrie No. 203, Bro. David Truesdale, Bro. Ross Goldie & Bro. John Gardiner


Tuesday 11th September 2018 – Lodge Meridian No. 1779 Annual Installation
RWPGM Bro. Bill Perry headed a large and distinguished deputation to the Installation Ceremony of RWM Elect. Bro Jim Vasey, Provincial Grand Junior Chaplin.
The ceremony was carried out in a very able manner by Brothers, not just in Freemasonry, George and Alex Kelly.
The photographs included below show a large deputation of very distinguished current and past Provincial Grand Lodge Grand Masters and Office Bearers who are also members of Lodge Meridian with the official deputation.
Following the ceremony the Brethern were treated to some fabulous Lodge hospitality and harmony

PGL Distinguished Deputation with RWM Jim Vasey

Sunday 5th September 2018 – Robert King Stewart Bowling Competition

The is years competition was played ant various venues on 5th September 2018, the event was not as well supported as other years with only 12 teams,  an appeal was made from the Bowls Convener Andy Crichton for the Lodges to  support the event if future years.

This year there was a tie for first place with Lodge Robert King Stewart No. 919 and The Operative Lodge of Airdrie No. 203 sharing the lead, a tie-break is scheduled for Sunday 16th September at 2pm at Wrangholm Hall Bowling Club, Jervisiton Street, New Stevenson, ML1 4UG.

All Brethren Families and friends are invited to support the participants.

Sunday 2nd September 2018 – PGL Annual Golf Competition – Drumpellier Golf Club
The annual PGL of Lanarkshire Middle Ward golf tournament was held at Drumpellier Golf Club on Sunday 2nd September 2018 The weather was a clammy Autumn day and considering the recent rain the course was is fantastic condition, well done to PM Brian Hillen and his team.

The winner of the overall and Amicoil trophy was Bro. Brian Mitchell of The Operative Lodge of Airdrie No. 203 with 39 points, with Lodge 203 also winning the overall team prize with a PGL historical high of 111 points.

The runners up in the team prize caused a little confusion with the PGM attempted to claim the runners-up prize on behalf of Lodge Robert Burns No. 440, much to the dismay and protest of the Brethren of Lodge Coltswood Glenboig No. 1067.  With a quick verification of the scores it was agreed the PGM was at it ?, and indeed it was Lodge Coltswood who were worthy Runners-up and they claimed the Tunnock Trophy.

The trophies were presented by RWPGM Bill Perry assisted by the event organiser and Convenor Bro. John Gardiner of the Operative Lodge of Airdrie No. 203, who did a fantastic job organising the day

Provincial Grand Lodge of Lanarkshire Middle Ward would like to thank the Committee, members, bar and catering staff of Drumpellier Golf Club for the use of the course and facilities once again.
The numbers this year were lower than normal and a plea was made from the PGM Bill Perry and Golf Convenor Bro. John Gardiner to support this very important and enjoyable day in the PGL Social Calendar for future years and work with the Lodge members to promote the event and bring the numbers of competitors up.

Full list of winners below

2018 Champion & 1st Class Winner Bro. Brian Mitchell 203

Overall Amicoil Trophy
Winner – Brian Mitchell 203 39pts
Runner up – John Gardiner 37pts

Team Event
Winners Masters Trophy – The Operative Lodge of Airdrie No. 203 111pts
Runners Up – Tunnock trophy – Coltswood Glenboig No 1067 100pts

Winner Tunnock Cup – Brian Mitchell 203 39pts
Runner up – John Gardiner 37pts
Runner up – Bobby Gaines 88 31pts

First Class
James L. Jack Trophy – Brian Mitchell 203 39pts
Runner up – Brian Hillen 37pts

Second Class
Challenge Cup – Neil Thomson 1067 35pts (won on count back)
Runner up – Scott Neilson 440 35pts

Third Class
Inner Guard Shield – John Gardiner 203 37pts
Runner up – Bobby McCormick 166 34 pts

Nearest the pin
5th hole – P. Clarke 440
14th hole – A. Nisbet
Friday 2nd November 2018 – PGL Annual Quiz – Lodge St. Bryde No. 579

Provincial Grand Master Brother William A. Perry sends early fraternal greetings to all Brethren and extends an invitation to all  Lodges to enter a team (or teams) in the 4th Annual  PGL Quiz, teams will consist of 4 Brethren per team.

This year  it is being held in the Masonic Hall, Uddingston, courtesy of Lodge St Bryde No. 579.

The quiz has been well supported in previous years with around 20 teams taking part in what is a very friendly but competitive atmosphere.

Forms have been sent to all Lodge Secretaries  and should be returned to PG Secretary Willie Craig no later than the 12th October with a cheque for £10 for each team taking part.

Lodge team members should be regular attending members of the lodge. Teams of four.
The Question master will ask the questions and teams will write their answers on a sheet which will then be scrutinised and points allocated. During the marking the question master will go over the questions and the correct answers with the teams and any supporters.

There will be five rounds of ten questions based on the following topics:

Art, Literature and Popular Culture
Geography and History
Masonic Knowledge
The 2018 competition will be held in Lodge St Bryde No. 579 in Uddingston where bar facilities for competitors, and supporters provide an opportunity for bringing non-mason friends along to enjoy a light hearted social event.

Sunday 26th August 2018 – Wreath Laying Ceremony to Commemorate The Great War
Provincial Grand Lodge together with twenty of our Lodges took part in a wreath laying Ceremony at the Hamilton Cenotaph.
Also in attendance was a large number of the Masonic Motorcycle Group, the Widow’s Sons and Bro. David Reid from Grand Lodge.
Over the summer months, Bro. Reid and the Widow’s Sons are visiting the 32 Provinces in Scotland to commemorate the end of the Great War and to give support to the various Provinces taking part in similar Ceremonies.
The PGM would like to thank everyone for the great support from the Province, with special thanks to to Bro. Captain David Johnston, Provincial Grand Piper Bro. David Stark and Bro. James Ferguson Provincial Grand Chaplain and not forgetting Provincial Grand Secretary Bro. Willie Craig.

Group Photograph of All Attendees

PGM Bill Perry, Bro. David Reid, PG Chaplain Jim Ferguson & SPGM Norman Carnegu

Tee Times For Provincial Grand Lodge Golf Day Sunday 2nd September 

Sunday 26th August – Widows Sons Tour Wreath Laying Ceremony, Hamilton Cenotaph

As many on you will be a aware a wreath laying ceremony will take place at 1pm at the Hamilton Cenotaph to commemorate the fallen of the World War. Some details on the dress code below

Regalia is NOT to be worn to this event other than the attending Right Worshipful Masters who are requested to wear their CHAIN OF OFFICE only.


Saturday 4th August 2018 – Provincial Grand Lodge of Ayrshire Dinner for Immediate Past Provincial Grand Master Bro. Robert Little
On Saturday 4th August, the Provincial Grand Lodge of Ayrshire held a dinner in the Kilmarnock Masonic Social Club to thank IPPGM Bro. Robert Little for his leadership and example set during his five year Commission as PGM.
Bro. William Steel PGM acted as chairman and had invited Bro. Jim Forrest, the PGM of Dunbartonshire to give a short talk on his experiences in the Craft and to propose a toast on behalf of Bro. Little.
Our Province was well represented and the Brethren enjoyed a fine meal and entertainment provided by the Ayrshire Fiddle Orchestra.

Bro. Robert Little IPPGM and guests

The Brethren of Lanarkshire Middle Ward, with Peter

Friday 13th July 2018 – Installation of Bro. Tom McCrone at Lodge Randolph No. 1434

Bro Tom McCrome was Installed into the chair of Lodge Randolph No. 1434 at the very capable hands of Installing Masters, Bro. William Gauld PM and Bro. David Reid PM.
A number of Brethren from the Province were present and we wish RWM Bro. Tom McCrone and his adopted Lodge great success during the next twelve months.

Following the close of the Meeting, the Brethren retired and enjoyed an excellent meal and speeches.


Saturday 7th July 2018 – PGL of Dumfriesshire – Sanquhar
Bro. Tom Davidson IPPGM represented the province at the summer communication of PGL of Dumfriesshire in Sanquhar. The meeting was held in the premises of Lodge Sanquhar Kilwinning No.194. Bro. Davidson joined the other visitors from PGL of Kilwinning in forming a deputation.
This meeting of the province traditionally is followed by a lunch before the brethren take part in either a bowls or golf competition. All competitors enjoyed the first class weather and scenery as well as the fellowship of the competitions.

All met back at the temple for the presentation of prizes and further food and refreshment. Thanks go to brethren of PGL of Dumfriesshire for their fellowship and Lodge Sanquhar Kilwinning No.194 for their excellent hospitality. Well done to all involved.

Photo – Bros. Tom Davidson IPPGM, Robert Hughes RWPGM Dumfriesshire and Tom Wood RWPGM of Kilwinning

Saturday 30th June 2018 – Twinning of The Provincial Grand Lodge of Lanarkshire Middle Ward and The District Grand Lodge of Central South Africa
It’s official the Province has successfully twinned with the District Grand Lodge of Central South Africa.
At the regular communication of the District Grand Lodge of Central South Africa in Gemiston, Johannesburg, in a historical twinning and first for Scottish Freemasonry, PGM Bro. Bill Perry and DGM Bro. Jim Kerr signed a document following a short twinning ceremony by PPGM Bro. George Kelly, this commits the Brethren both sides of the equator to further develop and learn from their unique relationship.
Seven Proxy Masters from the Middle Ward who represent the South African Lodges at Grand Lodge accompanied PGM Bro. Perry and Proxy District Grand Master Bro. James L Jack. The deputation was further enhanced with the PGM of Stirlingshire, Bro. Alistair Marshall.

More details of this historic trip will follow.

Saturday 30th June 2018 – PGL of Kilwinning Installation of PGM Bro. Tom Wood
Bros. Norman M Carnegy and Alex R Kelly, SPGMs represented the province at the installation of Bro. Tom Wood, RWPGM of PGL Kilwinning and his commissioned office bearers. Also present from the province in the Grand Lodge deputation were Bros. Tom Davidson and Tom McCrone.
The installation took place before a full house of brethren in The Mother Lodge in Kilwinning. The excellent ceremonial was conducted by the MWGMM, Bro. Charles Iain Robert Wolrige Gordon of Esselmont.
Following the conclusion of the ceremonial the brethren retired to dinner where over 110 brethren sat down to an first class meal, good company and excellent speeches.

Friday 22nd June 2018 – Lodge Coltswood Glenboig No. 1067 – Visit by Lodge Ausone No 1389, PGL of Guyenne Gascogne, Grand Lodge National of France.
PGM Bill Perry accompanied by PG Sect. Willie Craig and PPG Chaplain attended a visit by a new French Lodge, continuing the relations with French Brethren by Lodge Coltswood. In a busy evening, over 90 Brethren signed the attendance book.
The evening was enhanced with Lodge New Monkland Montrose No. 88 attending and delivering a immaculate rendition of the Entered Apprentice Degree.
Following the meeting PGL joined the French, Coltswood and visiting Brethren in some fantastic Lodge hospitality and harmony.

Thursday 21st June 2018 – The PGL Family Charity Bike Ride
On a warm Summer night, the course was set for 3 laps around Strathclyde Park and some of the Province’s finest accompanied by Family and Friends assembled for the off.
The weather was sunny but with a stiff westerly breeze. Sounds like a Bob Hope film!!
Twenty Brethren and family members participated in a fun night to raise funds for the PGL Holiday Accommodation Fund.
A big thank you to Bobby Ferguson, David Paterson and Willie Craig for the supply of water and chocolate goodies for the riders.
The Brethren taking part showed various degrees of skill and fitness, with some on completion of the course cycling home to East Kilbride and Airdrie, while some had to be helped to their cars!!

A great night for a great cause, with final monies raised to be advised later. The evening was marred by a potentially serious incident where Flash Gordon and Spiderman were deemed to have used their superpowers to gain a unfair advantage, we will leave you with the photographic evidence to make up your own decision ?

On behalf of PGL, PGM Bill Perry thanks everyone who took part.

Wednesday 20th June 2018 – Lodge Airdrie St. John No. 166 Visit by Lodge Robert Burns No. 440

On Wednesday 20th June, RWM Bro. Craig Gibson of Lodge Airdrie St. John No. 166, welcomed RWM Bro. Walter Houston and the Brethren of Lodge Robert Burns No. 440.
The Brethren of 440 conferred an excellent FC Degree on Bro. James Sneddon.
RWM Bro. Craig Gibson then presented the PGM with a cheque for the Holiday Accommodation Fund, which was gratefully received.
The Brethren then retired and enjoyed the usual excellent fare provided by the Lodge.

Photo – Ralph Shaw RWM 48, Kenny Mason RWM 88, Walter Houston RWM 440, Craig Gibson RWM 166, Bill Perry PGM, Archie Sands RWM 31, David Yule RWM 305

 9th June 2018 – Marcus Humphrey House Garden Fete 2018

The annual Garden Fete at the Marcus Humphrey Masonic Home took place and was very well attended by a large number of Brethren from Lanarkshire Middle Ward, the day raised just over £6000, of which over £2440 contributed by the Middle Ward Brethren.

On the day there were a number of stalls and entertainment but more so a Wine stall, Baked Potato stand and Golf target area all arranged and managed by the Brethren from our Province,  we are truly grateful for the services of Brothers Bobby Ferguson and Tom Reid for all their very hard work, time and enthusiasm they give supporting the Masonic Home.

The Fete was opened in traditional style with Bro. Marcus Humprey MW Past Grand Master giving some very kind sentiments expressing how grateful he and Grand Lodge are for the support from all of the Brethren. The Widows Sons once again prepared, cooked and served the burgers and hot dogs at the BBQ.
Bro Tom Reid and his wife Margaret worked tirelessly at the wine stall along with Brothers Robert Mudie and Alex Maitland and as well as managing the wine stall, a football card with a Gallon bottle of whisky as the prize was sold and the winning team was Derby and the winner was Bro, Andy McCulloch Lodge New Monklands No 88. The Potato stand was arranged by Bro Colin Campbell PM Coltswood Glenboig No 1067 and was manned on the day by David Kyle and Bro. Gordon McLeod RWM Lodge Coltswood Glenboig No 1067. The new Golf target game introduced by Bro. Bobby Ferguson was a good new addition to the Fete and objective was to score the most points with 6 balls in a zoned area, the winning prize was a 4 ball at The Carrick Golf Course near Loch Lomond. This was a close competition by a number of participants, but the worthy winner was none other than our own Provincial Grand Master Bro Bill Perry PGM of Lanarkshire Middle ward (honestly no skulduggery went on).

Other stalls manned by other Provinces included a soft drinks stall, tombola stall, bedding plant stall and a small tea room. An accordionist and highland dancers entertained the residents, our members and their friends and families. The winner of the lucky Programme draw was a member from Mother Kilwinning No 0 the programme number was 45, Bro David Bloomfield PPGM collected this on the brothers behalf.
A special thank you is sincerely expressed from the Province to Bobby Ferguson, Tom Reid, Margaret Reid (Tom’s wife), Alex Maitland, Robert Mudie, Gordon McLeod & David Kyle fro their hard work not just on the day but also in the preparation.

Brothers Bobby and Tom would also like to thank everyone for their wine donations and taking the time to attend and support the Masonic home and with all your support the Masonic Home fund is now £6,000 better off.


Saturday 9th June 2018 – Holiday Accommodation Update 

A big thank you to RWM Bro. Phil Biggerstaff and the Brethren of Lodge Robert King Stewart No. 919 for the generous donation to the Holiday Accommodation Fund.

In April, the Lodge held a Reigning Masters Degree which raised £550. The Lodge then donated a further £450 and on Wednesday 6th June, presented a cheque for £1000 to the PGM for the Fund.

We are well on our way to reaching the £10k target for the Fund and with the Family Cycle Ride taking place on the 21st June we are hopeful that the target will be achieved and possibly surpassed, thanks to everyone who has played their part

Flash Oh, Oh, “Saviour of the GA of the Universe”

Friday 8th June 2018 – Lodge Livingstone Stonefield No. 599 Dedication of New Lodge Carpet

On Friday 7th June, Bro. Bill Perry PGM and a large Deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge attended Lodge Livingstone Stonefield No. 599.

RWM, Bro. Malcolm McCormack extended a warm welcome to all. PGL had been invited by the Brethren of the Lodge to Dedicate the new Lodge Carpet.

The Ceremony of Dedication was carried out in an expert manner by Bro. Jim Ferguson, Senior PG Chaplain.

The Lodge was then closed and Bro. Jim Vasey, Junior PG Chaplain delivered an excellent lecture on the “Temple” which was well received by the Brethren.
£400 was raised on the evening for the Masters Charity, Erskine Hospital.

RWM Malcolm McCormack, Senior PGL Chaplin Jim Ferguson, Jinior PGL Chaplin Jim Vasey, PGM Bill Perry

6th June 2018 – Lodge Robert King Stewart No. 919 50yr Diploma Presentation

On Wednesday 6th June, PGM Bro. Bill Perry and a fine Deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge attended the Meeting of Lodge Robert King Stewart No. 919.
RWM Bro. Phil Biggerstaff gave a warm welcome to all.
An excellent MM Degree was conferred on Bro. Stephen Speirs by the Wardens of the Lodge.
The evening was then enhanced when Bro. Eric Brown received his 50 year Diploma from Bro. Alex Watson, the IPM of his Mother Lodge, Lodge Hamilton No. 233.

Bro. Brown thanked both Lodges for their support and friendship over the years.

Bill Perry PGM, Phil Biggerstaff RWM 919, Eric Brown PM, Alex Watson IPM 233, Kenneth Kennedy PM PPGM

Friday 1st June 2018 – PGL Regular Communication, Cambusnethan

On Friday 1st June, Provincial Grand Lodge held their Communication at Lodge St. Clair No. 427 and the PGM gave a warm welcome to a packed Lodge room.

A Memoriam Service was held to celebrate the life of the Past SPGM Bro. David Lindsay, a PM of Lodge Motherwell Caledonian No. 1228, who had died in April. A fitting tribute was given by the PGM and the Brethren of the Province stood in silence as a mark of respect for our departed Brother.

The PGM then bestowed Honorary Provincial Grand Rank on two well deserving Brethren,
Bro. Kenny Bogle PM of Lodge Livingstone St. Andrew No. 573 and Bro. Bill Jackson PM of Lodge Livingstone Stonefield No. 599, each received the rank of Honorary Provincial Grand Junior Deacon.

The Meeting was closed with thanks to the RWM and Brethren of Lodge St. Clair No.427 for the use of the Temple and for the excellent buffet and refreshments provided.

Jim Gardener RWM 573, Kenny Bogle PM, Bill Perry PGM, Bill Jackson PM, Malcolm McCormack RWM 599

Saturday 26th May 2018 Nassau, Bahamas – District Grand Lodge of the Bahamas
Bro. Tom Davidson IPPGM attended the communication of the District Grand Lodge of the Bahamas on Saturday and was given a warm reception by Bro Joe Curry RWDGM and the brethren of the district. During the meeting the new DDGM and a DG Chaplain were installed along with a number of officebearers. The new DGL standard was unveiled and dedicated.
Following the conclusion of district business, Bro. Tom Davidson was invited to address DGL on the subject of the Proxy system and the close relationship between the DGL and the PGL of Lanarkshire Middle Ward.

At the end of the meeting Bro. Tom Davidson had honour conferred on him of being made Honorary District Grand Senior Warden. The brethren retired to harmony, a harmony which was extended by a tropical downpour.

RWDGM and new DDGM


IPPGM with Bro. Edgar Moxey PDGM and his father (93 years of age) and his nephew.

Tuesday 22nd May 2018 – District Grand Lodge of the Bahamas
Lodge Claudius R Walker No 1808 Nassau, Bahamas
Bro. Tom Davidson, IPPGM joined a deputation headed by Bro. Joseph R Curry, RWDGM of the Bahamas. The deputation included a number of PDGMs and commissioned officebearers.
The RWM of Lodge Claudius R Walker No 1808 have a talk on The Essense of Amity from which a lively discussion arose.
After the meeting the brethren retired to harmony. The IPPGM gave fraternal greetings on behalf of the RWPGM and brethren of Lanarkshire Middle Ward, these wishes were reciprocated. In the attached photo the IPPGM is flanked by the RWDGM and the RWM of Lodge St.Anne’s with two on his lodge brethren.

Monday 21st May 2018 – Lodge Meridian No. 1779 Charity Cheque Presentation
RWM Brother Bill Lang had the pleasure of presenting a cheque for £300 to the Averon Centre in Hamilton, the Lodge has supported this well deserved charity for several years.
Well done from all at Provincial Grand Lodge.

Sunday 20th May 2018 – Lodge St. Thomas No. 306 Annual Divine Service
Lodge St. Thomas No. 306 held their Annual Divine Service on Sunday 20th May. RWM Bro. Eric McPhee gave a warm welcome to the Brethren of 306 and to the visitors who were  present, including seven members of Provincial Grand Lodge.
Bro. Robert H Allan PM of Lodge 236 again conducted the service and the Lodge thank him for once again performing these duties.

RWM Bro. Eric McPhee, Robert Allan PM 236, Bill Perry PGM

Wednesday 16 May 2018 – Lodge Hamilton No.233 Distinguihed Membership Presentations
Bro. Tom Davidson IPPGM headed a large deputation from PGL Lanarkshire Middle Ward into Lodge Hamilton No.233 where they were warmly welcomed by Bro. Alex Watson PM the acting RWM.
Whilst there they witnessed a fine MMM degree by the lodge officebearers on two candidates.
Following the degree, three Distinguished Service Membership certificates were presented to Bros. Jim Dorricott , Scott Campbell PM and Bobby Jenkins.
Following the meeting the brethren retired to harmony

Thursday 21st June 2018 – PGL Annual Fun Bike Ride – Strathclyde Park


This years event will follow a similar format to the very succesful previoius year and is open to Bretherm friends and families.
The official start will be from Golf Driving Range at Strathclyde Park at 7pm.

Here’s to another great evening of family participation. As with other years, any sponsorship monies will be gratefully received.

Sunday 13th May 2018 – Joint Annual Divine Service of Lodge Blantyre Kilwinning No. 557 and Lodge Livingstone Stonefield No. 599

The joint Annual Divine Service of Lodge Blantyre Kilwinning No. 557 and Lodge Livingstone Stonefield No. 599 was held on Sunday the 13th May at Blantyre Old Parish Church.
The Rev Sarah Ross gave the Brethren and the visitors a warm welcome to the Church and delivered a very interesting Sermon.
Both RWM’s, Bro. William Downie of 557 and Bro. Malcolm McCormack thanked the Minister and all who had attended for an excellent evening of fellowship.

William Downie RWM No. 557, Rev. Sarah Ross, Malcolm McCormack RWM 599, Bill Perry PGM

Sunday 6th May 2018 – Annual Divince Service of The District Grand Priory of Strathclyde
The Annual Divine Service of the “The District Grand Priory of Strathclyde” of the “Order of the Temple” was held at Glasgow Cathedral on 6th May.
The “Right Eminent District Grand Prior” , Robert S M Stewart led a large Deputation of his Members and visitors to the Cathedral.
Bro. Bill Perry PGM and Bro. Norman Carnegy SPGM and other representatives were warmly welcomed by Robert and his Officers

Prostate Scotland Update – A Province Perspective
How common is prostate cancer?
Prostate cancer can affect 1 in 10 men in Scotland and is the most common cancer amongst men in Scotland. Whilst the number of people diagnosed with prostate cancer in Scotland is increasing, so have survival rates, especially when symptoms have been recognised, an early diagnosis made and treatment started. Worryingly though, not all men will have any symptoms in the early stages. Some men may have this condition in later years without it leading to any problems.

Most of of you will not be aware but Past Master Kenny Murray of Lodge Coltswood has been going though treatment for Prostate Cancer, unfortunately he was also accompanied on his journey by various other Brethern from our Provice. During his treatment he was asked if he would like to participate in a documentary of 4 patients receiving the different types of treatment available for Prostate disease.

As we are all aware, with the focus and awareness campaigns on the disease by Prostate Scotland and the charity work by our Province and Freemasnory in Scotland, awareness and having the confidence to make the approach to your doctor is critical.The episode was part 2 of a 3 part series on different types of cancer and was aired last Monday evening on BBC.

For those who havent seen it, the link below will take you to Cancer Hospital series 2 on the BBC iPlayer. The episode features Bro. Kenny and his wife Pat on their journey, detailing the treatment stages. For those of you know Kenny, he came across as the legend that we have all grown to respect and are proud to call our Brother and friend, well done from all in Lanarkshire Freemasonry on your positive approach and perspective and we hope your recovery continues.

Kenny has openly admitted that if his TV stardom help others awareness of this disease then he will have succeeded in his aim.

Well done also to Pat, his wife for her very difficult interview of her little boys illness, you did us all proud as always.

Saturday 5th May 2018 – Lodge St. Bryde No. No. 579 Open Day
Congratulations to RWM Bro. Duncan Mulholland and the Brethren of Lodge St. Bryde No. 579 who held an Open Day on Saturday 5th May.
A great deal of planning and effort is needed to make a success of any event and it was very evident that the Brethren of the Lodge had gone the extra mile to ensure that all aspects of our Craft were on view to those who attended, members and public alike.
The day commenced with Bro. Boyd Tunnock officially declaring the event open, very fitting for two organisations who have been part of the Uddingston community for such a long period.
Special thanks to Bro. Stuart Jack PM for the excellent talk and presentation of the Brethren of the Lodge who served and did not return from the Great War.
All in all a great advertisement for Lodge St. Bryde and Freemasonry.
Bill Perry
Provincial Grand Master

Saturday 5th April 2018  – Marcus Humphrey House Update from Bro. Bobby Ferguson
The new therapeutic bath has been installed and the full bathroom has been refurbished with new wall panels, linoleum, toilet, wash hand basin etc.
The Garden Fete Programmes have been printed and Bro’s Bobby Ferguson and Tommy Reid have 100 of them to sell in our Province, they are individually numbered and when they are sold the name of the person buying one will be added in to a draw for a bottle of whisky worth over £100 which was donated by Bro David Bloomfield PPGM
The Pro-Am /Celebrity golf has been confirmed for the 9th September at Kirkhill Golf Course Cambuslang and a letter from Bro. David Reid will be sent to all the PGL Secretaries to cascade to the daughter lodges.
Bro. Tom Reid and his wife Margaret have donated a Gallon bottle of whisky fora football card at £5 a team, these are going fast contact Bro Tommy or Bobby for details.

Saturday 18th August 2018 – PGL of Perthshire West Golf Tournament – Callender Golf Club
An open invitation has been received for any golfers in the Province to participate in the PGL Perthshire West golf tournamnet being run by Lodge Ben Ledie No. 614
Friday 4th May 2018 -The Provincial Grand Lodge of Lanarkshire Upper Ward Installation of Office Bearers

The  – Provincial Grand Lodge of Lanarkshire Upper Ward Installation of Office Bearers was held in Carluke on Friday 4th May. RWPGM, Bro. Alex Thomson gave a warm welcome to the Brethren who were in attendance. Bro. Bill Perry PGM had the honour of heading the Deputation of the visiting Sister Provincial Grand Lodges.
Lanarkshire Middle Ward were well represented, with ten members being present.

Following a very successful Installation, the Brethren enjoyed a fine meal and Upper Ward hospitality.

Sunday 29th April 2018 – Annual Divine Service, Uddingston Old Parish Church
The Annual Divine Service of Provincial Grand Lodge was held at Uddingston Old Parish Church on Sunday 29th April. The Rev. Fiona McKibben once again conducting the Service and delivering the Sermon.
Bro. Bill Perry PGM was delighted with the turnout of Brethren from Lanarkshire Middle Ward and from the visiting Provinces.

Our thanks to the Minister, Session and congregation of the Church for allowing us to worship in their beautiful Church, with a special thank you, to Bro. Douglas McBay for playing the organ at the Service.

Friday 27th April 2018 – Lodge Robert King Stewart No. 919 – Reigning Masters Degree

On Friday 27th April, Lodge Robert King Stewart No. 919 held a very special Reigning Masters Degree with 97 Brethren in attendance.

The Reigning Masters Deputation was led by the Provincial Grand Master, Bro. Bill Perry. Also in attendance was a large Deputation from PGL headed by DPGM Bro. Andrew Millar. The Reigning Masters conferred an excellent EA Degree on one Candidate.
The RWM of Lodge Robert King Stewart, Bro. Phil Biggerstaff had arranged this Meeting to raise funds for the PGL Holiday Accommodation Fund and on the night the sum of £550 was collected.
Provincial Grand Lodge would like to congratulate and thank Bro. Biggerstaff and the Brethren of 919 for this initiative and for the monies raised.

Duncan Mulholland No. 579, Hugh Syme No. 7, Kenny Mason No. 88, Norman Carnegy SPGM, Archie Sands No. 31, Alan Graham No. 1513, Andrew Millar DPGM, Tom Woods No. 1126, Phil Biggerstaff No. 919, Derek Douglas 1096, Bill Perry PGM, Pringle Johnstone No. 1314, William Downie No. 577, Jim Vasey Junior PG Chaplain, James Gardner No. 573, Walter Houston No. 440, David Yule No. 305.

Friday 27th April 2018  – PGL Ayrshire Quarterly Communication 
Bro. Tom Davidson IPPGM and Bill Craig PG Secretary represented the province at the quarterly communication of PGL Ayrshire in Kilmarnock. There was an excellent attendance of both brethren of the province and deputations from three sister provinces. This was the first PGL communication since the installation of the Bro. William C Steele as RWPGM in March.
The deputation of sister PGLs was headed by Bro. David S Irving DPGM of PGL Dunbartonshire.

Sunday 22nd April 2018 – PGL Ayshire Annual Divine Service, Kilmarnock
Bro. Tom Davidson IPPGM, Norman Carnegy SPGM and Bill Craig PG Secretary represented the province at the Annual Spring Divine Service of PGL Ayrshire in St. Andrew’s and St. Marnock’s Parish Church in Kilmarnock. There was an excellent attendance of both brethren of the province and visitors. The service was taken by the church minister and two of the PG Chaplains. Afterwards the brethren returned to the church halls for a first class spread provided by Lodge St. Marnock.

9th June 2018 – Marcus Humphrey House Garden Fete
Once again and after the very successful inaugural launch last year, The Provincial Grand Lodge of Lanarkshire Middle Ward will be participating in the Garden Fete in aid of funds for Marcus Humphrey House,

Our representatives Bro. Bobby Ferguson and Bro. Tom Reid are planning to run the highly successful wine cork stall again this year and would like to appeal to the daughter Lodges to make any donation of wine that they can, both were indebted to support of all the lodges and friends who contributed last year, this event is scheduled between 2-4pm and open to all Brethern, friends & families, please come along and support this great cause.

The address is – Marcus Humphrey House, Quarriers Village, Bridge Of Weir, Renfrewshire, PA11 3SX

Sunday 15th April 2018 – Annual Divine Service Lodge Hamilton No. 233 and Lodge Hamilton Kilwinning No. 7 

On Sunday 15th April, the joint Annual Divine Service of Lodge Hamilton No. 233 and Lodge Hamilton Kilwinning No. 7 was held at Hamilton Old Parish Church.
The service was conducted by Rev. Ross Blackman, the Minister of the Church. Bro. Alex Watson IPM and Bro. Hugh Syme RWM read the Lessons.
A large Deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge were in attendance.

Tom Davidson IPPGM, Hugh Syme RWM No. 7, Alex Watson IPM No. 233, Bill Perry PGM

Thursday 12th April 2018 – Lodge Blantyre Kilwinning No. 557 Distinguished Membership Awards

On Thursday 12th April, a large Deputation from PGL headed by Bro. Bill Perry PGM attended Lodge Blantyre Kilwinning No. 557.
Also in attendance was a Deputation from Lodge St. Clement Riccarton (Kilwinning) Kilmarnock No. 202.RWM Bro. William Downie gave a warm welcome to the Deputations.

The Gavel being handed over, the PGM had the great pleasure of presenting two worthy Brethren with Distinguished Service Diplomas, Bro. Tom Downie and Bro. Robert Lees.
The PGM gave the assembled Brethren a brief history of the Masonic careers of both Brethren and together with the RWM Bro. William Downie and Bro. Jim Lees PM Sec, presented the Diplomas. Both Brethren suitably replied. The RWM of Lodge 202, Bro. David Lloyd and his Office Bearers then conferred an excellent FC Degree.

At the close of the Meeting, the Brethren enjoyed some 557 hospitality.

Alex Kelly SPGM, Colin Dunbar RWM 551, Bill Perry PGM, William Downie RWM 557, Tom Downie DM, Robert Lees MM, David Lloyd RWM 202, Tom Davidson IPPGM, Angus Ross SPGM, Jim Lees PM Sec.

Bill Perry PGM, William Downie RWM 557, Tom Downie DM, Robert Lees MM, Jim Lees PM Sec.


Friday 6th April 2018 – Rescheduled Installation of PGL Office Bearers, Cambuslang
On Friday 6th April, the Installation of the PGL Office Bearers was held at Tabernacle Lane, Cambuslang.
A large Deputation from our Sister Provinces, headed by RWPGM Bro. Russell Logan of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Perthshire East were in attendance together with great support from our own Lodges.
The Ceremony was conducted to the highest of standards by SPGM Bro. Norman Carnegy, SPGM Bro. Alex Kelly and PPGSW Bro. Alex Hamilton.
On the completion of the installation, Bro. John Cranston Brown, Iain, who has completed 21 years in PGL, was presented with his PPGSW Jewel, Regalia and Certificate as a mark of respect and thanks for his service to PGL.
Following the close of the Meeting, the Brethren enjoyed a fine meal and PGL hospitality.
The RWM and Brethren of Cambuslang Royal Arch Lodge No. 114 were thanked for the use of their Temple and the Members all three Cambuslang Lodges were thanked for acting as Stewards on the night.

PGM with heads of Deputations

Thursday 21st June 2018 – PGL Annual Fun Bike Ride – Strathclyde Park

Its the the long awaited return of the sporting occasion in the Province where middle age Brethern from the Province can slip into their Lycra once again, the fun cycle around Starthclyde Park. This years event will follow a similar format to the very succesful previoius year and is open to Bretherm friends and families. The official start will be from Golf Driving Range at Strathclyde Park at 7pm, the course will consist of 3 times round the park, 11 miles for the athletes or any other distance that the competitors can complete, as its the taking part that counts.
Here’s to another great evening of family participation. As with other years, any sponsorship monies will be gratefully received.

Some pictures from last years event

Wednesday 28th March 2018 – Annual PGL Visitation to The Operative Lodge of Airdrie No. 203
Bro. Andy Millar DPGM headed a large deputation of 12 Brethern to The Operative Lodge of Airdrie No. 203 for the annual visitation to report on the workings of the Lodge. They were welcomed into the temple by Bro. Jim Paisley RWM where they witnessed a very fine First Degree and enjoyed a most hospitable evening with the Brethren of The Operative Lodge of Airdrie No. 203

Bro. Jim Paisley RWM & Bro. Andy Millar DPGM

Saturday 24th March 2018 – Provincial Grand Lodge of Ayrshire Installation of New Provincial Grand Master Bro. Billy Steel

On Saturday 24th March, at the Walker Hall, Troon, Bro. William Caven Steel (Billy) was Installed as the RWPGM of Ayrshire by the MWGMM and the Office Bearers of Grand Lodge.
The Brethren of Ayrshire and the visiting Provinces attended in large numbers to support Bro. Steel and his Commissioned Office Bearers.
Following the close of the Meeting, the Brethren enjoyed and excellent meal, hospitality, speeches and entertainment.

RWPGM Bro. Billy Steele, Commisioned Office Bearers, Visiting PGL’s & Grand Lodge of Scotland Deputations


Tom McCrone, Willie Craig, George Kelly, Bill Perry, Tom Davidson, Alex Kelly, Billy Spencer.

Wednesday 21st March 2018 – Annual PGL Visitation to Lodge Airdrie St. John No. 166

Bro. Andy Millar DPGM headed a large deputation of 14 Brethern to Lodge Airdriie St. John No. 166 for the annual visitation to report on the workings of the Lodge. They were welcomed into the temple by Bro. Craig Gibson RWM where they witnessed a very fine First Degree and enjoyed a most hospitable evening with the Brethren of Lodge Airdrie St. John No. 166.
Bro. Craig Gibosn RWM & Bro. Andy Millar DPGM

Bro. Craig Gibson RWM & BRo. Andy Millar DPGM

Sunday 18th March 2018 – Joint Annual Divine Service of Cambuslang Royal Arch Lodge No. 114 and Lodge Kirkhill No. 1230 

On Sunday evening, 18th March, the joint Annual Divine Service of Cambuslang Royal Arch Lodge No. 114 and Lodge Kirkhill No. 1230 was held in Tabernacle Lane, Cambuslang.
The Service was once again conducted by Rev. Andrew Thomson who gave a warm welcome to everyone present.
Bro. William Anderson RWM of 114 and Bro. Gordon Cassels RWM of 1230 also gave thanks to those in attendance and for the support of both Lodges.
A large number of Brethren from PGL were present.

Craig Hamilton RWM 126, Bill Perry PGM, Gordon Cassels RWM 1230, Rev. Andrew Thomson, Willie Anderson RWM 114, Derek Stibbs RWM 1499.

Saturday 17th March 2018 – Installation of the RWPGM and the Commissioned Office Bearers of the PGL of Renfrewshire West

On Saturday 17th March, seven Brethren from the Province attended the Installation of the RWPGM and the Commissioned Office Bearers of the PGL of Renfrewshire West, held in Greenock Town Hall.
Bro. Robert McIntyre was Installed in fine fashion by IPDGM, Bro. W. Ramsay McGhee, assisted by Bro. Alexander Galbraith, PSGM and other Grand Lodge Office Bearers.
The Ceremony of Installation being completed, the assembled Brethren enjoyed the dinner, hospitality and speeches.

Tom McCrone, Tom Davidson, Bill Perry, George Kelly, Andrew Millar, Norman Carnegy. Billy Spencer.

Friday 16th March 2018 – Bro. James Jack Past Provincial Grand Master – Presented with the Grand Masters Award in Kansas, USA

On a recent trip to Kansas, USA Bro. James Jack was presented with the Grand Masters Award by MW Grand Master, B. Cole Presley at the Grand Lodge of Kansas Installation, this was one of only two awarded.

Bro. Jack had a long relationship with the Brethern in Kansas and this award was in recognition of this work developing the relationship, a great honour for Bro. Jack and Scottish Freemasonry, well done from all at Provincial Grand Lodge forwarding the name of the Province in the US.

Friday 16th March 2018 – Lodge Dura No. 1513 – 50yr Presentation

On Friday 16th March Bro. Alan Graham RWM of Lodge Dura No. 1513 welcomed a Deputation from PGL to their special meeting to celebrate Bro. Jimmy Galloway’s 50 years in Freemasonry.
The night was made more special when Jimmy acted as the Candidate and his Mother Lodge, Mauldslie Castle No. 1630 took part in the exemplification of the EA Degree.
The Brethren of both Lodges did Bro. Galloway proud.
Among the many visitors present was the RWM of Lodge Drummossie No. 1438, Bro. Archie MacLellan.
The meeting closed and the Brethren enjoyed a fantastic buffet and hospitality.

Tom Johnstone, Willie Craig, Archie MacLellan RWM 1438, Ian Morrison RWM No. 1630, Tom (only just) McCrone, Jimmy Galloway PM, Alan Graham RWM No. 1513, Bill Perry, Norman Carnegy, Billy Cow

Thursday 24th May 2018 – Provincial Grand Lodge of Renfrewshire East Education Dinner

Communication from Provincial Grand Master of Renfrewshire East Brother Neil Fraser
Dear Sir and Brother Secretary, On behalf of Brother Neil Fraser, Provincial Grand Master and the Office Bearers of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Renfrewshire East, I extend fraternal greetings to your Provincial Grand Master and Brethren. An invitation is extended to your Provincial Grand Master and Brethren to attend the Provincial Grand Lodge of Renfrewshire East Education Dinner. The details are attatched on the flyer below, its sure to be a great evening of education and entertainment.

Friday 9th March 2018 – Lodge New Monkland Montrose No. 88 – A very special night

On Friday 9th March, the RWM of Lodge New Monkland Montrose No. 88, Bro. Kenny Mason welcomed a large Deputation from PGL to their special meeting. The Deputation included Bros. Bill Perry PGM, Stephen Campbell SPGM, Norman Carnegy SPGM, Willie Craig PG Sec, Jim Ferguson Senior PG Chaplain, Jim Vasey Junior PG Chaplain and Bobby McCormack.
The reason for the visit was two fold, an EA Degree was being conferred by the PM’s of the Lodge and the Candidate was the RWM’s son, Martin Mason. The Degree Team being led by Bro. Ian McIndoe PM.
Also, Bro. Tom Reid PM was awarded Distinguished Service Membership of the Lodge in recognition of the outstanding service to Lodge 88 for almost 45 years.
A great night was had by the large number of Brethren who were in attendance and at the close of the Meeting, the Brethren enjoyed a fantastic buffet provide by Tom’s wife Margaret.

Bill Perry PGM, Martin Mason EA, Kenny Mason RWM, Ian McIndoe PM


Bill Perry PGM, Tom Reid PM, Kenny Mason RWM


Bill Perry PGM, Ian McIndoe PM, Kenny Mason RWM

Wednesday 7th March 2018 – Lodge Airdrie St. John No. 166 – Presentation of Charity Cheques 
Provincial Grand Lodge would like to applaud the fundraining efforts of Lodge Airdrie St. John No. 166, on Wednesday 7th March they invited local charities to the Lodge to distribute monies raised throughout the year, presentations were made to the following deserving charites, Guide Dogs Scotland, St Andrew’s Hospice, Lanarkshire Cancer Care, Glasgow Children’s Charity, MND Scotland, Macmillan Cancer Support, Parkinson’s self Help Group, Meningitis Research foundation Scotland & Maggie’s Centre.

A fantastic grand sum of £2,700 was distributed to these local charites

Bro Craig Gibson RWM accompanied by Bro. James Shanks PPDGM and Kelly Ann who worked tirelessly behind the scenes arranging the charity day, which helped to contribute to the monies for the charities. They are pictured below handing over the cheque. Phenonenal work Brethern, congratulations from the whole of the Province on your efforts

Wednesday 7th March 2018 – Lodge Hamilton No. 233 Annual Visit and Diploma Presentations

At the Regular Meeting of Lodge Hamilton No. 233, IPM Bro. Alex Watson welcomed the Deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge on their Annual Visit.
The large Deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge was headed by Bro. Alex Kelly SPGM.
Following the PGL business and an excellent FC Degree by the Lodge Office Bearers, two Brethren were presented with Jubilee Certificates, to mark 50 years service to the Lodge and the Craft, Bro. Tom Gilmour PM and Bro. Ronnie Frew.
The Lodge also made a special presentation to Bro. Billy Thomson PM in recognition of the 30 years he served as Lodge Secretary.
At the close of the Meeting, the Brethren retired and enjoyed some 233 hospitality.

Bro. Bill Perry PGM, Tom Gilmour PM, Billy Thomson PM, Alex Watson IPM, Ronnie Frew, George Kelly PPGM, Alex Kelly SPGM

Tuesday 6th March 2018 – Old Monkland St. James No. 177 Annual Visit

At the Regular Meeting of Lodge Old Monkkland St James No. 177, RWM Bro. Graham Morrison welcomed the Deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge on their Annual Visit. The large Deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge was headed by Bro. Andy Millar DPGM. Following the PGL business an excellent EA Degree was performed by the Lodge Office Bearers who initiated their newest Entered Apprentice Bro. Mark Hunter in fine form.

The Brethren then retired and enjoyed some 177 hospitality.

Bro. Andrew Millar DPGM, Bro Graham Morrison RWM & Bro. Mark Hunter EA

Monday 12th February 2018 – Cheque Presentation to the Beatson Hospital by Lodge Griffin Gartcosh No.1254 and PGL of Glasgow

Bro. Peter Murphy PM of Lodge Glasgow Star No. 219 and an Honorary Member of Lodge Griffin Gartcosh No. 1254, raised a fantastic £1100 for the Beatson Hospital, a cheque was presented to the Beatson Hospital by Bro. Peter and others on Monday 12th February. The PGL of Glasgow enhanced the donation by a further £1000 making the total presnted a massive £2100.
Bro. Murphy and Lodge Griffin raised the money by selling raffles on their meeting nights and Peter would like to thank all who gave so generously. This is the second time that Peter has donated to the Beatson, two years ago he gave £1600 to the Hospital.

The PGL of Lanarkshire Middle Ward warmly congratulate Bro. Murphy, Lodge Griffin, the PGM Bro. Jim Peddie and the PGL of Glasgow for their fantastic support of the Beatson Hospital.

Bro. Issac Thirsk RWM, Bro. Bill Perry PGM, Bro. James Peddie PGM of Glasgow, Bro. Tom McCrone PGDoC and presening the cheque to a member of the Beatson staff Bro. Peter Murphy PM


Sunday 2nd September 2018 – PGL Golf Day –  Drumpellier Golf Club, Coatbridge

PGL Golf Convenor Bro. John Gardiner has asked that this years event be brought to the attention of the Brethern

Once again this year the competition will be held on a single day at Drumpellier Golf Club, Coatbridge, to which we are grateful to the Club and thier Commitee for the use of the course and facilites. The Tee off times will be from 9.30am till 10.30am. 32 players, then 11.30am. and 12.30pm. 32 players. All the competitions are being played over 18 holes, Stableford play (3/4 handicap) with a maximum gross handicap of 24. Meals will be available and arrangements can be made on the day direct with the Club.

As the number of participants is strictly restricted to 64, applications should be made for teams of three players although additional individual applications from the same Lodge will be accepted. If the competition is over subscribed a ballot will take place after which Lodges will be advised of the tee off times of the various members. As the draw will be made when some Lodges are in recess it would be helpful if entrants could nominate a single contact when there is more than one entry.

Closing date for receiving entry fees of £30 per person to be paid by Sunday 26th June. All cheques should be payable to PGL Golf Section and should be sent to John Gardner, 38 Target Road, ML6 9PY, Mob. 07799714503 , E-mail:- [email protected]. A download link to the entry form is avaiable below –

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Sunday 11th February 2018 – Marcus Humphrey House Burns Supper

The 2018 Burns Supper was held at the Marcus Humphrey House, Bridge of Weir. This year, the PGL of Lanarkshire Middle Ward were asked to provide the speakers and entertainment. It was planned for Sunday 21st January but due to the snow it was postponed till today.
The team included –
Bobby Ferguson – Chairman
Tommy Reid – Accordion with Scottish melodies.
Iain Reid – Piper
Jim Lees – Address to the Haggis
Gordon Mather – Tribute to Burns
Alex Maitland – Burns songs

They were accompanied by Bro. Bill Perry RWPGM, Willie Craig PGL Sec, Ian McGown PGL Almoner, Bro Eric McPhee RWM of Lodge St. Thomas No. 306, Bro. Allan McPhail Almoner, David Bloomfield (Kilwinning), Charlie Nicholson and Alic Currie (Renfrewshire). As expected, the Burns Supper was a great success, enjoyed by the residents and staff.

We were also treated to a lovely lunch provided by the staff. Well done to Bobby Ferguson and Tom Reid who organised the event on behalf of the Friends Group.
Bobby has communicated that he would like to thank the artistes for their participation and a special thanks to Wilma and all her staff at the home for help in preparing the food, dressing the tables and serving the meals.

7th February 2018 – St. Andrews Hospice – Cheque Presentation from Lanarkshire Masonic Orders

On Wednesday 7th February Bro. Bill Perry PGM, Bro. Willie Craig PG Secretary, accompanied Rev. Elaine McKinnon, the Minister of Newarthill and Carfin Parish Church to St. Andrew’s Hospice, Airdrie to meet with Louise O’Donnell and to present a cheque for £1200.00.
This cheque represents the donations from the various Masonic Orders of Lanarkshire Freemasons who participated in the Xmas Carol Service which was held in Newarthill and Carfin Church.
Rev. McKinnon and her Church have given generously to the Hospice over a long period and Provincial Grand Lodge were delighted to support her nomination and to donate the sum raised to the Hospice.

Bro. Willie Craig PG Secretary, Louise O’Donnell St Andrews Hospice ,Bro. Bill Perry PGM, Rev. Elaine McKinnon

Saturday 3rd February 2018 – Lodge St. Kessac No. 269, 200th Anniversary Comrie, Perthshire
Bros. George R Kelly PPGM, Tom Davidson IPPGM and Tom McCrone PG DOC were part of a Grand Lodge deputation that travelled to Comrie for the celebrations of the 200th anniversary of Lodge St. Kessac No.269 in the White Church Community Centre.
There they met a large deputation from Lodge Old Monkland St. James No.177 who were there to support the lodge and join in the celebrations. Support from within PGL Lanarkshire Middle Ward was further enhanced by Bro. Bobby Edwards PM (Lodge Buchanan No.1499) who was the organist for the ceremonial.

Thursday 1st February 2018 – Grand Lodge of Scotland Regular Communication – Appointment of New Grand Secretary

At the regular communication of Grand Lodge on Thursday 1st February, the Grand Master Mason announced that Bro. J. Euan Edment, Past Master of Lodge St. John, Carluke No. 187 would be appointed Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Scotland, commencing in June.
Bro. Edment is well known, respected and admired by the Brethren of our Province and we wish him great success and happiness in this most important role in the Scottish Craft.

Bro. J. Euan Edment PM & Bro. Bill Perry PGM

Saturday 27th January 2018 – PGL of Renfrewshire East Annual Communication and Installation

On Saturday, 27th January 2018, Bro. George R. Kelly PPGM & Bro. Alex Kelly SPGM headed a deputation to the Annual Communication and Installation of Elected Office Bearers of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Renfrewshire East which took place within the Lodge Union & Crown Temple, Cochrane Street, Barrhead.

The Provincial Grand Lodge meeting was closed and all brethren adjourned  where an excellent meal was enjoyed by all followed by the relevant toasts and replies.

Saturday 27th January 2018 – PGL of Dunbartonshire Annual Communication and Installation

On Saturday,27th January 2018, Bro. Andrew Millar DPGM & Bro. Norman Carnegy SPGM headed a deputation to the Annual Communication and Installation of Elected Office Bearers of the Provincial Grand L:odge of Dunbartonshire which took place within the Masonic Temple, Church Street, Dumbarton.

The Provincial Grand Master Bro James Forrest upon opening the meeting expressed his delight at the large number of brethren in attendance and thereafter Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies Bro James W Clarkson introduced a large deputation from sister provinces headed by the Provincial Grand Master of Dumfriesshire Bro Robert A.G. Hughes.

Pleasantries having been exchanged and regular business conducted the elected office bearers were then installed into office by Provincial Grand Master Bro Forrest. The next item of business was to present Bro James McColl, Past Master Lodge Leven St John No 170 with a Past Provincial Senior Grand Warden Jewel. Bro McColl was congratulated on his excellent record of service to Provincial Grand Lodge to which he made suitable reply. After Provincial Grand Master Bro Hughes had addressed Provincial Grand Lodge the meeting was closed and all brethren adjourned to the function suite where an excellent meal was enjoyed by all followed by the relevant toasts and replies.

Saturday 27th January 2018 – Lodge Burns Immortal No. 1730 Annual Installation

Bro. Douglas Walls RWM was installed on Saturday 26th January at the Masonic Temple, Gardenside Street, Uddingston. The Installing Masters were Bro. Gordon Mather PM & Bro. David McMorris PM, who carried out their duties to the highest of standards. Bro. Angus Ross SPGM led the Deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge accompanied by Bro. Bill Perry PGM.

A fine meal, toasts and harmony followed the close of the Meeting.

Bro. Angus Ross SPGM, Installing Master Bro. David McMorris PM, RWM Douglas Wall, Installing Master Bro. Gordon Mather PM Bro. Bill Perry PGM


25th January 2018 – Scottish Freemsonry Honoured with the Prostate Scotland Chairman’s Award

Recognition that every Freemason in Scotland should be proud off, well done.

On Thursday 25th January 2018, Prestonfield House Hotel welcomed about 350 guests to their annual Prestonfield’s Burns Supper in aid of Prostate Scotland a charity which they have supported for the last ten years.

Robert Wilson, Chairman of Prostate Scotland addressed the guests and thanked them for their attendance at the event and their ongoing support throughout the year. He then announced that the Trustees of Prostate Scotland wished to recognise the contribution supporters have made which has allowed the charity to flourish and reach out to support men with Prostate disease.

This recognition would be in the form of The Prostate Scotland Chairman’s Award and that he was proud to announce that the inaugural award was to Charles Iain Robert Wolrige Gordon of Esslemont, Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason, in recognition of the tremendous support the charity had received from the Freemasons of Scotland who had now raised over £400,000 for the charity since it was nominated by the Grand Master Mason.
The chairman went on to mention the various types of fundraising event that had contributed to this massive amount including cycle rides, walking on hot coals, sponsored walks and in particular the zipslide over the River Clyde in Glasgow organised by the PGLs in the West of Scotland and supported by other PGLs across the country.

The Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason accepted the award on behalf of the freemasons of Scotland and said that the success of the fundraising had been down to a combination of individual brethren and provinces taking ownership of the appeal and working with Prostate Scotland. He congratulated and thanked all the brethren who had participate and committed support for Prostate Scotland until the year 2020.
Everyone enjoyed a great evening’s entertainment which concluded in a charity auction. Between the raffle and the charity auction an amount in excess of £22,000 was raised on the evening.

For more infromation on the work this charity carries out and a wealth of support and infromation on this disease  please visit  –

Charles Iain Robert Wolrige Gordon of Esslemont, Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason Receiving the Award

Saturday 20th January 2018 – Lodge Larchgrove No. 1518 Annual Installation

Bro. Gordon Love RWM was installed on Saturday 20th January. The Installing Masters for the afternoon ceremony were his proud father Bro. William Love PM of Lodge Larchgrove and Bro. David Welsh  PM of Lodge Corkerhill No, 1426, who carried out their duties to the very highest of standards. Bro. Alex Kelly SPGM headed a fine and large Deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge accompanied by PPGSW Bro. Robert Getty

A fine meal, toasts and harmony followed the close of the Meeting.

Bro. William Love PM, Bro. Gordon Love RWM, Bro. David Welsh  PM, Bro. Alex Kelly SPGM

Saturday 13th January 2018 – Lodge Bothwell Brig No. 1229 Installation

Bro. Robert Johnstone RWM was installed on Saturday 13th January. The Installing Masters were Bro. Donald Mathieson PM, Bro. Gavin Ferguson PM and Bro. Jim Gemmell PM, who carried out their duties to the highest of standards. Bro. Angus Ross SPGM led the Deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge accompanied by Bro. Bill Perry PGM.

A fine meal, toasts and harmony followed the close of the Meeting.

Bro. Bill Perry PGM, Bro. Gavin Ferguson PM Bro. Donald Mathieson PM, Bro. Robert Johnstone RWM, Bro. Jim Gemmell PM, Bro. Angus Ross SPGM

Friday 12th January 2018 – Uddingston – PGL Annual General Meeting

At the Annual General Meeting of PGL Lanarkshire Middle Ward, three brethren were presented with their Honorary Grand Rank diplomas by Bro. Bill Perry, RWPGM who then called upon representatives from each brother’s Mother Lodge to present them with their Honorary Grand Rank jewel